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Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes - Travel (4) - Nairaland

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Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by babytoun: 6:12pm On May 16, 2020
150 billion in 1973 when naira was having it's strongest value? this amount is grossly exaggerated

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Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by Ray4raybest01(m): 6:15pm On May 16, 2020
E don tey when naija scatter,no be today.
Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by GodPunishBiafra: 6:16pm On May 16, 2020
Lol, it still beats my imagination how they expected a country that was built on cheap lies, propaganda, mischief and Igbophobic tendencies to amount to anything.

Repeat the process ten times over and Nigeria will still emerge as a failed country and the poverty capital of the world.

If we are to be Whites, we would have long discovered the folly of beating a dead horse which this country signifies and would have come to a round table to discuss how to balkanize it.

Well, based on the laws of cause and effects, we will still wake up one day to realize that everyone has walked out on Nigeria. It is inevitable!
But even the Igbotic are the enemies of themselves.

Imagine a people filled with hatred, jealousy, hypocrisy and greed.




Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by blowjohn(m): 6:16pm On May 16, 2020
Hmm... The country is now a shadow of itself coz its foundation was even faulty from the start.. SMH

Did u read the post? How was the foundation faulty? Is it dubai that was built from a strong foundation or Malaysia?
People at the helms of affairs are looting the country dry, ur talking about foundation
Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by Nobody: 6:16pm On May 16, 2020
Awon hausa ti ba Nigeria je jina jina
Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by Petersamuel8(m): 6:19pm On May 16, 2020
What happened to us
Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by toluleke(m): 6:21pm On May 16, 2020
Only Yakabu Gowon understood nigeria and made it worked
Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by Nobody: 6:21pm On May 16, 2020
American Airlines ,United Airlines, Air Canada , Bank of America , US bank ,CNN,NBC, BBC ,etc are privately owned companies.
The truth of the matter is that Governments have proven to have bad record with running companies. Privatization is the key .For example , Air peace or other Nigerian Airline should change name to Nigeria Airways . Silverbird or other private Nigerian network should change name to Nigerian National Television .
Electricity supply should be privatized as well. In that case, Every household is given a meter and you pay according to your usage. just as you top up your phone and use it wisely. That will help Nigerians use electricity wisely and discourage Nigerians from wasting energy by turning lights and other appliances on during the day time and when not needed.
Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by Reference(m): 6:22pm On May 16, 2020
Please did any of you read the write up on that paper. I am shadimg real tears here. Did you read the names of the countries they said would want to learn from us?

God what really happened?

Not holding fast for Nigeria. The country is a mess but of those four airlines mentioned SAirways has gone bankrupt, Kenya and Ethiopia Airlines are mammoth millstones around the necks of those countries and Emirates barely turns a profit. No country in the developed world operates a national carrier wholly these days. Like oil, the business is cutthroat, fluid and vulnerable.The kinds of subsidies paid to the likes of Air France, Lufthansa and other marquee carriers will simply bankrupt a country like Nigeria.

We should not be anywhere near acquiring or operating an airline as a nation. We should rather encourage the private sector to invest IN AN AVIATION INDUSTRIAL BASE first to have the capacity to maintain aircraft. For pride sake we may make the very best performing airline our national flagship or flag carrier on a renewable term basis.


Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by Jess29: 6:22pm On May 16, 2020
Nigeria need serious prayers to but them back on the line
Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by Glorifiednwafor: 6:23pm On May 16, 2020
IGBO people killed Nigeria by exporting crime globally and destroying the county's credibility, now no one wants to do anything with Nigerians!

Did Igbos also destroy the credibility of Nigeria Airways?
Looting machines like you yorubas.. grin

No wonder you hail Tinubu no matter how big he loots.

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Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by chaloskyx: 6:23pm On May 16, 2020
which tears abeg Nigeria is long gone who cares about past glory i live for present times. and right now we are only used as a scapegoat a and laughing stock to the world. can we regain our lost glory yes how by starting a revolution and wiping out leaders that subjected us to poverty and regret of being a Nigerian the truth is our leaders have to pay the price for ruining this nation and the future of unborn Nigerians
Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by gift2xl: 6:24pm On May 16, 2020
I have better things to cry for not this Shit hole.
Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by friday2011(m): 6:24pm On May 16, 2020
That is the days of General Yakubu Gowon and Baba Iyabo (olusegun obasanjo)

There was so much discipline in government then...
Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by jaxxy(m): 6:24pm On May 16, 2020
N150 billion profit in 1973 cannot be true. This must be fake news.
Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by GeneralPula: 6:26pm On May 16, 2020
is saraki now weeping for Nigeria, after proudly campaigning and electing a monster to rule us, I never take that guy serious because his own hypocrite is second to none, put him back on 30k monthly salary he go start praising buhari again.....

At least, he’s still able to say out the truth unlike the PDP paid devilish Guys!
Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by joceey(m): 6:26pm On May 16, 2020

That 150 Billion doesnt add up.

150 billion then is like trillion , how much was Nigeria budget then

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Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by abbey621(m): 6:27pm On May 16, 2020
Nigeria was never meant to be. It was created on faulty foundation and was only a matter of time before it crumbled. The result of which we are seeing today.Of course there is no solution in sight.

Wanna bet Nigeria will still exist for another 40 years? Don't underestimate the spirit of mutual survival. It would have been far easier to break up in the 80s or even 90s but you see the youths of nowadays, everyone is connected somehow, Hausa marrying Yorubas, Yorubas marrying Edo and so on, who will do the calculations? Who goes where? grin grin grin
Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by juman(m): 6:27pm On May 16, 2020
The generals mainly ruined the country.
One nigeria turned out to be a mistake.
Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by ACE1010: 6:27pm On May 16, 2020
Yeah, back then the eagle's claws were firm and can grab anything but now that same claws have been infected with maggots, worms and snakes.... It's a shame lipsrsealed
Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by Nairalandmonika: 6:28pm On May 16, 2020
But am not crying
Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by juman(m): 6:29pm On May 16, 2020
There is absolutely no hope that nigeria will be a better country.

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Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by Kbs468(m): 6:30pm On May 16, 2020
join the picture that will bring billions of smiles to your faces in the nearest future today with just #6k on forsage

see my signature below
Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by uuzba(m): 6:30pm On May 16, 2020
When Nigeria was still working. Now, it has developed so many faults that are yet to be repair.
We spent all our money importing goods instead of building up industries and exporting goods.
The petrol we have, we refused to learn how to refine it. We export the crude oil. Oyibo will refine it, then we buy it back at the price that Oyibo says we should buy it ..
Our own oil again!?
Now all the planes have spoilt, and there's no industries to repair it. No money to even call Oyibo to come and repair it. Shey we allowed them to be dictating price for us...
Mumuness of the highest order
Now all the graduates and jobless and directionless. Kidnaping each other to make money for buy phone.


Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by Dangrace01: 6:30pm On May 16, 2020
The problem started in 1986 when Nigeria was forced to devalue our currency
Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by jaxxy(m): 6:31pm On May 16, 2020
is saraki now weeping for Nigeria, after proudly campaigning and electing a monster to rule us, I never take that guy serious because his own hypocrite is second to none, put him back on 30k monthly salary he go start praising buhari again.....

When Gej was sinking the ship with corruption what did u all do? Nobody cud correct him or rather correct Diezani and other aides. It was a free for all party at the expense of the Nation.

Then Buhari enters and u all wake up and realize there’s Smtn called corruption in government? Hahaha Pdp is extra funny. They need to advice themselves.

I’m just hoping for a 3rd force even if it’s from mars to save us from these 2 ridiculous parties we currently have.
Re: Nigeria Airways: The Nigerian Picture That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes by uuzba(m): 6:31pm On May 16, 2020
I have better things to cry for not this Shit hole.
But your here using our money
Let them deport you to Chad first.

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