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Arsenal Vs Manchester United (2 - 0) On 1st January 2020 - European Football (EPL, UEFA, La Liga) (17) - Nairaland

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Re: Arsenal Vs Manchester United (2 - 0) On 1st January 2020 by yusman14(m): 12:04am On Jan 02, 2020

Depay neva had d chance to play well 4 united. Buh i blame him 4 dat cos Van gal gave him playin tym buh he was to concerned abt his luks, always puttin on hand gloves nd doin fine boy on d pitch. Buh he picked up his form instantly at lyon.
Januzaj was a promising young star who had a veri bright future ahead of him. Buh i still believed dat united killed his career. Now d guy is no where to b found. Last world cup d guy did well wit Belguim wit d little tym he was given.
Wat am tryin to say is dat united no longer build stars rada dey kill dem, thereby makin dem useless, buh dey picked back thier form as soon as dey leave united.
Lol, united problem nid prayers.
januzaj was a promising star,not world class@all... man-u is an average team presently...the only good thing about this team is their old and past glories....Pogba and mata are my best players
Re: Arsenal Vs Manchester United (2 - 0) On 1st January 2020 by Expert17: 12:05am On Jan 02, 2020

Bro u completely right. Even Van Dyke will nt hv found life in united as Rossy as it is in liverpool. Van Dyke wuld hv lost form nd confidence at united.
Ole nids to go nd Woodward also nids to go. 4 christ sake hw will Woodward who is jux a business man b incharge of transfer. He has neva gone to any football skul or any course in footbal. He is only interested in makin profit 4 united.

I am a die hard fan.....
I m really hurt dis nite.....

Ur comment HV served as consolation.


Re: Arsenal Vs Manchester United (2 - 0) On 1st January 2020 by Numerouno94(m): 12:07am On Jan 02, 2020

Bro, apart from Sanchez who was almost past his prime and Pogba all others can't be vouched for.

Maguire was not top notch in the world cup plus he never covered Leicester as Evans and soyonchu are doing now.
The stats are there bro, don't let the British media make you not check them.
Maguire was Leicesters 3rd best player after Mahrez nd Madison den. He was a fine defender wit leadership qualities. He usually plays Leicester cities penalty wen Mahrez left 4 Man city.
He was Englands best defender at d world cup. To an xtent, Maguire is a top player. Jux dat kumin to united killed him alot. I hope he picks bak his form soon.


Re: Arsenal Vs Manchester United (2 - 0) On 1st January 2020 by Expert17: 12:07am On Jan 02, 2020
I think y'all overrate the importance of Virgil , dude is the main nigga . But we still got Robertson , TAA and the mighty Thor (Allison) . Allison saved us from getting knocked out by Napoli last season .

Coming from a Liverpool fan.... Thanks.

Messi can't safe man utd, rite now.
Re: Arsenal Vs Manchester United (2 - 0) On 1st January 2020 by Numerouno94(m): 12:11am On Jan 02, 2020

I am a die hard fan.....
I m really hurt dis nite.....

Ur comment HV served as consolation.
Ur welcome bro.
Am also a die hard fan of united. Dats why its annoying seeing dem becomin a mediocre.
I will only watch united match wen Woodward nd Ole leave. Untill den, i will stay of dem. Its frustrating. Gud nyt bro. Slip tyt.


Re: Arsenal Vs Manchester United (2 - 0) On 1st January 2020 by dgame2k2(m): 12:11am On Jan 02, 2020

I knw English Media can b a nuisance most tyms buh Maguire is gud. I watched him at d world cup. He was a beast. He was always scoring goals at Leicester despite bn a defender. Buh his confidence has dropped drastically since bcomin a united player. I blif d guy will b back to form if united decides to do some restructuring.
thank you, I don't know how people watch football. Manchester united problem is organizational, VVD will be ordinary had it been he joined united, take a look at smalling and lukaku.


Re: Arsenal Vs Manchester United (2 - 0) On 1st January 2020 by Expert17: 12:12am On Jan 02, 2020
what did man city recover from? They were never a big team

It took Dem 54 years to win d league again,......(winning d league in 2011/2012).....
Re: Arsenal Vs Manchester United (2 - 0) On 1st January 2020 by MajorWarren: 12:12am On Jan 02, 2020
Half baked right back...only tackle e Sabi.... Arnold anytime any day....I am a Chelsea fan though...
Trent is miles clear of him. Defensively he’s solid but offensively he makes me laugh grin
Was just having an argument with a colleague about this. Trent is better defensively than Wan Bisakka is offensively.

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Re: Arsenal Vs Manchester United (2 - 0) On 1st January 2020 by Numerouno94(m): 12:14am On Jan 02, 2020
januzaj was a promising star,not world class@all... man-u is an average team presently...the only good thing about this team is their old and past glories....Pogba and mata are my best players
I tink Pogba has lost luv nd passion 4 united. He jux wants to leave. I tink its high tym united sold him to Madrid.
To me James has bn my best player so far dis season.
Re: Arsenal Vs Manchester United (2 - 0) On 1st January 2020 by MajorWarren: 12:15am On Jan 02, 2020
thank you, I don't know how people watch football. Manchester united problem is organizational, VVD will be ordinary had it been he joined united, take a look at smalling and lukaku.

Maguire is an average defender, there’s no bias about that. When you think about it, are Leicester worse off now than they were with him there?
Re: Arsenal Vs Manchester United (2 - 0) On 1st January 2020 by Numerouno94(m): 12:17am On Jan 02, 2020
thank you, I don't know how people watch football. Manchester united problem is organizational, VVD will be ordinary had it been he joined united, take a look at smalling and lukaku.
Tank u bro. United nids a complete team change, nt jux d prayers but also d board members. Only den will united get back its peak.
Most players nids to go. Players lyk Lingard nd Matic dnt hv business being in united.
Re: Arsenal Vs Manchester United (2 - 0) On 1st January 2020 by LZAA: 12:20am On Jan 02, 2020

My guy, Maguire is nt an average player.If u watch Maguire durin d world cup nd his performance at Leicester city, den u will realise how gud d guy is. United has bn killin players. Imagine hw a world class player lyk Sanchez flopped at united. Wat abt Di maria? Pogba? Depay? Januzaj? Obatan? Falcao? Dalop nd oda gud players dat hv flopped at united.
See ordinary smallin doin well in Roma, even Lukaku is doin well at inter.
Maguire nd Wan Bisaka wuld hv bn an instant hit if dey had joined City or liverpool.
Imagine De gea a world class keeper is now becomin a flop.
United nids a team overall. Nd sum of d board members nids to go xpecially Woodward. Untill den united will always b a shadow of itself.
Even Raiola vowed neva to bring any of his clients to united cos d team kills players easily. He even said Maradona nd Pele wuld hv flopped in dis present united. Pls united problem is nt Maguire pls.
Even Messi nd Ronald will find it difficult to gel in United.
You are taking the words of an agent who man utd refused to pay silly commission again to seriouslygrin
Oh lord
Like a bro said pls do not let the media deceive you
United need just 5 players to return to the top
Three midfielders,one world class centre half and a striker
Sacking ole and putting Woodward back in the finance department is a must too

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Re: Arsenal Vs Manchester United (2 - 0) On 1st January 2020 by Ebenezar2020(m): 12:30am On Jan 02, 2020

Yes that's it, download and install it then open it and go to sports, search sky sports or BT 1-3 as you do so the size will grow to it's normal one.
Note: you need to have a very good 4g network to quickly connect sha o
thanks bro God bless u
Re: Arsenal Vs Manchester United (2 - 0) On 1st January 2020 by Expert17: 12:37am On Jan 02, 2020

Maguire is an average defender, there’s no bias about that. When you think about it, are Leicester worse off now than they were with him there?

Evans was at United ....... BN benched by Smalling b4 leaving after scoring series of own goals n mistakes ..... So u DNT judge football dat way.
Re: Arsenal Vs Manchester United (2 - 0) On 1st January 2020 by MajorWarren: 12:42am On Jan 02, 2020

Evans was at United ....... BN benched by Smalling b4 leaving after scoring series of own goals n mistakes ..... So u DNT judge football dat way.
I am actually going individually as a player. Wan Bisakka locks down right back position and he doesn’t get spun easily. Same as VVD. But look at Maguire who gets spun at least twice per match. He’s not that good bro.
Re: Arsenal Vs Manchester United (2 - 0) On 1st January 2020 by Culin(f): 12:50am On Jan 02, 2020


3 trophies den..... Hope u r happy now

grin yes

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Re: Arsenal Vs Manchester United (2 - 0) On 1st January 2020 by Expert17: 12:52am On Jan 02, 2020

I am actually going individually as a player. Wan Bisakka locks down right back position and he doesn’t get spun easily. Same as VVD. But look at Maguire who gets spun at least twice per match. He’s not that good bro.

D issue s not Maguire,....... Far above dat.

We HV over 1000 issues.... Maguire s not included.

VVD is very good, no doubt .... But VVD work s made easier because of KLOPP high defensive line to keep opposition offside........
Every time Man utd tries dis, Shaw and Lindelof always spoil d offside trap.( More Dan 5 times dis season).....

Dose Liverpool players are also great for dier countries,...... And Van Dirk is not dere with Dem....
So like d popular saying,... A tree can't make a forest( Maguire), also a Tree can burn down a Forrest (Lindelof, de Gea, shaw,POGBA, ole , Woodward)
Re: Arsenal Vs Manchester United (2 - 0) On 1st January 2020 by Nobody: 12:53am On Jan 02, 2020

It took man city 54 years to recover......

Liverpool 30 years......

Manutd mite take 150 years..... Abeg i can't wait for Dem...

Man United can't take that long because they have the finance and the market.
They need to be shrewd in their signings and remove sentiments too from the board.
If Man United remove sentiments, they will make good signings and come back to the top.


Re: Arsenal Vs Manchester United (2 - 0) On 1st January 2020 by MajorWarren: 1:03am On Jan 02, 2020

D issue s not Maguire,....... Far above dat.

We HV over 1000 issues.... Maguire s not included.

VVD is very good, no doubt .... But VVD work s made easier because of KLOPP high defensive line to keep opposition offside........
Every time Man utd tries dis, Shaw and Lindelof always spoil d offside trap.( More Dan 5 times dis season).....

Dose Liverpool players are also great for dier countries,...... And Van Dirk is not dere with Dem....
So like d popular saying,... A tree can't make a forest( Maguire), also a Tree can burn down a Forrest (Lindelof, de Gea, shaw,POGBA, ole , Woodward)

VVD isn’t a system player he is just a really really good player. Maguire should’ve been bought for maybe 40m but cos he’s English he got overhyped and went for the 80.
And tbh your team still has quality players you just need to get a competent enough manager to get the beat out of those boys.
Re: Arsenal Vs Manchester United (2 - 0) On 1st January 2020 by kellight(m): 1:06am On Jan 02, 2020
sometimes when I look at one on one marking of world's most expensive defender

I cry for football

Madt grin grin grin grin
Re: Arsenal Vs Manchester United (2 - 0) On 1st January 2020 by Expert17: 1:12am On Jan 02, 2020

VVD isn’t a system player he is just a really really good player. Maguire should’ve been bought for maybe 40m but cos he’s English he got overhyped and went for the 80.
And tbh your team still has quality players you just need to get a competent enough manager to get the beat out of those boys.

Everything abt England is over hype......( Dats one of d disadvantages of having an excellent Media team)

Dats d same way dey r giving Sancho a price tag of over 100m.
James maddison 80m
Declan rice 50m
Chilwell 50m

HAALAND wud HV BN sold for over 80m had it BN, he was an England player.

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Re: Arsenal Vs Manchester United (2 - 0) On 1st January 2020 by MajorWarren: 1:16am On Jan 02, 2020

Everything abt England is over hype......( Dats one of d disadvantages of having an excellent Media team)

Dats d same way dey r giving Sancho a price tag of over 100m.
James maddison 80m
Declan rice 50m
Chilwell 50m

HAALAND wud HV BN sold for over 80m had it BN, he was an England player.

Fam I hate that about England media. The prices they quote for these players are diabolical.
Sancho and Madders as sick as they are shouldn’t cost anything more than 50-70m and that’s me being generous and going with the inflated market.

Chilwell and Rice I’ve got nothing to say but lol.


Re: Arsenal Vs Manchester United (2 - 0) On 1st January 2020 by Nobody: 1:20am On Jan 02, 2020

Maguire was Leicesters 3rd best player after Mahrez nd Madison den. He was a fine defender wit leadership qualities. He usually plays Leicester cities penalty wen Mahrez left 4 Man city.
He was Englands best defender at d world cup. To an xtent, Maguire is a top player. Jux dat kumin to united killed him alot. I hope he picks bak his form soon.
Are you trying to confuse me or you are confused yourself?
When did Madison, Mahrez and Maguire played in same team?
Go get your facts right please because they never played in the same team.
Maguire only joined Leicester in 2017 while Madison joined in 2018 when Mahrez was leaving, so tell me how Maguire was in charge of taking penalties when he just came in that season when Mahrez had been their talisman for that?
I hope you won't come and say he (Maguire) made them carry the league when he wasn't there that season.
Did you not noticed the club started going weak defensively when he joined Leicester, unlike their title winning defense? Check how compact their defense is now that he left.

Talking about being the best defender in England at the world cup. Who is the other defender in England to compare to him? He was seen as the best because he was the top average among a pack of average players.
Did you watch the matches against Belgium and Croatia and how they lost? It will show you how a top team will always expose his defensive deficiencies? He lacks positioning and communication skills.
The guy is good but not more than an average defender.
Nathan Ake is a better defender at the moment if we go by stats, even in a lowly Bournemouth.
Forget the hype and media whatever, that's what the British media are known for.

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Re: Arsenal Vs Manchester United (2 - 0) On 1st January 2020 by Nobody: 1:24am On Jan 02, 2020

Fam I hate that about England media. The prices they quote for these players are diabolical.
Sancho and Madders as sick as they are shouldn’t cost anything more than 50-70m and that’s me being generous and going with the inflated market.

Chilwell and Rice I’ve got nothing to say but lol.
Sancho is not up to 50m please.
Madison is even not up to 40m.
The media hype is the reason most of their players don't do well. The media think they are helping but they are destroying them before they mature, thank God for Sterling who got a Guardiola as a coach to guide him through if not Pellegrino couldn't help him.

From Wright Philips to Lennon to Pennant to Joe Cole, etc.
The Media hyped them and made them to be local heroes who never performed more than 3 seasons.

Jus imagine Ronaldo or Messi being an English player, the debabte about who's best would have been settled because the media would have hijacked the system in their favour.

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Re: Arsenal Vs Manchester United (2 - 0) On 1st January 2020 by MajorWarren: 1:31am On Jan 02, 2020

Jus imagine Ronaldo or Messi being an English player, the debabte about who's best would have been settled because the media would have hijacked the system in their favour.

Thank God they ain’t cos the wankfest from the commentators every match would drive everyone insane. No team would even get discussed in the media it’ll just be Messi VS Ronaldo every.single.page.
I do believe Sancho is worth 50m, Madders maybe 40. Sancho has a higher ceiling and his output this season is mad, he ain’t even 20 yet.

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Re: Arsenal Vs Manchester United (2 - 0) On 1st January 2020 by FirstCounsel(m): 1:56am On Jan 02, 2020
grin grin

He's there running around
Re: Arsenal Vs Manchester United (2 - 0) On 1st January 2020 by BENEAMATA: 2:42am On Jan 02, 2020
where is that " oko iyawo " that trolled chelsea fans for 17 pages just to remind herself man utd is the boss (lol ) after chelsea finally slayed arsenal on sunday ? hope your " history " can erase the realisation that the one who just humped your darling club is , well , my bi@c#h ! grin . and what is with the name calling ? last time we checked , your definitiin of TOUT will aptly refer to the ones that attacked craig bellamy ( utd vs city ) and mourinho ( utd vs porto ) at old trafford . . . . . . and there is that kung fu legend ( cantona ) and master of the flying boot ( ferguson ) .i know you are reading this with one of numerous moniker but sha sorry chelsea husband , oko tout grin
Re: Arsenal Vs Manchester United (2 - 0) On 1st January 2020 by princety24(m): 2:52am On Jan 02, 2020
Vision 2020 has landed. So key into it AsEDeyHot
Re: Arsenal Vs Manchester United (2 - 0) On 1st January 2020 by BENEAMATA: 2:53am On Jan 02, 2020
magic? no na juju
grin grin grin grin ; cheesy wink ; cheesy
Re: Arsenal Vs Manchester United (2 - 0) On 1st January 2020 by BENEAMATA: 3:12am On Jan 02, 2020
S(he) dey ghost mode dey observe now, had it man u dey win she for no let person hear word for here

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