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My Rott's Naughty Behavior: I Need Advice Please - Pets (3) - Nairaland

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Re: My Rott's Naughty Behavior: I Need Advice Please by Lamanii22(f): 1:54pm On Apr 25, 2020
O ti gbabode (I don't know the English interpretation for that) lol

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Re: My Rott's Naughty Behavior: I Need Advice Please by Froshloaded: 1:56pm On Apr 25, 2020
O ti gbabode (I don't know the English interpretation for that) lol
A whole English major? shocked grin

How is the lockdown treating you??


Re: My Rott's Naughty Behavior: I Need Advice Please by irunoko(m): 1:57pm On Apr 25, 2020
That's because you chastise him too much so he has become rebellious

If you continue flogging a child for every little mistake After some time he becomes violent, sturborn and rebellious.thats what happened to your dog.be kind to your dog ,show him more love and watch how meek gentle and obedient he becomes.reduce your chastisement.its not everything he does wrong that you punish him for

When he does something right reward him with food and massage his head.praise him by calling him good boy.he will be happy and start wagging his tail.when you do that consistently he won't be rebellious again

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Re: My Rott's Naughty Behavior: I Need Advice Please by zicoraads: 1:58pm On Apr 25, 2020
So you have a chicken as pet? cheesy grin


Re: My Rott's Naughty Behavior: I Need Advice Please by scofield(m): 1:59pm On Apr 25, 2020
Bros.....he is asserting himself as the master.....you better sell him off or he will attack you to claim he's the master.


Re: My Rott's Naughty Behavior: I Need Advice Please by zicoraads: 1:59pm On Apr 25, 2020
with these large and dangerous breeds it is veery important to establish dominance. make sure he sits before you give him food . Also I would tie him and flog very well with a rod for that snarl. Even something like blocking your way pretending to be sleeping he's testing your dominance. Give an small kick to leave your front. It's what you want he must do not what he wants.. you must be the alpha so get to it before it's too late

Also I wouldn't let him into the house. Too much love is not good for a dog. Have heavy rods and woods handy to discipline him if he tries to bite you again. So many stories of loving female owners savaged and sometimes killed by their large breeds.
But I've seen oyibo people sleep with their dogs on the same bed...

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Re: My Rott's Naughty Behavior: I Need Advice Please by EzzyCarter: 1:59pm On Apr 25, 2020
Few years ago, I bought a 'few weeks old' male Rottweiler. Having catered for the dog for about a year and a half, it attacked me while I was tryna discipline it. Fortunately, it was chained...I had to run for my dear life. I later placed a call to the vet doc, who took it away(sold it)..and I lived happily thereafter. The end.

Thank God for ur life grin


Re: My Rott's Naughty Behavior: I Need Advice Please by Nobody: 2:00pm On Apr 25, 2020
O ti gbabode (I don't know the English interpretation for that) lol

He has taken in bode.. Simple grin


Re: My Rott's Naughty Behavior: I Need Advice Please by Tapout(m): 2:01pm On Apr 25, 2020
wait your chicken has name @ op?? cheesy

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Re: My Rott's Naughty Behavior: I Need Advice Please by apex1711: 2:02pm On Apr 25, 2020
[color=#] 544947[/color]
Re: My Rott's Naughty Behavior: I Need Advice Please by iswallker(m): 2:03pm On Apr 25, 2020
Hope you have a shotgun.. undecided


Re: My Rott's Naughty Behavior: I Need Advice Please by Lamanii22(f): 2:03pm On Apr 25, 2020

A whole English major? shocked grin

How is the lockdown treating you??

grin grin one cannot know it all lol

Mehn... It's tiring now oo... Can it be over soon
Re: My Rott's Naughty Behavior: I Need Advice Please by LagosEconomist: 2:04pm On Apr 25, 2020
Rottis are dominant but loving and protective dogs.

Trying to establish territory and dominance at that age is not unusual, but it must still have a master it respects. You're the one that feeds it everyday & that provision is a symbol of authority right there.

I sense that it may be stressed and not getting enough exercise. Get a leash and take it on a walk at least 3 times a week. The 2nd link I posted suggested not competing for dominance. I disagree. Don't shout the dog down when it is agitated; calm it down instead (perfect time for a doggy treat), but the Rotti must understand who is boss, and that is you.

Get more help on the links below.



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Re: My Rott's Naughty Behavior: I Need Advice Please by Nobody: 2:04pm On Apr 25, 2020
Get a cat, you say NO
Now Gift want to chop your flesh. grin
A small cute kitten will never try this. Ever.

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Re: My Rott's Naughty Behavior: I Need Advice Please by Lamanii22(f): 2:04pm On Apr 25, 2020

He has taken in bode.. Simple grin

grin grin... The more reason I can't keep a dog... They turn out wild later on....
Re: My Rott's Naughty Behavior: I Need Advice Please by Staphylococcus: 2:04pm On Apr 25, 2020
Better eat the dog before he eats you.


Re: My Rott's Naughty Behavior: I Need Advice Please by YoungAncient1: 2:04pm On Apr 25, 2020
After watching Man's best friend (Max 3000) I began to draw the lines with dogs. Puppies are cute and cuddling, anything after that, forget it.


Re: My Rott's Naughty Behavior: I Need Advice Please by CheedyJ(m): 2:04pm On Apr 25, 2020
The hunter will soon be hunted..u better bring d dog make we use am do pepper soup... Don't say I didn't warn u ooo...


Re: My Rott's Naughty Behavior: I Need Advice Please by tete7000(m): 2:05pm On Apr 25, 2020
Kill the useless dog. Must you live with a dog that endangers your life and lives of others around you?

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Re: My Rott's Naughty Behavior: I Need Advice Please by Futurejoy(f): 2:05pm On Apr 25, 2020
Dog Lovers, Please I Need Advise On My Rott's Naughty Behavior

I have a one and a half year old Rottweiler named Gift and I don't understand him anymore. We can't chastise him again when he misbehaves because he bares his teeth and growls menacingly at us if we try to spank him for being naughty. He welcomes us when we come home like any loyal, loving pet, but yesterday he shocked me. Usually as we are about to enter the house he playfully holds one foot down so we can't enter, or he jumps on you and hugs you tight so you can't move. When I got back from work yesterday I was exhausted and I didn't have energy for his play so I hugged him briefly but as I entered the house I mistakenly stepped on his right hindpaw.

He howled, left me, and lunged at me, this time to bite me. He actually narrowly missed my arm.

I was mad. I turned and yelled "Gift are you mad?" He bared his fangs and barked at me. Me sef I bared my teeth at him and ordered him to stand down. He growled, me sef I growled back. Do you know this dog kept advancing menacingly at me and barking? I quickly borrowed myself brain and locked the door. Werey dog.

I can't shoo Matilda, my chicken in his presence. He covers her with his body and warns me away. And now, the most perplexing thing is he now marking every where in the compound. My sib came visiting and before he entered the house, he quickly relieved himself outside because he was very pressed. Do you know Gift went to where the dude urinated and peed on top? It has gotten so bad now that Gift entered the house and marked different sections of the corridor and smaller dining area with pee.

Now, I don't know if this is classic Rott behavior or if he is just being indisciplined. I confess we spoilt him a bit because he is such a sweet animal when he is not misbehaving.

How do we discipline a dog that has grown wings? He is well socialised so it's not a case of too much isolation.

Dogs know good and bad. The way we trained our Caucasian dog , if she does anything good,I spoil her silly . If she does bad , I will carry a cane which I always keep on the roof of her cage and call her name. Once she sees me with the cane I will tell her to go to her cage, normal level, she knows she will chop cane die. So ,she will carry me to run round the compound, the moment my eye change she will enter her cage and go to the extreme end and fold up. At that moment, I will tell her what she did and spank her, funny enough I don’t spank her beyond two soft strokes to remind her that we own her and she must obey us.Most times I carry whatever she destroys to her face while I spank her. In terms of pooing in restricted places, I willl take her there and show her then spank her there. I will then release her to her cage where she will go and reflect on her wrong doings. Most of them, she never repeated after that treatment.
We lost her recently and I cried like a human being died. She was a companion and a friend, a dog with the heart of a child. She could sense emotions (pain and happiness)

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Re: My Rott's Naughty Behavior: I Need Advice Please by dan2976: 2:05pm On Apr 25, 2020
All I know is that your dogs needs to fear you. Get a good chain, and I mean a very good chain that won't break and chain that dog when he has calmed down. Then beat the dog... When you are through, don't feed for a day if you have to. When you want to feed. Make sure you are the one who does it. It needs to know who is boss. Its already showing you signs that it doesn't want to be controlled. That being said, stepping on a dogs paws or tail will always trigger an angry reaction. Some will let it go after a while and some won't. They all have different characters.


Re: My Rott's Naughty Behavior: I Need Advice Please by blackmantis: 2:06pm On Apr 25, 2020
You have to take charge.....

It has to know you are in charge.

For me... when my dog starts acting up. I chain it short and with a good cane or wire beat it very well. I will walk past it several times where it is chained and if it doesn't lower it's head when I walk past...na another beating be dat.

One on one these dogs are stronger than us that's why firm discipline must start early

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Re: My Rott's Naughty Behavior: I Need Advice Please by abobote: 2:06pm On Apr 25, 2020
some kind rubbish wey person de read these Days

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Re: My Rott's Naughty Behavior: I Need Advice Please by vioment: 2:07pm On Apr 25, 2020
Train your dog.

Try learning from Cesar Milan videos.

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Re: My Rott's Naughty Behavior: I Need Advice Please by YoungPerson(m): 2:07pm On Apr 25, 2020

You. Have. A. Pet. Chicken??.?


Re: My Rott's Naughty Behavior: I Need Advice Please by dru23(m): 2:07pm On Apr 25, 2020
Dog Lovers, Please I Need Advise On My Rott's Naughty Behavior

I have a one and a half year old Rottweiler named Gift and I don't understand him anymore. We can't chastise him again when he misbehaves because he bares his teeth and growls menacingly at us if we try to spank him for being naughty. He welcomes us when we come home like any loyal, loving pet, but yesterday he shocked me. Usually as we are about to enter the house he playfully holds one foot down so we can't enter, or he jumps on you and hugs you tight so you can't move. When I got back from work yesterday I was exhausted and I didn't have energy for his play so I hugged him briefly but as I entered the house I mistakenly stepped on his right hindpaw.

He howled, left me, and lunged at me, this time to bite me. He actually narrowly missed my arm.

I was mad. I turned and yelled "Gift are you mad?" He bared his fangs and barked at me. Me sef I bared my teeth at him and ordered him to stand down. He growled, me sef I growled back. Do you know this dog kept advancing menacingly at me and barking? I quickly borrowed myself brain and locked the door. Werey dog.

I can't shoo Matilda, my chicken in his presence. He covers her with his body and warns me away. And now, the most perplexing thing is he now marking every where in the compound. My sib came visiting and before he entered the house, he quickly relieved himself outside because he was very pressed. Do you know Gift went to where the dude urinated and peed on top? It has gotten so bad now that Gift entered the house and marked different sections of the corridor and smaller dining area with pee.

Now, I don't know if this is classic Rott behavior or if he is just being indisciplined. I confess we spoilt him a bit because he is such a sweet animal when he is not misbehaving.

How do we discipline a dog that has grown wings? He is well socialised so it's not a case of too much isolation.

Goodluck to you .. He is now the leader of the pack. He sees that you are weak ,and he shows you no respect.. Usually breeds like Rottweiler are not for first time dog owner.. Dominant breeds are not for inexperienced dog owner .... That dog is a timing time bomb and if he causes major problem down the line , you are at fault

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Re: My Rott's Naughty Behavior: I Need Advice Please by Nobody: 2:07pm On Apr 25, 2020

That one go hard small, but we will show him who the boss is angry

Time to put the leash on him often. Apparently it is a Rott's normal character.

Read this excerpt from the link below;

Rottweilers require firm, consistent but not harsh discipline. A sharp word is often a sufficient reprimand, but only if you've clearly established your leadership. If not, he may try to bully or bluff you. 

You must be able to provide them with strict leadership otherwise they will snatch the leadership from you.


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Re: My Rott's Naughty Behavior: I Need Advice Please by Futurejoy(f): 2:09pm On Apr 25, 2020
You have to take charge.....

It has to know you are in charge.

For me... when my dog starts acting up. I chain it short and with a good cane or wire beat it very well. I will walk past it several times where it is chained and if it doesn't lower it's head when I walk past...na another beating be dat.

One on one these dogs are stronger than us that's why firm discipline must start early
Lol....you are wicked o. Sometimes ehn, the look on my dog’s face during beating use to break my heart. See me feeling guilty, so I don’t normally go beyond 2 strokes.


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