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The Antichrist Is Preparing his System. - Religion - Nairaland

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The Antichrist Is Preparing his System. by seiyefajohn(m): 9:06am On May 08, 2023
The Antichrist is preparing his system.

Recently, the devil through his agents have set up a baphomet book club for children in America. This is a satanic club designed to catch little children and train them in the way of the devil.

Whilst the Church is fast asleep the kingdom of darkness is busy preparing for the reign of the Antichrist.

Whilst the Church is busy debating on doctrines the devil is busy setting up his own religion.

Whilst the Church is busy compromising on holiness without which no one can see GOD, the devil is busy taking the world into the church and setting up his false religion.

Whilst the Church is busy admiring the world and longing to be like the world, the devil and his agents are busy preparing the stage for the antichrist.

Whilst your Prophets and Pastors are busy preparing you for the best life now on earth, receive your miracle money, receive your expensive car, receive your multi-million dollars mansions, etc the devil and his agents are busy preparing the world for the great tribulation period.

The devil is not called deceiver for nothing, he knows pretty well to keep people distracted by the worldly things, the pleasures of this world, the vain fashions, the secular entertainment, the worldly celebrities, etc.

One of the devil's strategy is "to catch them young" he knows pretty well that if he catches your children at their tender ages then he'll have better chances of winning them when they are grown ups.

The word of GOD says in Proverbs 22:6
[6]Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

So the devil is busy training your children in his ways through the cartoons network, games, vain fashions trends, etc. If you love your children watch whatever they watch and train them up in the way of the LORD.

The world is heading towards terrible times, prepare to meet your GOD in holiness, Righteousness and Repentance.

Instead of focusing on earthly corruptible things, focus your eyes and thoughts on JESUS CHRIST, this is the time to prepare and fill your lamps with oil. Purify your garments by living a Holy life and repenting of all your sins.

JESUS CHRIST is coming back anytime from now, prepare for his coming.

Prepare for the imminent return of JESUS CHRIST.

Prepare for the Rapture of the Saints.

We don't have much time left here on earth.

Prepare!! Prepare!! Prepare!!

GOD bless You richly.

John 3:16 & Mark 8:36

It's All about JESUS CHRIST.🙏

By Brother Malven Philipo
Re: The Antichrist Is Preparing his System. by HRHQueenPhil(f): 9:21am On May 08, 2023
Be ready and repent genuinely

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Re: The Antichrist Is Preparing his System. by Felimax(m): 10:14am On May 08, 2023
Why capital "H" on your title?
The anti Christ has been there all along.

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Re: The Antichrist Is Preparing his System. by seiyefajohn(m): 11:36am On May 08, 2023
Why capital "H" on your title?
The anti Christ has been there all along.

Ok. Maybe just making self more revealing. Coming out to public domain more. ...the goal is to be more glaring to the world.

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Re: The Antichrist Is Preparing his System. by seiyefajohn(m): 11:38am On May 08, 2023
Be ready and repent genuinely

Genuinely. Yeah that's right.
Re: The Antichrist Is Preparing his System. by seiyefajohn(m): 11:39am On May 08, 2023
Why capital "H" on your title?
The anti Christ has been there all along.

For the "H" na Nairaland case auto correction...Na im do am.

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