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Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons - Foreign Affairs (5) - Nairaland

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Re: Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons by TruthSpeaker: 7:41pm On Jan 07, 2020
Aboki nah the same every where. Senseless people wasting 40 additional lives in the name of mourning one man. Something very similar is very likely to have happen in Northern Nigeria in such a circumstance. Can you imagine if a terrorist had struck while they were all out there making noise? I have very clever Northern friends that I can consider to be my brothers, but on the general a sizable number of Aboki people are senseless. Islamic extremism will never be helpful.

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Re: Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons by SenecaTheYonger: 7:41pm On Jan 07, 2020

Listen to me fool,I got folks in the US,I've been there which I'm sure you haven't so you can't possibly love the country like I do, since you have refused to be sensible and learn I'll leave you to your ignorance,afterall you don't really matter.
30people died in an explosion in bornu yesterday yet I don't see you or your likes talking about this or expressing your grievances to your government even though you have no where else to go if this country finally turns to shit,even we that have options shows more resolve than you.
So keep your mouth out of the US affairs and start talking'bout your country.

I'm not even in Nigeria, you _imbecile. You didn't even make a point other than bragging about how you've been to the US, is this how you admit defeat? You're weak. Who doesn't know the recent bomb blast was done through iran sponsored terror group? Even CNN made a slip up when there was a terror attack, blaming it on Iran, so funny because they support Iran so much and made it look like they know Iran is a terrorist country but yet still support it. I don't care about the Islamic State of Nigeria though, I was only telling you how a country should react when it's sovereignty and people are being threatened, but all that skipped past your NPC head to you bragging about having traveled to the US. Fvcking looser thinks he's hot shiit 'cause he's been to the US, but still lives in NIgeria. Look at how you worship USA. grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin you're pathetic lmfao
Re: Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons by Guide777(m): 7:43pm On Jan 07, 2020
Iran should be wary of how they carry this matter to avoid escalation
Re: Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons by shogsman(m): 7:44pm On Jan 07, 2020
President Trump need to stop being too emotional about things. I used to like him before even amidst his many scandal especially about the Russia interferance in the US election. I like the fact that he's going around making peace, growing the economy and i don't know who gave him this advise.

Obama and the witch woman did same thing in Libya and the aftermath is the death of their Diplomat in Libya.

Exactly this heat could have been totally avoided,it's not the 1900s aiiint nobody especially non-muslims wants to fight a war With nobody over something that was a unilateral decision.now he's sent thousands of young men to fight something he totally started.
Re: Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons by shogsman(m): 7:45pm On Jan 07, 2020
President Trump need to stop being too emotional about things. I used to like him before even amidst his many scandal especially about the Russia interferance in the US election. I like the fact that he's going around making peace, growing the economy and i don't know who gave him this advise.

Obama and the witch woman did same thing in Libya and the aftermath is the death of their Diplomat in Libya.

Exactly this heat could have been totally avoided,it's not the 1900s aiiint nobody especially non-muslims wants to fight a war With nobody over something that was a unilateral decision.now he's sent thousands of young men to fight something he totally started.even if they win,they will be casualties and it will not be a win for the families affected.
Re: Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons by LannisterIMP: 7:45pm On Jan 07, 2020
This is Going to end somewhere. But the wise ones will pick the winning side.

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Re: Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons by Norland4life(f): 7:46pm On Jan 07, 2020

If USA allowed Osama to be buried then you will know he will pull x2 of this crowd. They’re all terrorist

I pity Americans because another terrorist attack awaits them,maybe
Re: Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons by emmaitive(m): 7:50pm On Jan 07, 2020
them for kuku change Islam to death religion
Re: Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons by glowingflame7: 7:51pm On Jan 07, 2020
That's an entourage.
Re: Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons by Blueelf: 7:54pm On Jan 07, 2020
And this one na human being

na FALSE accusation go still kill you

you don sow the seed of lies already, harvest time is nigh

Oga somehow, remember from Naija soccer thread?

But kai, I don't expect you to talk like this.

He may be right you know.
Re: Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons by africanusvu(m): 7:55pm On Jan 07, 2020
They just sited an airplane during the funeral and started running thinking it's an American plane.on the process of running many died
Re: Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons by Pedrotina11: 7:57pm On Jan 07, 2020
War never start unah done dey kill unah self...OK
Re: Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons by Austineva(m): 7:59pm On Jan 07, 2020
They died with the terrorist.
grin grin grin. U de go Church?
Re: Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons by mrblessed(m): 8:00pm On Jan 07, 2020
Foolish people, because of one terrorist soul, 50 people now dead? Tells u how senseless this Arabs can be.them mumu no be small, no wonder the middle east is full of crises and unrest, they are not different from the wayAfricans think
Take note: Iranians are Persians not Arabs.


Re: Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons by basybasy: 8:01pm On Jan 07, 2020
The irony of all these brouhaha is that 90% of Nigerians hadn't heard of or know anything about soleimani before that Friday assassination. Yet you will see them coming online with their empty heads to say he was a terrorists this and that when infact the biggest terrorists the world had ever seen is USA. They killed more than a hundred children in a village called azizabad in Afghanistan around 2001 , their excuse was that they were looking for a mysterious taliban. In 2012 , they repeated the same thing against innocent kids. During the Iraq war in the early 2000s, they captured afghan citizens about 50 in number , locked them up and tortured them. They've assisinated people on their own soil, invaded another country's airspace and committed heinous atrocities. This country called USA is the biggest terrorists of the 21st century and they're determined to do more by destroying Iranian cultural sites. They've been behind the creation of several terrorist and militia group around the world. They created a tiny and weak nation called Israel and spoonfed them with money and military support just because they want them to assist in destabilizing the middle east. It's just terrible.

God will withdraw their power one day.

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Re: Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons by EvilPOTATO(m): 8:01pm On Jan 07, 2020
So stampede has killed more than Trump's bombs. Pathetic.

RIP to the dead.
apart of me wants to laugh at your post but a part of me also feel very sorry for them
Re: Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons by Righteousness89(m): 8:02pm On Jan 07, 2020
The General must be a Liverpool fan.

"You Never Walk Alone YNWA" ... He has gone home with 36 persons, which means Donald Trump has succeeded in killing 36 Iranians before the real war starts.

Over 50 Souls were Wasted today in that stampede ...
Re: Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons by africanusvu(m): 8:02pm On Jan 07, 2020

I pity Americans because another terrorist attack awaits them,maybe
.and the Arabs and Muslims are yet to survive the punishment of 2/11 from that fateful day of 2/11 until now.muslims and Arabs never saw peace and can't ever make such mistake ever again
Re: Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons by JiGermany: 8:03pm On Jan 07, 2020
Ford abi Chevy? undecided
Re: Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons by BiafraforTrump: 8:03pm On Jan 07, 2020
God will deal with all terrorists all over the works, I thank God Almighty for America and Israel and by the special grace of God Biafra will also join them in the league of terrorist crushers....

Islam means terror.
Re: Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons by Raymond76990: 8:05pm On Jan 07, 2020
see below
Re: Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons by JiGermany: 8:05pm On Jan 07, 2020
Re: Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons by Shimran(m): 8:06pm On Jan 07, 2020
Oga we know your type..... Go to Iran to mourn your leader
Only agree if you counter his argument!
Re: Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons by Nobody: 8:09pm On Jan 07, 2020
The irony of all these brouhaha is that 90% of Nigerians hadn't heard of or know anything about soleimani before that Friday assassination. Yet you will see them coming online with their empty heads to say he was a terrorists this and that when infact the biggest terrorists the world had ever seen is USA. They killed more than a hundred children in a village called azizabad in Afghanistan around 2001 , their excuse was that they were looking for a mysterious taliban. In 2012 , they repeated the same thing against innocent kids. During the Iraq war in the early 2000s, they captured afghan citizens about 50 in number , locked them up and tortured them. They've assisinated people on their own soil, invaded another country's airspace and committed heinous atrocities. This country called USA is the biggest terrorists of the 21st century and they're determined to do more by destroying Iranian cultural sites. They've been behind the creation of several terrorist and militia group around the world. They created a tiny and weak nation called Israel and spoonfed them with money and military support just because they want them to assist in destabilizing the middle east. It's just terrible.

Hanty you've been flexing muscles on this issue too much. Since you know so much about international military strategy, why don't you apply your knowledge to the Nigerian army? Who knows, you may help us win the war against Boko haram?
Re: Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons by israelmao(m): 8:10pm On Jan 07, 2020
Even before the full-scale war they have started dying.

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Re: Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons by hope4nigeria(m): 8:11pm On Jan 07, 2020
The irony of all these brouhaha is that 90% of Nigerians hadn't heard of or know anything about soleimani before that Friday assassination. Yet you will see them coming online with their empty heads to say he was a terrorists this and that when infact the biggest terrorists the world had ever seen is USA. They killed more than a hundred children in a village called azizabad in Afghanistan around 2001 , their excuse was that they were looking for a mysterious taliban. In 2012 , they repeated the same thing against innocent kids. During the Iraq war in the early 2000s, they captured afghan citizens about 50 in number , locked them up and tortured them. They've assisinated people on their own soil, invaded another country's airspace and committed heinous atrocities. This country called USA is the biggest terrorists of the 21st century and they're determined to do more by destroying Iranian cultural sites. They've been behind the creation of several terrorist and militia group around the world. They created a tiny and weak nation called Israel and spoonfed them with money and military support just because they want them to assist in destabilizing the middle east. It's just terrible.

tell your terrorist brothers to stop the act of terrorism else they will die in millions, even their children unborn will die 100times.
Re: Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons by Isobug: 8:15pm On Jan 07, 2020
Hmmm.... Someone said earlier in the first page that Isreal is a Tiny and weak Country created by USA.

I just believed you wrote it ignorantly otherwise God won't be happy with you.
Just observation

Re: Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons by Dayoara: 8:16pm On Jan 07, 2020
Oh my God..... Double wahala for deady body.... And the mourners of deady body.
Re: Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons by Dulcinea(f): 8:23pm On Jan 07, 2020
Iranians are very stupid, their regard to life is absolute zero shocked

How can a huge mass of people attend the burial of just one man? This shows how thoroughly brainwashed they are.
Re: Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons by MICHEALADEX(m): 8:24pm On Jan 07, 2020
That was why America killed Osama and buried him in the sea as claimed. Though am of the opinion he was captured and taken away.
Re: Stampede At Qassem Soleimani's Burial Kills 40 People, Injures 213 Persons by Babaflenjor: 8:25pm On Jan 07, 2020
As at 8pm

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