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Antichrist Is Getting Ready For The Infamous Reign Of Terror On The Earth - Religion - Nairaland

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The Antichrist Is Preparing his System. / Warning: The Mark Of Antichrist '666' Is Coming / 4 Antichrist Statements Made By Daddy Freeze (VIDEO) (2) (3) (4)

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Antichrist Is Getting Ready For The Infamous Reign Of Terror On The Earth by Cashinflow8: 1:19am On Mar 30, 2020
Now bills like, DSTV, PHCN, TAXES, etc... are paid directly from ATM card. This ATM card is beginning to get so critical to our survival.

Now they are trying to merge all cards into one super card that is multipurpose and it will serve as an ID card. They are generating Social security number for everybody worldwide. Your fingerprints and pictures will be in the systems (SIM registration and International Passport), so that you can be tracked easily.

IF the Antichrist hold your cash and force you to insert the silicon part of your ATM card in your skin and you say NO because you know, its the mark of the beast, 666. What happens? Your guess is as good as mine.

Then the bible is true, when it says, those that did not receive the mark of the beast where unable to buy and sell, and life was pretty hard for them.

With the cashless society everywhere, the antichrist is getting ready for his infamous reign of terror in the world.

That means the rapture is just by the corner, but remember rapture must take place before the reign of the antichrist. Please I beg you.


Brethren, be raptured and always be ready because almost everything on earth is preparing the ground for the declaration of the rule of antichrist.

I want you to take a look at the vigour and ease, with which these ATM, cashless, E PAYMENT, etc.... are happening, it shows that they are being controlled by much higher power under the guise of technology. Have you thought about the satellite television, when the bible said that the antichrist will be speaking and the whole world will be seeing and hearing him at the same time, think about it. However am not discouraging you from using them but am only making you to know why they are made. You will agree with me that the rush for worldly pressures not worth it because the word of God almighty will always end by saying "HE WHO HAS EARS, LET HIM HEAR WHAT THE SPIRIT SAYS".

Please share this message to all your friends and family, you may win a SOUL by drawing his/her attention to REALITIES, SURROUNDING WORLDLY PLEASURES

No one knows when the trumpet shall sound!

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Re: Antichrist Is Getting Ready For The Infamous Reign Of Terror On The Earth by CoronaVirusPro: 1:24am On Mar 30, 2020

Now bills like, DSTV, PHCN, TAXES, etc... are paid directly from ATM card. This ATM card is beginning to get so critical to our survival.

Now they are trying to merge all cards into one super card that is multipurpose and it will serve as an ID card. They are generating Social security number for everybody worldwide. Your fingerprints and pictures will be in the systems (SIM registration and International Passport), so that you can be tracked easily.

IF the Antichrist hold your cash and force you to insert the silicon part of your ATM card in your skin and you say NO because you know, its the mark of the beast, 666. What happens? Your guess is as good as mine.

Then the bible is true, when it says, those that did not receive the mark of the beast where unable to buy and sell, and life was pretty hard for them.

With the cashless society everywhere, the antichrist is getting ready for his infamous reign of terror in the world.

That means the rapture is just by the corner, but remember rapture must take place before the reign of the antichrist. Please I beg you.


Brethren, be raptured and always be ready because almost everything on earth is preparing the ground for the declaration of the rule of antichrist.

I want you to take a look at the vigour and ease, with which these ATM, cashless, E PAYMENT, etc.... are happening, it shows that they are being controlled by much higher power under the guise of technology. Have you thought about the satellite television, when the bible said that the antichrist will be speaking and the whole world will be seeing and hearing him at the same time, think about it. However am not discouraging you from using them but am only making you to know why they are made. You will agree with me that the rush for worldly pressures not worth it because the word of God almighty will always end by saying "HE WHO HAS EARS, LET HIM HEAR WHAT THE SPIRIT SAYS".

Please share this message to all your friends and family, you may win a SOUL by drawing his/her attention to REALITIES, SURROUNDING WORLDLY PLEASURES

No one knows when the trumpet shall sound!



Re: Antichrist Is Getting Ready For The Infamous Reign Of Terror On The Earth by GreatResearcher: 1:32am On Mar 30, 2020

Now bills like, DSTV, PHCN, TAXES, etc... are paid directly from ATM card. This ATM card is beginning to get so critical to our survival.

Now they are trying to merge all cards into one super card that is multipurpose and it will serve as an ID card. They are generating Social security number for everybody worldwide. Your fingerprints and pictures will be in the systems (SIM registration and International Passport), so that you can be tracked easily.

IF the Antichrist hold your cash and force you to insert the silicon part of your ATM card in your skin and you say NO because you know, its the mark of the beast, 666. What happens? Your guess is as good as mine.

Then the bible is true, when it says, those that did not receive the mark of the beast where unable to buy and sell, and life was pretty hard for them.

With the cashless society everywhere, the antichrist is getting ready for his infamous reign of terror in the world.

That means the rapture is just by the corner, but remember rapture must take place before the reign of the antichrist. Please I beg you.


Brethren, be raptured and always be ready because almost everything on earth is preparing the ground for the declaration of the rule of antichrist.

I want you to take a look at the vigour and ease, with which these ATM, cashless, E PAYMENT, etc.... are happening, it shows that they are being controlled by much higher power under the guise of technology. Have you thought about the satellite television, when the bible said that the antichrist will be speaking and the whole world will be seeing and hearing him at the same time, think about it. However am not discouraging you from using them but am only making you to know why they are made. You will agree with me that the rush for worldly pressures not worth it because the word of God almighty will always end by saying "HE WHO HAS EARS, LET HIM HEAR WHAT THE SPIRIT SAYS".

Please share this message to all your friends and family, you may win a SOUL by drawing his/her attention to REALITIES, SURROUNDING WORLDLY PLEASURES

No one knows when the trumpet shall sound!

1 Like

Re: Antichrist Is Getting Ready For The Infamous Reign Of Terror On The Earth by Vega100: 3:27am On Mar 30, 2020
U deserve to be killed and expunged from earth, u are useless
Re: Antichrist Is Getting Ready For The Infamous Reign Of Terror On The Earth by Righteousness89(m): 5:40am On Mar 30, 2020

The Messages are dished out from all corners..

The Normal Sane People have dished out the Message..

A Mad man also dished out the same message few weeks ago..

No One will say I didn't hear..

1 Like

Re: Antichrist Is Getting Ready For The Infamous Reign Of Terror On The Earth by Righteousness89(m): 5:40am On Mar 30, 2020
U deserve to be killed and expunged from earth, u are useless
Re: Antichrist Is Getting Ready For The Infamous Reign Of Terror On The Earth by Nobody: 6:47am On Mar 30, 2020

Now bills like, DSTV, PHCN, TAXES, etc... are paid directly from ATM card. This ATM card is beginning to get so critical to our survival.

Now they are trying to merge all cards into one super card that is multipurpose and it will serve as an ID card. They are generating Social security number for everybody worldwide. Your fingerprints and pictures will be in the systems (SIM registration and International Passport), so that you can be tracked easily.

IF the Antichrist hold your cash and force you to insert the silicon part of your ATM card in your skin and you say NO because you know, its the mark of the beast, 666. What happens? Your guess is as good as mine.

Then the bible is true, when it says, those that did not receive the mark of the beast where unable to buy and sell, and life was pretty hard for them.

With the cashless society everywhere, the antichrist is getting ready for his infamous reign of terror in the world.

That means the rapture is just by the corner, but remember rapture must take place before the reign of the antichrist. Please I beg you.


Brethren, be raptured and always be ready because almost everything on earth is preparing the ground for the declaration of the rule of antichrist.

I want you to take a look at the vigour and ease, with which these ATM, cashless, E PAYMENT, etc.... are happening, it shows that they are being controlled by much higher power under the guise of technology. Have you thought about the satellite television, when the bible said that the antichrist will be speaking and the whole world will be seeing and hearing him at the same time, think about it. However am not discouraging you from using them but am only making you to know why they are made. You will agree with me that the rush for worldly pressures not worth it because the word of God almighty will always end by saying "HE WHO HAS EARS, LET HIM HEAR WHAT THE SPIRIT SAYS".

Please share this message to all your friends and family, you may win a SOUL by drawing his/her attention to REALITIES, SURROUNDING WORLDLY PLEASURES

No one knows when the trumpet shall sound!
Re: Antichrist Is Getting Ready For The Infamous Reign Of Terror On The Earth by Nobody: 6:49am On Mar 30, 2020

The Messages are dished out from all corners..

The Normal Sane People have dished out the Message..

A Mad man also dished out the same message few weeks ago..

No One will say I didn't hear..

Re: Antichrist Is Getting Ready For The Infamous Reign Of Terror On The Earth by Jokerman(m): 11:36am On Mar 30, 2020
You are right. Don't mind the agents of the devil here trying to disrupt all you are saying

Buh from the Bible, I think it's tribulation first before rapture. The days of tribulation will be shortened to save the elect, and the world of God must go round before the end comes

After the rapture of the saints , God will now visit His fury on the left behind
Re: Antichrist Is Getting Ready For The Infamous Reign Of Terror On The Earth by KevMitnick: 11:42am On Mar 30, 2020

Now bills like, DSTV, PHCN, TAXES, etc... are paid directly from ATM card. This ATM card is beginning to get so critical to our survival.

Now they are trying to merge all cards into one super card that is multipurpose and it will serve as an ID card. They are generating Social security number for everybody worldwide. Your fingerprints and pictures will be in the systems (SIM registration and International Passport), so that you can be tracked easily.

IF the Antichrist hold your cash and force you to insert the silicon part of your ATM card in your skin and you say NO because you know, its the mark of the beast, 666. What happens? Your guess is as good as mine.

Then the bible is true, when it says, those that did not receive the mark of the beast where unable to buy and sell, and life was pretty hard for them.

With the cashless society everywhere, the antichrist is getting ready for his infamous reign of terror in the world.

That means the rapture is just by the corner, but remember rapture must take place before the reign of the antichrist. Please I beg you.


Brethren, be raptured and always be ready because almost everything on earth is preparing the ground for the declaration of the rule of antichrist.

I want you to take a look at the vigour and ease, with which these ATM, cashless, E PAYMENT, etc.... are happening, it shows that they are being controlled by much higher power under the guise of technology. Have you thought about the satellite television, when the bible said that the antichrist will be speaking and the whole world will be seeing and hearing him at the same time, think about it. However am not discouraging you from using them but am only making you to know why they are made. You will agree with me that the rush for worldly pressures not worth it because the word of God almighty will always end by saying "HE WHO HAS EARS, LET HIM HEAR WHAT THE SPIRIT SAYS".

Please share this message to all your friends and family, you may win a SOUL by drawing his/her attention to REALITIES, SURROUNDING WORLDLY PLEASURES

No one knows when the trumpet shall sound!
Seriously? undecided

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Re: Antichrist Is Getting Ready For The Infamous Reign Of Terror On The Earth by Gideon97(m): 12:36pm On Mar 30, 2020
Huh. People and their stupid messages.

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Re: Antichrist Is Getting Ready For The Infamous Reign Of Terror On The Earth by Gideon97(m): 12:36pm On Mar 30, 2020
After posting this, you're probably going to use your ATM later to withdraw money.


Re: Antichrist Is Getting Ready For The Infamous Reign Of Terror On The Earth by earthsync(f): 6:20pm On Mar 30, 2020
So you see advancement in technology as evil? Nawa o. For all I know it has made life easier.

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