Lock The Devil Out Of Your Marriage/relationships by constancefriday(m): 3:49pm On Mar 29, 2019 |
If you're Married, learn to focus on your Spouse and channel all your passionate energy and investments on him/her. (read Proverns 5:18-19, SOS 4:12) Learn to show gratitude and appreciate every little things they do. No matter how little. read Luke 16:10 Learn to Ignore and Forget about the distractions around no matter how flashy, attractive or enticing they appear to look to you, they are doors that open the way for Satan to come in and cause trouble in your beautiful home. 2 Corinthians 11:14 Now, i speak from experience: I believe the evil of the present age should not write your house/household/marriage on the list of it's casualties. Adultery and all other kinds of sexual immorality are open gateways for Satan to come in and wreak havoc. Don't treat issues of sex, love relationship between the opposite sex and marriage with levity/a carefree or careless attitude. Avoid bad advise from envious or jealous friends. There are so many lovely homes and relationships that were ruined by envious friends, who walked right back to their own happy homes after destroying another's marriage. After Marriage, select your second best Friends "very carefully" let your spouse be your Best Friend. Don't Monetize (Money Base) your marriage. (Don't calculate how much you stand to benefit by being married to Mr A or Miss A or to Mr X or Miss Y ) you are not getting married to Money or to Financial resources, you're getting Married to A PERSON. Understanding that will enable you avoid allowing financial issues cause trouble in your Home. One more thing, if you're still single and on the verge of making a choice for marriage, ensure you don't make your choices based on "Financial Evaluation" write that down. Any empty headed asshole can have so much money but lack what truly fulfils you as a Married Man or Woman. Keep you Matrimonial Bed clean, honorable and undefiled. Remain Blessed. More Teachings on issues of Sex, Love, Relationships and Marriage in the next articles.
Apostle Constance Friday is the Most Supreme Shepherd of Real Life Missions International. He's also the Founder of CFMgospel. He's a Prolific Preacher and Teacher of the Gospel and a dexterous Writer, Author and Publisher. 3 Likes 3 Shares
Re: Lock The Devil Out Of Your Marriage/relationships by ademchij: 4:04am On Aug 03, 2021 |
constancefriday: If you're Married, learn to focus on your Spouse and channel all your passionate energy and investments on him/her. (read Proverns 5:18-19, SOS 4:12) Learn to show gratitude and appreciate every little things they do. No matter how little. read Luke 16:10 Learn to Ignore and Forget about the distractions around no matter how flashy, attractive or enticing they appear to look to you, they are doors that open the way for Satan to come in and cause trouble in your beautiful home. 2 Corinthians 11:14 Now, i speak from experience: I believe the evil of the present age should not write your house/household/marriage on the list of it's casualties. Adultery and all other kinds of sexual immorality are open gateways for Satan to come in and wreak havoc. Don't treat issues of sex, love relationship between the opposite sex and marriage with levity/a carefree or careless attitude. Avoid bad advise from envious or jealous friends. There are so many lovely homes and relationships that were ruined by envious friends, who walked right back to their own happy homes after destroying another's marriage. After Marriage, select your second best Friends "very carefully" let your spouse be your Best Friend. Don't Monetize (Money Base) your marriage. (Don't calculate how much you stand to benefit by being married to Mr A or Miss A or to Mr X or Miss Y ) you are not getting married to Money or to Financial resources, you're getting Married to A PERSON. Understanding that will enable you avoid allowing financial issues cause trouble in your Home. One more thing, if you're still single and on the verge of making a choice for marriage, ensure you don't make your choices based on "Financial Evaluation" write that down. Any empty headed asshole can have so much money but lack what truly fulfils you as a Married Man or Woman. Keep you Matrimonial Bed clean, honorable and undefiled. Remain Blessed. More Teachings on issues of Sex, Love, Relationships and Marriage in the next articles.
Apostle Constance Friday is the Most Supreme Shepherd of Real Life Missions International. He's also the Founder of CFMgospel. He's a Prolific Preacher and Teacher of the Gospel and a dexterous Writer, Author and Publisher. |
Re: Lock The Devil Out Of Your Marriage/relationships by stephieok: 9:14am On Sep 26, 2021 |
constancefriday: If you're Married, learn to focus on your Spouse and channel all your passionate energy and investments on him/her. (read Proverns 5:18-19, SOS 4:12) Learn to show gratitude and appreciate every little things they do. No matter how little. read Luke 16:10 Learn to Ignore and Forget about the distractions around no matter how flashy, attractive or enticing they appear to look to you, they are doors that open the way for Satan to come in and cause trouble in your beautiful home. 2 Corinthians 11:14 Now, i speak from experience: I believe the evil of the present age should not write your house/household/marriage on the list of it's casualties. Adultery and all other kinds of sexual immorality are open gateways for Satan to come in and wreak havoc. Don't treat issues of sex, love relationship between the opposite sex and marriage with levity/a carefree or careless attitude. Avoid bad advise from envious or jealous friends. There are so many lovely homes and relationships that were ruined by envious friends, who walked right back to their own happy homes after destroying another's marriage. After Marriage, select your second best Friends "very carefully" let your spouse be your Best Friend. Don't Monetize (Money Base) your marriage. (Don't calculate how much you stand to benefit by being married to Mr A or Miss A or to Mr X or Miss Y ) you are not getting married to Money or to Financial resources, you're getting Married to A PERSON. Understanding that will enable you avoid allowing financial issues cause trouble in your Home. One more thing, if you're still single and on the verge of making a choice for marriage, ensure you don't make your choices based on "Financial Evaluation" write that down. Any empty headed asshole can have so much money but lack what truly fulfils you as a Married Man or Woman. Keep you Matrimonial Bed clean, honorable and undefiled. Remain Blessed. More Teachings on issues of Sex, Love, Relationships and Marriage in the next articles.
Apostle Constance Friday is the Most Supreme Shepherd of Real Life Missions International. He's also the Founder of CFMgospel. He's a Prolific Preacher and Teacher of the Gospel and a dexterous Writer, Author and Publisher. |