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Please Help A Newbie In Taking This Travel Decision - Travel - Nairaland

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Please Help A Newbie In Taking This Travel Decision by UnknownQueen(f): 6:20pm On Oct 02, 2019
Good evening beautiful people here in Nigeria and Diaspora.

Permit me to say a few words of prayer before I begin my question--This month is blessed for you, May God perfect all that concerns u.

So last month a friend to our family traveled to Canada please note he went with his family (wife and children), on getting there he has been reaching out to my hubby, encouraging him and giving him reasons to relocate,
Right now my hubby seem to be at a cross road, he is stucked and doesn't know what to decide on, reason being that he just started his PhD, which might take another 4-5 years to get, he is saying he wants to get his PhD first before relocating, but his friend said getting a doctoral degree here makes no sense dere, making emphasis that it's as good as thrash, Also my hubby has hepatitisB, what's the possibility of him/us securing the visa easily if he eventually decides to abandon his doctoral degree..

Please I need you to advice us right.....

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Re: Please Help A Newbie In Taking This Travel Decision by iamgenius(m): 10:12pm On Oct 02, 2019
Well, the friend told you the truth. You just need to find out about the health issues too. And he shouldn't leave the program straight away, till you have visa and it's certain that you're relocating. Sister, abet leave this country jare.

If anybody tells you not to relocate, abeg... Make I no talk too much.
Re: Please Help A Newbie In Taking This Travel Decision by UnknownQueen(f): 7:54am On Oct 03, 2019
Well, the friend told you the truth. You just need to find out about the health issues too. And he shouldn't leave the program straight away, till you have visa and it's certain that you're relocating. Sister, abet leave this country jare.

If anybody tells you not to relocate, abeg... Make I no talk too much.

Thanks for being helpful... I'll find out more on that, cos I read somewhere that people living 2ith hepatitis b, have difficulties in relocating.
Re: Please Help A Newbie In Taking This Travel Decision by Healhtyliving: 9:21am On Oct 03, 2019
That is not true. I know someone living with hepatitis b and is currently processing a work visa to the UK after securing a job. The only medical test required is tuberculosis test. This person first discovered the health status in 2013. Dont be discouraged about your relicatoon plans as a result of your husband's health condition. You can read about the requirements on health for canada relocation.

Thanks for being helpful... I'll find out more on that, cos I read somewhere that people living 2ith hepatitis b, have difficulties in relocating.

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Re: Please Help A Newbie In Taking This Travel Decision by UnknownQueen(f): 11:55am On Oct 03, 2019
That is not true. I know someone living with hepatitis b and is currently processing a work visa to the UK after securing a job. The only medical test required is tuberculosis test. This person first discovered the health status in 2013. Dont be discouraged about your relicatoon plans as a result of your husband's health condition. You can read about the requirements on health for canada relocation.

Oh thank you so much... I will.

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