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Reason Why AA Genotype Are Prone To Malaria - Health - Nairaland

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Reason Why AA Genotype Are Prone To Malaria by luckyehis: 9:23am On Jan 12, 2020
This issue has always bothered the minds of many, most especially in sub- Sahara region. Just to share.

Reason Why AA genotype are Prone to Malaria
Various research from various medical fields in the past has established the fact that malaria parasite(falciparum malaria) gotten by mosquito bites (read on how to prevent mosquito bites here) have a very high rate of oxygen use and consumption, the malaria parasite has also been known to also consume massive amounts of hemoglobin, for survival and during the peripheral blood period/stage of replication and duplication. Since blood genotype AA red blood cells contain normal hemoglobin both in quantity and structure, thereby resulting in more oxygen binding capacity and fueling of the malaria parasite duplication and replication process. this is the major reason why malaria parasite (falciparum malaria) survives and thrives well in AA genotype compared to other genotypes.

Re: Reason Why AA Genotype Are Prone To Malaria by Kylekent59: 9:28am On Jan 12, 2020
I am AA, I haven't fallen sick in years.

Since I was 7, till now - no sickness.

People with genotype AA are always strong and resistant to diseases.

I think the OP is mistaken.

Remember we have blood group: O,A,B and AB

There are people who have genotype AA and blood group AB

AA and blood group B type

AA and blood group O+

So, it doesn't necessarily generalise on just people with AA, but linked with their blood group.

So go back and research more. If your writings were true, I would have had malaria thrice in every month, so this renders your post invalid.

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Re: Reason Why AA Genotype Are Prone To Malaria by Mrman360(m): 9:57am On Oct 29, 2021
I am AA, I haven't fallen sick in years.

Since I was 7, till now - no sickness.

People with genotype AA are always strong and resistant to diseases.

I think the OP is mistaken.

Remember we have blood group: O,A,B and AB

There are people who have genotype AA and blood group AB

AA and blood group B type

AA and blood group O+

So, it doesn't necessarily generalise on just people with AA, but linked with their blood group.

So go back and research more. If your writings were true, I would have had malaria thrice in every month, so this renders your post invalid.
I love you, you served him this dish really well. everybody trying so hard to be relevant even with quack studies

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Re: Reason Why AA Genotype Are Prone To Malaria by kingzy02(m): 11:58am On Oct 29, 2021
He is not mistaken, people with AA have a higher chance of getting infected with malaria parasite because of their rich hemoglobin and malaria parasite surviving and replicating faster in their blood but there are other factors to consider like your immune system for example.
I am AA, I haven't fallen sick in years.

Since I was 7, till now - no sickness.

People with genotype AA are always strong and resistant to diseases.

I think the OP is mistaken.

Remember we have blood group: O,A,B and AB

There are people who have genotype AA and blood group AB

AA and blood group B type

AA and blood group O+

So, it doesn't necessarily generalise on just people with AA, but linked with their blood group.

So go back and research more. If your writings were true, I would have had malaria thrice in every month, so this renders your post invalid.


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