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Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons - Foreign Affairs - Nairaland

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Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons by Nobody: 11:06am On Jan 07, 2020
Dozens of people have been killed in a stampede that erupted in the Iranian city of Kerman at the funeral procession for a top commander killed in an air strike by the United States, according to officials.

"So far 40 people were killed and 213 others were wounded in the incident," the semi-official Fars news agency reported on Tuesday, citing an emergency services official.

Earlier, the head of the country's emergency services, Pirhossein Koolivand, told state television that "32 of our citizens lost their lives in the procession ... and 190 were injured" due to "overcrowding".

The injured were immediately transferred to hospital, he added.

Initial videos posted online showed people lying lifeless on a road, others shouting and trying to help them.

Hundreds of thousands of people had gathered in the small city of Kerman for the burial of Qassem Soleimani, the head of Iran's elite Quds Force, who was assassinated on Friday near the international airport of Iraq's capital, Baghdad.

The burial was postponed, the semi-official ISNA news agency reported, without providing more details.

Tuesday's funeral comes after days of processions that attracted huge crowds in the streets of Ahvaz in southwestern Iran, followed by Mashhad in the northwest, the capital Tehran and the holy city of Qom.

Al Jazeera's Assed Beig, reporting from Tehran, said many who were unable to attend the previous gatherings had made their way to the final procession in Kerman.

"People are travelling in narrow spaces, going in one direction to that specific graveyard - and that could be one of the reasons as to why a stampede has happened," Beig said.

The assassination of Soleimani triggered a dramatic escalation of tensions in the region and marked the most significant confrontation between the United States and Iran in recent years.

Source: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/01/dozens-killed-stampede-soleimani-funeral-iran-state-tv-200107093406578.html

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Re: Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons by Nobody: 11:09am On Jan 07, 2020
Hmm....Can we liken this to the olden days Yoruba 'ABOBAKU' tradition shocked


142 Likes 10 Shares

Re: Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons by Switruth: 11:16am On Jan 07, 2020

54 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons by gmo10(m): 11:21am On Jan 07, 2020

1 Like 1 Share

Re: Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons by johnkay1(m): 11:22am On Jan 07, 2020
Re: Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons by PointZerom: 11:26am On Jan 07, 2020
They died with the terrorist.

242 Likes 13 Shares

Re: Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons by dejiolaniyan(m): 12:01pm On Jan 07, 2020
Heard any terrorist pull mammoth of crowd to his funeral before? There is more to world politics than common man could tell! undecided

266 Likes 16 Shares

Re: Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons by Maxymilliano(m): 12:34pm On Jan 07, 2020
The General must be a Liverpool fan.

"You Never Walk Alone YNWA" ... He has gone home with 36 persons, which means Donald Trump has succeeded in killing 36 Iranians before the real war starts.

313 Likes 14 Shares

Re: Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons by Theflint1(m): 2:49pm On Jan 07, 2020
Hmm....Can we liken this to the olden days Yoruba 'ABOBAKU' tradition shocked


cc: Lalasticlala, Mynd44, Dominique
cheesy cheesy
Re: Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons by 1kworks: 6:21pm On Jan 07, 2020

Baba God abeg no let make people only gather like this for me when I die.

Gimme a reason to be celebrated instead when I'm alive.

Anyways, hope you all enjoyed the festive season cos I sure did grin
So I am back with your social media mockups and graphic designs so holla at me if you want anything designed.

Before I forget, this mockup below is just 1k so start sending in your messages now.

139 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons by Paulpaulpaul(m): 6:22pm On Jan 07, 2020
And this guy is a terrorist?

79 Likes 7 Shares

Re: Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons by franchasng: 6:22pm On Jan 07, 2020
Re: Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons by Beosten(m): 6:22pm On Jan 07, 2020
Suleiman my guy, Oba of Benin II. E no wan go alone e come take 40 persons join.

16 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons by KingAzubuike(f): 6:22pm On Jan 07, 2020
The irony of all these brouhaha is that 90% of Nigerians hadn't heard of or know anything about soleimani before that Friday assassination. Yet you will see them coming online with their empty heads to say he was a terrorists this and that when infact the biggest terrorists the world had ever seen is USA. They killed more than a hundred children in a village called azizabad in Afghanistan around 2001 , their excuse was that they were looking for a mysterious taliban. In 2012 , they repeated the same thing against innocent kids. During the Iraq war in the early 2000s, they captured afghan citizens about 50 in number , locked them up and tortured them. They've assisinated people on their own soil, invaded another country's airspace and committed heinous atrocities. This country called USA is the biggest terrorists of the 21st century and they're determined to do more by destroying Iranian cultural sites. They've been behind the creation of several terrorist and militia group around the world. They created a tiny and weak nation called Israel and spoonfed them with money and military support just because they want them to assist in destabilizing the middle east. It's just terrible.


123 Likes 17 Shares

Re: Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons by sophtcopy: 6:22pm On Jan 07, 2020
The man is indeed a terrorist shocked
Kills people when dead and alive

105 Likes 5 Shares

Re: Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons by NORSYK(m): 6:22pm On Jan 07, 2020
"Breaking News"
1, 600 people die mourning the 40 that had died already from ..yes..more stampedes in each of those Funerals

32 Likes 1 Share

Re: Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons by MrTrend(m): 6:22pm On Jan 07, 2020

Africans will say it's sacrifice


Re: Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons by Palmerbarry: 6:22pm On Jan 07, 2020
angry RIP to the victims. Why does death follow this man everywhere like MTN...


Re: Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons by KUTLWANOKGANYAG: 6:22pm On Jan 07, 2020
They are Chanting Death to America while the Plane that conveyed Soleimani's body to Iran is Boeing (American Plane) and the Vehicle that moved his casket around the country is Ford (American vehicle). Illiteracy and Religion is a big Sickness.


193 Likes 16 Shares

Re: Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons by Nobody: 6:22pm On Jan 07, 2020
As in. Person go mourn dead body follow am die join.
E be like these people brain dey use memory card.

46 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons by tolexy007(m): 6:22pm On Jan 07, 2020
Re: Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons by kittykollinxx(m): 6:23pm On Jan 07, 2020
RIP terrorist sympathizers


Re: Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons by obembet(f): 6:23pm On Jan 07, 2020
Nigeria is the best country in the world.. Nigerian will never be a victims of all this nonsense. Die for who? On top what?..

Abeg.. Am proud to be a Nigerian... Miss Nigeria in making..

Hit luke to Show love for your dear country..

45 Likes 1 Share

Re: Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons by Hedonisco: 6:23pm On Jan 07, 2020
More deaths to them terrorists? Let them blame it on America.


Re: Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons by emmadejust(m): 6:23pm On Jan 07, 2020
embarassed embarassed he is a hero to his people and influencer ..... The marshal didnt try at all to control the croud

1 Like 2 Shares

Re: Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons by babyfaceafrica: 6:24pm On Jan 07, 2020
Hmm....Can we liken this to the olden days Yoruba 'ABOBAKU' tradition shocked


When will u have sense sense?


Re: Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons by gokay11(m): 6:24pm On Jan 07, 2020
Dude was loved by His people.... RIP to the dead

5 Likes 1 Share

Re: Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons by Tyriq: 6:24pm On Jan 07, 2020
Heard any terrorist pull mammoth of crowd to his funeral before? There is more to world politics than common man could tell! undecided
Oga Osama was a terrorist but loved by Muslims all over the world

103 Likes 5 Shares

Re: Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons by kayuseful: 6:24pm On Jan 07, 2020
Na wah

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