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Smugglers Abandoned Their Bikes And Bags Of Rice In Ogun Bush - Politics (7) - Nairaland

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Re: Smugglers Abandoned Their Bikes And Bags Of Rice In Ogun Bush by Nobody: 2:00pm On Oct 15, 2019
This is a pure lie.

There are so many good rice without stones in the country now.

I just hope the government find a way to control the price of rice. The price is very unreasonable for consumers.. meanwhile the marketers are a making double and even triple profit than they were making on the imported rice. I understand that this is because of high demand and scarcity.

This government lacks proper implementation of good policies.

It is because of their greed. Nigerians as always are the problem. Greedy, predatory and complaining the moment the moment there are consequences. If goby starts regulating price of rice they will complain. But now they are abusing the situation. There are reports that Nigerian rice is being sold as counterfeit foreign rice. By Nigerian rice dealers. That is where we are as a people

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Re: Smugglers Abandoned Their Bikes And Bags Of Rice In Ogun Bush by NASTYNASOSO: 2:16pm On Oct 15, 2019
Seriously this is unfair from buhari government . Gej didn't do this length , still the Nigeria economy was pretty good.





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Re: Smugglers Abandoned Their Bikes And Bags Of Rice In Ogun Bush by Nobody: 2:16pm On Oct 15, 2019
If the reason Nigeria is not self sufficient in Feeding herself is not IMPORTATION, then what is it?
hmmm I think I should just make a thread on this
Re: Smugglers Abandoned Their Bikes And Bags Of Rice In Ogun Bush by francisisking: 2:18pm On Oct 15, 2019
I tell u Nigeria and Nigerians can never and ever see any meaningful progress when we justify criminal act in which ever form,the law says ban on importation of rice,and some people still justify smuggling because of high price of local rice, how will u encourage local production if u don't ban importation.any country that want development will have to shut it's doors to importation and grow local productions, the world is celebrating CHINA and INDIA today forgotten that both countries shot it's doors to importation for over 20yrs,to develop technologically, today they are better for it
how can local rice be more expensive than the one imported.... think bro think.
Re: Smugglers Abandoned Their Bikes And Bags Of Rice In Ogun Bush by Titogbanski: 2:37pm On Oct 15, 2019
Fake propaganda news.......what is relevant is the price of rice. Are people finding it easier? Is rice cheaper??
Re: Smugglers Abandoned Their Bikes And Bags Of Rice In Ogun Bush by Nobody: 2:54pm On Oct 15, 2019
Farmers will praise and miss Buhari

Food marketers will praise and miss Buhari

Government workers will praise and miss Buhari

Npower beneficiaries —the youths— will praise and miss Buhari

Many Nigerians will praise and miss Buhari

Only a few, the wailers and Internet gangsters will speak ill of him, but las las, they will praise and miss Buhari.

This border closure was one thing everyone clamoured for in other to encourage our local farm, but no government had the balls to do it because of what they gain from it. Never shall those past corrupt governments ever come back to our political system
I'll have you know that OBJ did it too. He closed the border and banned the importation of rice. He had to back pedal when rice became scarce. Nigeria does not produce rice ask year round. The little you're seeing now is because it's still in season. You wait for dry season by December!!
Re: Smugglers Abandoned Their Bikes And Bags Of Rice In Ogun Bush by F117nighthawk: 3:11pm On Oct 15, 2019
how can local rice be more expensive than the one imported.... think bro think.
You are the one who need to think, local rice production is still new in the market, with time the price will crash, this is simple economics, once production increases u will see drastic fall in price,

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Re: Smugglers Abandoned Their Bikes And Bags Of Rice In Ogun Bush by TEYA: 3:16pm On Oct 15, 2019
Seriously this is unfair from buhari government . Gej didn't do this length , still the Nigeria economy was pretty good.

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Re: Smugglers Abandoned Their Bikes And Bags Of Rice In Ogun Bush by francisisking: 3:21pm On Oct 15, 2019

You are the one who need to think, local rice production is still new in the market, with time the price will crash, this is simple economics, once production increases u will see drastic fall in price,
not here in Nigeria... except there are other Nigeria somewhere I don't know.
Re: Smugglers Abandoned Their Bikes And Bags Of Rice In Ogun Bush by F117nighthawk: 3:22pm On Oct 15, 2019
not here in Nigeria... except there are other Nigeria somewhere I don't know.
Let's wait and see

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Re: Smugglers Abandoned Their Bikes And Bags Of Rice In Ogun Bush by maasoap(m): 3:26pm On Oct 15, 2019
Even the so called Nigeria rice are all full of Stones. They never improve on their production yield but can enforced total shut down on our land borders. The rate of appendicitis symptoms will increased tremendously in our economy various hospitals for this stones and tares in the rice. Very bad .

Even if you're not one of the smugglers, the fact that you are using your blog to defend economy saboteurs has made you one of them. Look at the petty and emotional laden sentiment you put up there, shame. Many will tell you here that they've eaten local rice and it had no stones

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Re: Smugglers Abandoned Their Bikes And Bags Of Rice In Ogun Bush by achikolo(f): 3:27pm On Oct 15, 2019

And your point is?
Re: Smugglers Abandoned Their Bikes And Bags Of Rice In Ogun Bush by achikolo(f): 3:29pm On Oct 15, 2019

You go school at all?
Re: Smugglers Abandoned Their Bikes And Bags Of Rice In Ogun Bush by achikolo(f): 3:29pm On Oct 15, 2019

It appears Coscharis doesn't know how to mill rice.

Can't you key into that sector and become a rich man?

Or you don't want to be rich?
Re: Smugglers Abandoned Their Bikes And Bags Of Rice In Ogun Bush by maasoap(m): 3:34pm On Oct 15, 2019
Well for the smugglers let them lay low on this criminal activities, for the customs shoot at sight. Let them change trade for rice farming, because most of them are able young men in their 20's. As for the authorities this is the time bottle neck policy at the ECOWAS, should be applied, if our Neighboring countries, won't change their policy, Nigerians should brace up. Enough is Enough.

I just hope that our custom officials will be patriotic in combating those saboteurs because those officials like bribe too much

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Re: Smugglers Abandoned Their Bikes And Bags Of Rice In Ogun Bush by Chukwurah003: 3:36pm On Oct 15, 2019
Seriously this is unfair from buhari government . Gej didn't do this length , still the Nigeria economy was pretty good.

PDP has rendered a lot of people mentally handicapped. We are where we are today because of the corruption in GEJ’s government. Price of oil was high during GEJ’s tenure but instead of them to save and develop the economy they kept looting. Only sentimental or dull people will not see the positives in President Buhari’s ban on importation; which is clearly designed to spur our local production capabilities but as usual PDP people will come out to support criminality because that’s who they are. Receive sense!

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Re: Smugglers Abandoned Their Bikes And Bags Of Rice In Ogun Bush by francisisking: 3:40pm On Oct 15, 2019

Let's wait and see
wait while you and your greedy kind keeps exploiting us in the name of local rice...
Re: Smugglers Abandoned Their Bikes And Bags Of Rice In Ogun Bush by plaindealer: 3:41pm On Oct 15, 2019
Even the so called Nigeria rice are all full of Stones. They never improve on their production yield but can enforced total shut down on our land borders. The rate of appendicitis symptoms will increased tremendously in our various hospitals for this stones and tares in the rice. Very bad .

At some point in time, the countries the smuggled rice are coming from went through the same thing, this is an opportunity for Nigeria to do better and we are doing better.

We are opening and investing in modernized rice farming opening new rice mills.

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Re: Smugglers Abandoned Their Bikes And Bags Of Rice In Ogun Bush by nlPoster: 3:50pm On Oct 15, 2019

The 'foreign" rice are very much available, just costlier in case that's your choice. But I'm enjoying the local rice with the "stones" and "tares"!!

So just because you don't like the person who pointed out some local rice has stones and chaff, you ignore his actual point instead of ensuring quality control?

Nobody prays to get appendicitis but you people are harsh. undecided

Imagine somebody saying to just chew the stones, what on earth is with you folks?
Re: Smugglers Abandoned Their Bikes And Bags Of Rice In Ogun Bush by F117nighthawk: 3:52pm On Oct 15, 2019
wait while you and your greedy kind keeps exploiting us in the name of local rice...

Make some common sense,don't be a slave all through your life to foreign goods,encourage local production, let's look inwards and build our economy, think and think smart, look at China and India today, don't you want your own country to develop more than them?

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Re: Smugglers Abandoned Their Bikes And Bags Of Rice In Ogun Bush by Nobody: 3:56pm On Oct 15, 2019
Every time, Rice This, rice that, Rice,rice. Must Nigerians eat Rice? Sweet potatoes, Yam, corn and Cassava Are Much Better and Nutritous Food than Bloody Rice.

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Re: Smugglers Abandoned Their Bikes And Bags Of Rice In Ogun Bush by Nobody: 4:11pm On Oct 15, 2019
Even the so called Nigeria rice are all full of Stones. They never improve on their production yield but can enforced total shut down on our land borders. The rate of appendicitis symptoms will increased tremendously in our various hospitals for this stones and tares in the rice. Very bad .
you just lied,most Nigerian rice are good and it contains no stones, my problem is just the price its been sold

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Re: Smugglers Abandoned Their Bikes And Bags Of Rice In Ogun Bush by CoolAmbience(m): 4:42pm On Oct 15, 2019
Even the so called Nigeria rice are all full of Stones. They never improve on their production yield but can enforced total shut down on our land borders. The rate of appendicitis symptoms will increased tremendously in our various hospitals for this stones and tares in the rice. Very bad .

Oga, stop talking nonsense.

I have been eating Nigerian rice for years now.

I cannot recall eating stones in the rice.

Do you eat foreign beans? Abeg, make we hear word!

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Re: Smugglers Abandoned Their Bikes And Bags Of Rice In Ogun Bush by Coolgent(m): 4:56pm On Oct 15, 2019
Na them vote for change!
Bubu abeg keep the boarders close till 2023!
Infact add more tax to anything imported via ports.
Re: Smugglers Abandoned Their Bikes And Bags Of Rice In Ogun Bush by Charly68: 5:14pm On Oct 15, 2019
Imagine the numbers of bike on that route..I think the custom should be confiscating the bikes and the goods to serve as deterrent to others..we must stop the nonsense

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Re: Smugglers Abandoned Their Bikes And Bags Of Rice In Ogun Bush by francisisking: 5:46pm On Oct 15, 2019

Make some common sense,don't be a slave all through your life to foreign goods,encourage local production, let's look inwards and build our economy, think and think smart, look at China and India today, don't you want your own country to develop more than them?
Let the govt start by making good policy that will encourage indigenous industry first before we will take them seriously.
Re: Smugglers Abandoned Their Bikes And Bags Of Rice In Ogun Bush by armadeo(m): 5:57pm On Oct 15, 2019
Even the so called Nigeria rice are all full of Stones. They never improve on their production yield but can enforced total shut down on our land borders. The rate of appendicitis symptoms will increased tremendously in our various hospitals for this stones and tares in the rice. Very bad .

The stones no be here. I quarrelled at one all joint when I say make i eat assorted in plenty. The woman was just apologising saying its nigerian rice.
Re: Smugglers Abandoned Their Bikes And Bags Of Rice In Ogun Bush by ridbell01(m): 5:59pm On Oct 15, 2019
border closure have been done all this while please. I hope you know that dangote which is buhari ally import foods too.
can you prove this?

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Re: Smugglers Abandoned Their Bikes And Bags Of Rice In Ogun Bush by adecz: 6:10pm On Oct 15, 2019

I will award you for the best mumu comment in Africa..Why will they bring food outside country to our county....is like cooking food outside and giving it to sick being of you.... undecided undecided

Your tiny brain doesn't understand
simple economics talk less of
regional/global politico economic dynamics.

Your English alone shows a serial
WASCE failure just seating at home
writing rubbish.

No country bans produce from other
countries even if you produce the same
thing, what you can do to protect your
own producers is to put high tariffs on
the imported one, thereby making it
costly & the citizens will prefer the local
one due to low price.

The situation they have now caused is
that, the local one has even become
costlier than the foreign one before the
ban.. Now everyone is suffering from
a badly implemented policy.

But you, as a lazy youth, still eating
free food from your old pensioner parents
& stealing their money to buy data & time in cyber cafe for yahoo-yahoo,
you no go understand.

To show your lack of home training &
proper upbringing, anywhere you appear
na insult you go begin with.. No be us
give you suffer head life.... You never
see anything yet, onyara, wéré, psychopath.

Re: Smugglers Abandoned Their Bikes And Bags Of Rice In Ogun Bush by Basher8583: 6:56pm On Oct 15, 2019
Seriously this is unfair from buhari government . Gej didn't do this length , still the Nigeria economy was pretty good.

Smuggler spotted

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Re: Smugglers Abandoned Their Bikes And Bags Of Rice In Ogun Bush by nlPoster: 8:29pm On Oct 15, 2019

The stones no be here. I quarrelled at one all joint when I say make i eat assorted in plenty. The woman was just apologising saying its nigerian rice.

Not everyone knows how to process it properly.

The rice is very tasty without the stones and chaff.
Re: Smugglers Abandoned Their Bikes And Bags Of Rice In Ogun Bush by delpee(f): 10:14pm On Oct 15, 2019
Even the so called Nigeria rice are all full of Stones. They never improve on their production yield but can enforced total shut down on our land borders. The rate of appendicitis symptoms will increased tremendously in our various hospitals for this stones and tares in the rice. Very bad .

Buy Big Bull, Mama Pride (Spar) or one from Kano being sold at Game (if you're in Lagos). They're well milled local rice without stones. Some stone free local rice are also available in the market now. Abakaliki, Ekiti, Nassarawa, Kebbi, Ofada and Ilesa rice are good too. Let's patronise our farmers. Besides, our rice is far more nutritious and fresh.

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