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Mobile Technology: Lets Build A Mobile App With Javascript - Programming - Nairaland

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Mobile Technology: Lets Build A Mobile App With Javascript by Lordpeckxy(m): 12:40am On Feb 03, 2019
What is JavaScript?
Without wasting time, JavaScript is a high level programming/scripting language that can be used to do anything related to programming, down from Mobile apps(android, ios, windows, desktops etc) to scripting Artificial intelligence software and even include data-science and machine learning etc and not just limited to web development.

Its shouldn't be surprising to you that JavaScript can be use to make mobile apps, with the help of special designed frameworks e.g phonegap, reactNative, xamarine etc, javascript codes combined with HTML and CSS can be used to create apps targeting all mobile platforms.

And so right now lets get to the business, Building apps with javascript...

Getting your hands dirty
but first the basics.!

Below are some basic simple apps that can be coded without Much stress but needs technicality, special thinking and experience using JavaScript.!!!

1. Countdown-Timer
2. Stop-Watch
3. Simple-Calculator
4. Reminder-App/Notification
5. Single-Note App
6. A Converter
7. Budgeting App
8. Up-to-date Calender
9. Gp-calculator

although, all of the above mention apps are simple, they require good-thinking, problem-soving tactics, patience, visualization, working flow and all the necessary qualities needed to be a good programmer...!!!

But before we go into making apps with JavaScript!!

Lets know how to solve simple problems using this language.!!!

Lecture continues....

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Re: Mobile Technology: Lets Build A Mobile App With Javascript by Lordpeckxy(m): 8:50am On Feb 03, 2019
I know someone out there will be asking why do we need to solve simple problems before trying to code an app, but you should know that an app is meant to solve a particular problem, any app you see is meant to solve a problem, so we writing codes that solves a simple problem gives us and edge when we are about to attack and code complex once....

Just like what they say "Advoid not the small things because they are the one that makes up the big things"

Una sure sai Nah so E de abi nah "If you are to big to handle small things, then you definitely will be too small to handle the big things" E be like sai nah so e be!!!

You should know how to coke in a small pot for your family before trying to cook in a big pot for the community.
You should know how to paint your house before trying to get a contract to paint for a hotel.
You should know how to teach little children before trying to teach in a school.
You never learn how to drive motor-cycle finish, you don dey tell them make them give you car!!!

Haba oga, even if you drive am, one day you go just go kill person.!

The point be say, make you no advoid that small small things, you dey feel am??

Anyway lets fire on.!!!


Re: Mobile Technology: Lets Build A Mobile App With Javascript by Lordpeckxy(m): 7:29pm On Feb 03, 2019
***Well as the fire keeps burning, each program or series of programs that is coded, we well try to analyse and present it so that it can solve a life problem of someone or anyone out there.
Most people that learnt javascript, just learnt some specific parts and shy away from the rest maybe perhaps because they don't need it e.g a web developer would be mostly concern with client-side validating, date and time, strings, handling event, functions(), and leaving integral part like loops, arrary, coreobjects and the deep intoto of javascript logic.

But there is a goodnews, what we are here to do is diving deep to javascript doing more than it was meant to do. Though we will base on pure javascript, in subsequent time we might learn how to use other libraries like React, Angular, Vue, Backbone etc.***

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Re: Mobile Technology: Lets Build A Mobile App With Javascript by afuye(m): 7:59pm On Feb 03, 2019
***Well as the fire keeps burning, each program or series of programs that is coded, we well try to analyse and present it so that it can solve a life problem of someone or anyone out there.
Most people that learnt javascript, just learnt some specific parts and shy away from the rest maybe perhaps because they don't need it e.g a web developer would be mostly concern with client-side validating, date and time, strings, handling event, functions(), and leaving integral part like loops, arrary, coreobjects and the deep intoto of javascript logic.

But there is a goodnews, what we are here to do is diving deep to javascript doing more than it was meant to do. Though we will base on pure javascript, in subsequent time we might learn how to use other libraries like React, Angular, Vue, Backbone etc.***
Happy birthday to you

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Re: Mobile Technology: Lets Build A Mobile App With Javascript by Lordpeckxy(m): 7:07am On Feb 04, 2019
Happy birthday to you
thanks smiley man...


Re: Mobile Technology: Lets Build A Mobile App With Javascript by Lordpeckxy(m): 3:51pm On Feb 04, 2019
[mobile apps with Js]

I have arranged a series of programming problems both mathematical and logical that spans from beginner to intermediate.

I would have quickly moved to how to code and solve programming problems but i would like to teach you how to think like a programmer.

NB: please If you have no knowledge of basic HTML, CSS and a little bit of javascript...this tutorial would be a little bit complex for you to assimilate so I recommend this thread
and this site

www.cheat-sheets.org/sites/javascript.su/ to get started.


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Re: Mobile Technology: Lets Build A Mobile App With Javascript by Lordpeckxy(m): 11:26pm On Feb 05, 2019

Thinking like a programmer is not far-fetched from how we think from our daily lives.

What am i trying to say?
What am trying to say is that, just the way we give out instructions to people around us, thats how we give out instructions to a computer.


BUT there is a quite distinction/difference on how we hand out instructions.
When it comes to programming, why is it so different you might ask?
The difference is that unlike the way you give an instruction to a human, in computers you will have to explain your task and hand out instructions step by step to a computer.

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Re: Mobile Technology: Lets Build A Mobile App With Javascript by Lordpeckxy(m): 11:30pm On Feb 05, 2019
E.G you can give instructions to a boy to go buy a bottle of water from the street across, to the little boy it might be easy but to a computer it is not, why because the computer cannot reason the way we human does and so you have to tell the computer how to go across the street to get a bottle of water.
To solve this little yet complex problem, all you have to do is put the instructions on a paper, this is called ALGORITHM [a well defined step by step way to solve problem] . E.g an algorithm to open a book.
Start process
step1: stand up
step 2: locate the position of the book
step3: walk/transit to the book
step 4: put your hands on the book
step 5: open it.
End process

simple right, but that instruction is for a human.
In the coming lecture, we are going to learn how to write an algorithm for a computer.


Re: Mobile Technology: Lets Build A Mobile App With Javascript by Talkwisdom(m): 9:29pm On Feb 06, 2019
Re: Mobile Technology: Lets Build A Mobile App With Javascript by asalimpo(m): 10:01pm On Feb 06, 2019
***Well as the fire keeps burning, each program or series of programs that is coded, we well try to analyse and present it so that it can solve a life problem of someone or anyone out there.
Most people that learnt javascript, just learnt some specific parts and shy away from the rest maybe perhaps because they don't need it e.g a web developer would be mostly concern with client-side validating, date and time, strings, handling event, functions(), and leaving integral part like loops, arrary, coreobjects and the deep intoto of javascript logic.

But there is a goodnews, what we are here to do is diving deep to javascript doing more than it was meant to do. Though we will base on pure javascript, in subsequent time we might learn how to use other libraries like React, Angular, Vue, Backbone etc.***
How will d web developer in question do anything useful with no understanding of arrays , loops . How did s/he become a "web developer". Think bf u type (or click send)!
Re: Mobile Technology: Lets Build A Mobile App With Javascript by makavele: 9:02am On Feb 07, 2019
Bros, I weak !
Re: Mobile Technology: Lets Build A Mobile App With Javascript by Lordpeckxy(m): 1:16am On Feb 08, 2019

How will d web developer in question do anything useful with no understanding of arrays , loops . How did s/he become a "web developer". Think bf u type (or click send)!

am sorry if what i typed went out of context and really speak ill & aweful of a profession...

Once again, my apologies!!!


Re: Mobile Technology: Lets Build A Mobile App With Javascript by Lordpeckxy(m): 9:27am On Feb 08, 2019
1. Collect the money.
2. Locate/find the store.
3. Transit/walk to the store.
4. Ask for the store attendant.
5. If the store attendant is not in the store, locate another store.
6. Ask for a bottle of water.
7. Give the shop attendant the money in exchange for a bottle of water.
8. If the bottle of water cost is greater than price at hand, "return the bottle of water and locate another store"
else If the bottle of water cost is less than cost price, "collect the bottle of water and ask for your change"
else if the bottle of water cost is equal to the cost price, "collect the bottle of water".
9. Transit/walk back across the street.
10. Locate/find the one who sent you.
11. Give him the bottle of water and the change if any.
End/stop process.

Congratulations you have solve a problem and successfully broken down the problem into bits, which means it could be easily coded without much of a problem.

Now we have known how to design an algorithm, lets begin our developments. smiley


Re: Mobile Technology: Lets Build A Mobile App With Javascript by Lordpeckxy(m): 10:32am On Feb 09, 2019

Thanks.. I know a little on Javascript.. I avnt really used it to build anything bcus i lack the right mentorship..
I feel this thread is just wat i needed. Thanks.
If u dont mind i'll like to get ur contact so i can chat u up on Whatsapp

is alright...but am having a little issues with mah phone, don't know when am going to fix it so concludes that i don't know when i will be on whatsapp, maybe in subsequent time

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Re: Mobile Technology: Lets Build A Mobile App With Javascript by Lordpeckxy(m): 8:00am On Feb 27, 2019
[ Js]
been busy lately....
Lets go into the main section of our training...
Lets start with something mild like designing a simple interest app with different functions to make our app more dynamic...

A knowledge of HTML, a bit of CSS and JavaScript is highly recommendable.!!!
[ Js]


Re: Mobile Technology: Lets Build A Mobile App With Javascript by Lordpeckxy(m): 9:32am On Feb 27, 2019
[ Js ]
The design phase in software development usually comprises 3
main parts: sketching, wireframing, and visualization.

Creation of GUI design presupposes a strict sequence of these
stages. The process can be adjusted according to the product
owner's needs and tasks, depending on the goals of the project
and available documentation. The cost of changes grows
substantially with every stage.
[ Js ]

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Re: Mobile Technology: Lets Build A Mobile App With Javascript by trytillmake(m): 10:41am On Feb 27, 2019
The design phase in software development usually comprises 3
main parts: sketching, wireframing, and visualization.

Creation of GUI design presupposes a strict sequence of these
stages. The process can be adjusted according to the product
owner's needs and tasks, depending on the goals of the project
and available documentation. The cost of changes grows
substantially with every stage.

pls continue nice one.
Re: Mobile Technology: Lets Build A Mobile App With Javascript by Lordpeckxy(m): 1:53pm On Mar 02, 2019
[ Js ]
In building Applications, one must have grasp of these 3 skills...

*Structuring is reducing information to its basic building units and then Relating them to each other.
*Organization Involves grouping these units in a distinctive and meaningful Manner.
*Labelling means using appropriate wordings and nomenclature to support easy navigation and findability.
[ Js ]


Re: Mobile Technology: Lets Build A Mobile App With Javascript by Lordpeckxy(m): 1:43pm On Mar 13, 2019
Theres not been time really....
Try to think of a simple app and try thinking of how the Interface will be...
Everyone has where he or she draws Inspiration from...*I guess I know mine*......below Is a simple Wireframing Of a simple app a kid can use.!!! Just for Testing Out....!!!
Re: Mobile Technology: Lets Build A Mobile App With Javascript by Lordpeckxy(m): 2:02pm On Mar 13, 2019

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Re: Mobile Technology: Lets Build A Mobile App With Javascript by Lordpeckxy(m): 2:11pm On Mar 13, 2019
look closely


Re: Mobile Technology: Lets Build A Mobile App With Javascript by HARDEYborndis: 2:43pm On Mar 13, 2019

I am here to introduce to you a new mobile game store called Aha which will launch officially in Africa later in the year. Aha is a game store for apk and H5 games most of these games are from game developers outside Africa. The mobile game industry is thriving and we believe the opportunities for growth in Africa are immense hence involving African developers in this growing market is of great importance to us. To these effects, African Game developers are encouraged to make use of our game store for publishing their games. The difficulties faced by African developers in developing their games, marketing and earning a reward for their hard work cannot be ignored. That is why there is a system in place to help market your games, assist you with redesigning of these games where necessary, a team in Africa and China to support you and a unique monetisation policy designed just for you.

NB: We have partnership with Techno and Infinix, such that after our launch, the Aha App would be preinstalled in all Techno and Infinix phones produced.

Should this interest you, kindly reply send a mail to moshood.a@transsion.com.

To check out our app, kindly use this link download.ahagamecenter.com.

Thank you.


Re: Mobile Technology: Lets Build A Mobile App With Javascript by Lordpeckxy(m): 11:39am On Mar 24, 2019

I am here to introduce to you a new mobile game store called Aha which will launch officially in Africa later in the year. Aha is a game store for apk and H5 games most of these games are from game developers outside Africa. The mobile game industry is thriving and we believe the opportunities for growth in Africa
To check out our app, kindly use this link download.ahagamecenter.com.

Thank you.
From the Globe of africa, this Is Indeed a good development, will definitrly check the game out....
But telling Us what the game Is all about, will do More good.
**thumbs Up.!!!


Re: Mobile Technology: Lets Build A Mobile App With Javascript by Lordpeckxy(m): 5:44am On Apr 20, 2019
Its been a month, since last update, schooling and stuffs..... Face of development Is coming....

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Re: Mobile Technology: Lets Build A Mobile App With Javascript by Nobody: 6:14am On Apr 20, 2019
All this thread usually die
Re: Mobile Technology: Lets Build A Mobile App With Javascript by Lordpeckxy(m): 5:32am On Apr 28, 2019
All this thread usually die
It doesn't Matter when Updates finally comes...... The future readers would still be there.....


Re: Mobile Technology: Lets Build A Mobile App With Javascript by Lordpeckxy(m): 7:12am On Sep 21, 2019
[Js ]
Coding continues...
With a good HTML CSS and JavaScript background with a little problem solving technique you will be able to make good and useful apps...
Let's start with something...
Re: Mobile Technology: Lets Build A Mobile App With Javascript by Lordpeckxy(m): 7:27am On Sep 21, 2019
formular: PRT/100

Where P is the principal, R for Rate and T for time

Algorithm written in ...

Start process
step 1: Input Principal
Step 2: Input Rate
Step 3: Input Time
Step 4: let Step 1 * Step 2 * Step 3
Step 5: Step 4 / 100
Step 6: PRINT Step 5
End process



Re: Mobile Technology: Lets Build A Mobile App With Javascript by Lordpeckxy(m): 7:43am On Sep 21, 2019

<!-- Programmed By Elugwaraonu Precious Izuchukwu -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>SIMPLE INTEREST</title>

<style type="text/css">
#si {


<script type="text/javascript">
function SI() {
principal = document.getElementById("txt1"wink.value
rate = document.getElementById("txt2"wink.value
time = document.getElementById("txt3"wink.value
calc1 = principal * rate * time / 100
alert("SIMPLE INTERST IS " + calc1 );

document.getElementById("si"wink.innerHTML = "THE SIMPLE INTERST IS " + calc1

<h2 align="center" > <u> SIMPLE INTEREST PROGRAM </u> </h2>

<input type="text" id="txt1" placeholder="Principal" >

<input type="text" id="txt2" placeholder="Rate" >

<input type="text" id="txt3" placeholder="Time" >

<p align="center" >
<input type="button" id="btn1" value="CALCULATE" onclick="SI();" >

<p id="si" align="center" > </p>

NB: Please report any error/bug found in any of the written program.
Next: Screen shots


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