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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / The Hidden Hands That Rule The World (2388 Views)
Prophetic Prayers That Destroy Evil Hands That Hold Your Destiny. Click Link / What If Christ's Teachings Were Used To Rule The World? / *** Bite Off The Evil Hands That Feeds You *** (2) (3) (4)
Re: The Hidden Hands That Rule The World by oaroloye(m): 5:22pm On Dec 03, 2019 |
SHALOM! EMILO2STAY: TO DOGMATICALLY DECLARE THAT ONE KNOWS THINGS THAT ARE ONLY BASED ON OTHER PEOPLE'S ALLEGED OBSERVATIONS IS INSANITY AND DECEIT. To truly know the shape of the Earth, one should have to make the measurements and observations oneself which is a feat above our pay-grades. Those who have the money to find these things out don't waste their time, nor money, trying to find these things out. That is why they had the money. A Conspiracy Theorist said that STEVE JOBS was planning to go to Space when he was assassinated. Lots of people have the money to verify the shaped of the Earth- but have opted to stay alive, instead! I suggested, in a FLAT/CONCAVE EARTH DEBATE Group that, since there are so many of us, why don't we all donate a pittance each, and get enough money to sponsor hi-altitude balloons, and rockets, to get hard data? I was ignored. I am convinced that Group Members who would respond sincerely to those sorts of Posts can never see those Posts. You must be familiar with the private Rocket Club that launched a few years ago, and the Rocket hit something solid at 73 miles? ERIC DuBAY has compiled an impressive amount of data- it just isn't HIS data. We have to rely on what he says other people said. Some of it is no good, and proves nothing. The worst "proof" he presents is that to explain away THE REVERSAL OF THE STARTRAILS AT THE EQUATOR. The Stars revolve anticlockwise in the Northern Hemisphere, and Clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere. The simple explanation for this is that the Stars and Planets are set in a rotating sphere within the Concave Earth hollow Sphere. Flat Earthers have a clumsy "Mansplaination" for this phenomenon, that makes no sense. However, Concave-Earthers, as myself, believe in unknown Laws of Physics to explain why we cannot just see that the sky is just a ball, about maybe 2,000-5,000 miles above our heads. That is not good Science: it is not better than the Convex Earth Theory. EMILO2STAY: THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT IT MEANS. There might be some decent images and explanations here: EMILO2STAY: I NEVER ACCUSED YOU OF OBFUSCATING GALILEO'S ROMAN CATHOLIC ALLEGIANCE. Actually, your Post points out an angle I have never seen elsewhere: THAT GALILEO'S PERSECUTION WAS A PROPAGANDA PLOY. That is impossible. If the Roman Catholic Church wanted us to believe that the Earth was not the centre of the Universe, they would have decreed it so, and that would be that. Actually, that is pretty much what happened. The author does not seem to comprehend that the Vatican had absolute control over its domain. They didn't need to attack their own Power Base, by displaying ignorance of the Universe they claimed to be crowned king of. Galileo was trying to exalt his Science above Church Dogma- which was a threat to their own Power. COPERNICUS was invited to publish and speak before the Papacy, BECAUSE THEY WANTED TO LEARN SOMETHING THEY DIDN'T KNOW. They were not always like that. For instance, ORIGEN ADAMANTIUS gave them The Bible- but was later declared a HERETIC (Arianism). There was at least one case of a Pope who exhumed another Pope, to declare him a Heretic, and rebury him with curses. The Roman Catholic Church USES people- both in life and in death. You know how they fight or hinder some great leader or sage in life, some regional hero or heroine, and then, after they are safely dead, declare them to be "saints," and use them to enslave more people? |
Re: The Hidden Hands That Rule The World by EMILO2STAY(m): 9:15am On Dec 04, 2019 |
oaroloye:. Now I do not just believe in these people simply because they made claims I like and simply follow them sheepishly. Every single proof or experiment they carried out to support their findings can be demonstrated, observed and repeated. Now that aside, the common laws of physics supports the flat earth reality plus your reality, common sense and every day experience confirms the flat earth. If we were not taught otherwise every one would think the earth is flat because that is what their senses and reality speaks. So the observations made by Samuel rowbotham, Thomas winship, Samuel shenton, Eric duay and many others are not alleged because you too can carry out the same experiment and your findings would be the same. In the past all religions and cultures across the world had a flat earth cosmology and not a globe or convex earth cosmology. Why this is because of what they had witnessed for themselves. oaroloye:from what I see in the images presented in this site, I don't think the concave earth theory is plausible. As a matter of fact the earlier quote you made about being dogmatic can be attributes to you too in this case because I don't think you have carried out any experiment to confirm this theory. From the images given in the site the earth is concave shaped having an upturned sides with the oceans upturned too. I don't know how you believe this , aside from the fact that this cannot be proven in reality, water,.. An element covering 70% of the earth surface does not curve convex or concave at the surface, it always remains flat and level at the surface no matter the shape of the container. If the earth is concave, the phenomenon of boats disappearing over the horizon and then being brought back in view with binoculars should have a wall of water at the back ground of the boat. If the earth is concave, the horizon should not be at the eye level with the observer as is the case with a flat plane but should be way above the eye level of the observer. But this has never been observed in any way by any body. The flat earth proof is every where. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to carry out experiment to confirm the flat earth, it can be done by the most simpletons of all people. oaroloye: the roman Catholic would not just decree something that is termed scientific. If it was a religious dogma that would have been the case. Galileo was put under house arrest for 9yrs, 9whole yrs for heresy. In those days heresy was no small offence. Normally how would be tortured and killed in a short time, but he was under house arrest for 9yrs. Why such a long time? This is to allow the news spread and create sympathy for Galileo and the heliocentric model. Albert Widmanstadt lectured on the Copernican model before Pope Clement VII, an action for which he was rewarded. Almost a hundred yrs before galileo. Why even arrest him when the heliocentric model was not new to the catholic church. Why arrest galileo when the originator of the heliocentric model is a Catholic priest. Why arrest galileo when Cardinal Schonberg urged him to publish his work at the cardinals expense. Why arrest galileo if the upper level of the Catholic church already knows Copernicus and his heliocentric theory and were even begging him to publish his work. |
Re: The Hidden Hands That Rule The World by EMILO2STAY(m): 11:57am On Dec 04, 2019 |
The assassination of Abraham Lincoln “ ‘I am so glad to meet you again,’ he said: ‘you see that your friends, the Jesuits have not yet killed me. But they would have surely done it when I passed through their most devoted city, Baltimore, had I not defeated their plans, by passing incognito a few hours before they expected me . . . ’ ‘New projects of assassination are detected almost every day, accompanied with such savage circumstances, that they bring to my memory the massacre of St. Bartholomew and the Gunpowder Plot. We feel, at their investigation, that they come from the same masters in the art of murder, the Jesuits . . . ’‘So many plots have already been made against my life, that it is a real miracle that they have all failed, when we consider that the great majority of them were in the hands of skillful Roman Catholic murderers, evidently trained by the Jesuits.’ Abraham Lincoln, 1864 16th President of the United States Speaking with our hero, Ex-Priest Charles Chiniquy Since, according to Thomas Aquinas, Pope Gregory VII and Canon Law, “it is no murder to kill a heretic,” Sumner had no problem with the rape, murder and theft committed by Grant and Sherman’s “Grande Armee of the Republic” riddled with foreign-born, bigoted, Irish Roman Catholic banditti. But Abraham Lincoln did. Even though he acted the tyrant in wrongly declaring martial law as later determined by the Supreme Court, in keeping Maryland from seceding and in raising the Army of the Potomac “to put down the rebellion,” there is evidence that he had had a change of heart. According to many, Lincoln was converted to Christ after viewing the battlefield at Gettysburg in 1863. He later joined the Presbyterian Church in Washington and had several spiritual conversations with his close friend and converted priest, our hero, Charles Chiniquy. We read: “ ‘I will repeat to you what I said at Urbana, when for the first time you told me your fears lest I would be assassinated by the Jesuits: Man must not care where and when he will die, provided he dies at the post of honour and duty. But I may add, to-day, that I have a presentiment that God will call me to Him through the hand of an assassin. Let His will, and, not mine be done! The Pope and the Jesuits, with their infernal Inquisition, are the only organized powers in the world which have recourse to the dagger of the assassin to murder those whom they cannot convince with their arguments or conquer with the sword . . . It seems to me that the Lord wants to-day, as He wanted in the days of Moses, another victim . . . I cannot conceal from you that my impression is that I am that victim. So many plots have already been made against my life, that it is a real miracle that they have all failed, when we consider that the great majority of them were in the hands of skillful Roman Catholic murderers, evidently trained by Jesuits. But can we expect that God will make a perpetual miracle to save my life? I believe not. The Jesuits are so expert in those deeds of blood, that Henry IV said that it was impossible to escape them, and he became their victim, though he did all that could be done to protect himself. My escape from their hands, since the letter of the Pope to Jeff Davis [who, as Vice President under President Franklin Pierce in 1856, began the of erecting a Masonically designed bronze idol of the Virgin Mary, later hoisted upon the White House Dome in 1863] has sharpened a million daggers to pierce my breast, would be more than a miracle.’ ” President Lincoln resisted the policy of the Jesuits and the Radicals. For, they sought to create a new government with a new citizenship via the Fourteenth Amendment. Lincoln wanted the Southern States to re-enter the Union with the same status with which they had left the Union. Clearly, he, like Andrew Johnson, would never have promoted the Fourteenth Amendment. (It was this open refusal to promote the Fourteenth Amendment for which Lincoln was assassinated and Johnson was impeached although never expelled from office by the Senate. Being a Southerner, Johnson was openly against the Order’s “anti-Mason” Thaddeus Stevens’ Fourteenth Amendment. But secretly, Johnson served the Company by working with his Masonic brethren who protected Lincoln’s assassin in obedience to their master, Shriner Albert Pike!) This would have frustrated the purposes of the Jesuits in creating a new government with absolute power. Lincoln advocated the separation of the races and attempted to repatriate the freed Negroes to Liberia, as Monrovia, named after President James Monroe, had been built for that purpose. The Negro policy of Jefferson, Monroe and Lincoln was the same and it would have thwarted the Jesuits’ plan of amalgamation of both races. It also would have disabled the Jesuits from using the Negro to foment continual agitations resulting in the conferring of more executive power in Washington, ultimately justifying martial law as a result of a contrived race war. Huge, lawless, Black populations would never have grown to such monstrous proportions — financed by the Jesuit New Dealers’ socialist communist welfare system. The explosion of Black socialism and rampant Black crime would never have taken place. This is why Marcus Garvey’s “Back to Africa Movement” was crushed by the tools of the Jesuits in the 1930s. This is why when Black leaders cease to be agitators for the New York Cardinal’s CFR, they lose their influence, like Dick Gregory once did, or are slain, like Malcolm X. Martin Luther (Lucifer) King was also assassinated, as he deviated from his original purpose and began to oppose Spellman’s Vietnam War. It was clear, Abraham Lincoln, newly reelected in 1865, could not be allowed to stay in office four more years. So the Jesuits, with the help of the Secret Service (as in the Kennedy Assassination), shot him with their tool, a Roman Catholic son known as John Wilkes Booth, on April 14, 1865. Lincoln died the following day on April fifteenth. (Years later the Jesuits would make a memorial of that day; for, by April fifteenth all “taxpayers” are required to have made their annual confessions by filing their income tax returns with the Jesuits’ Internal Revenue Service (IRS).) Of the Jesuit hand in Lincoln’s murder we read: “I feel safe in stating that nowhere else can be found in one book the connected presentation of the story leading up to the death of AbrahamLincoln, which was instigated by the ‘Black’ Pope, the General of the Jesuit Order, camouflaged by Pope, Pius IXth, aided, abetted and financed by other “Divine Righters” of Europe, and finally consummated by the Roman Hierarchy and their paid agents in this country and French Canada on ‘Good Friday’ night, April 14th, 1865, at Ford’s Theatre, Washington, D.C.” Again we read the words of our hero, Charles Chiniquy: “But who was that assassin? Booth was nothing but the tool of the Jesuits. It was Rome who directed his arm, after corrupting his heart and damning his soul. After I had mixed my tears with those of the grand country of my adoption, I fell on my knees and asked my God to grant me to show to the world what I knew to be the truth, viz., that the horrible crime was the work of Popery. And, after twenty years of constant and most difficult researches, I come fearlessly today before the American people, to say and prove that the President, Abraham Lincoln, was assassinated by the priests and the Jesuits of Rome. . . . Compare the last hours of the Jesuit Ravaillac, the assassin of Henry IV, who absolutely refuses to repent, though suffering also the most horrible tortures on the rack, with Booth, who suffering also the most horrible tortures from his broken leg, writes in his daily memorandum, the very day before his death: I can never repent. . . . Yes! Compare the deeds of those two assassins, and you will see that they had been trained in the same school; the same teachers had taught them. Evidently Ravaillac, calling all the saints of heaven to his help, at his last hour; and Booth pressing the Medal of the Virgin Mary on his breast, when falling mortally wounded, are both coming out from the same Jesuit mould . . . the Jesuits alone could select the assassins, train them, and show them a crown of glory in heaven, if they would kill the author of the bloodshed, the famous renegade and apostate – the enemy of the Pope and of the Church — Lincoln.” |
Re: The Hidden Hands That Rule The World by aadoiza: 2:31pm On Dec 04, 2019 |
Anyone who knows anything about how programming through Hollywood works will agree with this.
The emboldened show classic case of predictive programming . |
Re: The Hidden Hands That Rule The World by abbeg(m): 8:10pm On Dec 12, 2019 |
EMILO2STAY:Pls show me the "proof" of the flat earth because from what I know mt Everest should be visible from pretty much everywhere on earth . But of course, it isn't. BECAUSE THE EARTH IS A SPHERE. If you don't believe earth is a ball, then you also shouldn't believe in Satellites, Radios, GPS, TVs , Naval guns, etc. because all these things work on the principle that earth is a sphere. I'm asking you, show me one, just ONE proof that earth is flat. And I mean one that can't be debunked in minutes. ![]() |
Re: The Hidden Hands That Rule The World by abbeg(m): 8:21pm On Dec 12, 2019 |
EMILO2STAY:The US took Nazi scientists because they were the ones that developed the V1 flying bomb and the V2 ballistic missile used against the Brits in ww2, NOT because the Vatican told them to do it. From these weapons they were able to develop the rockets that sent man to space. FUN FACT: They also took German and Japanese naval vessels to test nuclear weapons on. Were these also part of the 'conspiracy' ? The big bang THEORY THEORY It's called theory for a reason you know? It's actually not a proven fact. I personally don't believe it btw. Even scientists don't take it as a 100% truth. Also the bible is NOT a flat earth book. Conspiracy theorists should stop dragging christainity into their ridiculous theories . There is no where in the bible that points to earth being flat. It obviously just meant the heaven is "above" the earth, and we should hold it in high regard. You should know how the bible uses vivid images to explain things. |
Re: The Hidden Hands That Rule The World by EMILO2STAY(m): 1:10pm On Dec 14, 2019 |
abbeg:I can see your a jjc, go through all my threads and you will see all the proofs your looking for I can't waste my time on people like you anymore. |
Re: The Hidden Hands That Rule The World by budaatum: 11:46am On Sep 03, 2020 |
EMILO2STAY: budaatum: |
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