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hmm - Romance (6) - Nairaland

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Still A Virgin Comment Hi, No Longer A Virgin Comment Hmm / My Girlfriend Don't No How To Speak Or Written English. Hmm / Hmm This Bad Girl ..... Why?? (picture) (2) (3) (4)

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Re: hmm by realcele: 1:37am On Dec 24, 2010
whatever you think, just think the opposite grin. Always remember no one can forget the past but you can look to a better future. Have fun, life is to be enjoyed, by the time you have more fun and grow older his memories will become faint but to be honest it wont happen overnight. Fun that is life is all about
Re: hmm by donami(m): 7:18am On Dec 24, 2010
you r the 1 telling yourself dat u cannot live witout him and that is what goes to ur mind. Practice sum positive meditation on yourself. Its not in your head bt your mind
Re: hmm by medacares: 7:38am On Dec 24, 2010
nigerian film
Re: hmm by MrCork3: 8:36am On Dec 24, 2010

I'm not looking for a man but how to love another,learn how to read.

arhha, now she wants to learn to read & right undecided
Re: hmm by mrofficial(m): 10:00am On Dec 24, 2010
My advise, just keep sha[i]g[/i]ging, one day, love will come.   grin grin grin
Re: hmm by seedord247(m): 10:21am On Dec 24, 2010
shagging or Zagging ?
Re: hmm by mrofficial(m): 10:23am On Dec 24, 2010
^^ What are you seeing on your computer? shocked shocked shocked

Wash your eyes ooo, me don bypass the anti-corrupt. loool.
Re: hmm by seedord247(m): 10:25am On Dec 24, 2010
but you say you won upgrade am b4,, Sey the installation CD don lost ni?
Re: hmm by freecocoa(f): 10:46am On Dec 24, 2010


Gentle Babs: Yes, … how can I help you?

Freecocoa: Well, after much consideration, I've decided to install Love.
Can you guide me though the process?

Gentle Babs: Yes. I can help you. Are you ready to proceed?

Freecocoa: Well, I'm not very technical, but I think I'm ready. What do I do first?

Gentle Babs: The first step is to open your Heart. Have you located your Heart?

Freecocoa: Yes, but there are several other programs running now. Is it okay to install Love while they are running?

Gentle Babs: What programs are running ?

Freecocoa: Let's see, I have Past Hurt, Low Self-Esteem, Grudge and Resentment running right now.

Gentle Babs: No problem, Love will gradually erase Past Hurt from your current operating system. It may remain in your permanent memory but it
will no longer disrupt other programs. Love will eventually override Low Self-Esteem with a module of its own called High Self-Esteem.
However, you have to completely turn off Grudge and Resentment. Those programs prevent Love from being properly installed. Can
you turn those off ?
Freecocoa: I don't know how to turn them off. Can you tell me how?

Gentle Babs: With pleasure. Go to your start menu and invoke Forgiveness. Do this as many times as necessary until Grudge and Resentment have
been completely erased.

Freecocoa: Okay, done! Love has started installing itself. Is that normal?

Gentle Babs: Yes, but remember that you have only the base program.
You need to begin connecting to other Hearts in order to get the upgrades.

Freecocoa: Oops! I have an error message already. It says, "Error - Program not run on external components ." What should I do?

Gentle Babs: Don't worry. It means that the Love program is set up to run on Internal Hearts, but has not yet been run on your Heart. In
non-technical terms, it simply means you have to Love yourself before you can Love others.

Freecocoa: So, what should I do?

Gentle Babs: Pull down Self-Acceptance; then click on the following files: Forgive-Self; Realize Your Worth; and Acknowledge your Limitations.

Freecocoa: Okay, done.

Gentle Babs: Now, copy them to the "My Heart" directory. The system will overwrite any conflicting files and begin patching faulty programming.
Also, you need to delete Verbose Self-Criticism from all directories and empty your Recycle Bin to make sure it is completely gone and
never comes back.

Freecocoa: Got it. Hey! My heart is filling up with new files. Smile is playing on my monitor and Peace and Contentment are copying themselves
all over My Heart. Is this normal?

Gentle Babs: Sometimes. For others it takes awhile, but eventually everything gets it at the proper time. So Love is installed and running.
One more thing before we hang up. Love is Freeware. Be sure to give it and its various modules to everyone you meet. They will in
turn share it with others and return some cool modules back to you.

Hahaha,you really cracked me up,thanks i got your point.
Re: hmm by NumberOne2(m): 10:58am On Dec 24, 2010
@freecocoa, pls with this state of mind DO NOT get married cos you're going to ruin your marriage.
My advice, go and see a shrink cos this is a psychological problem.
If you are serious about forgetting this dude (that doesn't love you), write down all the bad things he did to you (surely he wasn't perfect like me) and paste next to your mirror. Within a month if you're serious he'll be history.
Re: hmm by MrCork3: 11:28am On Dec 24, 2010

@freecocoa, pls with this state of mind DO NOT get married cos you're going to ruin your marriage.
My advice, go and see a shrink cos this is a psychological problem.
If you are serious about forgetting this dude (that doesn't love you), write down all the bad things he did to you (surely he wasn't perfect like me) and paste next to your mirror. Within a month if you're serious he'll be history.

Bro the chick is goin through a swagmolinick period right now. she needs a man, quick! embarassed
Re: hmm by roymary: 12:11pm On Dec 24, 2010


Gentle Babs: Yes, … how can I help you?

Freecocoa: Well, after much consideration, I've decided to install Love.
Can you guide me though the process?

Gentle Babs: Yes. I can help you. Are you ready to proceed?

Freecocoa: Well, I'm not very technical, but I think I'm ready. What do I do first?

Gentle Babs: The first step is to open your Heart. Have you located your Heart?

Freecocoa: Yes, but there are several other programs running now. Is it okay to install Love while they are running?

Gentle Babs: What programs are running ?

Freecocoa: Let's see, I have Past Hurt, Low Self-Esteem, Grudge and Resentment running right now.

Gentle Babs: No problem, Love will gradually erase Past Hurt from your current operating system. It may remain in your permanent memory but it
will no longer disrupt other programs. Love will eventually override Low Self-Esteem with a module of its own called High Self-Esteem.
However, you have to completely turn off Grudge and Resentment. Those programs prevent Love from being properly installed. Can
you turn those off ?
Freecocoa: I don't know how to turn them off. Can you tell me how?

Gentle Babs: With pleasure. Go to your start menu and invoke Forgiveness. Do this as many times as necessary until Grudge and Resentment have
been completely erased.

Freecocoa: Okay, done! Love has started installing itself. Is that normal?

Gentle Babs: Yes, but remember that you have only the base program.
You need to begin connecting to other Hearts in order to get the upgrades.

Freecocoa: Oops! I have an error message already. It says, "Error - Program not run on external components ." What should I do?

Gentle Babs: Don't worry. It means that the Love program is set up to run on Internal Hearts, but has not yet been run on your Heart. In
non-technical terms, it simply means you have to Love yourself before you can Love others.

Freecocoa: So, what should I do?

Gentle Babs: Pull down Self-Acceptance; then click on the following files: Forgive-Self; Realize Your Worth; and Acknowledge your Limitations.

Freecocoa: Okay, done.

Gentle Babs: Now, copy them to the "My Heart" directory. The system will overwrite any conflicting files and begin patching faulty programming.
Also, you need to delete Verbose Self-Criticism from all directories and empty your Recycle Bin to make sure it is completely gone and
never comes back.

Freecocoa: Got it. Hey! My heart is filling up with new files. Smile is playing on my monitor and Peace and Contentment are copying themselves
all over My Heart. Is this normal?

Gentle Babs: Sometimes. For others it takes awhile, but eventually everything gets it at the proper time. So Love is installed and running.
One more thing before we hang up. Love is Freeware. Be sure to give it and its various modules to everyone you meet. They will in
turn share it with others and return some cool modules back to you.

Wow!!! I enjoyed this. You are officially the Love Systems Analyst.
Re: hmm by Odunnu: 12:17pm On Dec 24, 2010
Re: hmm by Gentlebabs(m): 12:32pm On Dec 24, 2010
@Freecocoa: The reason whyh GOD allowed it is because HE believes you get cans get over it, but HE needs you to believe in yourself that the past is past away. You really have to let go and let GOD hummhm.
Re: hmm by Gentlebabs(m): 12:35pm On Dec 24, 2010
@RoyMary: I will take that as a compliment. Thank GOD for Nairaland, where people can bring their challenges and have them tackled on the platform of reasoning, while welcoming constructive criticisms.
Re: hmm by freecocoa(f): 12:41pm On Dec 24, 2010
@T.Wise. His sister told me he's currently doing his masters and job hunting,that he still loves me but believes i've moved on,his pride/ego won't let him call me cos he still believes another guy was behind my asking for space.Truth is i still want to be with him if possible cos eventhough he is my 3rd bowfwend he's the only one i have PASSION with and the one i really LOVE.I started this thread cos i dnt wanna wait my whole life for him to realize i really love him and didn't leave him for another dude(if that will ever happen)i mean its been two years of thinking of him without being with him,i haven't kissed anyone after him talk more of sex just cos i can't get him outta my head.i want to be able to make passionate love again even if not with him for crying out loud.
Re: hmm by Candyness(f): 12:48pm On Dec 24, 2010
Just give it time and he will fade away@Poster
Re: hmm by roymary: 12:59pm On Dec 24, 2010
Seriously, the Poster asked for what she got. She's the one that ruined the relationship and shouldn't come up saying the dude has some ego issues. He's a man and needs a reasonable bit of that.

No girl is going to tell me she needs some ridiculous space unless she's just had enough and wants out. You don't put your partner on iggy and go pick them up whenever you feel ready. Its crazy.

Poster must have ego issues herself or she woulda ironed out the problems with her man instead of asking for those egocentric break.

Now, enough of the scolding.

It will take time for you to love again and the way out is for you to pay less attention to your emotions and along the line you might find yourself in love again. Its a natural thing huh?
Re: hmm by andyanders: 1:13pm On Dec 24, 2010
Re: hmm by Odunnu: 1:37pm On Dec 24, 2010

@T.Wise. His sister told me he's currently doing his masters and job hunting,that he still loves me but believes i've moved on,his pride/ego won't let him call me cos he still believes another guy was behind my asking for space.Truth is i still want to be with him if possible cos eventhough he is my 3rd bowfwend he's the only one i have PASSION with and the one i really LOVE.I started this thread cos i dnt wanna wait my whole life for him to realize i really love him and didn't leave him for another dude(if that will ever happen)i mean its been two years of thinking of him without being with him,i haven't kissed anyone after him talk more of sex just cos i can't get him outta my head.i want to be able to make passionate love again even if not with him for crying out loud.
Chei! The bolded part made me feel pity for you. But seriously,why cant you throw away your pride,pick up your fone and get back in tune?Atleast i'm sure that if he stil loves you like you say he does,he'd not turn you down if you consistently and persistently try to get his attention back.
Re: hmm by jaybee3(m): 1:49pm On Dec 24, 2010

@T.Wise. His sister told me he's currently doing his masters and job hunting,that he still loves me but believes i've moved on,his pride/ego won't let him call me cos he still believes another guy was behind my asking for space.Truth is i still want to be with him if possible cos eventhough he is my 3rd bowfwend he's the only one i have PASSION with and the one i really LOVE.I started this thread cos i dnt wanna wait my whole life for him to realize i really love him and didn't leave him for another dude(if that will ever happen)i mean its been two years of thinking of him without being with him,i haven't kissed anyone after him talk more of sex just cos i can't get him outta my head.i want to be able to make passionate love again even if not with him for crying out loud.
What happens if you get back with this dude and then discover that he has changed a whole lot?
Chances of things being the way they used to be is limited.

Your best bet is to move on. Have friends, go out and learn to let go.
It's not easy but can be done.
Their is always one special person for everyone out there so open your heart/arms and ease the discovery journey.
Re: hmm by freecocoa(f): 1:51pm On Dec 24, 2010

Chei! The bolded part made me feel pity for you. But seriously,why cant you throw away your pride,pick up your fone and get back in tune?
If i tell u i haven been thinking of doing this i'd be a liar but am scared,2 years is a long time and i don't know what's been happening with him since then,its his sister that said he still loves me,how am i sure thats true?what if he now has a girlfriend and can't be with me again?it'll be hard on me if i call him and he says we can't be again.
Re: hmm by jaybee3(m): 1:56pm On Dec 24, 2010
Don't you think the sister will tell you what you want to hear?
Why this guy though? Do you think you can't do better or find better?
Is your self esteem on the low side or you just don't see yourself getting with any other guy

Love is a process and sometimes takes ages for it to fully develop.
Work hard on liking whomever you are with and surely you going to see the unique things about them that will enable your heart to feel that love again.
Re: hmm by roymary: 2:00pm On Dec 24, 2010

Dr Phil! Please tell that madam some more. 2 years does not sound like 2 weeks nor 2 months to me. She's simply missing the guy. If any of my ex shows up, we won't go beyond s3x.
Re: hmm by freecocoa(f): 2:05pm On Dec 24, 2010
jay bee:

Why this guy though? Do you think you can't do better or find better?
Is your self esteem on the low side or you just don't see yourself getting with any other guy.
Bros believe me my self esteem is on the very high side(part of why i didn't call him for 2 years)its just that hard as i try, i've not been able to feel what i feel for him with any orther guy.
Re: hmm by jaybee3(m): 2:16pm On Dec 24, 2010

Bros believe me my self esteem is on the very high side(part of why i didn't call him for 2 years)its just that hard as i try, i've not been able to feel what i feel for him with any orther guy.
If your self esteem is high then surely you wouldn't be holding on to something that's not there.

2 years is too long to be holding on. You guys don't have any connection other than the sex that happened OVER 2 YEARS ago.

The point about you not having found someone that you can feel shows me you are still unnecessarily holding on and most probably comparing these guys to your old b/f.
Re: hmm by freecocoa(f): 2:34pm On Dec 24, 2010
jay bee:

If your self esteem is high then surely you wouldn't be holding on to something that's not there.

2 years is too long to be holding on. You guys don't have any connection other than the sex that happened OVER 2 YEARS ago
Its easier said than done and i know you know that THE HEART WANTS WHAT IT WANTS,its my self esteem that told me to let him think whatever he wants to at the initial stage of the split, that i can be with whoever i choose to be with but as time went by i realized that i can't lie to myself and that the HEART WANTS WHAT IT WANTS,if happened that he wasn't treating me right then that would've been a different case, i
Re: hmm by jaybee3(m): 2:44pm On Dec 24, 2010

Its easier said than done and i know you know that THE HEART WANTS WHAT IT WANTS,its my self esteem that told me to let him think whatever he wants to at the initial stage of the split, that i can be with whoever i choose to be with but as time went by i realized that i can't lie to myself and that the HEART WANTS WHAT IT WANTS,if happened that he wasn't treating me right then that would've been a different case, i
I'm talking from experience hun. Absolutely no point wasting your time if you are the one that wants the relationship to start all over again. If you are worth the stress then surely he had be calling by now.
I'm sure you don't want him to start uttering this sort of sentence "Why did you have to make me get back together with you" in the future if by any chance you guys get back together and it doesn't work.

I once broke up with a so called love of my life girl and wasn't able to get over it until i sat myself down to re-evaluate what's important in my life.
Loved me for me and started seeing things differently.
Re: hmm by freecocoa(f): 2:49pm On Dec 24, 2010
jay bee:

I'm talking from experience hun. Absolutely no point wasting your time if you are the one that wants the relationship to start all over again. If you are worth the stress then surely he had be calling by now.
I'm sure you don't want him to start uttering this sort of sentence "Why did you have to make me get back together with you" in the future if by any chance you guys get back together and it doesn't work.

I once broke up with a so called love of my life girl and wasn't able to get over it until i sat myself down to re-evaluate what's important in my life.
Loved me for me and started seeing things differently.
Well thanks for your advice,it sure is something to think about.
Re: hmm by jaybee3(m): 2:53pm On Dec 24, 2010
U welcome.
I just don't want you to close your mind on the chance of finding that special one but your ex.
Merry Xmas wink
Re: hmm by freecocoa(f): 3:00pm On Dec 24, 2010
Merry xmas and a happy & prosperous new year to you too.
Re: hmm by 190: 3:08pm On Dec 24, 2010
See everybody running after freecocoa

Kai your market dey sell o,

K-money is in trouble!!

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