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What Seek Ye?(the Grail Message-vol 1) - Religion - Nairaland

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Seek Ye First The Kingdom Of God And His Righteousness / Inquiry For Justcool And M_nwankwo And Other Adherents Of The Grail Message / The Grail Message (2) (3) (4)

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What Seek Ye?(the Grail Message-vol 1) by onyex(f): 9:02am On Jun 10, 2007
From the GRAIL MESSAGE,vol.1,WHAT SEEK YE;we are told that the only way we can protect ourself is by;     
1)Doing good always:there are two advantages,i.e doin good is like planting a corn seed in creation and when its time for harvest ulld reap thousands.
The second advantage is that SPIRITUAL LIGHT from the good you have done would come out and surround you from all evil.
2)We should keep the hearth of our thoughts pure"KEEP THE HEARTH OF YOUR THOUHTS PURE,BY DOING SO YOU WOULD BRING PEACE AND BE HAPPY(AWAKE-LECTURE 5,THE GRAIL MESSAGE)because our thoughts are our(man's)greatest enemy,it is a lie!By doing so we would produce good thoughts because our thoughts good or bad are connected to us through a spiritual thread and would come back to us.A local picture;our thought is like a boy that flies his kite during the day and draws it back to himself at night.
3)Finally,listen to your inner voice;it is our guard and should be our pastor,imam,bible e.t.c.A local picture;if our 'mind'INNER VOICE tells us to iron,if we don't and our electricity supply is cut off,we would start saying,"if a had known i would have ironed because my mind was telling me"
Visit any reading circle or call 08052381598.Cheers.

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Re: What Seek Ye?(the Grail Message-vol 1) by Aproko(f): 6:24pm On Jun 12, 2007

2)We should keep the hearth of our thoughts pure"KEEP THE HEARTH OF YOUR THOUHTS PURE,BY DOING SO YOU WOULD BRING PEACE AND BE HAPPY(AWAKE-LECTURE 5,THE GRAIL MESSAGE)because our thoughts are our(man's)greatest enemy,it is a lie!

does the Grail Message say our thots are our greatest enemies? or you added that part? and please what is the lie? i dont get you here.
Re: What Seek Ye?(the Grail Message-vol 1) by onyex(f): 9:08pm On Jun 20, 2007
I didnt add that part because ONCE YOU CHANGE A PART OF THE TRUTH,IT BECOMES A LIE.We are supposed to use our intuitive perception here,in the gross material world(earth).This is because it is a bridge that connects us to the light (it is like a lens that receives rays from the sun).It is an alter in us which we use to receive power from the ALMIGHTY.We use it to talk,walk, Instead on getting here,we started using our intellect.Therefore,leading to our over-cultivation of the intellect.Our thoughts are produced by our intellect which was not meant to be.Our thoughts good or bad returns to us through a spiritual thread under the DIVINE LAWi.e,THE LAW OF RECIPROCAL ACTION(you reap what you sow).Since our thoughts(bad thought)can also come back to us and harm us,it is our enemy.Using our intellect is not good because it is earthly.All that are earthly are bound by space and time and are not PURE,are not from the ALMIGHTY.Thus,being a LIE.

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Re: What Seek Ye?(the Grail Message-vol 1) by ricadelide(m): 9:22pm On Jun 20, 2007
Re: What Seek Ye?(the Grail Message-vol 1) by onyex(f): 8:41pm On Jun 21, 2007
If u need an xplanation jst let me knw cos it seems ure confused wink
Re: What Seek Ye?(the Grail Message-vol 1) by barikade: 9:10pm On Jun 21, 2007

I've been trying to make sense of what you've offered so far; and there seems to be some huge disconnection in flow of your gist.

For example, you stated that "we're supposed to use our intuitive perception here"; and on the other hand you stated quite the contrary in saying that "using our intellect is not good because it is earthly". See:


We are supposed to use our intuitive perception here,

Using our intellect is not good because it is earthly

So, how do you reconcile them both?


It is an alter in us which we use to receive power from the ALMIGHTY.

Who do you mean by "the Almighty"?


We use it to talk,walk, Instead on getting here,we started using our intellect.Therefore,leading to our over-cultivation of the intellect.

So, what is wrong with using the intellect?


Our thoughts are produced by our intellect which was not meant to be.Our thoughts good or bad returns to us through a spiritual thread under the DIVINE LAWi.e,THE LAW OF RECIPROCAL ACTION(you reap what you sow).Since our thoughts(bad thought)can also come back to us and harm us,it is our enemy.

Two things here:

(a) How is it that our thoughts are not meant to be produced by our intellect?

(b) If the thought is our enemy, is man supposed to live as a thoughtless being?


Using our intellect is not good because it is earthly.All that are earthly are bound by space and time and are not PURE,are not from the ALMIGHTY.Thus,being a LIE.

But then, if the Almighty created the earth and man reckons relationships by the reality of space and time, how could the same creation be IMPURE? How could that which the Almighty has created be a LIE?
Re: What Seek Ye?(the Grail Message-vol 1) by onyex(f): 10:19pm On Jun 21, 2007
[quote][quote][/quote]how do we reconcile them both.
Our intuitive perception is a bridge which connects us with spiritual.It is our backbrain.Our intellect is our frontal brain.We are supposed to use our intuition because it is a connection to the light.Instead,we began to use our intellect on getting here.Our intellect does not connect us to the almighty,therefore it is earthly.They are supposed to work hand in hand but on getting here,we over cultivated our intellect leading to the FALL OF MINE.Everything earhly is not pure.It is our intellect we use to produce bad thoughts.Our intellect and intuition are connected at the solar plexus in our chest.
2)The Almighty is THE LIGHT,POWER,TRUTH,LIFE AND G O D.In the christian bible,the name God,was not mentioned once by Jesus christ.He was always using my father and the likes of it.According to THE LORD'S PRAYER,'our Father who hath in heaven,HALLOWED be thy name, "Hallowed means to give respect or honour.Even Jesus christ respected the name so much that he didnt mention it.We are allowed to say it in times of greatest joy and in deepest sorry.We are supposed to call him;the light,life,truth,power and G O D.LORD means the trinity.
3)Our intellect is over cultivated.Our intellect is not good when we use it to produce bad thoughts.
4)(i)Our being her on earth is for our development.We are meant to use our intuition not our intellect.We are not meant to use it because it is bound by space and time and is unconnected with the spiritual.
(ii)No,we should try to keep our thoughts(from our intellect)pure.This is the type of thought we should try to bring out.It is our enemy if it can destroy us.Dont get me wrong.Not wanting to think or act is INDOLENCE OF THE SPIRIT
5)Man is the only creation in the whole of creation that is given free will.Even the elemental beings,angels or animals are not given free will.They all use their intuition.Man misused this opportunity.No other being apart from the Almighty is truely pure.This is because the Almighty is DIVINE.(So since were allowed to do as we like we made our intellect a lie).
Re: What Seek Ye?(the Grail Message-vol 1) by barikade: 11:23pm On Jun 21, 2007


Our intuitive perception is a bridge which connects us with spiritual.It is our backbrain.Our intellect is our frontal brain.We are supposed to use our intuition because it is a connection to the light.Instead,we began to use our intellect on getting here.Our intellect does not connect us to the almighty,therefore it is earthly.They are supposed to work hand in hand but on getting here,we over cultivated our intellect leading to the FALL OF MINE.Everything earhly is not pure.It is our intellect we use to produce bad thoughts.Our intellect and intuition are connected at the solar plexus in our chest.

I'm reading more fallacies here. Intellect (frontal brain) and perception (back brain) are both connected with the brain, not so? Do you then suppose that if you put any part of your brain to sleep, you would function at all as a normal person?

Let me ask you a simple question: did you read my rejoinder? Which part of your brain did you apply in order for you to understand my post: the frontal brain (intellect) or the backbrain (perception)?? If you used one part of your brain, could I begin to wonder at all if you actually had a good intellectual understanding of what you read in anyone's posts?

My submission is that the brain was built to function in all its faculties - that is why it was put in us. God did not create a part of your brain to be disregarded in order that some back part of the brain may take precedence over your being. The perception of any man would be entirely flawed if the intellect were suspended.


2)The Almighty is THE LIGHT,POWER,TRUTH,LIFE AND G O D.In the christian bible,the name God,was not mentioned once by Jesus christ. He was always using my father and the likes of it.

Okay, let's look into the Christian Bible and see if your assumptions hold. Indeed, Jesus spoke of the Father; but I'll offer you a few of Jesus' direct statements in the same Bible where He actually mentioned "God":

1) Matt. 4:4
        "But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone,
         but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God."

2) Matt. 4:7
        "Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God."

3) Matt. 5:8
        "Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God."

4) Matt. 6:30
        "Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to
        morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of
        little faith?"

5) Matt. 6:33
        "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these
         things shall be added unto you."

6) Matt. 19:26
        "But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible;
        but with God all things are possible."

7) Matt. 22:21
        "They say unto him, Caesar's. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto
         Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's."

Please notice that all the quotes are from Matthew alone! There are more than 30 more such instances that I clearly remember by heart where Jesus actually mentioned the name "God"; so I really don't know if you were simply going by what you read in the Grail message without first verifying their claims.


According to THE LORD'S PRAYER,'our Father who hath in heaven,HALLOWED be thy name, "Hallowed means to give respect or honour.Even Jesus christ respected the name so much that he didnt mention it.We are allowed to say it in times of greatest joy and in deepest sorry.We are supposed to call him;the light,life,truth,power and G O D.LORD means the trinity.

You're still mixing up issue here, unfortunately.


3)Our intellect is over cultivated.Our intellect is not good when we use it to produce bad thoughts.

Your argument is not about bad thoughts; rather, you've tried to maintain that the intellect should not be used at all.


4)(i)Our being her on earth is for our development.We are meant to use our intuition not our intellect.We are not meant to use it because it is bound by space and time and is unconnected with the spiritual.

If you do not use your intellect, it would be hard to see how you would ever even be able to function at all as a normal human being. Your intellect enables you to think; your perception enables you to formulate concepts about what you're thinking; while your intuition produces the impressons of your thoughts. Now, when all these are in proper coordination in a person, they produce what is called DISCERNMENT!

You cannot arrive at discernment in any matter if you suspend or militate against any part of your brain.


(ii)No,we should try to keep our thoughts(from our intellect)pure.This is the type of thought we should try to bring out.It is our enemy if it can destroy us.Dont get me wrong.Not wanting to think or act is INDOLENCE OF THE SPIRIT

You're making two opposite statements and trying to applaud them all at once. You're position on the intellect is that it should NOT be used. In that strain of thought, it is no surprise that you'll keep contradicting your arguments.


5)Man is the only creation in the whole of creation that is given free will.Even the elemental beings,angels or animals are not given free will.They all use their intuition.

If angels were not given free will, how do you account for those angels who chose of their own volition to rebel against God?


Man misused this opportunity.No other being apart from the Almighty is truely pure.This is because the Almighty is DIVINE.(So since were allowed to do as we like we made our intellect a lie).

Actually, the lie of the intellect is the idea that the intellect is our enemy and should not be used.



How does one keep the hear[b]th[/b] (did you mean heart?) of the THOUGHTS pure if that which is responsible for the thoughts is being denied its proper function of thinking in the first place??
Re: What Seek Ye?(the Grail Message-vol 1) by onyex(f): 8:55pm On Jun 22, 2007
As a reader of the grail message we are not meant to argue so ild only advice u to grab a copy of the message and visit a grail center.Cheers
Re: What Seek Ye?(the Grail Message-vol 1) by barikade: 9:08pm On Jun 22, 2007

Thanks for your calm response. Incidentally, I've tried to read the Grail Message, and my previous rejoinders bear my concerns. Please think upon what I've offered in regards to the intellect, perception and intuition.

Re: What Seek Ye?(the Grail Message-vol 1) by onyex(f): 9:18pm On Jun 22, 2007
ok let me have ur email address or ur phone no cos it seems ur eager to knw d truth.Im not goin to force u cos believe witout conviction is a SIN.Thats why we dont evangelise.Cheers
Re: What Seek Ye?(the Grail Message-vol 1) by barikade: 10:56pm On Jun 22, 2007
Advertizing the Grail Message is a form of evangelizing.

E: stinger_gk3@yahoo.ca
Re: What Seek Ye?(the Grail Message-vol 1) by Aproko(f): 4:21pm On Jun 28, 2007
@ onyex,

i still dont get your explanation on the Grail Message. what you are saying seems a bit contradictory, so i'll have to go with bari_kade on that one. you should be clearer in your posts.


ok let me have your email address or your phone no because it seems your eager to knw d truth.I'm not goin to force u because believe witout conviction is a SIN.Thats why we don't evangelise.Cheers

again, i'm lost!!

@ bari_kade


Thanks for your calm response. Incidentally, I've tried to read the Grail Message, and my previous rejoinders bear my concerns. Please think upon what I've offered in regards to the intellect, perception and intuition.

you know, the Grail Message only strikes earnest seekers. so are you ernestly seeking?
Re: What Seek Ye?(the Grail Message-vol 1) by onyex(f): 8:25am On Jun 29, 2007
Bari kade,
Im not evangelising.Just felt you wanted to know more and wanted to send you mails to put your mind at ease.Jesus christ gave the name of the Almighty respect,Why shouldnt we.Should ave added that he didnt call it anyhow in the bible,he called it only when he was preaching,saying parables, He can say the name of the Almighty because he is thesame with the Almighty.He was issued out of the Almighty when the Almighty realised that earthmen were going astray so he sent his LOVE;JESUS CHRIST.So you see they are one.If he didnt call his name anyhow but only did in time of deepest and sincere worship why do we use it anyhow(e.g in swearing)
Re: What Seek Ye?(the Grail Message-vol 1) by onyex(f): 8:30am On Jun 29, 2007
The first time i read the message i knew my searcxh and thirst for the truth had finally come to an end.As a matter of fact i am a seeker.I want to know the truth.We dont go about preaching the grail message.We only give our books to friends to read and if ure not convinced,fine.My brother does not believe in the message,yet hes not being forced.Do you catch my drift?
Re: What Seek Ye?(the Grail Message-vol 1) by Aproko(f): 10:26am On Jun 29, 2007
@ onyex,

as a matter of fact, i know where you are drifting to, but somehow, you are not coasting as smoothly as i was expecting. i just want you to be clearer in your post, so that you can get the message across. reading through your post has only made me confused. i would like your post to reflect the your subject 'what seek ye'.

the lecture 'what seek ye' is so comprehensive and clear, but somehow, your post isn't. thats just all am saying.
Re: What Seek Ye?(the Grail Message-vol 1) by nossycheek(f): 4:24pm On Jun 29, 2007

@ onyex,

as a matter of fact, i know where you are drifting to, but somehow, you are not coasting as smoothly as i was expecting. i just want you to be clearer in your post, so that you can get the message across. reading through your post has only made me confused. i would like your post to reflect the your subject 'what seek ye'.

the lecture 'what seek ye' is so comprehensive and clear, but somehow, your post isn't. thats just all am saying.

Not to worry, she is still new and learning. huh?
Re: What Seek Ye?(the Grail Message-vol 1) by stimulus(m): 10:03pm On Jun 29, 2007

I'm just wondering how exactly one could understand anything if any part of the brain is denied its right to function. I mean, what part of your brain do you use when reading posts on this thread in order to understand what people are saying? undecided
Re: What Seek Ye?(the Grail Message-vol 1) by onyex(f): 11:25am On Jun 30, 2007
The message did not say you shouldnt use a part of your brain.Its only saying you should balance it because our thinking is now one-sided.
i feel u dnt want to understand because since uve read the book,there is a part of you that is not convinced,if not all and you.Read the topic again from the grail message and you will see wat im talking about.
Re: What Seek Ye?(the Grail Message-vol 1) by stimulus(m): 11:52am On Jun 30, 2007

Well, I've no problem balancing the functions of the brain. However, it seems that there are two opposite claims you're making. On the one hand, you stated earlier that one is not to use a part (intellect) of the brain; now on the other hand, you're making a direct opposite claim to that. Let me outline them:

#A. (in other words), USE it:

The message did not say you shouldnt use a part of your brain.

#B. (on the contrary), Do NOT use it:


Our intellect is our frontal brain.
source: https://www.nairaland.com/nigeria/topic-58742.0.html#msg1223691


Using our intellect is not good because it is earthly.
source: https://www.nairaland.com/nigeria/topic-58742.0.html#msg1221365


We are meant to use our intuition not our intellect. We are not meant to use it because it is bound by space and time and is unconnected with the spiritual.
source: https://www.nairaland.com/nigeria/topic-58742.0.html#msg1223691

See my concerns? undecided
Re: What Seek Ye?(the Grail Message-vol 1) by Aproko(f): 10:40am On Jul 02, 2007
@ onyex,

girl, what i'm trying to tell you is simple, do not give that topic your own interpretation cos you are not passing across the right message.


i feel u dnt want to understand because since uve read the book,there is a part of you that is not convinced,if not all and you.Read the topic again from the grail message and you will see what im talking about.

again girl, you are wrong. as you can see from stimulus's highlighted post, you are giving that lecture your own interpretation which is not convincing, that is the reason nobody on this thread can understand you.
Re: What Seek Ye?(the Grail Message-vol 1) by otuwe(f): 11:16am On Jul 02, 2007

if uve really read the Message, you should have known better than to start this thread.

and whats with the pictures? are u trying to advertise the Grail Message or wat? and yet you say u aint envagelising.

i wud advise u desists from this cos it has grave spiritual implications ok cos u r binding urself to everybody who reads this and if someone takes the wrong conceptions uve stated as truth, u cud become eathbound.

be careful about the type of actions u take
Re: What Seek Ye?(the Grail Message-vol 1) by Aproko(f): 2:27pm On Jul 02, 2007


if uve really read the Message, you should have known better than to start this thread.

and whats with the pictures? are u trying to advertise the Grail Message or what? and yet you say u aint envagelising.

i would advise u desists from this because it has grave spiritual implications ok because you're binding yourself to everybody who reads this and if someone takes the wrong conceptions uve stated as truth, u cud become eathbound.


be careful about the type of actions u take
Re: What Seek Ye?(the Grail Message-vol 1) by stimulus(m): 2:52pm On Jul 02, 2007
Lol. . . abeg make una take am easy with onyex. wink
Re: What Seek Ye?(the Grail Message-vol 1) by Nobody: 9:53am On Jul 03, 2007
@ ALL,
I think i can shed more light on what onyex is trying to pass across to everyone.

The quest to be conscious by the human spirit in its finest state was followed its incarnation on the gross material world(EARTH).Because that's the best place he can nbecome conscious through experiencing.An aide was given to mankind by name LUCIFER to help in its development on the gross material world.And also an earthly tool was given to man which is the brain.
And the brain has two compartments frontal brain (seat of the intellect) to help in its earthly activities and the back brain (known as the intuition-seat of the spirit) which is to still help man be reamined connected to his spiritual home.
So during its course of developement the gardener who was suppose to be patient with his seedlings has started to lose patience cos he saw that these creatures are not worth the stress to assist them make it back to the kingdom of their CREATOR.He then introduce the principle of temptation, which was simply the stronger ones will make it back home while the weaker ones that fall victims will simply be cut off.That was how LUCIFER lost the connection to the LIGHT.
But the fall of man started when he completely neglected developing his back brain(intuition) but focused solely on material things and he could not simply understand spiritual things.
But MANKIND were not left on the own,due to the love of the CREATOR many prophets were raised to still point out to erring mankind the way back to their luminous home but still yet they still could not fathom the words of the PROPHETS, and those that did sooner or later turn the teachings into religion and it became one-sided,then they added some of the things they've forgotten.

So therefore, a new revelation has now come to now put the neccessary signposts at their appropriate places and thats what the GRAIL MESSAGE is all about.
N.B:It's not a new religion
Re: What Seek Ye?(the Grail Message-vol 1) by otuwe(f): 6:48pm On Jul 03, 2007

i wish u cud close this thread, it wud do us alot of good.

@onyex and enitan

guys i dont think there is need for all the "evangelism"

like it says "what seek ye"

anyone that seeks wud find

i dont think it should be discussed on this thread ok

just an opinion though
Re: What Seek Ye?(the Grail Message-vol 1) by stimulus(m): 8:08pm On Jul 03, 2007

like it says "what seek ye"

anyone that seeks would find

Exactly my sentiments. I still don't see what the substance of the posts on the Grail Message has been. Is it that we truly have to suspend the frontal brain before the message will come through? And what happens afterwards to people who suspend their brains?

Lol, @otuwe, let's leave the thread open. Perhaps they have something to say but haven't been able to do so in a way that we can easily understand. wink
Re: What Seek Ye?(the Grail Message-vol 1) by Nobody: 8:50am On Jul 04, 2007


i wish u cud close this thread, it would do us alot of good.

@onyex and enitan

guys i don't think there is need for all the "evangelism"

like it says "what seek ye"

anyone that seeks would find

i don't think it should be discussed on this thread ok

just an opinion though


i guess you right to an extent.
the knowledge am just sharing here is not meant for the so-called fanatics here that are saying what they dont know.
It's being directed at those seekers whose souls will filled with lightness after reading it.
And dont forget, the message is also like the book with seven seals, it contains evrything a seeker is seeking and nothing to the fanatics who think they have EVERYTHING.

will you then say public lectures being organised from time to time is also evangelizing, WE dont prophesy doom for those that dont accept it unlike the others(you know what am talking about).

Re: What Seek Ye?(the Grail Message-vol 1) by stimulus(m): 11:01am On Jul 04, 2007
Just something to whet your appetites on frontal- and back-brain:


Re: What Seek Ye?(the Grail Message-vol 1) by otuwe(f): 3:29pm On Jul 04, 2007


will you then say public lectures being organised from time to time is also evangelizing, WE don't prophesy doom for those that don't accept it unlike the others(you know what am talking about).


public lectures are for SEEKERS.

they are not forced to come for the lectures.

so i dont think its evangelism

well express urself, i was only giving an opinion. i just dont want people to be misled with wrong interpretations of the Message.

Re: What Seek Ye?(the Grail Message-vol 1) by Nobody: 4:57pm On Jul 04, 2007
@ otuwe,(well express yourself, i was only giving an opinion. i just don't want people to be misled with wrong interpretations of the Message.


people have already being misled with wrong interpretations,it's therefore one of our obligation to enlighten them.Its there any harm in that, but if it then persist then thats becoming fanaticsm on our part.
Re: What Seek Ye?(the Grail Message-vol 1) by otuwe(f): 9:02am On Jul 05, 2007

@ otuwe,(well express yourself, i was only giving an opinion. i just don't want people to be misled with wrong interpretations of the Message.


people have already being misled with wrong interpretations,it's therefore one of our obligation to enlighten them.Its there any harm in that, but if it then persist then thats becoming fanaticsm on our part.

well, my mouth is shut lipsrsealed lipsrsealed lipsrsealed but if u read onyex's post u cud see its far from enlightening people
but if u think u r all doing the right thing then lipsrsealed lipsrsealed lipsrsealed lipsrsealed once again

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