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How can I stop being broke in 2020? - Business - Nairaland

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How can I stop being broke in 2020? by olendave(m): 2:26pm On Jan 02, 2020
My name is David. Am a HND graduate of computer engineering with distinction grade.
I graduated recently and I have been trying to get myself hooked up with some jobs online. But, I am yet to earn any penny from them all. Although I thought of getting some skill online but, I have been limited by funds to get a laptop, which will help me a lot to acquire the skills and even engage in structured online business.
In this view I would love people to share some ideas with me, which I can implement to begin a beautiful journey to earn money online. I only have a phone with operamini freebrowsing data.
I am tired of been broke, pls help a friend.

32 Likes 4 Shares

Re: How can I stop being broke in 2020? by Ayodehji202: 7:39pm On Jan 02, 2020
you fit start with racksterly or mini importation

16 Likes 4 Shares

Re: How can I stop being broke in 2020? by ufotty2001: 8:17pm On Jan 02, 2020
If u want to stop being broke throw away your certificate or HND enter into street, get a skill and Excel in it

119 Likes 4 Shares

Re: How can I stop being broke in 2020? by Nobody: 8:32pm On Jan 02, 2020
Nigeria Education! See what you cause? Somebody with Distinction in Computer Engineering don't know how to generate wealth

A scenerio of having A in class but D in life

253 Likes 14 Shares

Re: How can I stop being broke in 2020? by Nobody: 8:59pm On Jan 02, 2020
Bqba u need to act fast.

9 Likes 3 Shares

Re: How can I stop being broke in 2020? by Gee64: 10:35pm On Jan 02, 2020
The link on my signature below makes some cash for me some weekends

2 Likes 1 Share

Re: How can I stop being broke in 2020? by eliok(m): 11:47pm On Jan 03, 2020
Find a valuable info that people will pay for.

Package it in eBook format

Sell the eBook

45 Likes 7 Shares

Re: How can I stop being broke in 2020? by MrAlert(m): 7:56am On Jan 04, 2020
Learn how to market.

4 Likes 4 Shares

Re: How can I stop being broke in 2020? by pushups44: 8:47am On Jan 04, 2020
As others have pointed out, you can learn a digital trade so you can freelance online and be your own boss. However, this takes dedication and practice. There are plenty of opportunities for graphics designers. If you learn programming, there could be plenty of opportunities for you in that area. As far as the get-rich-quick schemes online, please avoid them. I advise people to get advice from licensed financial advisors like my friend Jason Groth. To build wealth takes time, and by telling people you are broke, you may attract those trying to take advantage of you. Please be careful with the people who approach you online.

72 Likes 9 Shares

Re: How can I stop being broke in 2020? by Hamzashaf99(f): 2:55pm On Jan 04, 2020
You are even more fortunate than me. My degree was B.Pharm, not easily marketable online.

So if I were you, I would start this way!

What do I know really well? Must not be much. The little you know is more than what 90% of the planet do.
Where can I find people who need this kind of information?

What sites can I go to to learn more?

Then gradually teach others what you have learnt, where they are.

As you learn more, you can make an eBook about the basics, and sell. You can easily do this in one month.

There, you can also find people who might require your skills. It might be as simple as designing a book cover, but its a start.

Make sure whatever it is you do a good job.
This is necessary so you can get good reviews for future customers.

This is not much, but its a start.

Best wishes.

45 Likes 4 Shares

Re: How can I stop being broke in 2020? by crowniran(m): 3:53pm On Jan 04, 2020
If you are interested in learning web development and you have no clue on where to get good materials or don't have enough cash, then I can give you access to my udemy account for just 3000 naira.. these are courses that go as high as 200$. There are other course you can find interest in too... contact me through my signature

7 Likes 2 Shares

Re: How can I stop being broke in 2020? by LieDetector(m): 5:52pm On Jan 04, 2020
If u want to stop being broke throw away you certificate or HND enter into atreet, get a skill and Excel in it
he said he doesn't even have money to aquire a skill


Re: How can I stop being broke in 2020? by ufotty2001: 7:35pm On Jan 04, 2020
he said he doesn't even have money to aquire a skill
then he is not ready yet

7 Likes 1 Share

Re: How can I stop being broke in 2020? by Bluetooth10(m): 9:21pm On Jan 04, 2020
Start hustling from Monday...

4 Likes 2 Shares

Re: How can I stop being broke in 2020? by uzohrome(m): 1:13pm On Jan 05, 2020
To make money is simple...

Find out the pain that people have.

Provide them the solution to fix that pain...

Because they want that pain fixed, they'll open their wallet to you.

It's simple but not easy...

That's why a lot of folks are broke.

They want it SIMPLE & EASY.

22 Likes 2 Shares

Re: How can I stop being broke in 2020? by rentAcock(m): 5:46am On Jan 06, 2020
No offense bro, when I read the part about you not having a laptop I thought I could gift you a laptop I have sitting around. But then I decided to check out your previous posts just to make sure you aren't trying to use style to get free stuff online and I noticed you spend most of your time on Nairaland romance and dating sections.
If you are really trying to broaden your skills and increase your online revenue, I swear you will be on fiverr, upwork and several other freelance threads right here on nairaland. If you are really determined, you can find people willing to teach you for free, some are even willing to raise money for a basic laptop to get you started but instead you spend more time on romance threads where the OP is asking for girlfriend.
My advice to you is to browse freelance threads on nairaland, join facebook and whatsapp groups with like minds, take cheap classes on udemy and Lynda. I kid you not, I know several guys earning over N5,000,000 a year just on freelancing sites. You may start out making just 80k a month, but it gets better, it sure beats being dead broke.

151 Likes 19 Shares

Re: How can I stop being broke in 2020? by Goldenheart(m): 5:49am On Jan 06, 2020
My Journey to making money started after reading the richest man in babylon... tongue


Re: How can I stop being broke in 2020? by iamme1234(m): 5:49am On Jan 06, 2020
Go and hack central Bank of Nigeria
If truly you are computer guru then you won't be broke forever

4 Likes 2 Shares

Re: How can I stop being broke in 2020? by Appswheel(m): 5:49am On Jan 06, 2020
Re: How can I stop being broke in 2020? by slapacha: 5:50am On Jan 06, 2020
Stay indoor
Re: How can I stop being broke in 2020? by MANNABBQGRILLS: 5:52am On Jan 06, 2020

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Re: How can I stop being broke in 2020? by omamush(f): 5:53am On Jan 06, 2020
Hustle oo, make you no go ask "How can I stop being broke"

5 Likes 1 Share

Re: How can I stop being broke in 2020? by Vcent50: 5:53am On Jan 06, 2020
Learn a skill that can fetch you money


Re: How can I stop being broke in 2020? by Avast(m): 5:54am On Jan 06, 2020
Go and hack central Bank of Nigeria
If truly you are computer guru then you won't be broke forever
Computer engineering not science
Re: How can I stop being broke in 2020? by handsomeyinka(m): 5:56am On Jan 06, 2020

11 Likes 3 Shares

Re: How can I stop being broke in 2020? by Gwagone: 5:56am On Jan 06, 2020
Do delivery work and collect your cash daily


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