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Advice: Should I Go For Medicine Or For A Masters? - Education - Nairaland

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Advice: Should I Go For Medicine Or For A Masters? by Aremson14(m): 11:13am On Jan 05, 2019
Good day everyone. I am a final yr biochemistry student. And i have been wondering what to do after school. Ive always dreamt of studying medicine but the situation here in Nigeria has discouraged me(due to how difficult it is to get the admission even after scoring good enough scores in Jamb and p.utme).

I'm speculating if i should take a direct entry form or i shld just head for my masters as soon as im done. Im quite young so i think if i go for my masters and phd as soon as im done i shall be a phd holder by 26 provided everything goes as planned. But then there is this medicine i also love.

Your advice would be appreciated especially those that have been in this situation before and have already passed through this, any regrets.

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Re: Advice: Should I Go For Medicine Or For A Masters? by pascaleon: 11:48am On Jan 05, 2019
Go for what you have passion and desire for...just read and pass well for this your first degree and if you still have the passion apply through DE to a school that will admit you with the grades you have..

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Re: Advice: Should I Go For Medicine Or For A Masters? by oke48(m): 2:11pm On Jan 05, 2019
[s]Im quite young so i think if i go for my masters and phd as soon as im done i shall be a phd holder by 26 provided everything goes as planned[/s]

Is finishing a PhD at 26 now an achievement? The main question should be what exactly are your career goals? Why do you want to do a masters and PhD in biochemistry? Why do you want to study medicine? Etc

My candid advice is that provided you're doing very well in biochemistry, you could further your studies or career by exploring an area that bridge both biochemistry and medicine.

If you don't like this, then you can go for your medicine if that's what gives you joy. It's better to do what you naturally have passion for. Better later than never.


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Re: Advice: Should I Go For Medicine Or For A Masters? by ogawisdom(m): 2:48pm On Jan 05, 2019
No long talk the choice is between PhD in biochemistry vs m b b s. MBBS will be more financially rewarding. A fresh PhD holder employed in a federal university as lecturer 2 earns a meager 140k while a fresh Medical doctor employed in a federal medical center earns about 260k. A prof. Earns at most 500k while a medical consultant earns over 850k

After education the next thing is money, more money and much more money otherwise you will be frustrated in life.

The choice is yours

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Re: Advice: Should I Go For Medicine Or For A Masters? by oke48(m): 3:05pm On Jan 05, 2019
No long talk the choice is between PhD in biochemistry vs m b b s. MBBS will be more financially rewarding. A fresh PhD holder employed in a federal university as lecturer 2 earns a meager 140k while a fresh Medical doctor employed in a federal medical center earns about 260k. A prof. Earns at most 500k while a medical consultant earns over 850k

After education the next thing is money, more money and much more money otherwise you will be frustrated in life.

The choice is yours

I guess you would have to put a condition on this statement PhD holder employed in a federal university as lecturer 2 earns a meager 140k .

Even as a PhD student here in Europe, I earn more than what a professor earns in Nigeria. Please always condition your statement, his horizons may be more than what you're assuming. Not everyone would settle for less.

We know money is important but a succesful career is more important for now. If in a way, he finds biochemistry interesting and has a good GP, I could suggest he goes abroad for his MSc and PhD. He won't regret it. I have seen students in his field do extensive research in medical labs. Medicine is far more than just prescribing drugs or carrying out operations for sick patients.

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Re: Advice: Should I Go For Medicine Or For A Masters? by ogawisdom(m): 4:09pm On Jan 05, 2019

I guess you would have to put a condition on this statement PhD holder employed in a federal university as lecturer 2 earns a meager 140k .

Even as a PhD student here in Europe, I earn more than what a professor earns in Nigeria. Please always condition your statement, his horizons maybe more than what you're assuming. Not everyone would settle for less.

If u have even an atom of sense u will see that all needed conditions are clearly stated. See them re-stated below, they are facts

1. Lecturer 2 (starting cadre for fresh PhD holder serving as a lecturer in Nigeria)
2. Federal university in Nigeria
3. 140k (the salary of the stated cadre)

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Re: Advice: Should I Go For Medicine Or For A Masters? by Nobody: 4:16pm On Jan 05, 2019
Please go for medicine

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Re: Advice: Should I Go For Medicine Or For A Masters? by leonard002(m): 5:55pm On Jan 05, 2019
If you love medicine, go for it. No need furthering in a career that you don't love...

Medical and Allied students and graduates, check my older thread for a guide on internship placement in Nigeria


Re: Advice: Should I Go For Medicine Or For A Masters? by kennyjam: 5:56pm On Jan 05, 2019

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Re: Advice: Should I Go For Medicine Or For A Masters? by Aremson14(m): 6:15pm On Jan 05, 2019
No long talk the choice is between PhD in biochemistry vs m b b s. MBBS will be more financially rewarding. A fresh PhD holder employed in a federal university as lecturer 2 earns a meager 140k while a fresh Medical doctor employed in a federal medical center earns about 260k. A prof. Earns at most 500k while a medical consultant earns over 850k

After education the next thing is money, more money and much more money otherwise you will be frustrated in life.

The choice is yours
Looking at it financially i think the decision assuming one takes a career path (getting a job) immediately after graduating from a first degree in d next 6-7 yrs one graduates vs the pay after going for medicine for another 6-7yrs after graduating.
Lets assume there is a federal employment after graduating. Thanks

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Re: Advice: Should I Go For Medicine Or For A Masters? by Formidable1: 6:22pm On Jan 05, 2019
As far as Nigeria is concerned, Biochemistry will not fetch you any good job. Even with a first class or Masters or PhD, your best bet is a lecturing job. I advise you go for Medicine or Law, or any other professional course since you're willing to continue studying.

Talking from experience, I studied Microbiology and was jobless for 3yrs even with a good 2.1 grade. I had a lot of friends in similar situation. I then switched all the way to study Law, it's paying off and I'm very glad I did. You can never go wrong with a professional course.

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Re: Advice: Should I Go For Medicine Or For A Masters? by Aremson14(m): 7:08pm On Jan 05, 2019
As far as Nigeria is concerned, Biochemistry will not fetch you any good job. Even with a first class or Masters or PhD, your best bet is a lecturing job. I advise you go for Medicine or Law, or any other professional course since you're willing to continue studying.

Talking from experience, I studied Microbiology and was jobless for 3yrs even with a good 2.1 grade. I had a lot of friends in similar situation. I then switched all the way to study Law, it's paying off and I'm very glad I did. You can never go wrong with a professional course.
Hmm thanks


Re: Advice: Should I Go For Medicine Or For A Masters? by shegzy0514(m): 7:21pm On Jan 05, 2019
As far as Nigeria is concerned, Biochemistry will not fetch you any good job. Even with a first class or Masters or PhD, your best bet is a lecturing job. I advise you go for Medicine or Law, or any other professional course since you're willing to continue studying.

Talking from experience, I studied Microbiology and was jobless for 3yrs even with a good 2.1 grade. I had a lot of friends in similar situation. I then switched all the way to study Law, it's paying off and I'm very glad I did. You can never go wrong with a professional course.
so law self na course
g I fit bet my last card say na through connection u get that law

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Re: Advice: Should I Go For Medicine Or For A Masters? by Formidable1: 7:34pm On Jan 05, 2019

so law self na course
g I fit bet my last card say na through connection u get that law

So, with relevance to the topic, your point is?


Re: Advice: Should I Go For Medicine Or For A Masters? by tstx(m): 7:54pm On Jan 05, 2019
call me oldskool.. But I think it's weird to ask total strangers for advice that can make or mar you....


Re: Advice: Should I Go For Medicine Or For A Masters? by DoTheNeedful: 7:55pm On Jan 05, 2019
Good day everyone. I am a final yr biochemistry student. And i have been wondering what to do after school. Ive always dreamt of studying medicine but the situation here in Nigeria has discouraged me(due to how difficult it is to get the admission even after scoring good enough scores in Jamb and p.utme).

I'm speculating if i should take a direct entry form or i shld just head for my masters as soon as im done. Im quite young so i think if i go for my masters and phd as soon as im done i shall be a phd holder by 26 provided everything goes as planned. But then there is this medicine i also love.

Your advice would be appreciated especially those that have been in this situation before and have already passed through this, any regrets.

If you are passionate about Medicine, please go for it.

Some years ago, a friend of mine with a 2:1 degree in Microbiology went back to study Medicine at the age of 25. He joined at 200 level.

Some of our peers mocked his decision then but the guy was determined. Many of us went about writing aptitude test and getting interviewed in places like KPMG, Nestle, Chevron,Cadbury and other fancy multinationals. Almost none of us got those jobs. While we were writing the tests, going for those interviews and hoping to be millionaires before our friend becomes a doctor, the guy was making steady progress in his studies.

Some other peeps went on to do masters and doctorate also. However, by the time they concluded their PhD, our friend had became a doctor and he got employed almost immediately while the ones with PhDs are looking for lecturing jobs up and down. He didn't have to serve because he did that before he went to Medical School.

Today, our friend seem to be more fulfilled than many others because he followed his passion and he is well rewarded for it.

You should know that medical doctors are better rewarded than PhD holders in most climes. If you happen to be my brother I would advise you to go to medical school if you have passion for medicine. However, if you must go for a PhD, please don't do it in Nigeria.

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Re: Advice: Should I Go For Medicine Or For A Masters? by malali: 7:55pm On Jan 05, 2019


Re: Advice: Should I Go For Medicine Or For A Masters? by twosquare(m): 7:55pm On Jan 05, 2019
Good day everyone. I am a final yr biochemistry student. And i have been wondering what to do after school. Ive always dreamt of studying medicine but the situation here in Nigeria has discouraged me(due to how difficult it is to get the admission even after scoring good enough scores in Jamb and p.utme).

I'm speculating if i should take a direct entry form or i shld just head for my masters as soon as im done. Im quite young so i think if i go for my masters and phd as soon as im done i shall be a phd holder by 26 provided everything goes as planned. But then there is this medicine i also love.

Your advice would be appreciated especially those that have been in this situation before and have already passed through this, any regrets.
Medicine is 7 years course plus other things I know not of...putting same years into your postgraduate ambition would make you a Ph.D. holder in no time. You will have two certs to your qualifications within 5 years (if things go as planned).

Maybe you should ask fellow doctors now running away from the country into diaspora. It is a good course but not well-appreciated in Nigeria. If you want to do medicine, then not here in Nigeria (just my opinion).


Re: Advice: Should I Go For Medicine Or For A Masters? by Toyinsbtc: 7:55pm On Jan 05, 2019
Go n make money.. Who they epp...


Re: Advice: Should I Go For Medicine Or For A Masters? by ZombieTAMER: 7:56pm On Jan 05, 2019
Go for your masters...

Medical doctors now apply in a bank

The very brilliant ones escape the country to practice abroad where they are appreciated...

Save your Money and start something.... Oh

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Re: Advice: Should I Go For Medicine Or For A Masters? by iHart(m): 7:56pm On Jan 05, 2019
If you start a post graduate study in Nigeria without a lecturing job or any prospect for a lecturing job, that is when you will know that it does not worth it. Don't listen to those lecturers advising you to go for MSc and PhD, they are not helping you. They just want you to come so they can supervise you and increase their points. They know you have little of no chance of getting a lecturing Job. I have a colleague who went to UK for MSc, he is now teaching in a secondary school in Lagos. Another friend went to Greenwich for MSc, he is back in Nigeria managing his dad's hotel.

But I will advise you to go out and start a business after your BSc. Just forget the two, this life is too short to spend it all in school, unless you have a strong passion to acquire more knowledge.

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Re: Advice: Should I Go For Medicine Or For A Masters? by Nobody: 7:56pm On Jan 05, 2019
Go for medicine, masters won't help u either unless u studied outside.

My junior brother is currently in norway doing his masters and he studied same biochemistry.

My father used to refer to him as to have wasted four yrs in university.

There is no money in that course.


Re: Advice: Should I Go For Medicine Or For A Masters? by BlueRayDick: 7:58pm On Jan 05, 2019
If you a final year student and you still haven't decided on what you will do after school, I advise you go and learn fashion designing or become a celebrity barber like sect steel

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Re: Advice: Should I Go For Medicine Or For A Masters? by valenu(m): 8:00pm On Jan 05, 2019
My brother, pls go for ur medicine and be fulfilled in life. Good to know u're still young. The masters plus the PhD period is enough for u to be a medical doctor. Just focus on ur result and get ready for D.E or plan on using UTME to gain admission or u could do both together. Try to reach me let's talk.


Re: Advice: Should I Go For Medicine Or For A Masters? by Nobody: 8:00pm On Jan 05, 2019
Re: Advice: Should I Go For Medicine Or For A Masters? by sanmtiago(m): 8:00pm On Jan 05, 2019
PhD I'd advice...
Re: Advice: Should I Go For Medicine Or For A Masters? by ahms12(m): 8:01pm On Jan 05, 2019
Let alone to me....go for your master and PhD after that invest...success doesn't comes from the course you study, it from prayer and working smart...dangote is not a medical doctor or a biochemist, but he I the world richest man...it's high time we should start thinking differently


Re: Advice: Should I Go For Medicine Or For A Masters? by 1972xy: 8:03pm On Jan 05, 2019
Hello my friend, your thinking is good.To me, i will advice you go for your masters and go ahead for your phd.
Even having just MBBS is not enough in this country. A lot of Medical doctors are there in the street.

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Re: Advice: Should I Go For Medicine Or For A Masters? by omojeesu(m): 8:03pm On Jan 05, 2019
Follow your heart. Follow your passion. But don't forget common sense. Don't waste your time. Your time is your life remaining. No matter what add some self education. Remember jobs are scarce even for doctors and Phd holders.


Re: Advice: Should I Go For Medicine Or For A Masters? by arinzos(m): 8:03pm On Jan 05, 2019
Good day everyone. I am a final yr biochemistry student. And i have been wondering what to do after school. Ive always dreamt of studying medicine but the situation here in Nigeria has discouraged me(due to how difficult it is to get the admission even after scoring good enough scores in Jamb and p.utme).

I'm speculating if i should take a direct entry form or i shld just head for my masters as soon as im done. Im quite young so i think if i go for my masters and phd as soon as im done i shall be a phd holder by 26 provided everything goes as planned. But then there is this medicine i also love.

Your advice would be appreciated especially those that have been in this situation before and have already passed through this, any regrets.
Go for Medicine or Allied Medical courses(Incase Medicine is not forthcoming).
I would have Adviced you go for your MSc and PhD if you are very sure to do them abroad.Here in Nigeria is a No No for me.

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Re: Advice: Should I Go For Medicine Or For A Masters? by Badgers14: 8:04pm On Jan 05, 2019
Good day everyone. I am a final yr biochemistry student. And i have been wondering what to do after school. Ive always dreamt of studying medicine but the situation here in Nigeria has discouraged me(due to how difficult it is to get the admission even after scoring good enough scores in Jamb and p.utme).

I'm speculating if i should take a direct entry form or i shld just head for my masters as soon as im done. Im quite young so i think if i go for my masters and phd as soon as im done i shall be a phd holder by 26 provided everything goes as planned. But then there is this medicine i also love.

Your advice would be appreciated especially those that have been in this situation before and have already passed through this, any regrets.

Follow your passion and go for Medicine.

There is nothing like doing what you love doing.. something that you have the passion for.

Again, to avoid regrets. Follow your dream, your passion.

Good luck.


Re: Advice: Should I Go For Medicine Or For A Masters? by Admitwithschola: 8:04pm On Jan 05, 2019

Hmm thanks

Make sure you don't try to study law if this is not in your "passion set".

That said, if you're a top, top student in your biochem degree, you could get a scholarship to study medicine abroad, full scholarship, provide you also take and blast some other tests. As far as Nigeria is concerned, the chances of landing a decent job as a medical doctor are way, way, way, higher than for lawyers.

Do you have a top GPA in your biochem?

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