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Lady Wisdom by Yefet(m): 7:05am On Aug 19, 2010 |
Lady Wisdom Maurice Sklar May 6, 2008 Some years ago, I was living in Tulsa, Oklahoma and I was attending TheFamily Prayer Center. Dave Roberson is the pastor and also my dearfriend. I have sat under his teaching ministry for over twenty yearsand he ordained me in January of 2000. I learned so much from him,especially in the areas of enduring prayer, Holy Spirit-ledintercession, praying without ceasing, and the meditation of God's Wordto extract revelation knowledge, how to hear the voice of the Lord,fasting, and most of all – how to listen to our Teacher and to turnourselves over to Him completely – the precious Holy Spirit - Who hasbeen given to us to lead us into all truth. Dave's teaching ministryhas the ability to transform and to develop our inner man – our bornagain "new creation" spirit. I am so thankful for him to have gonebefore me and blazed the trail so that I could fulfill God's calling onmy life. I urge those of you who are hungry for that kind of teachingto go to "prayermediacenter.com" and listen to his messages. They arefree. His book, "The Walk of the Spirit, the Walk of Power" is alsoavailable online for free at "daveroberson.org". These messages and hisbook are life changing! I realize now in hindsight that much of myministry today is the fruit of all those years of DOING what heteaches. Anyway, I was listening to him one time at church, and Davewas teaching on how to meditate God's Word and to "assimilate" it, ashe calls it. He was urging us to read the book of Proverbs all the waythrough over and over – at least 50 times – and to pray in the Spiritin tongues while doing it. In this way, he said, wisdom would be givento us. I was inspired and full of faith, so I decided to do this. Itwas hard at first, but I read and read and read for several months.After about the thirtieth time through or so, something started tohappen. The only way I can describe it is that I seemed to enter "into"this book. Instead of reading words, I began to "see" images that theproverbs were describing. Each proverb was like a little movie thatwould teach a lesson. But, with each proverb, I felt an inner prickingas each of them, like seeds that cut into my heart, began to be planteddeeply there. Each proverb had a "cross" in it. If I said "yes" to eachproverb and yielded. I could feel a little more "flesh" dying. Anotherwords, it hurt! I felt like I was in a movie theatre in my spirit whereI was watching one short movie after another. Each proverb became alivesomehow and I saw it happen in front of me. Even more amazing, thewhole book began to form inside of me like a big tree growing in alldirections, just exactly like Dave described had happened to him. I sawthe whole outline of the book as it assimilated inside of me. It becamemore and more clear and detailed as I reached the forty-third timethrough. Then, I started on my forty-fourth time through the book ofProverbs. By now, I saw the book was divided into three sections – thefirst nine chapters or so talk about two women – then there are theproverbs of Solomon during his life – and then it ends with proverbsthat were recorded after his death. Then it ends with the good womanagain that we had met in the first section. Suddenly, I felttransported inside the book! I don't know if it was a vision or just "aprophetic experience" or what, but I was no longer reading words. I was"there"! It was awesome. I was in front of massive building made out ofwhite marble. It had seven huge columns across the front that were sotall that I could not see the tops of them. It looked a little like theWhite House and the Lincoln Memorial at the same time. As I lookedinside, I saw a huge throne with a Queen sitting on it. At first shedidn't look alive, but looked like Abraham Lincoln's statue of stone.She was so beautiful but looked like a statue. I kept walking into thebuilding past the columns. I kept walking and walking closer andcloser. As I did, the throne with the stone Queen on it kept gettinglarger and larger. Finally, I was standing in front of her throne. As Igot closer, the Queen began to become alive. There was a bright lightthat grew brighter and brighter all around the throne. I heard angelssinging on each side and over her. It was so majestic that I began totremble as I got within about 50 feet. The glory kept intensifyinguntil finally I could come no closer. I fell on my knees in front ofher. I couldn't help it. It just happened. Now, She was fully alive andglowing like no one I had ever seen. Such Beauty and Majesty together!I had never seen anything and anyone more beautiful than her! I felt sosmall and so privileged to just be there in Her presence. She justgazed down at me for some time in silence. I couldn't even look Her inthe face for very long without having to look away. Then She spoke,"Welcome, my son. God has heard the cries of your heart for Me. Youhave been invited into My Presence in answer to your hunger and thirst.Blessed are those that hunger and thirst after Me – for they shall beFILLED." Her voice was like the most lovely music and so powerful atthe same time. The last word just reverberated through the massivepalace throne room and echoed back and forth as it bounced off of themarble in all directions. Then, She spoke again and said, "It is onlythrough humility and the fear of the LORD that you can find me." I justworshiped and stayed on my knees and trembled. Then She stood up.Somehow, when she stood, I was able to stand also. She had light comingout of her head and her crown in beams going in every direction likesearchlights. I thought to myself, "I've seen this before somewhere."Like She heard my thoughts, she said, "Yes you have. I appeared in thisform to those who laid the foundation for your country. They depictedme in the Statue of Liberty. My likeness was put on the gold pieceAmerican dollar coin. I have appeared and been with those who wouldchoose Me. But, I have hid Myself from almost all in your proud, vain,perverted, and foolish generation. They do not desire Me. Every manmust choose for himself. So few will pay the price to come here, thoughI love all of God's children. My house is always open for all whodesire Me. The founding fathers of the United States called me "LadyLiberty", but actually I am the Spirit of Godly Wisdom. You can call me"Lady Wisdom", if you like. It was in this way that I appeared to KingSolomon. I am the Personification of the Holy Spirit in the Person ofGodly Wisdom." Then I realized that the Voice I was hearing was sofamiliar – it was the Voice of Yeshua our Messiah! This was the Lord!Lady Wisdom then said, "I had to appear to Solomon in this form becauseI had not yet been given a Body. Now I can reveal to you the fullnessof Wisdom, as you are able to receive it, for you are My covenant childthrough the New Covenant in My blood." Then I saw Yeshua standingbefore Me instead and He said, "Who will come to Me and live? How longwill My people prostitute themselves when I have so much to give them?How I long to give them the riches of My wisdom and glory!" I saw thatHe was crying as He said it. "Come with Me and I will show you a littleof the unsearchable riches of Wisdom. Then, the LORD in the form ofLady Wisdom was once again standing and began to walk towards the backof the throne. I saw a large door that opened by itself in front ofHer. She was striding boldly and I had to walk very fast to keep up."This is one of My treasure rooms. I will give you what your heartcries out for." She stopped and I saw jewels of all kinds, shapes, andsizes. It looked like it was a pirate's lair but 1000 times greater.There were golden vessels, beautiful vases, cups, chalices, gemstones,crowns of all sizes and design. Each piece was so awesome, I couldn'ttake my eyes off of them. She said, "take this and look at it." Ilooked at what she was pointing to and I picked up a large jewel. Itwas dark red like a massive ruby. It was so pretty! I looked into itand suddenly I was looking at the cross of Yeshua. He was dying inagony for me. Then I saw, just for a short moment, as He was sufferingin Hell - damnation in my place! I could hardly look and after a whileI had to look away. It was as if I was feeling a little of His agony asHe was separated from the Father. Finally, it broke me and I wept untilI couldn't weep anymore. I looked up at Lady Wisdom and she said, "Thatis a stone of the Father's love for you." This will be in your heartfrom now on. When you play the violin and minister, all will hear andknow how much the Father loves them. This stone contains the scriptureyou call John 3:16. Each of these jewels here have a promise in them.This is your inheritance in My grace. As you are ready and come to Methrough all of eternity, I will reveal all of these riches to you, Myson. Then she gave me a green stone that looked like an emerald. Ilooked into it, and suddenly, I was in the most beautiful garden. I sawAdam and Eve as they walked with God in the cool of the day. It was soawesome! It was greater than any garden I had ever seen or known abouton earth. I was filled with joy, hope and love. I ate what seemed likea peach, but it was white. It was more sweet than any peach I had evertasted. As I ate it, all of the hurts and betrayals seemed to be takenout of my heart from all the terrible things that people had done to mein the past. I felt like poison was removed and hope came back intothose places where I had been hurt on the inside. "Son, from now onwhen you play and minister, many will receive healing in their heartsand souls from the wounds of their past. I will bring Hope to thehopeless." Then, I was suddenly "out" of the green stone and back inthe treasure room with Lady Wisdom. Then she said, "Come with Me." Andwe walked for some time through Her palace corridors. We turned to theleft and I saw a huge dining room. There were two seats on each side ofa long table. It was lavishly set with every kind of delicious food anddrink. It was so much that it was impossible to know where to start.Then Lady Wisdom said to me, "Come and dine with Me." As we ate, Ithought to myself, this is the most delicious food I had ever put intomy mouth. Then, She said, "Are you thirsty? Taste My wine!" And shepoured some into a large crystal chalice from the bottle on the table."This is one of My greatest wines. It will release the sounds of boththe joy and the tears of heaven into the earth through Your violin andvoice. I have mixed together the perfect wine for you to serve in yourministry for Me. Many will be filled with joy and yet they will weepwith My tears over their sins and failures when they hear you. You willserve this wine as long as you live on this earth until I return. It ismixed with both love and judgment. It will bring repentance, purity andadorning to My bride as she drinks it. I just looked down at it. I knewsomehow that if I drank this, it would cost me. I hesitated. Then LadyWisdom said, "Yes, this is My cup for you to drink. I drank the cup MyFather gave Me and it cost me everything. Do you love Me enough todrink this? It will be a cross of intercession. You will feel deeplythe pain and suffering of those you are sent to. It is the fellowshipof My sufferings as My Bride endures to the end in the present world.Remember, if you suffer with Me, you shall reign with Me. When youbegin to love deeply, you will suffer much. But I will turn yourmourning into joy when you see what I will do through you. Do you wantthis, or SHALL I GIVE IT TO ANOTHER?" I said, "I am willing." Before Icould think anymore, I drank it down. The more I drank, the more of themixture of both joy and sorrow went into my spirit. It was sodelicious, and yet so sour at the same time. Finally, Lady Wisdom tooka loaf of bread, broke and piece off, and dipped it into Her chalice ofwine. She said, "Eat this. This contains My grace to carry yourministry and to be faithful to the end. My grace is sufficient for yourfuture. It will not be easy. It will be My cross for you that willbring salvation and joy to millions. You will not see until the endwhat I have done for you and through you for so many. You must be likeme and humble yourself all the days of your life and be the servant –even to the most undeserving. Serve and love ALL as I did. Let yourselfbe used and even abused at times. I will redeem all for my glory. Thenyou shall see that your labor is not in vain in Me." She gave the breadafter she dipped it into the red wine and gave it to me. I began to cryagain and say that I was not worthy. She just looked at me with suchlove and compassion that I melted even more. Finally, I ate it. I feltan inner strength come into me and at the same time I began to see apath of inner suffering that I had to go down. I can say now afterseven years, that I have indeed experienced some of what I saw at thattime. It is only God's grace that has kept me through it all. It wasnot by my efforts, works, or my own righteousness, for I have proven tobe a failure in those realms. I do not deserve any of it. Nevertheless,God's grace has kept me, provided for me, and sustained me from thatday until this. I felt like I ate and drank a small, tiny part of theMessiah's passion. Lady Wisdom said, "Now, I have made you rich withgreat riches from My Kingdom. From this wealth, go and feed My lambs.Go and prepare My Bride for My return. I am coming soon. You have foundthe highest purpose for music and worship in this age. I will give youthe souls of many thousands as your reward. Forever, your sorrows inthis life will produce the greatest rejoicing in that Day when I willreward your openly. All shall see what they cannot now." Suddenly, Iwas standing outside of Lady Wisdom's house as she sat on her throneonce again. She said, "You can come here as often as you like, butevery day you must CHOOSE to come to My house. Now, you must visitanother house and another woman – the one that you lust after in yourflesh. Only by overcoming her seductions will you fulfill My highestcall for your life." Then, I seemed to come out of the book of Proverbsand into my body again. It was an awesome experience, to say the least!Then I heard Her voice again in My spirit, and she said, "This visionwill be hidden in your spirit until the time comes when it is to berevealed. But beware of the LovePeddler of Babylon. You will meet her andthen must stand against her harlotries and seductions. She will try toseduce you. If she can't seduce you, she will try to destroy everythingin your life to get you to give up. But remember, the wine and breadthat you ate and drank is greater. I will keep you faithful to the end!I love you, My son, My son." Amen. To be continued, Maurice Sklar |
Re: Lady Wisdom by 2sizzlin(m): 8:08pm On Nov 30, 2016 |
Post was kept for me to read after almost 6years. Thank you for posting. Just recently got to really know bout Dave Roberson. God bless you Op |
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