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Inquiry For Justcool And M_nwankwo And Other Adherents Of The Grail Message by Speer: 2:15am On Mar 19, 2012 |
World of Matter: Ethereal vs Gross Sojourns If a human spirit can come to greater recognition in the ethereal spheres and since the greater part of its journey is spent in the ethereal spheres, why are the gross material parts of its journeys great "turning points". Thank you. |
Re: Inquiry For Justcool And M_nwankwo And Other Adherents Of The Grail Message by justcool(m): 6:40pm On Mar 19, 2012 |
@Speer Thanks for your very important question. I will give you a detailed answer around the weekend; as of now, I am terribly tied up. Please bear with me. However I can give you a few words and point you towards the right direction. Among many things, there is something very unique that the coarsest gross material world offers. And that is generative power. This power is very important for the developing human spirit; the setting in of this power is a great turning point in the spirits journey towards development and consciousness. Only the coarsest gross material realm offers the human spirit this power through the radiation of a mature physical body. The Ethereal sphere, along with the ethereal body cannot offer the human spirit this power which the spirit most definitely needs for its ascent. In a nut shell, each plane of subsequent creation is unique; each plane offers the journeying human spirit a gift that is unique to that plane. The developing human spirit needs a thorough experiencing of all the planes of matter to achieve the prerequisite maturity and consciousness that will enable it to be raised above matter into Paradise. Now let me point you towards these two lectures of the Grail Message: "The significance of man's Generative Power," and "Man and his freewill." If you have already read the entire Grail Message, then re-familiarize yourself with those two lectures as you await my detailed reply. Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a copy of the Grail Message and read the lectures in sequence, from Volume one to volume three. Whatever the case may be, I will give you a detailed answer around the weekend; but kindly let me know how much of the Message you have read. Thanks 4 Likes |
Re: Inquiry For Justcool And M_nwankwo And Other Adherents Of The Grail Message by Speer: 3:18am On Mar 21, 2012 |
Hello Justcool, Thanks so very much for your reply.................eagerly await for your explanations. Have read the Message entirely but my understanding/grasping-of-it-aright is extremely wanting. Thought that the ability to use Generative Power (GP) was an intrinsic attribute of the spirit irrespective of its location in the Material World. Your postings are very enlightening and have been tremendously helpful...............can't thank you enough!! As an aside, are there any other forums you post on? |
Re: Inquiry For Justcool And M_nwankwo And Other Adherents Of The Grail Message by justcool(m): 6:41am On Mar 24, 2012 |
@Speer Thanks for waiting. Speer: No human spirit can grasp the entire Grail Message at first reading. In fact it is impossible to grasp the entire message while on earth. Reading the Grail Message is an experience that will lead you towards an ever increasing spiritual awakening and maturity. It’s an ever going process without an end or cessation; the more you mature or the more your spirit awakens, the more you see in the message. The Message is not meant to be easily read like a novel; every reader has to bestir her/himself. This way it forces the individual towards spiritual movement. The fact that you recognized that you haven’t grasped everything shows that your spirit is alive and making movement. So Just keep on reading, re-reading and trying to grasp; and don’t ever be discouraged. You will notice that each time you re-read the Message you will find something new, something that you didn’t see the previous time. This is an evidence that you are making movement, your spirit is awakening. So my dear friend, do not give up and do not say that your grasping is wanting. The important thing is to keep moving spiritually in the sense of the Message. And sometimes, things that your spirit has grasped may still not be fathomable by your intellect yet. So intellectually, you may think that you have not grasp anything, while your spirit has already been enriched a thousand fold with knowledge that your intellect is not yet ready to fathom. Some of the times, the Grail Message speaks directly to your spirit and not your intellect. So keep reading and dont give up. Rest assured that each time you read, your spirit picks up something, somtimes without you consciousely knowing it. Speer: Before I proceed here, I perceive it is necessary for us to define what Generative Power is. From your question above, I perceive that you are referring to the human spirits ability to produce works, which could be thoughts, words, and deeds. The human spirit poses the ability or power to produce works irrespective of where it is in creation; but this is not what is meant by Generative Power. Ordinarily Generative power refers to the ability of any biological specie to produce offspring, i.e. the power to generate, produce offsprings or reproduce. Humans usually arrive at this stage of maturity in their teenage years. Hence, biologically, generative power is achieved when the organism is able to produce. This can be likened to the time when the physical body is ripe. The physical body, like all that is material passes through the four stages of (1)Birth and Blossoming, (2)Ripeness, (3) Over ripeness, and (4) death and decay or desolation. Generative Power in the sense of the Grail Message is not limited to organism’s power to produce an offspring. It refers to a certain stage in the development of the physical body; the time when the physical body reaches maturity or ripeness and afterwards. At this point the blood radiation changes; the radiation of the blood is now able give the soul the radiation path or bridge that the soul needs to function fully. At this point, outwardly, the physical body undergoes a lot of changes. The body changes from that of a child to that of an adult. Hormones are produced and all these changes cause the radiation of the blood to reach a certain stage. Keep in mind that these changes do not happen overnight but gradually. The radiation changes gradually until it reaches a stage that it the soul can use it as a path or bridge. Prior to this point, the spirit within the soul is likened to a man in an island in a castle with a drawbridge raised, making it impossible for the man to come out of the island or visitors to enter the island. The blood radiation of the physical body is the drawbridge which is gradually lowered, as the physical body matures, till it links the isolated island with the rest of the world. At this point the man in the island can step out through this lowered bridge and also visitors outside the island can now enter this island through this lowered bridge. The ability to produce offspring is only one of the outward effects of this stage in the development of the physical body or the Generative Power but it is not limited to it. Since Generative power remains even after the individual is too old to reproduce. Hence Generative power starts from the period of maturity of the physical body and lasts till death. And adults that cannot reproduce do not lack generative power either. So in the sense of the Grail Message, Generative power refers to the power of the radiation of a mature physical body; the radiation or power that offers the spirit a path or bridge to function fully in the material world. Prior to the onset of the generative power, during the childhood years, the individual has little or more responsibility towards the laws of creation than the most highly developed animal; because the child is controlled by the animistic substantiality of its soul and not fully by its spirit which at this point slumbers within the core of the soul. This is why the child has less responsibility than an adult towards the laws of creation. The indescribable wisdom of the creator made it that the ability to produce offspring only starts with the onset of the generative power; i.e. at the point when the spirit has broken through the body. Because the noble parenting of, or raising a human child, in the manner that accords with the will of God can only be fulfilled by a human spirit, not a child who in its intuition is predominantly animistic. Hence to achieve generative power a mature physical body is indispensable. The radiation of a mature physical body unites with the radiation of the rests of the material bodies that the spirit is wearing, to produce the radiation powerful enough to offer the spirit a path or bridge. In other words, to achieve this powerful radiation of to achieve the power of this radiation, the entire species (both ethereal and gross material) of material creation has to unite. Only the radiation resulting from the unified species of the entire material creation can be powerful enough as to offer the spirit, a path. And this power offers the spirit the bridge to breakthrough in the physical world; or to completely breakthrough in the entire material world. This power ties the spirit most completely to the material world. Only in this power lies the ability to set an earthly glow through all the spiritual perceptions of the soul. Only at this point is the spirit fully, really, and completely connected to the entire world of matter. Spirits in the ethereal realm or other parts of the world of matter are not as rooted or connected with matter as a spirit that is wearing a mature physical body. One can say that the ethereal body alone, connects the spirit to the world of matter only partially; because an ethereal body can only connect him to one part of the material realms, the ethereal part. Only the generative power offered by a mature physical body offers the spirit the ability to completely experience the entire world of matter; because on earth, in addition to his ethereal body that connects him to the ethereal realm, he also wears a gross material bodies(Astral and Physical) which connect him to the gross material part of the world of matter. The world of matter or the material realms has two basic species or parts -- the ethereal part and the gross material part. One can only describe the experiencing that spirits have in the ethereal realm only nipping; however only in the physical realm, the earth, or in the plane of coarsest gross matter can the spirit truly experience the entire world of matter. Fear of ghosts or souls in the beyond is only as a result of lack of knowledge of the laws of creation. For in reality, it is the souls in the beyond that should fear men on earth. No soul in the beyond is as firmly rooted to the world of matter as much a man on earth is. The ethereal body does not offer as much a connection with the world of matter as the physical body does. This is because a man on earth wears more material bodies than a man in the ethereal realm. A man on earth is very powerful because he carries all the species of creation in him. His core being spiritual carries a part of the spiritual specie of creation, he also wears an animistic body made of animistic substantiality, he also wears an ethereal body, and finally the physical body. Here we see all the basic species of creation enveloped or telescoped around his spirit; not to mention his transitional cloaks too. I.e. the astral body, which connects the ethereal body to the physical. You see why an earthly experiencing is indispensable for the spirit on its journey towards awakening and maturity. Experiencing on earth, the physical realm, or the world of coarsest gross matter is more intense than experiencing in other parts of the world of matter. In the ethereal realm, the spirit is enveloped by what is homogenous to it, and it only experiences that till it comes to a better understanding. But on earth a thousand different experiences hit the spirit in a short period of time. Here good and evil dwell side by side and the spirit has to decide daily and hourly. Hence ascent and maturity is faster on earth than in the ethereal realm. In the ethereal realm, a bad spirit is surrounded only by bad spirits; this makes change more difficult for the spirit, his only instigation towards change has to come from within him; nothing in his environment will inspire him to change because he lives an environment homogenous to him. But on earth, a man’s right-hand neighbor may be an angel, while his left-hand neighbor maybe a devil. This angel or a good man living in his vicinity may by displaying goodness of character instigate his evil neighbors towards change. This way man on earth wheather good or bad is faced daily with ever new and divergent experiencing. He confronts good and evil side by side daily; he has to choose daily and hourly between the evil and good in his environment and this chosing strengthens his free-will. If he steadfastly keeps to what is good in the midst of evil he will mature faster. In the ethereal realm, a bad man cannot have a good neighbor, because his neighbors must all be homogeneouse to him. He will never be faced with both good and evil in his environment which can either only be good or evil depending on his inner condition. In addition to this, a man on earth can experience the whole of creation at the same time, due to the fact that he bears a specie of each part on him as a cloak, as I already explained above. He can experience the ethereal while on earth, but a spirit in the ethereal realm cannot experience the physical realm or the earth since he lacks the physical body. This ability to experience all at the same time forces the spirit to awaken faster. The experiencing is so powerful that it forces the spirit to awaken. A man on earth can be likened to a telescope with ten magnifying lenses. As light passes through the lenses it magnifies and by the time it goes through all the lenses, the light becomes so powerful that it can set anything it touches ablaze. In this analogy, the lenses signify the bodies(physical, astral, ethereal, and animistic). But a spirit in the ethereal realm has fewer bodies than a man on earth, hence it can be likened to a telescope with less lenses. The earth or the physical realm can be likened to a pressure cooker. It is so pressurized; indeed all radiations in creation finds its way to the physical realm and from there re-modify and go upwards. Food that may only be cooked for five minutes in the pressure cooker may take one hour in an ordinary stove. You can liken the earth to the pressure cooker and the ethereal realm as the stove. Lessons learned in one earth year may take centuries to be learnt in the ethereal realm. Putting all these together, you can easily see what makes the physical realm or the realm of coarsest gross matter unique. The human spirit definitely needs the experiencing of this realm to awaken and mature because only on this realm is the spirit fully connected with the world of matter via the generative power. In addition to all these, there are also some institutions or associations which only exist on the physical realm and which offer the developing human spirit a lot of the lessons that it needs for its maturity and awakening. Think about institutions like marriage, having a child, family, giving birth and etc. Even experience of physical intimacy between a man and woman who are spiritually harmonious to each other and who truly love each other as it is willed by God as a prerequisite for such physical intimacy, can only further the development of the innerman and not hinder it. All these experiences which the ethereal realm cannot offer and which are peculiar to the physical realm, can only aid the spirit in its awakening, maturity, and development as long as they are done in the manner that is willed by God. I can go on and on and on. But I believe I have written enough to show you what makes the physical realm unique and hence indispensable. The bottom line is that, it is true that a human spirit can come to greater recognitions in the ethereal realm, yet a thorough experiencing of the physical realm is indispensable for the awakening and maturity of the human spirit. I hope this helps. Feel free to raise questions. Speer: Thanks! And I can’t thank you enough either for your questions. Sometimes the one who asks a question gives more, albeit unknowingly, than the one who answers the question. With your question, you offer me spiritual movement; because in my quest to answer your question I am forced to move spiritually. The impetuous to spiritual movement is the greatest gift one can give his neighbor. It is love in its purest form. Therefore it is me who should thank you. Your gratitude should be directed to the Almighty who in His great love allowed us to come into being. I am definitely not worthy for any gratitude. Speer: I only post on Nairaland; however, I just wrote a book which is in the process of being published. It is a novel inspired by my experiencing of the Grail Message. Can I count on you to get a copy? Remain blessed. 1 Like |
Re: Inquiry For Justcool And M_nwankwo And Other Adherents Of The Grail Message by Speer: 11:04pm On Mar 24, 2012 |
Thanks Justcool. Very much look fwd to reading your book-------how does one obtain a copy? Question: It has been stated that a vast amount of human spirits residing on earth today are not meant to be here at all but in even lower regions. How could it be that this happened given the Law of Gravity et al? Given the above, what kinds of planes would these be----denser than heavy gross matter? |
Re: Inquiry For Justcool And M_nwankwo And Other Adherents Of The Grail Message by justcool(m): 12:46am On Mar 28, 2012 |
Speer: I’m glad you look forward to reading my book. You will be able to obtain a copy from websites like Amazon. I will provide a link to such websites when the book is ready. Also, realizing that some people in Nigeria may find it difficult obtaining copies on like, I will arrange with some shops to have copies of the book available; so that people can just walk in to the store and purchase a copy. I will give names and addresses of the stores when the book is ready. Speer: The fact that many humans on earth today do not belong to the earth at all does not violate the law of gravity. In fact the situation is as a result of the law of gravity working together with the law of attraction of homogenous species. The less a plane is permeated by the Light, the more sluggish it will become. Due to the law of gravity allows such a plane to sink further away from the Light. Movement is only brought about by the presure of the Light; hence where there is less Light, there will be less movement. As such a plane sinks the more rigid, darker, and uglier it becomes. On the other hand, the more a plane is permeated by the rays of the Light, the nobler, lighter and more beautiful the plane becomes. Based on this movement which brings about lightness, such a plane can rise towards the light; But each plane or specie of creation can only go as close to the light as its nature allows it. Otherwise it will be incinerated by the power of the light. At first, millions of years ago, the earth, or this entire part of the physical world called Ephesus, existed closer to the light than it does today. Light rays permeated it making everything more mobile, beautiful and light. Mankind then was happier, healthier, lived longer as the earth rose ever steadily towards the Light. The fall of man disrupted everything and changed the course of this movement as it allowed the earth to start sinking further away from the Light. Man whose core is spiritual and naturally strives towards the higher planes, towards the Light, was sent on the earth not only to mature on earth but also to unfold the powers of his spirit and flood the earth with rays which his spirit receives from the spiritual planes in the vicinity of the Light. Hence man was sent to ennoble the earth, indeed the entire world of matter, to move it as close to the Light as it can be. This is hinted in various creation legends across variouse cultures, even in the biblical description of the creation of man. Mankind was given the task to “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” (Genesis 1:28 ) But this figurative language of this scripture was misunderstood, just as many scriptures are. For this scripture is directed to the spirit of man; to increase and multiple means to increase and multiply your spiritual qualities and abilities, hence to mature spiritually. And to subdue the earth and have dominion over it means to ennoble the earth and put everything on earth under the guidance of the spiritual intuition which is always in accord with the will of God. But unfortunately religionists today interpret this scripture to mean that man was told to propagate. To the religionists, the sacred commandment, “increase and multiply” means increase and multiply in number, hence have children. But mankind failed to unfold their spiritual qualities and ennoble the earth. Rather than this, they neglected the voice of their spirits and subjected themselves and everything to their intellect. Succumbing to Luciferian volition, mankind made an idol of their intellect. The intellect naturally leads downwards towards matter because it is material in nature itself. By not heeding the voice of the spirits, and by neglecting thier spirits mankind closed the channels through which light was meant to enter the earth; as less light entered, consequently many evils then arouse on the earth. Mankind who based on thier spiritual abilities can ennoble the earth, can also make it sink further than any animal can; because mankind through their spirit possess the ability to tap into the principle neutral power of God. The higher a creature stands in creation, the lower it can also fall, and the more disasterouse the consequences of the fall will be. This is why no animal can fall as low as man can. This is also why Lucifer, whose origin is far higher than man’s, fell far lower than any man can fall. Lucifer actually fell lower than the entire creation because he originated above creation. This is how today’s earth resulted. Today the earth is ridden with many diseases; it is far uglier and more rigid than it should and can be. Because it is now rotating at a distance lower than it was meant to rotate. There also regions lower than the earth but I will treat this later as I deal with your second question. Humans in those lower regions are able to incarnate on earth due to the fall of mankind. This fall made earth move away from the Light, the earth moved closer to the dark regions. Secondly, the base passions that humans on earth indulge in link them to those lower regions. Through this link, based on the law of attraction of homogenous species, souls in the lower regions having the same base passions can incarnate on earth. I will give an example. A person on earth filled with the evil passion to kill another person; thus a killer. This killer lives, breaths, eats and speaks this passion or desire to kill others. It doesn’t matter whether he justifies this base passion of his with religious beliefs or political views. He might be a muslin who thinks it is right to kill infidels or vice versa; or a Nazi who thinks it is right to kill Jews or vise verse; or a Christian inquisitor. Whatever the case maybe; it doesn’t matter. As long as he indulges in this base passion, this passion permeates his words, thoughts and action. All these(words and thought) take on form in the beyond, and accumulate or form a plane corresponding to their weight and nature. And if this passion is so strongly rooted in him that it is heartfelt, i.e. it is felt by his spirit. Then their forms in the ethereal realm will be very strong because they were made by the spirit which uses the princple neutral power in creation, power that only spirit can employe in its works. An animal cannot make use of this power neither can brain or the intelect; hence thoughts produced by animals or thoughts produced by the brain alone do not result in powerful forms in the beyound, they only result in phantoms which operate in the planes of fine gross matter; although they have forms corresponding to thier nature, thier are not really living things. But works produced by the spirit are very powerful; they are actualy living things because they bear animistic substantility as thier animating core; they have forms too, coresponding to thier nature. These are what the ancient reffer to as demons. Demons are nothing but works of man. Such powerful evil works attract each other and accumulate in a plane corresponding to their baseness. Hell is one of such planes. Although these works accumulate and form a hellish plane, they remain connected to their originators. Hence the aforementioned killer is connected to hell. Based on the law of attraction of homogenous species, such a person can offer a homogenous bridge through which a soul in hell to incarnate into the fetus in his pregnant wife, neighbor, friend, or any close associate. Hence women, especially expectant mothers should be carefull with who they associate with. A close associate of a pregnant woman or a person living in her vicinity may end up being the person to attract the soul that will incarnate into the fetus in the pregnant woman. And based on the law of attraction of homogenous species, one can only attract what is homogenous to him. A killer will attract killers or souls of corresponding baseness. So through the homogenous bridge offered by this killer we described above, a soul in hell will be able to incarnate into any pregnant woman living in the vicinity of this killer. And since the earth or the entire Ephesus now revolves far away from the Light; being closer to the lower regions, it gives souls from lower regions better a stronger firm-hold on earth or anything that is material. When a darker souls from the lower region and a lighter soul struggles over a material object, including a growing fetus, the darker soul often gets a better hold of the object because at the moment everything material belongs to region of darkness. So even when a light soul is about to incarnate, once a darker one or one from the lower regions shows up; the lighter one, to avoid being soiled, retreats. So the two major situations that make it possible for darker souls in incarnate on earth are (1) At the moment the earth has been pushed too far from the Light; the earth is now in the region that it was never meant to be in, a region of darkness. (2) Our base passions on earth, based on the law of attraction of homogenous species, offer bridges for souls of the same baseness in the lower regions to incarnate on earth. This is how souls in the lower regions are able to incarnate on earth. Speer: Before I answer this, let me throw light to something I mentioned in my above explanation. You can imagine the various species or planes of creation as objects. Each object has a specific range of degree to which it can withstand heat or fire without incinerating to dust. For example, certain metals can survive the heat of fire; woods cannot, but can survive a nearer distance to the fire than candle wax etc. The Primordial spiritual part of creation can stand more heat or pressure of God than any other species of creation; hence in creation the Primordial spiritual stands closest to God. The spiritual realms had to proceed further away from the Primordial spiritual part, further away from God because it cannot take on form in the distance at which the Primordial spiritual stands. The realms of animistic substantiality had to move further away from the spiritual part, further away from God because it cannot take on form in the distance at which the spiritual stands. The ethereal had to proceed further, and finally the gross matterial realms can only take on form further away from God than the ethereal. Within this distance at which each species can exist is actually a range of distance. For example the distance at which the physical realm can exist or the distance at which the physical can have form is actually a range of distance. So it is not a definite point. Within this range that the specie can be formed, the closer it goes to the top of the range, closer to the Light, the nobler and healthier the forms become. But it can never become so ennobled as to rise above the highest point of this range. The lower it goes within the same range, the uglier and unhealthier it becomes. It cannot sink below the lowest point of this range without disintegrating. So for example, let us say that the range at which the physical can have form or the range at which the physical realm can exist is 60 to 70 miles away from God. (we are just using numbers as an example, just to give the idea. These numbers do not correspond to reality). At 60 miles away from God any the physical planet will be as beautiful and as noble as it can get. It can never exists nearer than 60, it cannot, for example, be so noble that it can exist a 59 miles away from God. At 70 miles away, the physical object or planet will still retain its form but will be terribly rigid and ugly. If it goes further than 70 miles away from God will enter the funnel of disintegration. The earth was once speedily headed towards disintegration, which necessitated the visit of Jesus. Since the Light expects nothing but the best from us; it is the duty of the human spirit in each planet of the seven planets in the physical realm harboring life, to pull these planets as close to the light as possible; to ennoble these planets. I.e. to bring them up at 60 miles to God. But these seven planets in their corresponding parts of the physical realm are scatted along the range that physical can exist. Using our analogy, one maybe 68 miles away from God, the other may be 65 miles away from God, and the next 64 miles away; all due to the different development or faliue of the humans in that planet. So density varies even within the physical realm or within a specie. There are seven universes of the physical realm, each with its ethereal environment; a man in the physical universe that exists at 60 miles away from the Light will be lighter than a man in another physical universe that exists at 65 miles away from. Yet both men are physical and within the physical realm. So indeed thier places in this physical real denser than the earth. But the humans who incarnate on earth from darker or lower regions do not come from the other physical universes or from the denser places of the physical realm. They all belong to this part of the universe, along with its non-physical environment; it is impossible to go physically from one of the seven universes to another; even cross-incarnation is impossible. Evry spirit that descended into a particular universe in the world of matter must complete its journey within that universe. You cannot incarnate in Ephesus(the part to whic the earth belong) and in your next incarnation incarnate in Pegamon which is another physical universe with a corresponding ethereal or non-physical environment. Now to your question. The humans who incarnate on earth from the lower planes incarnate from the ethereal realm of this universe; the ethereal realm corresponding to our universe. The ethereal realm by its nature is more expandable than the physical. The ethereal stretches far more than the physical can. Hence after the fall of man, planes that sunk lower than the earth or the physical realm came into being in the ethereal realm. These planes should not have resulted at all; and it is wrong to call them the work of God. Because they did not arise from the will of God. They arouse from the failure of man; they are works of mankind. The evil volitions of mankind take on form in the ethereal realm. Since these forms are evil, they cannot obtain a connection from the Light; hence they are heavy and based on the law of gravity sink to the bottom of the range of ethereal existence. If we go back to our analogy where we assigned 60 to 70 miles away from God to the physical realm; then we should assign 40 to 80 miles away from God to the ethereal. Being able to rise higher also implies being able to sink lower. We observe this in many events around us, be it in an individual, nations, and entire species of creation. Lucifer, for example who being above creation, could rise higher than any man can, fell lower than any man can. Humans, for example, who being spiritual can rise higher in creation than any animal can, can also fall lower than any animal can. For example, animal can never be found in hell, it can never fall so low. It’s all too simple and natural; the ethereal specie which can rise higher than physical specie can, can also streach to lower depths than any physical can. Hence there are parts of the ethereal world that are closer to the Light than the earth will ever become; there are also parts of the ethereal world that are further away from the light and the earth is. You can imagine the entire world of matter as a planet; the ethereal realms being the gaseous atmosphere of the planet, and the gross material realms being the solid ground of the planet. Just as the atmosphere surrounds the ground, the ethereal realm surrounds the gross material realm in both upward and downward direction. Just as the airy atmosphere can expand more than the solid ground, the ethereal realm can expand more than the physical. The physical by its nature is very definite in size and density and hence does not streach. For example, it is possible to run out of space on earth; the earth can become so populated that there will be no more room for people; but this is not so in the beyound. The planes and species of the beyound can streach and can keep getting bigger and bigger. The astral planes and the ethereal planes can streach both in upwards and downwards direction more than the physical plane can. As an aside note: Think of Paradise or the spiritual planes. Thier ability to streach is limitless to the human mind; hence you cannever run out of space in paradise. But in the case of Paradise or the spiritual realms streaching can only be sidways, always maintaining the same distance to the Light. Streaching away from the Light or the sinking of any plane away from its intended hieght is always only as a result of the failue of the creatures in that plane. Since failue is not found in the spiritual realms; it is imposible for these planes to fall lower than thier intended position, the position willed by the Light. Each Plane in the Primodial spiritual part of creation is always as close to the God as its nature would allow it to be. The dark regions of the ethereal realm need not come into being. If mankind had followed the Will of the Light the entire ethereal realm would have unfolded at 40 to 59 miles away from God(Keep in mind these numbers are just an analogy); hence the ethereal realm would have existed only above the gross material realms as it is willed by the Light. The plane that some people refer to as hell, Gahanna, etc. are actually one of such ethereals plane that sank or exists lower than the earth; it further away from the light than any gross material real realm can be. I hope this helps. Thanks and remain blessed. 2 Likes |
Re: Inquiry For Justcool And M_nwankwo And Other Adherents Of The Grail Message by Speer: 2:37am On Mar 31, 2012 |
Thanks Justcool. Your understanding commands a lot of respect. Please, another inquiry. Spirits grow to maturity in the material world and on achieving the required degree of consciousness enter into "paradise". Where and how are the animistic cloaks dropped? Or asked another way, after leaving the uppermost ethereal plane(s), do spirits breeze through the animistic planes and drop the animistic cloaks or is there some sort of sojourn in the animistic sphere as well. How do fully conscious spirits drop their animistic cloaks? As an aside, is there any other forum that you know of wherein there are discussions on the message as on Nairaland? And do you know of any Message-themed books such as your work (aside from the Grail publications). Thanks again and have an enriching weekend. |
Re: Inquiry For Justcool And M_nwankwo And Other Adherents Of The Grail Message by justcool(m): 6:57pm On Apr 05, 2012 |
@Speer I apologize for this late reply. I have been very very busy; actually I had to cut into the time I reserved for another activity to give you this reply. Speer: Thank you. Before we leave the topic of the lower layers of the beyond, and in order to prevent any errors from arising from my earlier reply, I wish to add something to what I already said. Even those lower regions of the beyond, those ethereal planes lower than the earth, are not as dense or denser than gross material regions. The ethereal substance is inherently less dense, more stretchable, and more permeable than any special of the gross material. Be it coarsest or densest gross matter(physical), medium gross matter(astral) and finer or finest gross matter(planes of thought forms), all these planes, being gross matter are by their nature, inherently denser than any ethereal specie, which also has many divisions or sub species. The question now arises: If so then why would gravity allow some parts of the ethereal to sink lower than the physical. In addition to the explanations that I gave above, I wish also for us to touch upon the nature of gravity. An understanding of gravity is the key to solving this puzzle. Being used to the physical manifestation of gravity, we often misconstrue gravity as a force of attraction, i.e. a larger body attracts smaller bodies. While this is a physical manifestation of gravity and the attraction of homogenous species; it, as only a limited manifestation, does not surface to give a complete survey of the nature of gravity, the way it manifests in the entire creation. Gravity actually repels! Gravity is the repulsion power of the Light or God. The Light brings movement, and the more a species is without movement, the more it is repulsed by the Light. Hence it is not only density that causes species to sink or proceed farther away from the Light; although density is connected with it and with movement. I.e. the more any species moves, the less dense it becomes. The more a specie is without movement, the denser it becomes. But each specie has a limit to how dense it can become. The ethereal without movement can become extremely dense but cannever become as dense as the physical. Now the ethereal being more permeable, is easily more permeable to the nature of the volition of the human spirit. I.e. a man on earth who indulges in female activity and desire to be a woman, overtime, his ethereal body will take on the form of a woman’s body. But the physical body being very definite and less permeable cannot be changed just by volition. Hence extreme wickedness which implies a complete lack of spiritual movement, also manifests in the ethereal body, and the works produced by such spiritually indolent humans. Such wicked works carry no movement and their ethereal manifestations, and having no movement, they will be further repulsed by the movement of the Light. Hence such ethereal planes proceed farther than the physical away from the Light because they are less mobile than the physical planes. The ethereal which poses the ability to be driven to a higher movement than the physical, also poses the ability to be driven to lesser movement than the physical can. Just an ethereal body of a man can degenerate to that of a monster or an animal within a couple of years of indulging in base passion, the ethereal can be driven to manifest or form a plane of far less movement than the physical plane can. Just as the physical body cannot change from that of a man to a woman or an animal easily, the physical body has a very limited range of form that it manifests in; the physical plane has a narrow range of manifestation. It cannot be driven to as much as movement as the ethereal; if driven beyond the bottom of its range of movement, it will disintegrate. One can starve or neglect his ethereal body till takes on a form totally different from the human form; you cannot drive the physical body so far without it dying and decaring thus disinteraging. The forms of the physical body never strays as much away from the human form as the ethereal body ethereal body. As with bodies so with entire species; hence the physical cannot be driven to form a plane far away from the Light as much as the ethereal can. Doing so will only drive the physical universe in question into the funell of disintergration. Hence it is lack of movement that allows the ethereal, which is inherently less dense than the physical, to sink lower than the physical; although this sinking lower than the earth was not intended by the Light, the laws of creation, which are nothing but the intrinsic abilities of the species in creation, allow it. I know this is exactly what I said earlier; but I felt the need to look at it from a different side, from the side of the Law of Gravity. But despite all and despite whichever way we look at it. The basic principle remains simple: The higher one can rise, the lower he can fall too. This manifests even in the split manifestation of the spiritual species which we call man and woman. The woman, who can rise higher than any man can, can also fall deeper than any man can. Hence the saying, "when a woman becomes bad, she is worse than the man." This saying is sensed from the Law of gravity. Based on the same principle we can say that, with the ethereal specie, we can create planes or conditions far worst or far better than we can with the physical. The ethereal can manifest in planes farther away from the Light or closer to the Light than the physical can. I believe I have exhaustively treated this issue. Please read the following lectures from the Grail Message: Rigidity; What separates so many from the Light today?; The Regions of Darkness and Damnation; Various aspects of clairvoyance; In the realm of demons and phantoms. Speer: Very good question. In order to answer this question, lets us trace the path of the spirit germs as they descend from Paradise. A thorough understanding of this path will afford us the key to your puzzle, since the same process repeats itself in the reverse direction as the mature spirits return back to Paradise. As soon as the spirit germs leave Paradise, they sink into the topmost layer of the ring of animistic substantiality. There two female beings receive the germs and cloak them with a delicate layer of the finest animistic substantiality. These two female beings who swing in the rays of Love and Justice, forward the newly veiled spirit germs to other female beings in a lower part of the ring of animistic substantiality. These female beings at the lower part of the animistic substantiality ring stand closer to the ethereal realm. These beings give the germs another cloak corresponding to their animistic environment. And protectingly escort the germs, which have become heavier due to cloaking, to the topmost part of the ethereal world. At the topmost part of the ethereal realm, other being in the ethereal realm receive the spirit germs and lovingly care for them till they strike a certain density in the ethereal realm. This density allows them to sink further to the ground of a plane in the highest part of the ethereal realm. This plane is very unique and it is a turning point to the spirit in its journey to or from Paradise. This plane is specially made to have an awakening, strengthening, and furthering influence. A plane of mild light, indescribable beauty, filled with wondrous gardens and flowers. Yet, despite the mildness of this ethereal plane, it is far far brighter than the brightest sunshine on earth. Like an oasis in the desert, it offers the traveler a refreshing spot to rest, re-strengthen, even self-communion. This is the plane where the spirit germs first awaken to consciousness. The nature of this plane will not permit them to go further. The loving female beings guarding the spirit germs, plant the germs like seeds on the soil of the plane. Like a seed grows on earth, the germs grow into flowers. The outermost body of the spirit germ forms the flower; and inside the cups of each flower slumbers that spirit germ which now bears a human form. The inner cloak of the germ, the first cloak it recieved from the female beings at the upper part of the animistic ring, has taken on the human form. Despite the delicacy of this flower and this ethereal plane, it is far coarser than the Paradise. Hence the activities in this plane which the slumbering spirit child perceives through the flower protecting it, has an awakening influence on the spirit. Gradually the spirit awakens to conciseness and the bursts open the flower bud and emerges as a human spirit. To proceed further into the ethereal realm and finally the gross material realms. Just as this plane is very important for the descending spirit germ, it is equally important to the ascending spirit which have developed in the sense of the Will of God. Just as the spirit germ halts or is held on this plane, due to its density, till it awakens to consciousness; the mature spirit returning to paradise is held here too till it loses its last covering. The first animistic cloak which was given to the spirit germ at the top part of the animistic ring took on human form in this plane. And in returning backwards, the spirit will have to take off its last body(the same animistic body) on this ethereal plane. This body which took on a human form in this plane, also, in the end, loses its form or dissolves in this plane. Fulfilling the law that everything has to end where it began. The form began in this ethereal plane, and in the end the same form is desolved in this ethereal plane. This body dissolves to its components and its components returns back or floats back to the realm of animistic substantiality from when it was gotten. Such returning animistic substances strengthens the ring of the animistic substantiality because having being a cloak, or having being the constituents that made up the animistic body that a spirit wore, the spirit lent it energy or strengthened it as the spirit awakened and matured. Hence when these substances are returned back they add more energy and light and the realm of animistic substantiality. After laying aside its last foreign body on this ethereal plane, the spirit having only a spiritual body, a body made of spiritual substantiality, now based on the law of gravity, floats back to Paradise. So the spirits floats back to Paradise from this ethereal plane. Since the spirit has completed its development in the world of matter and has awakened to self-conciseness, and since it no longer has an animistic body, its journey through the realms of animistic substantiality can be described as floating by or floating through. It needs not participate actively in those planes. Read the lecture, ‘Spirit-Germs’ form Volume III of the Grail Message. Speer: All over the internet there are various websites where people declare things they claim to have gotten from the Grail Message. I will not recommend any of such sites, I've seen some where people declear things that do not accord with the Truth. If you stumble into any, already examine everything with your intuition. I advise you to do this always, even here. Examine everything that I write with your intuition and where you cannot reconcile my writings with your intuition disregard my writings and follow the voice of your spirit. I declare the Grail Message and Abd-ru-shin, as the ultimate authority. Where you perceive that my word strays from the Grail message, there you must disregard my word and follow the word of the Grail message. However, I don’t know of any forum like Nairaland; they ones I've stumbled upon were websites. Speer: Thank you so much. Recently my days have been blessed with a lot of activity. It could be tiring but I can’t complain, especially knowing that motion(activity) is good for both spiritual and physical development. But don’t let my being too busy deter you from raising any issues or asking any questions. I might not reply immediately but I will always reply. Thanks and remain blessed. 1 Like |
Re: Inquiry For Justcool And M_nwankwo And Other Adherents Of The Grail Message by Speer: 9:27pm On Apr 07, 2012 |
Thanks as always Justcool. I do not mind waiting for your very illuminating posts..........I would indeed rather like to request that you take your time in responding in a calmer frame so that it could be even more comprehensive and light-shedding. Of course, one has a lot of questions. Qstn: Why/How do Called Ones fail------are they not specially prepared before coming to the material planes and having the Power of the Holy Spirit behind them unlike ordinary sojourning human spirits? Qstn: Given the above, how are the human spirits who were incarnated at a specific time and location to meet and learn from a called One now compensated for the failure of the called One(s)........wherefrom will their increase in knowledge/understanding now come from in their precious earth-life. Qstn: The Comet Could you shed any light on the approaching comet-----for instance, does it originate in the Divine Sphere of Substantiality or the Primordial Sphere, why is it needed and how does it tally with the Laws of Creation since its sending forth seems to be a special Act that would not naturally happen. As an aside, there is a book on that touches on this comet: Dear Amy: Making Sense of the Voyage of the Soul by Tom Kay Thanks and please take your time. |
Re: Inquiry For Justcool And M_nwankwo And Other Adherents Of The Grail Message by justcool(m): 2:06am On Apr 09, 2012 |
@ Speer. Thanks for your questions. Speer: All failures, whether that of a called one or that of an ordinary person, result from one thing: The misuse of the free-will. Hence where there is no free-will, there failure cannot result. Even where there is free-will, failure will not occur if the free-will is aligned with the Will of the Light. Speer: Good question. But one way to look at it is that the mission of a called one is already a gift to the people who if have developed in the sense of the Will of God may not have needed to be sent a called one from above. There is no separation between this world and the beyond, and the entire creation can be experienced as one. The only reason why we humans don’t experience Paradise, events or happenings in Paradise is because of our failure. Keep in mind that we on earth bear every specie of creation on us, and hence can experience the entire creation as one. If mankind had not failed then the situation that necessitated a called one from above to be sent would not have arisen in the first place. Mankind can while on earth, receive of the happenings and events above the material realms; they could also be gradually led through their spiritual development from above the material realm without the need of the leader having to incarnate on earth or enter subsequent creation. The most disastrous consequence of the fall of man is that allowed gaps to exist in creation, i.e. it disjoined subsequent creation from the rest of creation. Hence energy no longer flows directly from above into subsequent creation. And it is this disruption that necessitated visit of called ones from above. Hence the visit of called is already a gift to mankind; hence the question of compensating mankind when the gift fails to reach them should not arise. A gift remains a gift that is not fully earned. If I decide to send you an Easter gift and if this gift gets lost in the mail, would it be right for you to demand compensation? No! Another analogy: My father used to give me enough money for a whole semester during my high school years. When I squander my money and run out of it in the middle of the semester; I send a message to my father who will either visit to give me more money or send a messenger to give me more money. If this messenger fails, can I demand compensation from my father? No considering that the mission of the messenger was already an unmerited gift of Love. I wish to deal with this frame of mind before answering your question. This frame of mind that we humans have is terribly wrong. We cannot demand, for everything that we needed to succeed was given to us from the instance God allowed us to come into being. Although the called one is sent to the people most deserving him; it remains a gift that should not have been necessary if mankind is what they can and should be. However, God does compensate! In this we see the love of God working in dimensions that we human spirits can never understand. Despite everything God still finds ways to give us the gift that we need inorder to pull ourselves out of our self-created maze or entanglments. How then does God achieve this? It happens that often when a mission of help is being prepared or is in action, another mission is already being prepared in the Luminous spheres incase the first one fails. I will give an example: When mankind failed and was about to drive themselves and this part of material creation into an early disintegration, Jesus was sent to arrest the situation. Jesus fulfilled His mission faithfully, but the called people failed grasp and preserve His holly words; His incarnation gave subsequent creation enough strength to exist till the time of judgment. But mankind failed to grasp the words of Jesus; and Jesus saw that despite the fact that He had saved subsequent creation, almost the entire mankind would still be lost during judgment for they are too immature to grasp the only thing that can save them, which is the word of the Father that Jesus brought. On realizing this, Jesus prayed to the father to grant that before the judgment, the son of man will incarnate on earth and deliver the word of the Father one more time. And the Father granted this request! This is why the son of man, who was only to fulfill His mission from the ethereal realm, had to incarnate on earth to the deliver the Message. If you follow the mission of Jesus with an alert intuition, you will notice that at the beginning He likened the coming of the son of man as a coming in the clouds of heaven. Even this statement was passed down in the Bible, “and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.”(Mathew 24:30). This coming in the clouds, hence above the earth, is a figurative way of saying that the son of man will influence the earth from the ethereal realm, above the earth. Only later in His mission did Jesus start talking about the son of man living physically on earth. “But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.” Here we see God compensating for the failure of mankind in regards to the mission of Jesus, by sending the son of man to deliver the same massage. Another way to look at it is that if the people are really ‘deserving’ of the message or enlightenment, irrespective who fails, the enlightenment will come the people. Nobody, no called one is so great that he is indispensable to God. Hence whenever a called one shows pride or accepts gratitude for his work, there you find a called one who is failing. For the called one should first realize that despite his calling, he remains just a servant or an apprentice, who is not indispensable; hence all the thanks directed his way, he would immediately direct above, to the only indispensable one — God! When a called one fails, if one person around him shows a genuine desire to fulfill, rays will be linked to that person and strength will be given him so that he might even achieve more than the failed called one could have achieved. I will give an example: A man is prepared in the spiritual realm to bring enlightenment to a particular people; thus this man is called to be a prophet. Since life on earth requires a working with a woman as a wife. A woman is chosen in the same spiritual plane and prepared to aid this man on earth as his wife. So that pure harmony would arise between them and no disharmony which will hinder the work of the called one will arise. This man and this woman incarnates among this people, so that when time comes for the man to look for a wife, he will come in contact with the woman and both prompted by an inner urge, will happily enter into an earthly marriage. But right from their moment of birth, even before they begin to sense their calling, Darkness recognizes them and seeks to divert them from their calling. It may happen that as soon as the woman becames of age, even before she comes in contact with the person she was called to help as a wife, a thousand suitors will knock at her door every day; both the rich, the influential and the powerful, each seeking her hand in marriage. Impelled by darkness or the love of ease, her parents may give her away in marriage to one of such suitors, and she may never come in contact with the prophet whose wife was prepared to be. However the time of the prophet comes and he enters into his task. But there is a gap in the swinging because the activity of his female counterpart is missing. But the prophet, filled with confidence in the power of God, continues his mission without giving in to the thousands of vain women who darkness places in his way to ruin him into a disharmonies marriage which will ruin his mission. A simple woman, who perhaps follows the message of the prophet in loyal conviction, and who through the prophet has developed faith in God; out of pure and selfless love for the mission which she already senses is a gift from God, she prays to be allowed to help in the mission. But this woman also carries qualities that can unite harmoniously and compliment the qualities of the prophet. And based on these (her selfless love, and complimentary qualities), the Light hears prayers and calls her to stand and close the gap that abounded due to the failure and absence of the women meant to be the prophets wife. This calling, although joyfully accepted by her spirit, she may not be awear of it consciously, as in being awear with the physical brain. Rays from above quickly found their way to this woman’s spirit. Luminous helps sent to help the other woman who was led astray will surround this woman. Many hands in the beyond and above subsequent creation will be raised above her blessing her. All these she may not even consciously know. The physical manifestation could be that she finds herself going through life changing experiences; the experiences may bring her in close contact with the prophet. Within a few years this woman has matured and ready to fulfill her task; she is now as called one. Prompted by an inward urge, the prophet sees her and asks for her hand in marriage; thus calls her into activity. Similar to the picture I painted above, is the case Jesus’s parenthood. The man who was called to raise Jesus as a father was lulled away by Darkness. Joseph out of pure and selfless love for mary and her unborn child Jesus stood in and filled the gap. With strength given to him from above, he did a marvelous job of raising Jesus. I can paint a thousand pictures of the process, but what’s the point? The bottom line is that nobody is indispensable. In the face of failure, if any human spirit out of pure and selfless love for the light petitions to help, strength will be given to him to completely fill or to fulfill as much as he can, the gap created by the failure of other called ones. And he himself should no longer be considered less called. Jesus aptly described this process in the parable of a man who called people for a wedding celebration; they people refused to show up and the man went to the street and collected ordinary people to fill his wedding. This Parable is found in Mathew 22; 1-14. John the Baptist also captured this process in his reproach to the Jews. The Jews having perceived their calling—in their midst a light happening was about to take place—allowed darkness to fill them with pride, they felt indispensable. Hence the glorious servant of God, John, reproached them: “Don't just say to each other, 'We're safe, for we are descendants of Abraham.' That means nothing, for I tell you, God can create children of Abraham from these very stones.!” Such is the working of the Light! No creature is indispensable. And where the Light decrees that help should go, there help must go! Nothing can stop it! No failure can prevent it. If help fails completely to materialize, then the ones the help was sent to rejected it or do not deserve it. Speer: Wow!! I love this question. First, the comet is not approaching but already here. Even the time Abd-ru-shin wrote ‘THE GREAT COMET’ the comet was already here and Abd-ru-shin could clearly see it. But the Grail Message is written in a manner that each spirit can only take as much as its nature and maturity allows it. It is an ongoing experiencing to an endless awaking and maturing. Even many years of reading the Grail Message over and over again I still thought that He was talking about a future event in regards of the comet. But this is not so, because even at the time He was writing, the comet was already there. To show you that the comet was already there even at time, I will highlight some parts of the Grail Message to you. If you read that lecture carefully, on the sixth paragraph, he wrote, “The First direct effects have already begun in recent years.....” (from the Lecture “THE GTREAT COMET.” In the Light of Truth: The Grail Message Volume I) For the direct effect to have already begun in recent years shows that the comet was already here then. Otherwise he would not have said “direct effects.” It is direct and no longer transmitted from above subsequent creation, because the comet was already here in the worlds of matter. To further prove this point to you. Intuitively look at the lecture, “THE STRANGER.” From that lecture we read: “In the evenings He saw the Comet, radiant above Him, Like a greeting from God the Father;….” (from the Lecture “THE STRENGER.” In the Light of Truth: The Grail Message Volume I) From the above you can see that the Comet was already there since the stranger could see it above him! Also from the Lecture THE STAR OF BETHLEHEM we read: “But now, at the return of the Star, all errors shall henceforth be redeemed through the Grace of God;….” (from the Lecture “THE STAR OF BETHLEHEM.” In the Light of Truth: The Grail Message Volume I) In the above we observe, “But now” in other words, at the present time! Keep in mind that the great Comet is of exactly as the same nature the Star of Bethlehem and hence can be referred to as such. This star detached itself from the highest plane of Primordial realm; its core is filled with primordial spiritual substance, hence high spiritual energy. As it descends it envelops itself with material substance as its last covering. It is this material covering of it that allows men, who cannot see the primordial spiritual substance, to see it. Naturally mankind cannot see the primordial spiritual substance due to difference in species; hence mankind can only see this star due to its material covering. But the reason of covering this star with material substance is not just for mankind to see it; but for its power to be directly felt or flow into the material realms. This star helps in the purification of matter and in the sucking up of the material realm towards the light, to bridge or close the gap that resulted from the fall of man. However the last or the outermost covering that this Comet received was a covering medium gross matter. For it to do its work effectively, a covering of coarsest gross matter or physical is not necessary. Since the astral (medium gross matter) plane is the entry to the physical, all that goes into the astral also has a strong effect on the physical. Indeed the physical is only a coarser reflection of the astral. Hence the gross material covering that the comet needed, as its last covering, was a covering of medium gross matter. Such a star always accompanies the two sons of God Jesus and Imanuel. They are linked with the working of the two sons of God and they take effect where ever spiritual enlightenment and purification is about to take place. The star of Jesus was filled with rays of Love; it brought hope to all those striving towards the spiritual and at the same time illuminated the earth driving away the dark currents and breaking all the strongholds of dark currents. The Great Comet which is the star or the sign of the son of man; also brings hope to those striving towards the spiritual; but it brings disaster to all that does not swing in the sense of the Will of God. It brings annihilation to all forms of darkness. Hence, since it sent its rays to the earth, the earth has been going from one natural disaster to another. All that is wrongly formed in the worlds of matter must either transform to a form corresponding to the Will of God or break to pieces and cease to exist. Of cause all these doesn’t happen overnight. This star sends a lot of its energy to our sun; forcing it into greater activity which in turn hastens the purification of the earth. Even global warming is an effect of it. Despite all the noise we make about global warming, the Truth is that no human activity can check it! This, the scientist must be honest enough to admit. Even if we remove all the cars, airplanes and industries that introduce carbon monoxide in the atmosphere, it will not stop global warming. It will only take an explosion or erupting of one giant volcano to throw, within a shorter time, more carbon monoxide than all our technologies have done over years. A true scientist knows that our habits or inventions like cars, airplanes and etc. are insignificant to global warming. If so why then promise the masses that by driving less or reducing in the production of cars they can prevent global warming? Why these lies? The Truth is that people have to be told that they can do things to change the situation; hence no situation is out of their control. But this is just a placebo which the first ray of light will wash away. In the coming experiences mankind will see that at this point it no longer simply depended on them to make the earth the way they want it to be. Mankind needs to understand that the situation is beyond their control; that the only thing that can save them is total alignment with the Will of God; and not in economic solutions like cutting down on the production of cars. Back to the Comet. It tallies in harmony with the laws of creation, because the star being made up of high spiritual energy swings powerfully in the laws of creation and consequently forces everything around it to do so. It is this Comet that was mentioned in Mathew as the sign of the sun of man which will appear in the sky. Through it, the son of man, Who is connected to it and Who has returned back to His home, sends the energy from above, the energy that continues the purification of the worlds of matter. Every now and then a man on earth, moved by the deepest longing, is allowed to see this Comet with his astral or ethereal vision. I do not share my spiritual experiences, but I feel the urge to tell you that I personally have been allowed to see it. In my deepest moment of sorrow at the injustice I received from fellow humans, and in the most trying period of my life. When my strength almost gave way; I rose up after praying to behold the greatest wonder of my life in the sky! The Great Comet!!! With its tail pointing upwards towards the luminous heights! Only then did I become convinced that the Comet had been here since the time of the Grail Message. This experience filled me with hope and strengthened me greatly. I have not read Tom Kay’s “Dear Amy: Making Sense of the Voyage of the Soul.” And therefore I’m not qualified to talk about it. Thanks and remain bless[i][/i]ed. Happy Easter!!!! |
Re: Inquiry For Justcool And M_nwankwo And Other Adherents Of The Grail Message by Speer: 1:26am On Apr 12, 2012 |
Dankeshon Justcool. Am not a Cross-bearer, just a wanderer who stumbled upon the Message. Still digesting your response and was pleasantly surprised at the fast reply. Qstn on Soul Activity in the Ethereal Realms Is the capacity to utilize the neutral energy coursing through Creation an intrinsic ability of the spirit? In the material plane, spirits form their ethereal environment with it. If this ability to "form works" is intrinsic, how does the spirit utilize/intermediate this energy in the ethereal planes is what I am asking. What are the "spiritual works" of the spirit in the ethereal planes in an ideal situation (whilst the spirit is still maturing there)? Have an insightful week. |
Re: Inquiry For Justcool And M_nwankwo And Other Adherents Of The Grail Message by justcool(m): 8:10am On Apr 24, 2012 |
@ Speer I’m so sorry for this very late reply; in the midst of my very busy schedule, my computer broke down. Speer:It was Easter holiday that day; I wasn’t busy that day, hence I could reply right away. Speer:Yes. Each specie in creation can tap on to the power that courses through creation as much as the species nature and ability allows it. No specie can fully utilize the all-encompassing power of God or energy that flows through creation. Once this power enters creation, it splits into gradations or components. The components are: Primordial spiritual energy, Spiritual energy, animistic energy, ethereal energy, and finally, gross material energy as its lowest gradation. The Primordial spiritual beings can tap into the highest gradation of this power; and hence from it or through it, produce works far stronger than any other species in creation can produce. I.e. the volition of a primordial spiritual being is far stronger and far more powerful than that of a mere human spirit. The Spirits can also tap into this power; but only a lower gradation of it—the spiritual component of the power. Hence works of the spirits or volitions of spirits are far more powerful and far more reaching in their effect than the works or volitions of the animistic. The animistic can, in turn too, tap on a lower gradation of this power. So can the ethereal and finally the gross material can only make use of the lowers gradation of this power. This is why forms resulting from the activity of the gross material species can never be as strong and as powerful as forms resulting from the activity of the spirit. For example, thoughts which arise only as a result of the activity of the physical brain can only manifest in weak forms or phantoms which operate in the fine gross material realms. The physical brain, being physical, can only tap into the lowest gradation of the neutral power in creation. Hence the works that the brain produces are only phantoms which are not really living, they do not have a mobile core and hence they bear no life of their own; and they easily disintegrate in the absence of nourishment. But works resulting from spiritual activity, whether good or bad, are really living things because the spirits employs a higher gradation of the neutral power. The works or volitions of the spirit, bear animistic substance as their core; hence they have mobile cores and therefore are really living entities which can cause great harm or bring great blessing depending on their nature. Hence the spirit bears more responsibility in creation than lower species. Speer:As above so below. The process of formation of works that manifests in the coarsest gross matter is a reflection of the same process in the higher planes. The same laws penetrate the entire creation; but manifests in a manner corresponding to the nature of the species. Or better said; each specie obeys the same laws in a manner corresponding to the nature of the specie. Or better still, these laws are intrinsic abilities of the species of creation, and each species manifests these abilities in a manner that the nature of the species allow, or in a manner that corresponds to the nature of the specie. With spirits in the ethereal world, phantoms are out of the question because these result from the activity of the physical brain, the activity we refer to as thinking. Since spirits in the ethereal realm do not have physical brains, they don’t think, and hence cannot produce phantoms. Although the soul will have to live through the plane of the phantoms she/he created while in the physical body, after she/he passes on. The spirits in the ethereal realm perceive or process information through their ethereal bodies. The volitions of spirits in the ethereal realm are the same as the volitions of spirits on earth. These volitions bear an animistic core and can also have an ethereal covering depending on the nature of the volition. These works, like works of spirits on earth, are tied to their originators. It happens that the tie or the cord that ties the works to their originators are always more refined than the outmost body of the soul. Hence the individual never sees that he is tied to these works. It happens that a soul in the ethereal realm can live in an environment that it created for itself while on earth, and even continues to create and nourish that environment while in the beyond. This soul lives in this environment and considers it real, without knowing that he is the one who creates and animates that environment. As you already know, the ethereal species is more permeable than the physical; hence the ethereal body shapes itself according to the nature, desire or maturity of the spiritual core. Hence the ethereal body of a spirit which indulges in base passions is more dark, heavy and uglier than that of a spirit which indulges in good volition. As the spirit change so does the ethereal body. Like I said earlier, the cords tying the spirit its works are always more refined than the outmost body of the soul, and hence the soul cannot see these cords. The spirit may see the works, without knowing or seeing that he/she is tied to them. Based on the fact that as the spirit changes so does the ethereal body; when the spirit changes to better or matures due to experiences, its ethereal body refines too. And once the body is as refined as much as the cords tying it to these base works, the cords snaps automatically and consequently the soul see itself in a better environment. This way, the soul never sees the various cords tying it to various works. Whether here on the beyond, it is the spirit that forms its bodies and its environments and conditions. Even on earth! Your parents, your country of birth, your conditions and etc. are directly formed by your spirit; and you are tied to them with invisible cords. You earned your name, your parents, your brother, and country, your condition—whether rich or poor and etc. are all due to your actions in the past. Maybe your actions in your past life or your actions in the ethereal realm. Your conditions on earth are works of your past behavior; they are forms of your actions in the past; and you are tied to them through invisible cords. The cords snap when you have redeemed them, when you have paid your karma, or when you have matured inwardly. This throws further light and confirms the answer to your question about the nature of the lower regions. A man, for example, who was very bad in his past earth-life, this man has earned a handicapped body due to his karma. This karma may cause the man to be born with a handicapped physical body. He may be born with a missing leg, for example. While on earth in the physical body he may not know that it was him who created his condition! And While on earth even if he comes to a better recognition, his physical body will not automatically become good overnight; i.e. his missing finger or leg will not appear magically because the physical being very definite has a very narrow range of operation and manifestation. He may have to live the rest of his earth-life in a handicapped physical body. Were he in the ethereal realm with the handicapped ethereal body, as soon as he changed inwardly, so would his ethereal body change too. Hence an ethereal body missing a leg can become normal again. A blind ethereal body can become seeing as soon the spirit wearing it redeems its guilt and consequently progresses. By the same token; A man on earth who appears normal; even very good looking with a healthy physical body which he earned in his past life. This man while on earth starts to indulge in beastly behavior. The bass passion makes contact with his spirit and it becomes a propensity; soon his ethereal body takes on the form of a beast; a form corresponding to the nature of that which flows through his spirit. The physical body being definite would remain in the form of a human being. This good looking man will one day drop his physical body, as in physical death, to find out that his ethereal body has taken on the form of an animal! A man in the ethereal ream, for example, who indulges in evil passion. This passion of his, first renders his ethereal body a certain heaviness corresponding to this bass passion; hence based on gravity, this man finds himself in an ethereal plane corresponding to weight of this baseness. This plane is bad, filled with bad conditions, and bad beings. This bad condition, bad beings, and indeed the entire ethereal plane, is actually the spiritual work of this man and people like him. He is tied to the bad entities that continually molest and torment him in tis bad ethereal plane; yet he doesn’t see the cord tying him to them. He considers them creatures as real as him, to whom he is powerless. Indeed they are really creatures, because being works of the spirit, which employs the spiritual neutral power, they bear mobile cores. This man doesn’t see them as they form or come into being; he only sees them when they have condescended and become as heavy as his ethereal body. So he sees them as entities or people he meets every day; just as you meet new people on earth every day. Little does he know that in this case, they are actually his creations which he nourishes with his base passion. Let’s say, for example that the base passion is hatred. Every entity in this plane is filled with terrible hatred for its neighbor. The souls there too; because only souls of like nature will be trapped in this plane. The souls torment each other with hatred. The entities too. Everything, even the soil on this plane oozes with terrible hatred. These entities which torment these souls are nothing but ethereal forms of the hatred that streams form these souls. These souls may not even be able to discern the entities from real souls, because the entities can take on the human form depending on their nature. Let me give an example. A man hates Jews so much that he straps bombs to himself and enters a bus filled with Jews; and in the bus he detonates the bomb killing 20 Jews along with himself. The moment the bomb explodes he feels the heat of the bomb and the most painful part of this experience prolongs into the beyond. He finds himself continually experiencing the most painful heat of the explosion. He finds himself in a flame supposedly caused by the explosion. To him the flame never stops and it burns him continually. In addition to this, the Jews in the bus all clamor to him. Holding him and dragging him back each time he tries to leave the burning environment. This increases his hatred for them and he fights them back, burning yet not dying, coursing them and calling on his God to punish them. He doesn’t know which hurts him more, whether the heat of the fire, or the hateful hands of the Jews in the bus pulling and tearing him apart as they drag him down ever deeper into the fire. This man may continue in this state for centuries. For his ethereal body can survive greater range of condition than the physical can. While the physical died in and along with the physical flame, the ethereal body lived on in the ethereal flame. But now in the ethereal, the heat is more intense because the ethereal is more easily permeated by the that which the soul radiates or the intuitive perception of the spirit. And this heat or ethereal flame is nothing put the intuitive perception of this man and other who have commited suicide in a similar manner. However the physical flame has ceased long ago; the man’s physical body has disintegrated along with those of the Jews in the car. The souls of the Jews, once freed from the physical bodies, floated into different regions of the beyond corresponding to their weight. The only ones who will remain in the burning ethereal plane are those ones who harbor the same hatred as the suicide bomber. The Jews pulling and ripping the burning suicide bomber apart in the ethereal flame are nothing but entities. These are the forms of hatred; the forms of this man’s hatred for those Jews he killed in the bomb. This man considers them real Jews not knowing that they are his works. And these entities not only look like those Jews but screams, cries and shouts like them. The flame continually burning is also his work. The ethereal form created by all the people who harbor in the passion of burning hatred for their neighbor, and all the people who comited suicide in the same manner. This burning desire to harm a fellow human being takes on form and accumulates in a plane of eternal burning. As more people harbor such hatred, more energy flows to the flaming plane, it grows ever bigger, ever hotter, far hotter than anything physical can ever become, and the firmer it holds souls trapped in it. It sends its burning fragrance to the earth, causing more souls to yield to hatred. This suicide bomber is tied to this flame and so is anybody, whether here or in the beyond, that harbors such hatred; and through this cord, although invisible to them, they fuel this flame. This man is also tied to each of the entity that torments him in the fire; he considers these entities the Jews that he killed along with himself; he does not know that they are his works neither does he know that he is tied to them. Infect it is this cord, this tie to these heavy entities that prevents him from escaping this flame. To him it feels like they, the entities which appear as Jews to him, are pulling him down. This man may most likely remain trapped in this flame till the desolation of all matter. Till his personality is crumbled to dust, and he is lost for all eternity. His spirit, the core of his soul, retuned to an unconscious spirit germ, floats back to Paradise. Accent or escape from this lower region is very difficult because there is nothing in his environment to stimulate him to change. Everything around him is as dark and as heavy and as dark as him. He is like a squirrel in cage, running round and round; each time he tries to escape, he is pulled back, and this causes him to hate more. And as long as he indulges in hatred, there is no hope for him. His only way out of this burning plane is Love. Only when love awakens in him for the entities which he considers Jews would he stand a chance of escaping this plane. This love will prompt him to realize that these Jews do not deserve the fate that he plunged then into; at the same time he will realize that he deserved his fate. But rather than caring about himself, Love would compel him to care about his neighbors, the alleged Jews burning in the flame. Not until he has helped each and every one of them escape, would a way open up for him to escape too. Such love, emanating from his spirit will cause his ethereal body to take on a nobler form, a form no longer homogenous to this heavy plane, his body atains or becomes as refined as the cords tying him there and consequently the cords will snap or beake one after the other. And he is freed! Let’s us consider the case of a good deed. A good man who while on earth loves to help people. He never forsakes an opportunity to lend a helping hand. A man who has had a good relationship with his mother, for example. A mutual love emanating from the soul ensures between this man and his mother. This love having been intuitively perceived takes on a powerful form in the beyond. This man’s mother passes on and years later the man passes on too. Soon after dropping his physical body, help comes to him. Rather than standing lonely and desolate in his death chamber, like most newly departed do; this man sees his mother approach him and welcome him into the beyond. His mother, who he is overjoyed to see, stays with him and helps him through the transition. After the transition he finds himself in an ethereal plane corresponding to his weight. A plane filled with souls like him who are eager to lend a helping hand. This man is happy to be here, for whenever he needs help, a neighbor always lends him a helping hand. He never loses his way, neither is he ever desperate because his mother is always there with him and always lends him help. But this woman he sees as his mother is not necessarily her; she may have progressed into Paradise, or she may have reincarnated on earth. But the mutual love they had for each other while on earth took on form and awaited this man in the beyond to shower him with help. It is the form of this love, a work of his spirit, a benevolent entity that this man sees as his mother. This Love, this entity was with him even while he was still physically alive; but the barrier of his physical body prevented him from seeing her. Both him and his mother are connected to this entity; but should his mother’s love for him cease, the entity does not wither and die. It connects itself to another source of Love and continues to rain blessings on this beloved man. Once the mother loses this connection due to indolence, the reciprocal effect of the good work that this entity does ceases to flow to the mother. Such a good man living in world of homogenous beings and souls will sooner or later become brighter; for he lives in an environment that encourages him to more noble activity which in-turn allows his spirit to shine brighter, ennobling the ethereal body. Soon the spiritual glow will consume the ethereal body and out of the ethereal body will emerge a pure and conscious human spirit which will easily be pulled or attracted to the plane of its species—Paradise. This explains why many people who have experienced near death experiences report to have seen their spiritual masters. Some Christians report they saw Jesus; while a Muslim may see Mohamed; a Buddhist may see Buddha. These may be entities that these people created while fervently practicing their religion. No human spirit can see Jesus Who has re-united with His father; besides, the law of attraction of homogenous species would not allow humans to see Jesus, due to difference in species. These are just very broad pictures that I painted, just to give the idea of the happening in the beyond and how the spirit produces works and relates to this works. I don’t know if I have answered your question. Please let me know where my explanations are lacking so that I can elaborate or paint more pictures. The nutshell is that the principal neutral power in creation can be used by the spirit. The intuitive perception of the spirit is like a lever for the release of this power. Once an intuition is experienced it is filled with this power, strengthening it. The intuition working together with this power gathers animistic substances just as magnetic flux gathers loose iron filling forcing them the take on the shape of the flux; or just as the energy that passes through the brain while thinking gathers loose fine gross material substances and forcing them to take on the shape of the thought. The animistic substance gathered by the radiation of spirit as the spirit works with the principal neutral power, or as the spirit expereinces a perticuler intuitive volition, takes on the form of this volition and becomes the mobile core of this volition which then gathers lose ethereal substance as its outmost cloak. The shape of this volition is either beautiful or ugly depending on the nature of the intuition that created it. Its core is a mobile animistic substance, the same species of animistic substance that gnomes and etc are made of; hence these volitions are really a living entities. However they depend on the nourishment of a homogenous intuition to keep them alive. This intuition doesn’t necessarily have to come from the same spirit that created the entity. Therefore even when the creator or originator has detached himself from the entity, it keeps on living, receiving nourishment from other spirits that indulge in the intuition that is homogenous to that which created it. Like all living things, these entities or forms of volitions grow, mature, refine, become stronger or weaker, they are very powerful. The originator although connected to the volition or work does not notice the cord connecting him to it because the cord is always finer than the volition and outmost body of the soul. Hence the soul may not know that the entities, conditions, and etc. in his environment are his works. These entities depending on their nature can send their influence either upwards or downwards; they can maintain connection with higher entities or beings above their plane or to lower entities beings below them. This way they link their originator to either Paradise or Hell. The volitions of animals cannot make contact with this power, the principal power; they can only make contact with a lower gradation of this principal power. The volitions of material species like thought volitions can’t make contact with this power either; they only make contact with the lowest gradation of this power. Hence thier works are much weaker and do not have mobile cores, they are not really living things. Speer:Thank you. |
Re: Inquiry For Justcool And M_nwankwo And Other Adherents Of The Grail Message by Speer: 2:10am On May 28, 2012 |
Thanks as ever Justcool and my turn to apologize for the late response. Essentially regarding the above inquiry, had just wanted to know if the human spirit continues to form living ethereal forms using the neutral power whilst it is in the ethereal planes itself and as a corrollary, how it lives them out karmaically given that some of the "forming" will be of higher vibrations and whilst others will be of "lower" vibrations to the plane it finds itself in after its earthly exit. Another qstn: How does the spirit live out the forms of its astral plane/fine gross it for the duration whilst it is still attached to the physical body (silver cord)? |
Re: Inquiry For Justcool And M_nwankwo And Other Adherents Of The Grail Message by justcool(m): 6:08pm On Jun 02, 2012 |
@speer Thanks for your questions. I will deal with them in details. Speer: Thanks as ever Justcool and my turn to apologize for the late response.I my response, above, answered your question with a definite “Yes.” The human spirit continues to form living forms using the neutral power, wherever the spirit is. It’s an ability that the spirit cannot shack off. However, a soul in the higher plane of the beyond cannot “form” works of a lower vibration and still remain in the same higher plane. All souls in the beyond find themselves in environments homogenous to them; hence the soul’s outmost cloak and the forms that the souls create always carry the same homogeneous weight. When the soul indulges in a heavier passion; this automatically evidences itself on the soul’s ethereal body which will become darker and heavier, and hence sink in a lower plane corresponding to its weight. Hence even before the base passion takes on form, it will already have made an impression on the ethereal body, forcing it to sink. A spirit in the highest ethereal plane cannot create work as heavy, dark, or as dense as a soul in hell, and remain in the highest ethereal plane. Once the desire to indulge in such lower vibrations arises in the soul in the highest ethereal plane, such a soul will automatically sink towards the plane corresponding to that vibration. Only in the physical plane can a soul form darker than its environment (the physical plane) and still remain in that environment. At least as long as he still wears its physical body. But as soon as he drops his physical body, his ethereal body which has become as dense or dark as his heaviest works(Forms) will sink to the plane corresponding to the weight, darkness, or vibrations of that forms. Spirits can form works of higher vibrations (lighter works) wherever the spirit is in creation. Genuine prayer always take on a light form and floats upwards to the luminous heights. Just as in the case with a darker form, they have an effect on the ethereal body, making it lighter and nobler. Anchored above, they pull the soul attached to them; as long as the souls is attached to these lighter works above, the soul may never get lost in the darker planes where he may be at the moment. Like magnets they pull on the soul making its redemption in the lower planes faster. However, before the soul can take a step into the higher plane, it must have lived through all its dark works; i.e. it must have redeemed all its dark works. Only then will the threads connecting it to the dark forms break; being no longer homogeneous to the dark plane, the soul will be pulled upwards by its lighter works. Until it reaches a height where another propensity or base passion makes it impossible for it to ascend any further. There it must stay till it loses that particular passion or propensity. And link by link, the soul is pulled upwards. The more light forms that a soul forms or formed while on earth, the more difficult it is for the soul to be lost or remain eternally in the dark regions. Like treasures stored in heaven, they pull the soul upwards wherever the soul may be. A man on earth, for example, who does both good and evil. His evil works will take on dark forms and sink to the region of the beyond corresponding to their weight. His good works will take nobler forms and float to the region of the beyond corresponding to their lightness. When he passes on; he will have to sink to the lowest plane of his works, the plane corresponding to the weight of his heaviest or darkest work. And from there gradually rise or sink further as he forms more works. But the more good works he has, the forms attached to him from above, the more inclination it has towards accent. Another soul in the same plane who did not do any good on earth, will not receive as pull from above than this soul who did many goods along with evil. Thus even on earth, some people feel upwards pull, which often manifests in inexplicable longing or an indescribable feeling, desire for ennoblement; while others feel a downward pull which often manifests in the desire for baseness. Speer:Yes and No. In order to fully answer this question, let us trace the path of departed soul in full detail. In order to give a picture of the process of death, we usually say that spirit drops the physical body in the physical plane, the ethereal body in the ethereal plane, and the animistic body in the animistic plane. This only gives a summary of the process; if we go into details we must mention the transitional bodies. I.e. the ethereal body cannot attach to a physical body directly. It needs a transitional body. And even when we go into details we often just mention the astral body which is medium gross matter. But still there is a gap, because the astral cannot attach directly to the ethereal. The difference between astral and ethereal is still too much to allow attachment, and nature allows no gaps! Hence between the astral and ethereal body, there is another transitional cloak: this cloak of made of fine gross matter. So let’s stand on the death chamber and journey with a human soul as it travels away from the physical plane. Whatever we encounter in this journey, we pause and examine in details. Only this way can we become completely clarified about your question; this way we don’t just get an answer, rather we experience the process ourselves. For only in experiencing lies the true answer to every question, or like people say, “Experience is the best teacher!” The sick man on the bed reaches a point where his physical, greatly weakened by a disease, ceases to offer the prerequisite radiation that binds the soul to it. Here we must observe that the soul is not really contained in the physical body like an object in contained inside a box, as it’s often thought. The soul’s cloaks all have a consistency different than the physical, and hence the soul can pass through any physical object without being held or bared by the physical. How then does the soul wear a physical body? The soul and the physical body are held together by the radiation of the physical body. So, as soon as the physical body, weakened by disease, injury, or other means, fails to offer this required radiation, the soul slides out from the physical body because a fusion of the two never happened but rather a telescoping. Just as the lenses of the telescope can slide in and out; once the binding factor, the radiation of the physical body is missing or lowered, the soul slides out. As the soul slides out of the physical, it pulls the astral body out too. The astral body! Let’s pause and examine it. The astral body is the prototype of the physical body. Like I said in my answer to your question on the Great Comet, the astral is the entrance to the physical. Everything that is intended to manifest in the physical is first fashioned in the astral by the elemental beings. Hence when a soul is ready to incarnate, the elemental fashion an astral body corresponding to the soul. This astral body reflects the karmic burden of the soul, the karma which must manifest in the physical body. For example, a soul which has to live on earth as a blind man in order to redeem some guilt. The elemental beings will fashion a blind astral body and attach it to such a soul. This astral body is then attached to the fertilized egg right after fertilization. As the physical body resulting from the egg forms, it forms in the radiation of the astral body; hence fashioning itself after the astral body. The soul ready to incarnate radiates through the astral body towards the physical body in formation. The radiation of the astral plays a part on embryogenesis. Hence when the initial cells of the embryo begin to differentiate, it does not happen randomly as its thought; rather it is the radiation of the astral body that guides this. The cells align themselves to the radiation of the astral body, just as iron fillings line themselves the magnetic flux. Hence an embryo developing under the radiation of such astral body will also manifest the defect that exists in the astral; the cells that form the eyes will group incorrectly during the formation and result in an eye defect. The child is born blind! So defect that results in the embrayo are not just chance malformation of cell division; chance does not play a part here. Everything is guided, but the scientist only seeing the formation but cannot see the radiation that guides it so he calls the formation chance. Hence we see that the physical body is very dependent on the astral but not vice versa. And the astral body is always attached to the physical body. After death, the astral never goes far away from the physical body. Now back to our dead friend, we observe that the further his soul stray from his astral body, the weaker the astral body becomes because the astral body is dependent on the soul. And finally when the soul detaches from the astral, the astral decays and this in turn allows the decomposition of the physical body. It is the buoyancy of the soul, or its pull from the higher planes that forces the soul to an ever increasing distancing from the astral body. Hence a soul which does not have this buoyancy; or which has a passion of earthly environment, remains close to his astral body which must remain near the physical body after earthly departure. Through this nearness of the soul, the astral receives nourishment and this can interfere with the decomposition of the physical body, making it very slow. Let’s pause here and observe a phenomenon which some churches praise adore. When a man’s physical body remains intact after many years of burial; such a man is named a saint and praised by some churches. But this adoration can only result out of lack of knowledge of the laws and structure of creation. For such a soul remains close to the physical body; his astral body is still intact and hence interferes or the delays the decomposition of the physical body! If the lack of or delay of the decomposition of the physical body is not caused by some chemicals introduced into the physical body or in the environment. Contrary to the opinion of the church, such a man is far from heaven. He is still earth bound, not only that, he is still attached to his physical body! Before the invention of embalmment which interferes with the decomposition of the physical body, people who work in the cemeteries often observed that some bodies decompose faster than others. This explains why burial grounds are often hunted. Some of the souls, whose physical bodies are buried there, are still attached to their physical bodies via their intact astral bodies. So the soul may have to live out many “forms” why still connected to the astral and physical body. The duration of this condition depends on the soul. The way it had lived its life, either striving upwards or downwards towards physical enjoyment. Even after the soul detaches itself from the astral body, the soul is still not yet in the ethereal realm because it still wears an outmost cloak of fine gross matter. Its duration in this condition also depends on the soul and the way it lived its life. It will live out all its fine gross material “forms” in this state. Even after detaching from the astral body, a soul may remain earth-bound. It may no longer be attached to the astral body; but rather than floating away from the earth, it may find itself drawn to the place or people on earth indulging in its propensity. Especially in the case of base passion or propensity that can only be fully indulged in on the earth. Sexual intercourse for example! A soul with such a propensity, even after detaching from its astral body will be drawn to people having the same propensity and indulging in it. Since this soul no longer has the physical body along with its sexual organs which is needed for physical intercourse, He follows them (those humans, with the same propensity, still wearing physical bodies) around and shares in their inner sensation as they indulge in this passion or physical sexual intercourse. And if an opportunity presents itself (i.e. if one of those humans who this soul follows around becomes pregnant) this soul can incarnate and return back to the earth even without setting foot in the ethereal realm. Hence everybody is surrounded by souls. Lustful souls surround lustful people. Gluttonous souls surround gluttons. They whisper to them as the practice their vice on earth, giving them more insights on how to indulge more in these passions. Hence some of the thoughts that strike a man on earth are not induced from the man nor form other people living on earth; but rather from souls surrounding him. Places of activities on earth are also filled with such souls wearing bodies of fine gross matter. Kitchens, dining rooms and etc. could be filled with departed souls who have propensity for eating. Some people have seen such souls; a man with a very apt physical eye and vision can sometimes one can even catch a glimpse of them with his physical eye. This does not violate the law (the law that like specie can only see like specie) because their outmost bodies are still gross matter, although fine gross matter; they are darkened and made heavy by the propensity towards earthly enjoyment. Hence they bear resemblance to the physical and the physical eye can sometimes catch a glimpse of them. Both physical and fine gross matter still belongs to the same basic species of matter called gross matter. As opposed to the ethereal matter which is entirely different and can never be seen with the physical eyes. Some souls stay centuries in the realms of fine gross matter; and even reincarnate on earth without setting foot in the ethereal realm, like I said in the previous paragraph. Yet some souls find themselves in the ethereal realms within a few days after dropping their physical bodies! Souls who live in the sense of the will of God do not need to experience the shading off of these transitional cloaks consciously. Such a soul may fall asleep after shading its physical body, sometimes after witnessing his funeral or burial, and wake up in the ethereal realm. While it slept, it shaded its transitional bodies. Being so light, the lighter spheres of creation, keeps pulling on him, forcing him to shade its gross material transitional bodies faster. I hope this completely answers your question. Please let me know if it doesn’t. Please don’t ever hesitate to ask questions; by asking you give me the gift of movement. For I have to move spiritual to find an answer. Thanks and remain blessed. |
Re: Inquiry For Justcool And M_nwankwo And Other Adherents Of The Grail Message by Speer: 6:09pm On Jun 03, 2012 |
Thanks for the (prompt!!) answer. The lowest of the spiritual planes (i.e. the final home of spirits or paradise) has various planes within itself. Since I take it that all spirits there are of the same consciousness/maturity............why are there different planes here as well. What differentiates the spirits dwelling in the various subplanes of "Paradise"? |
Re: Inquiry For Justcool And M_nwankwo And Other Adherents Of The Grail Message by justcool(m): 9:56pm On Jun 14, 2012 |
Speer:Thanks for your questions. The lowest spiritual plane, the permanent abode of the matured or conscious human spirits, does not have many planes, as in descending downward or upwards. It constitutes one plane in creation, one of the spiritual planes. However in each plane there are always different activities which stand side by side on the same plane or height. Such areas of activities can be called sub planes which do not stand one below or above the other; rather, they stand side by side. Due to splitting of qualities, which manifests in creation, in each plane, the creatures are different in their activities or qualities. Based on the law of attraction of homogenous species they group themselves forming huge areas of activities, each area swinging predominantly in a particular radiation, or a particular component of the radiation of God. God is the power whose pressure propels the radiations which manifests as qualities, abilities, or talents. Hence only in God Himself are all the qualities united as one; because only in Him lies the Power or the enormous pressure to unite all as one. Hence only God manifests in pure white light! However, as you proceed away from God, the pressure slackens and the different qualities in the radiation are able to detach themselves and deposit as species of creation each swinging predominantly in one quality. Just as when white light, which bears all the colors united as one, passes through a glass prism. The resistance of the prism slows down the light, allowing its different components to separate, thereby forming the rainbow. The separation of constituents (Spiritual, animistic, matter) of the radiation of God manifests in downward and upward direction. I.e., the strongest specie separate first and remain closer to the Light, than the rest which had to move further away from the pressure of the Light in-order to separate. Hence we have the Primordial spiritual, being the strongest and being able to bear stronger pressure, manifesting as the highest sphere, closest to the light; and the material sphere being the weakest and most ponderous forming the lowest planes of creation. But within each of these planes, the qualities, abilities or talents are manifested. But in this case they are manifested in sideways direction and not in upwards or downwards direction because they are all of equal maturity and consciousness or of the same strength. Thus even after achieving the highest maturity and consciousness, each human spirit can only represent or swing in one of the qualities, abilities or talents. And when he returns to paradise, he joins the region of Paradise where spirits of the same quality or talent dwell. Hence in Paradise there are many regions or areas of activities, each region is filled with spirits of the same qualities. These regions, although at the same plane and at the same distance from the Light, are different in their activities. These differences manifests in their form, even the color of their robes! As a side note, the two sons of God, Jesus and Imanuel, manifest in pure white robes! Because in them are united all the radiations. However for them to work in planes far away from the Light, only components of their radiations can work in such distances. For example, Jesus carries both masculine and feminine activity within Him; but for him to work on earth, only the masculine component of His radiation was incarnated into His physical body. Even Imanuel had to split when in creation; in creation He manifests as Parsifal and Maria. Parsifal bearing the masculine component of Imanuel, and Maria bearing the feminine component of Imanuel and the feminine component of Jesus. But these personalities (Parsifal and Maria), although different in their working, manifest at the same plane or distance from God. And these splitting, also manifests in their forms and robes. For example, Parsifal manifests in a male form while Maria manifests in a female form, yet they are both radiations of Imanuel; Parsifal manifests a purple robe, as opposed to Imanuel who as the son of God manifests in a pure white Robe! Perhaps we are going too far away from the topic at hand, I just mentioned these to give you a glimpse of how radiations split and still manifests in the same plane. To put everything together in an analogy: Let’s liken the radiation of God as pure white light which embodies seven different colors. And let’s liken our spiritual qualities as those seven colors. And each spirit can only embody, manifest or swing in one of the seven colors. Because the spirit originates in creation, where the pressure is not strong enough to unite all the qualities or talents as one; or one can equally say that the spirit, being a part of the component of the radiation, does not poses enough pressure to unite all the radiations as one, swing or manifest all of them. Only God and His two sons in their Divine unsubstantiated cores can achieve this; hence they bear Living perfection within them, perfection that no creature can ever dream of. For perfection only arises in the union of all the radiations! And hence, only God (Divinity unsubstantiated) is perfect! Just as science has observed that a red object is red because it reflects only the red component of the white light that hits it. Each spirit only reflects a component of the radiation of God which bears all. Hence in all the spiritual spheres, there are spirits which swing predominantly in heroism; there are spirits which swing predominantly in loyalty; there are those who swing in steadfastness; there are those who swing in love; those who swing in Justice; and etc. Each of these qualities is embodied in one Primordial spiritual being. I.e., the Primordial spirit, Lion, is the embodiment of heroism in creation. And through his activities, he splits the radiation of heroism into many components and under him arises a world of primordial spirits, each swinging in a component of his radiation of heroism. And these radiations sink as they split until they reach the Paradise of man, where they influence both the already matured ones and the spirit germs. Hence before the spirit germ starts its journey towards the worlds of matter it has already been predisposition to certain radiations. Some are already predisposition to feminine radiations or feminine activity while others are inclined towards masculine radiations or male activity. In the above paragraph, we touched on an important point: The higher a being originates, or the closer to the light a being originates, the more qualities it bears in a combined form; hence the more perfect it can be. All masculine qualities are combined into four major qualities which are embodied by the four Primordial spirits in the first plane of the Primordial spiritual spheres. Above them is Parsifal, who embodies all the four masculine radiations and many others as one. Above creation, in the Divine realm we find the elders, who embody both male and female activity within them, as opposed to any creature in creation who has to be either male or female. In the Divine sphere, we also find Elisabeth, the primordial queen, as the embodiment of all feminine radiations or virtues. As opposed to feminine creatures in creation that can only predominantly bear one of the feminine qualities or virtues. Now back to the paradise of man. Paradise can be likened to a city where we have many industries. Some industries are engineering industries where engineers work; some industries are science industries where scientists work. Some are art industries where artists work and etc. Now schools, where people are trained to work in the city, are a reflection of the city. In the schools we find engineering faculties, where engineers are trained. We have art faculties where artists are trained to work in the city after graduating. For each demand that the city may have, the school has a faculty to train people who will meet that demand. We can liken the worlds of matter or the earth as the school. Hence for each sphere of activity in paradise, a part of the earth along with its culture is achieved to train spirit germs who will latter meet that demand in Paradise. Hence on earth, we have female physical bodies, for spirit germs who are feminine in their activity, we have male physical bodies for spirits who are male in their activity, we have different races, cultures, languages and etc. If mankind had developed according to the will of God, the cultures and races should by now stand side by side and not one above the other the way it is today. Each race, culture along with their respective languages should have been developed; each people should have developed their cultures and keep it as pure as possible. Cross-racial and cross-sexual incarnations are not necessary for the spirit to complete its development. Like I said earlier, the spirits are already predispositioned or inclined towards certain radiations even before the incarnated on the earth for the first time. Hence to complete their development faster, they should continue with that particular radiation which they started with or which are were inclined to as spirit germs. But due to the wrong development on earth, many spirits incarnate across many races and across the sexes too. Some incarnate as a man in this earth life only to incarnate in their next earth life as a female. All these prolongs the time that it takes the spirit to fully develop and ascend; for as a human spirit he cannot develop both qualities or radiations, he can only develop one to its fullest extent and return to Paradise among others of the same kind of quality. Imagine a student who is admitted to the university to study electrical engineering. The first year he studies electrical engineering, the next years he joins a different faculty and studies fine arts, the next year he joins yet another faculty and studies biochemistry! He may never graduate! Or it may take him far longer time to graduate! For he has to meet the requirement of a particular field to graduate in that field. Or imagine a school where one faculty invades the other and forces the other faculty to follow its (the invader’s) curriculum! For a university to function well and produce graduates sound enough to meet the demands of the city, each faculty of the university has to remain pure. They have to stand side by side and realize that each is as important as the other. For there is demand for each of their products in the city! Where they fail to supply the city’s demand, there the city suffers. And this is why the lowest plane of the spiritual sphere suffers; because the spirit germs sent to the school of matter do not return as graduates! Hence the Sphere of spirit bleeds due to the failure of mankind. And this manifests even on the steps of the throne of God; for the lamb, from whose radiation all spiritual species issued, bears a wound on its body. The Lamb of God who carries the sin of the world! Hence all the cultures, races and languages of the earth should stand side by side. Kept pure with the realization that each is as important as the other. It is not without significance that we have different races, cultures, languages and etc. Each people should strive to develop themselves and their cultures, they must strive to refine themselves within their own cultures, with the tools that they already poses. Real progress never comes to any people by copying or employing foreign traditions or cultures. Therefore in the final home of man, in Paradise of human spirits who developed from spirit germs, there are many sub spheres of activity which results from the different activities that exist there. But they stand side by side and not one above the other. Later we will explore all the spiritual planes, from the highest primordial spiritual plane to the lowest spiritual plane or the paradise of human spirits who developed from spirit germs. Basically, there are two types of spirits: Primordial Spirits and Spirits. Hence there are two major spiritual spheres, each sphere comprises many planes arranged in upward and downward direction; the lowest plane of the second sphere is the paradise of the human spirits who have developed from spirit germs. There also spirits who did not develop from spirit germs, and they are not Primordial spirits either. These form the planes above the Paradise of man and below the Primordial spiritual planes. Later we will talk of all these. For now I have given you enough to chew on. Thanks and remain blessed. |
Re: Inquiry For Justcool And M_nwankwo And Other Adherents Of The Grail Message by justcool(m): 2:17am On Jun 15, 2012 |
Suffice also for me to say that in each of the planes, there is always a highest point where the plane connects to the higher sphere. And this point of connection is a chamber in the Grail castle. This point of connection is always a little more refined than the rest of the plane, only purest of the beings on that plane can enter this chamber and uncover the Grail at the appointed intervals of time. This purest servant is always appointed from above, and given a flame of light which strengthens him and allows him to bear more light pressure than the rest of the creatures on the same plane; hence he can enter this sacred chamber and bear the pressure of the power that flows through the Grail. The original Grail castle is the point of connection between the Primordial spiritual sphere and Divine Sphere; hence the point of connection between creation and the Divine sphere. There a part of Imanuel is anchored in Parsifal as the guardian of the Grail. As opposed to the guardians of the imitation Grails in the lower spheres, who had to come from the fold of the spirits in that plane, and appointed or called, hence lifted up, Parsifal descends from above, He descends from Imanuel. Both, Parsifal and Imanuel, being one in their working. No creature, even the purest primordial spiritual being can enter this chamber where the actual Grail stands. At best they can approach the forecourt of this sacred castle. Also in the lowest of the spiritual planes, in the Paradise of human spirits, there stands at its highest point an imitation of the Grail castle. At the point where this plane connects with the spiritual plane above it. In the sacred chamber of this castle or temple of God, stands an imitation of the Grail; and there a pure human spirit, who has been called or appointed to office from above officiates as the guardian of the Grail. This heighest point of this plane does not constitute a higher plane or another plane; it is part of the same plane only that it is the part where energy from the higher planes first touches as it flows into this plane. It is the gateway to the higher plane. At best it can be discribed as an elavated part of the same plane; just as one can call mountains elavated parts of the earth. Yet the mountains remains parts of the earth plane and does not consititute a higher plane or another plane above the earth. No mountain top on earth is so refined as to be called part of the astral plane, which is the plane directly above the earth(coarsest gross matter). These secred chambers within the Grail castles can be discribed as being half a step above the rest of the plane; it is a little more refined than the rest of the plane but it still belongs to that plane and does not constitute a higher plane. There is also an imitation Grail castle at the highest point of the highest ethereal plane, where Amfotas was once the guardian of the Grail. When he succumbed to the temptation of Lucifer, he lost his given ability to bear more light pressure than the rest; hence he could no longer approach this imitation Grail and uncover it during the festival of the Holy dove. This uncovering is necessary at certain intervals or festivals, so that the light energy can flow through the Grail into the plane. Hence when Amfortas failed, subsequent creation was bound to slowly disintegrate due to lack refreshment from the light power. Hence Parsifal had to incarnate into that plane to appoint another Guardian of for that imitation Grail. Only one who bears Divinity unsubstantiate within can give any spirit what it needs to stand a half step higher than his fellow spirits; hence Parsifal had to mediate to another spirit the power to approach and uncover this imitation Grail. So within a plane of the same height, there is always a highest point, and there is always a specially called one who stands half a step above others in the same plane. This way a connection with the higher sphere is maintained for an uninterrupted flow of energy. In the lower part of a higher sphere there is always a being connected to the highest being of the lower sphere. I.e. In the lower part of the Primordial Spiritual sphere resides Ishmael. And on the highest point of the spiritual sphere stands another spirit called Ishmael. Both are connected and although two different persons, they are one in their working. This is a reflection of the working between Imanuel in the Divine realm and Parsifal. If earthly mankind had developed aright, by now they should have had a Grail castle on earth, and within this castle a sacred chamber where the light flows into uninterruptedly from above. The ancient Jews who were the most spiritually developed people on earth at that time were able to achieve this. In their temple in Jerusalem, there was a sacred chamber called the Holy of Holies. There the ark of covenant was kept, until they lost it during Babylonian captivity. Only the highest priest could enter this chamber; and he only enters there after performing many rituals of purification. The ordinary man dared not, they sensed the power which filled that chamber. For the Light from above actually was anchored there. This light, the Jews called Shekinah light! This explains why the ancient Jews were able to achieve many things which we consider miracles with this secred object which was kept in a place where its bathed by the Shekinah Light, leaving it pemeated and soaking with high spiritual energy. Over exposure to it can even cause desease or death. In the Holy of holies, at that time, there was more spiritual current than the rest of the earth; it can be described as the most spiritualy elavated part of the earth at that time. The gate way for spiritual currents. This grace was taken from us when the son of God died on the cross. This murder closed all the doors that led from subsequent creation to the luminous realms. The Shekinah light ceased to flow down to the earth; and the luminous beings that guarded the Holy of holies tore the curtain around it to pieces, the curtain that separated it from everybody’s views. And currents of darkness found their way to the holy of holies. For mankind had failed to maintain the connection! This also explains why Jesus was enraged when He saw men buying and selling at the forecourth of this temple. For this temple was no ordinary temple! So even on the same plane, there are points a little higher than other points spiritually. I will give an analogy, the earth, for example is a certain distance from the sun, yet there are parts of the earth, like mountains, which are little closer to the sun than the rest of the earth. This is just a rough analogy though. But spiritually speaking, there are parts of the earth which receive more light (Spiritual energy) than the rest. Such parts are guided by luminous beings and secluded from the disturbing activities of mankind. Some ancient peoples knew this, hence expressions like “holy lands, sacred forests” and etc. were found in their languages. Moses was led to one of such a places, where he received the Ten Commandments. Places of worship or temples should be built in such spiritually elevated places; some ancient peoples knew this; hence they erected buildings at strategic points on earth! One of such places, a place which had being prepared secluded and guided for ages by luminous beings, was shown to Abraham. The Son of Man was led to this place which was reserved for sacred fulfillments on earth. There He anchored the word of the Father on earth! He brought the same message which Jesus brought decades ago. At that time, the temple He erected was able to unite with the actual Grail castle! They functioned as one in their working; radiations were able to flow uninterruptedly from the actual Grail castle in the Primordial spiritual realm to this temple on earth. As was foreseen in the ancient writings, especially the in the Apocalypse of John where mention is made of the Tabernacle of God dwelling among men. The question now is: “Have we maintained this connection?” As always, thanks and remain blessed. |
Re: Inquiry For Justcool And M_nwankwo And Other Adherents Of The Grail Message by Speer: 7:30pm On Jun 15, 2012 |
Thanks a million Justcool. Quite a lot to absorb!! The next inquiry is related to the above and has been partially alluded to by you in your response. Had wanted to ask what is the function of the fully conscious spirits as regards the Will of the Creator. What do the fully developed spirits do in their plane that furthers Creation? What is their ordained task in Creation? What do they now do with the neutral power that courses through Creation? What is transmitted via them to the planes below and how does it uplift/affect the planes below? Also, what do the fully conscious spirits transmit upwards via their activity and grateful prayers? As an aside, I think the Ark of the Covenant was finally lost at the time of the Roman conquest of Jerusalem circa 70 A.D by Titus and not at the time of the Babylonian conquest. Have a becalming weekend..and many thanks again. |
Re: Inquiry For Justcool And M_nwankwo And Other Adherents Of The Grail Message by justcool(m): 10:52am On Jun 26, 2012 |
Speer: Thanks a million Justcool. Quite a lot to absorb!! Thank you too. With your questions you give me lots of spiritual gifts too. Pardon me for giving you a lot to absorb. These things are so intricately linked that you cannot speak of one without the other. But I’m sure you are fully capable of spiritually digesting and absorbing it all. And your questions are so deep that one cannot but go deeply into the issue in-order to answer your questions. So again, here in this post, I will give you a lot to chew on; for once again your questions are not superficial. So here we go! Speer:I cannot describe how the spirits in Paradise and above perform their tasks, as in the mechanical aspect of their working; i.e., I cannot describe it as minutely as one can describe how men on earth perform their tasks. Our brains and words can only comprehend and convey the mechanisms of earthly activities, like how men wake up, how they brush their teeth, how they go to work, how they eat, cook and how they do many other things on earth. It will be impossible for me to give such details, especially with earthly words, about the day to day activity of the spirits in the spiritual planes. Every attempt to describe in minute details the day to day activity up there will only be a belittlement. Their activities are so ennobled, and their working so different from work on earth that it can never be constricted enough or made intelligible enough for our words to portray or our intellect to understand. Such belittlement will not unite the truth or our intuition; it will only be a mockery which will make it difficult for our spirit to grasp the Truth. By trying to make their activities intelligible in such a way, or by trying to figure it out we hold on to the outward forms in our brains and not let the Truth of the matter reach our spirits. In other words we make what is secred too earthly. The only thing we can fully explore is the results of their activities, i.e., how the activities of the spirits in Paradise and above affect them(the spirits who perform the activity), their inner lives, and how their activity ennobles creations. Since our good activities on earth produce the same effect on our spirits and also ennoble the earth, we on earth can experience in our inner life what the spirits in paradise and above experience daily. I use the expressions “daily” and “day and night” figurative only; for up there, there is no day and night, but a continuous experiencing without interruption. A continues day! So here we must let go of our words and try to absorb with our intuition. Imagine that inner feeling of lightness that you feel when you do something really great for somebody. That indescribable feeling(I use the word feeling for the lack of a better word; for in reality it not a feeling but an intuitive perception.) Sometimes doing a noble task renders you this feeling, sometimes a prayer or sometimes when you receiver an unexpected gift given out of pure love. In such moments you are enveloped in the joy and in the purity of your intuition you sense the nearness of God! Your heart almost explodes with happiness! Like a lightening in the darkest night it blazes up in you for a few moments, cleaves asunder all earthly shadows. Pure happiness or joy! This is the intuition that those in Paradise live in continually! Some people on earth experience it many times in their lifetimes, some people once; others may go through an entire life time without ever experiencing such intuition. But spirits in paradise live continually in this joy which comes from closeness to God! Since all their activities, even the minutest one, swing powerfully in accord with the will of God. This is the worship of God in its purest form! In such moments, the intuitive perception sends out powerful rays, filled with the neutral power in creation, as it emerges from the spirit or as it takes on form. These powerful rays, imbued with high power, force everything they touch into motion or ennoble everything that they pass through. First it uplifts the body of the soul as it(the rays) emerges from the spirit forcing the soul to vibrate higher or brighter which in turn brings lightness. The individual in such moments feels so light! For lightness is synonymous with movement and heaviness is synonymous with lack of movement. These rays resulting from such powerful intuition also touch everything in the environment of the individual bringing more warmth, movement and ennoblement. Even the physical body is given more warmth in such moments; although being heaviest gross matter and not easily moved by the light, the effects of such rays on it may not be easily noticed. But they do affect it. If you look keenly at people during such periods of pure joy or intuition you will notice that their eyes light up. This explains how a deeply felt prayer by a sick person, an intuitive prayer, can bring about instantaneous healing which men call miracle. Light rays speed up everything, ennobling and bring back to health anything on their way. So any powerfully felt intuition resulting from good deeds or any deeply felt experience(even sorrowful experience) can pull strongly on the neutral power in creation, or can pull on the higher or healing powers in creation flooding the spirit and its environment with warm and light. This is an ability that all that is spiritual poses wherever they may be, whether here or in the beyond or in Paradise. You already know that as this intuition takes on form it attracts the animistic substance as its mobile core. It is this unification of the animistic and the spiritual energy that gives these forms (forms of volitions of the spirit) the power or the glow that enables them to send their rays to the higher planes, or be linked to the higher planes. But I will return to this later. Let me digress a little and paint a picture for us to observe. Imagine two gardeners, Mrs. A and Mrs. B. Mrs. A has a PHD in gardening and knows very well how to set up a garden. She goes around the world setting up beautiful gardens based on what she learns from school on how to make a garden. However for her it is only a work she had to do. She only does it for the money; in her work she only finds ways to do her job, setting up gardens, indeed beautiful gardens, to make more money. Mrs. B. is another gardener who is far less successful materially. She doesn’t have as much clients and Mrs. A, and consequently haven’t set up as much gardens as Mrs. A have. In her life time, Mrs. B has set up only a few gardens. But in she delights in her work. Joy fills her heart when she watches a rose blossom in her gardens. She delights in see the joy that her gardens give her customers and every now and then plucks a very expensive rose, a flower she spent so much energy nursing, and gives it to a child, just to bring joy to the child. And perhaps this is why she is not so successful materially; Mrs. A will never do such a thing which is a waste of money. She never fails to harshly chastise any child who dears to pluck her flowers; rather than wasting them on children, she would sell them and use the money therefrom to contribute to charity. Indeed she contributes a lot to charity and always invites the press to politicize her charitable works. The principal purpose of which is to receive acclaim, admiration, publicity which will invite her more customers and consequently more money. For her it always only boils down to money. Mrs. B. on the other hand is so “sentimental” and “unintelligent” that she hardly ever lets money get in the way of her giving joy to people through gardening. She enjoys her work as much as she delights in the joy that it affords others; and hence she doesn’t charge as much money as Mrs. A does. Judging from outward or material success, one might say that Mrs. A has done a lot in ennobling the earth, she has planted countless beautiful gardens, and contributed generously to charity. Mrs. B on the other planted only a handful of gardens, and didn’t give a lot to charity; and hence has ennobled the earth far less than Mrs. A. But when they pass on to the beyond a different picture arises. Mrs. A finds herself in a dry world of darkness. She is blind and her ethereal body is weak and can hardly move because of lack of spiritual movement while on earth. She has contributed no ennoblement but disharmony. A her passion for money would not allow her to rise in the ethereal realm. Mrs. B on the other hand finds herself in a beautiful world of glorious gardens. The pure intuitive joy that she often experienced on earth has not only ennobled her ethereal body but had taken on form in the beyond. Through her a glorious garden has arisen in the beyond. She has ennobled creation. Hence ennoblement of creation only comes from spiritual activity. Intellectual scheming without spiritual guidance is dangerous and causes disharmony. One must invite his spiritual intuition in his works, otherwise the work caries no real value in creation; such works are only transient earthly forms. However, I know your question is about the nature of the works of matured spirits in Paradise, how their works affect the lower planes, and what is transmitted through them; and I’m getting closer to answering this question. But before I do so, lets explore the cycle of radiation that pulsates through creation. In creation there basically two types of beings: The spiritual beings and the substantiate beings. In all planes of creation there are substantiate beings at work. I didn't mention them earlier because that will take the explanation too far. Thus in the primordial spiritual planes, we have primordial substantiate beings along with Primordial spiritual beings. The same is applicable to the spiritual planes where we have spirits and substantiate beings too. The lowest spiritual plane, where the spirit germs originated, is the termination point of all that is spiritual. And below this plane is the ring of animistic substantiality which is the termination point of all that is substantiate, as well as all that is mobile. The arc angels, the angles, animals and etc. that are found in the Primordial spiritual planes and the spiritual planes are all substantiate beings. All beings originating from the ring of animistic substantiality are all substantiate beings too. The beings that the ancients erroneously called gods(Mars, Jupiter, Venus, and etc.) are all substantiate animistic beings; as well as the elemental beings(elves, gnomes, salamanders and etc.) that continually work in nature. Also all the animistic cores of animals on earth all originate from the lowest part of the ring of animistic substantiality, and hence are all substantiate beings. Just as we have polarity(male and female) in the spiritual, so we also have polarity in the substantiate; hence there male substantiate beings and well as female substantiate beings. The major differences between spiritual beings and substantiate beings are (1) The spiritual attract, i.e., the radiation of the spiritual has an attracting or pulling effect; as opposed to the radiation of the substantiate which has a dispensing(giving out) effect. (2) The spiritual, being part bearers of the will of God, poses free-will; as opposed to the substantiate which does not have free will or a will of their own, but rather they(the substantiate beings) stand completely in the will of God, never deviating from it. (3) The substantiate only dispense(give out) in a downward and sideways direction, but never in an upward direction; while the spirits can attract both in upward and downward direction. It is the activity of spiritual and the substantiate beings that bring about the circulation of radiation in creation. And the answer to your question lies in the sound understanding of the cycle of radiations. The substantiate activity in the Divine plane dispense downward towards the substantiate beings in the Primordial spiritual planes. These in turn dispense downwards towards the substantiate beings in the spiritual plane; these then dispense downwards to those in the animistic ring, the lord of the elementals which the ancients called gods. The spirits in subsequent creation pull or attract these radiations, and in their activity transform and strengthen them, only to be attracted or pulled upwards by the spirits above them. These in turn transform this radiation till the primordial spirits pulls them and finally through Parsifal back to the Divine plane. This is the cycle of radiation which is reflected in the circulation of blood in the physical body. Thus in every plane, the spirits inhabiting that plane, pull radiations from the from below, beside and even upwards, and fashion these radiations in a manner that the higher spirits in the higher plane can in turn pull them(the raditions) away from them(the spirits in the lower plane). Thus if we parallel this circulation to the circulation of blood in the physical body, we can say that the substantiate beings act like arteries(supply or passing down blood) while the spirits act like veins(pulling blood from the organs back to the heart.) And we can say that Parsifal represents the heart of creation; just like the heart in the physical body keeps blood circulating, Parsifal keeps the circulation of radiations in motion. He also re-energizes or replenishes the power in the radiation with the power of God that flows to Him through Imanuel Who is one with God. In this picture you can clearly see how this ennobles creation. Just as a healthy circulation of blood in the physical body ensures the health and growth of the physical body, the healthy circulation of radiation in creation keeps creation healthy, alive and drives it continuously and unendingly towards ever greater ennoblement. So the Primordial spirits at the summit of creation act like giant magnets, sucking or attracting. Therein lies the task of the spiritual. The task is just to be spiritual! Hence just to be! To employ his intuition in all his activities; and all spiritual activities have an attracting or pulling quality. And this is where the human spirits in subsequent creation failed drastically and this resulted in a wound in creation. By not making spiritual movement, by not implying their intuition, their spirits fail to attract radiations more powerfully into subsequent creation. Radiations that the substantiate beings are ever ready to give or dispense. The impetus to spiritual movement would never have dried up in mankind if they had been connected to the Spirits above, for the activities of these matured spirits would have pulled ever more strongly on mankind, forcing mankind to pull or attract from the substantiate. And even the little that mankind takes or attracts from the substantiate, mankind form base works with them. Works that cannot be pulled or attracted upwards by the matured spirits above, because such works are base. So with the failure of mankind, creation became like a physical with a wound on its feet, a wound through which blood(radiation) goes and not return. Or subsequent creation became a diseased organ in the body of creation, an organ where little blood goes in, and even this little does not return back. If this failure is not arrested, this organ, due lack of movement of blood, will become swollen and decay. And this disease may affect other organs in due time! Hence the failure of mankind affected not only material creation, but also the substantiate beings who were to dispense radiations to mankind. These substantiate beings were becoming weak, because what they receive from above, no spirit was willing to accept or pull from them. And pulling from them strengthens them and ennobles them, because it forces them to swing more powerfully leaving room in them to receive more from above. Even animals, plants, planets, stars, indeed all subsequent creation suffered through this failure, for these(animals, plants, planets, stars) also receive substantiate radiations. To arrest this disease, a part of Divinity unsubstantiate had to incarnate in subsequent creation. Through him, He forces everything into movement, and at the same time destroying the strongholds of darkness. This is why Jesus and Imanuel had to descend into subsequent creation. Speer:This you can find in my explanation above, in the cycle of radiation. But let’s explore it in a greater detail here. When a conscious spirit in Paradise prays, his prayer, like all that emanate from him are permeated by strong intuitive perception. This intuitive perception, which is permeated by the principal neutral power, attracts the radiation of the substantiate beings above Paradise. The unification of substantiate radiation and the radiation of a spiritual volition results in an intensively strong glow, this glowing results in a new radiation of a different kind, extremely powerful. Powerful, aglow, and strong enough to be attracted upwards or pulled upwards to next higher plane. This process is easy to understand, if you remember that it is the cooling down of the radiation, due to distancing from God, that allowed the radiation to split into two: the spiritual and the substantiate. Therefore the heat or power of strong intuitive volition, filled with the principal neutral power, can unite both species forming a new radiation of different kind, which can in turn be pulled upwards to next higher plane. Hence the spiritual radiation alone cannot go upwards but most, based on the law of homogenous species, remain on the spiritual plane. But prayer, which is an urging volition directed upwards, to God! This urging volition can attract that which the substantiate dispenses and transforms them. A union of two radiations sets in, and through the movement of the spiritual volition, a greater heat arises, making it possible to link up with the attraction of the higher plane. This process repeats itself from plane to plane until the prayer, form of a volition, reaches into the Devine substantiate plane. I have already touched on this earlier, when I said that forms of spiritual volition carry an animating animistic core. And now that we have expanded our knowledge or gone deeper into it, we know that all animistic substances belong to the substantiate. Hence we can simply say that forms of spiritual volition carry an animating substantiate core. However forms of volitions(prayers forms) of matured spirits, and spirits in Paradise and above, do not need to carry that specie of substantiate called animistic, which is found below paradise, as their animating cores. Yet they(of volitions of matured spirits in Paradise) still carry substantiate cores, but a different type of substantiate, a higher substantiate; since substantiate is found in all planes of creation. It is this union of the radiation of spiritual volition and the radiation of the substantiate that gives rise to such an intensive glow which can be linked to the next higher plane. This is what the spirits in Paradise and above transmit upwards. Speer:The ark was lost during Babylonian captivity. What was lost during the Roman conquest was the Holy of holies, including entire temple. After the Babylonian captivity, the temple including the Holy of holies was reconstructed, but it no longer contained the Ark of covenant. Even at the time of Jesus, the Holy of holies was very functional, but the Ark of covenant was not in it. According to Wikipedia: “In 586 BC, the Babylonians destroyed Jerusalem and Solomon's Temple. There is no record of what became of the Ark in the Books of Kings and Chronicles. But in Greek 3-d Book of Ezra (1 Esdras) suggests that Babylonians: "...took all the holy vessels of the Lord, both great and small, and the ark of God, and the king's treasures, and carried them away into Babylon." (1 Esdras 1:54)” But let’s leave these issues alone. They bring back sad nostalgic feelings, especially for those of us who were on earth then and witnessed these events. Whenever we look back on our past lives we see the love of God working tirelessly to help we humans, while we humans work steadfastly towards failure. I personally witnessed the beatitude; that was a turning point in my spiritual life. Speer: Thanks a lot and have a wonderful week. |
Re: Inquiry For Justcool And M_nwankwo And Other Adherents Of The Grail Message by Speer: 12:59am On Jul 01, 2012 |
Much indebted as always Justcool. The examples/illustrations you give are very helpful and much appreciated. One will humbly ask for more of such examples in your elucidations in future. Spiritual values and works are what count for ascent and in this regard, I had an example-question. A man on earth is an avowed atheist but has genuine real concern for issues such as social justice, access to education/healthcare/housing/clean environments/law..... for people/society and works actively with sincere passionate conviction on these causes through say a Communist political party, an NGO-type organization, media...........etc. That is, the person deep feeling for fellow-beings (and even animals!) but only in regard to the material aspects of earthly human existence. How does Creation "react" to such an individual? or what type of ethereal forms/environment would such an invdividual create for himself? |
Re: Inquiry For Justcool And M_nwankwo And Other Adherents Of The Grail Message by justcool(m): 5:06am On Jul 02, 2012 |
@Speer Once again you raised a very worthy and deep question, and I will exhaustively offer my perception. Speer: Much indebted as always Justcool. The examples/illustrations you give are very helpful and much appreciated. One will humbly ask for more of such examples in your elucidations in future. Thanks a lot. Then henceforth I will employ more illustrations in my answers. Speer: Now from your description above, of this man, he has “genuine real concern” and “deep feeling for fellow-beings….” This genuine and deep feeling could only have come from his spirit. His spirit is not completely asleep or dead, and he senses his spirit through this genuine concern and deep inner feeling. It is this sensing of his spirit that prompts him to care for his fellow creatures; but he doesn’t consciously sense this intuitive perception and hence he doesn’t consciously believe in God. In fact this deep inner feeling or genuine concern is an intuitive perception. And in this genuine concern for one’s neighbor lies love! And this love will definitely take on form in the luminous realms and await this man. But this man has not, while on earth, been able to let that which already emanates from his spirit to permeate his cloaks( or reach his frontal brain) in the right manner, hence his atheism. One can say that his atheism emanates from his cloak(his brain), either due to the defect of the brain(over cultivation of the intellect) or indolence of his spirit. This solves the puzzle. His atheism will take on forms in the planes of fine gross matter while his spiritual intuitions (his concern for his fellow creatures) will take on form in the luminous realms. On passing on, he will have to go through a dark tunnel of dark or ugly experiences in the planes of fine gross matter, suspended from the spiritual realm where his intuitive perceptions are anchored, till he redeems all his dark fine gross material forms. The forms of his intuitive perceptions, anchored in the luminous realms, will not let him get lost or remain forever in the dark planes of this thought forms. However, the effect of atheism go further, it can also have an effect on the ethereal body, making it totally weak, blind, deaf and dumb. But I will return to this later. Also this man, depending on what type of atheist he is and the depth of his love, may be given a chance to redeem a lot even while still on earth. It may happen that due to his good works(love), a month before his death he becomes very ill. In a state of illness excessive mental activity ceases, his weakened physical body and its radiation allows that which emanates from the spirit to the fore. In such a case, the sick man who while in vigorous health was an atheist, now sees his folly. On his death bed he realizes that certainty within him, which the hampering effect of his distorted tool (the brain) had hitherto blocked. The certainty that God exist. He calls on God and prays before departing. This experience alone is enough to bring atonement of his hither to atheist belief. This is only a very exceptional case though; a person who is exceptionally good, yet holding atheist beliefs. There are many reasons why sometimes that which emanates from the spirit fail to permeate the cloaks and the thinking mechanisms of the cloaks in the right way. I will deal with them one by one. 1) Indolence of the spirit. This is the major and the most dominant of the problems, for one who has conquered this problem will easily conquer the rest too. And this problem stems from the spirit being too indolent to subjugate or completely glow through its cloaks. Hence a man in whose heart (spirit) there is love for his fellow man, and certainty in the existence of God, fails to realize this intuitive perception in the right manner in the physical realm. His spirit is too weak to counter the resistance that the physical brain offers, or resistances from the outside. Such resistances could come in the form of indoctrination, false teachings and etc. Hence such a man may fall prey ideas stemming from intellectual reasoning alone, such as atheism; yet the love in his heart is still faintly felt by him, making him kind and concerned about his fellow man. 2) Hereditary sin. Due to thousands of years of working with the frontal intellectual brain, while neglecting the back brain, the frontal brain has grown disproportionately out of proportion to the back brain. Hence the frontal brain which deals with the impressions that comes from the outside via the senses has become too powerful that impressions from that back brain no longer permeate the frontal brain. The spirit makes its impression on the back brain alone, and the back brain fashions these impressions in a manner that the frontal brain can pick them up and transform them into thought, word, and actions. Observe the human brain today, and you will see that the frontal brain is by far bigger than the back brain. And this distortion is passed down from generation to generation. This over development gives the tendency or preference towards intellectualism. Hence even at childhood, the individual finds it easier to understand earthly things than spiritual things. Hence the spirit wearing the physical body has to work harder to make its impressions, via the back brain, realized by the frontal because the frontal brain is no longer inclined to working with such subtle impressions. It is now more inclined to working with impressions from the outside, via the senses, rather than impressions from the spirit which comes via the back brain. Even a fully awake spirit has to work harder than it was intended, due to this distortion of the brain in the physical body. Over the years mankind has made the physical body an imperfect tool which rather than aiding the spirit has become a burden to the spirit to some extent. One whose spirit is indolent is at the mercy of this distorted brain which inclines the individual towards intellectualism. Hence he will understand what science offers, but will not be able to understand anything spiritual. He will only approach the sacred scriptures with his intellectual brain, and naturally this can never understand spiritual things which he will quickly call myths. It is this over cultivation of the intellectual brain that is the mark of the beast which is mentioned in the book of revelation. For consider today, just the amount of intellectual work or calculation needed for ordinary market transaction. Today you can’t do anything without doing some sort of intellectual work; just imagine the amount of intellectual training and sagacity that one needs in order to survive in today’s world! Hence it was written that in the end times one cannot buy or sell without the mark of the beast! Hence in either of the two cases above, this man’s atheism stems from his cloak (his physical body or his brain to be precise). And we already know that forms resulting from brain activity do not carry as much weight or impact as those which stem from spiritual activity. Hence such a man as you described above, who has genuine concern for his fellow creatures, on passing on will, in the planes of fine gross matter, encounter the restrictive and ugly forms that arouse from his atheism. As long as his love(genuine concern for his creatures) remain, he will sooner or later live through the forms in the planes of fine gross matter and enter the ethereal realm where better conditions await him. Since the inner feeling(intuitive perception) is not always in accord with the thinking, speaking, and acting, different forms can arise in different planes of creation from one action. If the inner prompting is pure and noble, then in the luminous realms noble forms take on form. However, the forms that result from the thinking, which take on form in the planes of fine gross matter may be different and ugly because the thinking, although prompted by noble intuition, is not in accord with the nobility of the intuition. And it is the forms of the intuitive perception that carries the most weight (metaphorically speaking) as we have already discussed. Because these forms are really living things, they carry a mobile core. They can send their rays to the spiritual realm and above, since that which gave rise to them comes from the spirit. Being connected to their originators, they are like threads which steadfastly sustain him as he passes through the ugly conditions, in the plane of fine gross matter that originated from his wrong thinking and words. Let’s trace the path of such a soul when he departs this earth. Perhaps he had believed, while on earth, that there is no life after death. If so then after the burial of his physical body, he finds himself enveloped in total darkness. He cannot see nor hear, neither can he move. His wrong belief while on earth has taken form, making his ethereal body blind, deaf, and terribly weak, too weak to move. Yet the burning desire for a better condition fills him. He tries ever and ever to move, and gradually he begins to move, but his limbs are too weak. Like a child learning to walk for the first time, he falls many times, injuring himself and screaming from the pains. These experiences, coupled with the fact that contrary to his avowed belief on earth, he has not ceased to exist after physical death, allows him to reach deep within himself. That inner feeling (intuitive perception) that moved him to genuinely care for his neighbor while on earth now comes to the fore; and in this intuition he senses the certainty with him which he had, while on earth blocked; He sense his need for his God! Tears well up in his eyes as he cries to his God; “My God! My God help me!” Then gradually he begins to see and hear faintly. He notices a glow somewhere so far away and filled with up he runs towards it. Days, months, years and even centuries, may pass as he runs towards this glow in the distance, filled with the certainty that a better situation awaits him. This man is not even in a very bad realm; for the love in his hearth for his fellow man will not let him sink to the hideous ethereal planes. But at first he is weak, blind and deaf, because in non-belief in the beyond had rendered that substance of beyond that he wears as his ethereal body inactive. And this ethereal inactivity manifested in weakness blindness, and deafness. Even a physical body or muscle left inactive, overtime becomes weak. The same law of motion applies to all parts of creation. His spirit had not being able to glow through his bodies while on earth; hence his bodies became inactive due to lack of the invigorating spiritual energy. Only his physical body remained active, hence when this physical body falls off as in death, he finds his ethereal body weak, blind and deaf. The deeper his atheism, the more is spiritual intuition is blocked within him, the more it takes to reawaken the conviction of the existence of God in him. So some souls may stay centuries in utter and helpless darkness. However the illustration above deals with only this type of atheist. For there are many types of atheists, even if outwardly on earth they hold the same belief, as long as their inner feelings are different, they will encounter different experiences in the beyond. Let us quickly deal with them: There are atheists whose spirits have not fallen completely asleep. In fact they even still sense strongly the certainty which lies within every spirit: The existence of God. But this God that they sense is so sublime and even this sensing being so sublime has not been understood by them, as with their physical conscious understanding. He cannot fathom it in his thinking, and the man of today lives in his thinking, holding his ability to think or to fathom things with his brain as the highest realization. Yet this sensing within their spirits urges them to search for the meaning of life, the origin of the universe and etc. But when they encounter the teachings of the churches which presents a picture of God that is not as sublime as that indescribable sublimity which they sense, they quickly reject the teachings of the church. Such a spirit which is not fully dead will never reconcile the incorruptible power he senses in nature with a God that will send his son to die for mankind as ritual for the forgiveness of sins. He cannot reconcile the sublimity that he senses within him with a God that rewards killers with seven virgins. He quickly rejects these religious teaching and clings one-sidedly to science, which offer a more intelligible explanation. He uses science to deal with that sensing of a great and indescribable sublimity, which science, despite offering a better explanation than religion, has not been able to completely satisfy or explain. His dissatisfaction(which by the way, is justified) with religious teachings makes him do something terrible; He throws away everything religious, including the God. He throws away the baby with the bath! However this sublimity which he senses within will not live him alone, some deal with it by suppressing it and adhering completely to science. Others, urged by this subconscious longing or sublimity that they sense, which won’t leave them alone, try to make a religion of science. Others deal with it by fighting the religions and their beliefs, by staying away from anything religious, or by deeply engrossing into religious teachings to reassure themselves that by giving God up they haven’t given up something they ought to keep. Such atheists never leave religionists alone. You see them even in this forum mocking religious teaching; in realty what they are doing is dealing with that certainty within them, which won’t leave them alone. Subconsciously they ridicule religious teachings and the idea of God to assure themselves that they haven’t lost anything, or to quite that sensing within them. These atheists are not very different from religionists themselves. Inwardly they are the same! The so called atheist is dealing with his inner longing for God by ridiculing God and religion to reassure himself that this sensing which won’t leave him alone is only an illusion. The religionists deal with it by accepting all kinds or wired beliefs. Let me digress a little and give an example which will help us understand this phenomenon. Some women often find out that the boy who gave them a hard time while they were young was actually in love with them, but too immature to deal with love. We hear such stories every day, a woman as a grown up runs into a man she went primary school with; a man who often picked on her while they were kids in primary school. Now as an adult she asks the man why he picked on her a lot then. The man smiles and says that he was in love with her but as a child did not how to show love. The young boy sees this girl, he feels something he never felt before, something too powerful for his young heart. He senses a weakness for her and in his quest to deal with this weakness, he may start avoiding her, even changing class or school so as never to see her again. This is escapism. Another may deal with this feeling by picking on the girl, giving her a hard time just to get her attention or reaction, or to prove to himself that he doesn’t have weakness for her. This is the approach that most so called atheists take towards the certainty subconsciously within them. Another boy may deal with this love by day dreaming, imagining that he is already an adult and the girl his wife, imagining taking care of her and providing for her. This is similar to the approach that the religionists take, using childish imaginations to reconcile with the longing within. Although these boys all took different outward approaches, inwardly they are homogenous in regards to their feeling for the girl. So some believers are not inwardly that different from atheists and vice versa. On crossing over to the beyond they will ascend up to a point where they will all be held fast, till they drop their false or childish beliefs. While the atheists we described above found his ethereal body completely weak, deaf and blind, a believer may not necessarily experience that in the ethereal realm. A believer’s ethereal body may not be weak, blind, and deaf but he cannot ascend to the luminous realms until he drops all his false believes. Hence they(religionists) will find themselves in the land of twilight, where they will be held fast till they drop all there childish beliefs. Only after then can they ascend into the luminous realms, or the brighter planes of the ethereal realm. Here we are only talking of good people who did good thing on earth but held different religious beliefs. The path of a bad soul is altogether different; we have already explored that when we explored the path of a suicide bomber. Another type of atheist, a true atheists is one completely indifferent to God! Has a much darker and harsher fate awaiting him in the beyond. There not many of such atheists; most atheist are not indifferent to God, they are always busy trying to prove that he does not exist. And this is only an outward manifestation of a reality within them, a reality that they(or thier brains)are too weak to confront or deal with. A true atheist, one who is totally indifferent to the existence of God, must also be indifferent to the welfare of his fellow man. Since this indifference stems from complete spiritual immobility, such a person is as good as being spiritually dead. Such a person may even outwardly be a church goer, “a believer.” But his belief or faith can only stem from habit, custom, tradition, duty or office; if inwardly he is completely indifferent to the exsistance of God and the welfare of his fellow creatures, he is dead spiritually. All beliefs, be it religious ones or atheism are all outward forms, although they could be prompted or born out of inner intuitive perception, they remain earthly or material beliefs which cannot exist in the spiritual planes. In paradise are no Catholics, Buddhists, protestants, Muslims and etc.; all these beliefs are earthly or material things which the individual must drop before she/he ascends to the Kingdom of God. Of course individuals who practiced these different religions or beliefs while on earth, may one day enter Paradise; but not before they drop all their religions and merge freely with the will of God which harbors no denominations. Before God man is spirit; religious views, nationality, race, and etc. are all outward material things, which the spirit must leave behind in the world of matter, if it wishes to enter Paradise. Therefore it is not the outward form that matters most, but that which comes from the spirit: The intuitive perception! Thanks and remain blessed. |
Re: Inquiry For Justcool And M_nwankwo And Other Adherents Of The Grail Message by Speer: 12:55am On Jul 04, 2012 |
Thanks Thanks and Thanks for the detailed (& prompt!) reply. Yes, your illustrations/examples are most welcome and appreciated................and one can only request for more!!! In the Message, it is stated somewhere that humans are to ennoble the professions they work in....."spiritualize the work of your hands" is the exact term used. Could you please explain what is meant by this in the spiritual and earthly sense. Please take your time. Have a perky week. |
Re: Inquiry For Justcool And M_nwankwo And Other Adherents Of The Grail Message by DeepSight(m): 1:37pm On Jul 04, 2012 |
Speer: Much indebted as always Justcool. The examples/illustrations you give are very helpful and much appreciated. One will humbly ask for more of such examples in your elucidations in future. Here is your answer: God is love. One can also say that God is the source of love. All creatures of God irrespective of race, religion, sex, nationality etc can absorb of this love of God and dispense it accordingly. In the case of human beings, what absorbs this love from God is the human spirit. This love will permeate the spirit, its clocks including the outermost shell, the physical body. Thus he who absorbs the rays of love will manifest love including love for all creations of God. Now, the recognition of this love as coming from God depends on the various radiation connection between the spirit and the various shells surrounding the spirit, the last shell being the physical body and its coordinating center, the human brain. In many of us, this radiation connections are not straight, thus the shells enveloping the spirit are not conscious of the impressions that vibrates in the spirit. Thus a man may believe himself to be an atheist because that is what his brain tells him and yet his spirit is in the recognition of God. Irrespective of his brain telling him that God does not exist, the emanations of the spirit including love still permeates his mind and body resulting in expressions of genuine love. Thus although from a human standpoint, such a man is considered by himself and others to be atheist, spiritually the man is a theist. In a similar vein the brain and the mind may be trained or indoctrinated or programmed to believe in God but their spirit has no recognition of God. In this case, this believer is actually an atheist even though he believes himself to be a theist. However because he, that is, the spirit has no connection with God, he cannot absorb the rays of love and manifest it. Thus, in spite of his intellectual believe in God, he still manifests the works of the flesh including hatred, anger, lust, gossip, avarice, fear, etc. The species of a seed determines the fruits that it will bear. Thus all genuine love and human beings who indulge in it believe in God even when they are unconscious of it while on earth. Thus, all human beings who indulge in genuine love are of God and all those who indulge in hatred are not of God. By there works or fruits, you shall know those who stand in the will of God and those that oppose it or do not recognize it. This is an infallible yardstick to know who belongs to God and those who are not. Therefore the love of God manifests in the love of all creations of God. On earth, it is possible for an atheist to love God without being spiritually conscious of it. However if such atheist continues in the manifestation of the love of God, either later in this earthly life or in the beyond on in another earthly life the emanations of the love of God that vibrates in his spirit will also permeate his earthly brain such that he also becomes conscious of the existence of God while in the physical body. What counts is how our spirit is close or far away from the will of God. Religion, nationality, sex, class and similar things that we think are very important while on earth are worthless once we drop this physical body. In my view, there is no difference between the pope, the Christian, the mystic or an atheists when it concerns the will of God. Murder is murder whether perpetrated by a pope, a theist or an atheist. Genuine love is genuine love whether it came from an atheist, a pastor or an agnostic. Sometimes we think too much and thus think nothing. If we look around even on earth, we should find that the natural laws which are the manifestation of the will of God in nature does not give a hoot about all these artificial constructs. If a bud-hist sows yam in a fertile soil, he will reap yam. The same goes for an atheist and the theist. In an earthquake or epidemic or accident, both theists and atheists are saved and killed. A deeper look on why these things are the way they are may open our eyes to the working of God. Best wishes. The above in red was written and posted sometime ago by the wisest man on Nairaland, M_Nwankwo. |
Re: Inquiry For Justcool And M_nwankwo And Other Adherents Of The Grail Message by Speer: 2:19am On Jul 05, 2012 |
Thanks so very much, Deep Sight. Indeed one awaits the participation of M-Nwankwo on this thread. |
Re: Inquiry For Justcool And M_nwankwo And Other Adherents Of The Grail Message by justcool(m): 8:06am On Jul 05, 2012 |
@Deepsight Thanks for your illuminating excerpt from m_nwankwo’s post. Speer: Thanks Thanks and Thanks for the detailed (& prompt!) reply. Yes, your illustrations/examples are most welcome and appreciated................and one can only request for more!!!@speer. As always, I deeply appreciate your questions. To “spiritualize the works of your hands” means nothing other than to invite or employ your intuitive perception in all that you do. Let all your actions be born out of your intuitive perception. Your works, whether be they thoughts, words, or deed, should only be cloaks for your intuitive perception; or the anchoring of your intuitive perception in the world of matter. Pure intuitive perception or volition of the spirit should precede all actions, words and thoughts. Sin or discord arises when these works are only products of the brain or the cloaks of the soul, without any involvement of the spirit. Such actions are only material forms that are very transients and does not last or bring as much benefit as volitions of the spirit. Pure and noble intuitive perceptions take on living forms in the luminous realms, being born from spiritual activity, they can be anchored in the spiritual realm from where they receive nourishment. Thoughts take on form in the planes of fine gross matter, and words take on form in the planes of medium gross, just as visible actions results in visible physical forms in the planes or coarsest gross matter. Among all these three forms, it is the intuitive perception or the form of the intuitive perception that affects creation the most; it is the only one that is truly living. If the intuitive perception takes a leading role, guiding the thinking, which in turn guides the words and the visible action, all these forms will be closely united by a chain of radiations. Hence the more intuition that is involved, the stronger and more alive will the forms corresponding to it will be. If a man guides his thinking, words and actions with his intuitive perception, his spirit will never fall asleep, because every intuitive perception involves spiritual movement or exercise. Like a muscle which grows and becomes stronger through exercise, the spirit grows and becomes stronger and hence matures faster, through exercising its intuitive perception. These works anchored in the spiritual realms act like magnets pulling, suspending or holding the spirit making it more difficult for such a spirit to be lost in the worlds of matter. In addition, the reciprocal effects of such noble works bring joy to the spirit which forces it to glow ever brighter. Hence it is written, "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.”(Mathew 6:19-20) These words are not as metaphorical as people often think. They describe an actual process in creation. Treasures stored on earth (the worlds of matter) are works (thoughts, words, and deed) which are born out of the brain (intellectual scheming) without the involvement of guidance of the spiritual intuition which is always in accord with the will of God. Hence such works are only material forms which are as transient as all that is material. The expression (where moth and rust destroy…) expresses this transient nature of material forms. Both the intuitive perception or volition can actually take on form in the spiritual realm; they are the treasures stored in heaven (the kingdom of God) which is permanent because it stands in the will of God. Hence when Abd-ru-shin said, “spiritualize the works of your hands” He said exactly the same thing that Mathew reported Jesus as having said, in Mathew 6:19-20. Due to the failure of man, which resulted in the hereditary sin, mankind gave their intellect which is the voice of their frontal brain precedence over their intuition. Mankind no longer paid heed to their intuitive perception, and consequently the intellect grew stronger while the spirit fell asleep. Hence works resulted which have nither any bearing to the spirit nor preceded by intuitive perception. This is the origin of all falsehood, deception and lies; since this failure allowed the possibility to arise where actions, thoughts, words, and intuitive perception (if any is involved) are completely different. To further illustrate, I will give examples. Two brothers, Mr. A and Mr. B are raised in a culture or religion where the individual is taught from childhood to pray every morning, afternoon, and night. Mr. A never forgets to rattle off these three prayers which had become a habit to him. Every morning he kneels beside his bed, and recites these prayers, which he knows so well that he doesn’t even have to think to say them. So as he kneels he could be thinking about the activities awaiting him that day, and while his brain is freely thinking, inwardly he is completely closed as he recites his prayers. Mr. B never prays, as in knelling down and reciting learned words; he is so “rebellious” that he has quickly cast aside all the habits that his upbringing equipped him with, such habits as praying three times a day. However every now and then when he is hit by a severe blow of faith or when he is overjoyed, inwardly moved he would solemnly pray for help or give thanks depending on the event. In such moments of joy me he may utter the words “Thank you God,” or he may not even utter any word. Just as in the face of severe blow of fate, even though he may be walking down the street or doing something else, inwardly troubled, he may utter the words, “Help me oh my God!” or he may not. Every now and then when he sees he fellow creature in distressed, inwardly moved he would offer words of encouragement, filled with thoughts on how to help his distressed one. Judging from the outside people reproach Mr. B for he never knells down and prays three times a day as his religion demands. Mr. A is highly praised and admired for his respect for God Who he never forgets to pray to three times every day. And these prayers are works! And let’s analyze them from the perspective of the laws of God. Before the laws of creation Mr. A may never have prayed at all! Not only that, he is a hypocrite! He lies to his God, and each time he kneels to recite his learned prayers, contrary to the belief of his religion, he burdens himself with enormous guilt. He commits a sin by praying thus! For while he prays, his spirit, the only part of him that can and should approach God through its intuitive perception, is completely asleep and totally uninvolved; and his thinking is entirely doing something else, his mind is somewhere else, while his mouth recites words that he has learned. The forms that these words take in the plane of medium gross can only be very weak! It is not connected to any life giving intuitive perception and hence it is like a word spoken in the wind which immediately vanishes. So in fine gross matter the form that arise from his thinking, while praying, is entirely different from the form that arises from his speaking, and these forms being non-homogenous cannot link with each other; even if they do, they cannot link to any intuitive form in the luminous planes because his spirit is not involved while he prayed. So he has produced works which are not “spiritualized!” Mr. B, on the other hand has spiritualized the works (thoughts, words, and deed) of his hands. For being inwardly moved is as the same as perceiving intuitively, and this intuition takes on form above and even sends its influences higher. Link by link it is linked to the Divine plane, at the steps of thrown of God, from Whom all granting comes! In such moment of inward movement, Mr. B’s thoughts of joy or of need, are in accord with this intuitive perception of the moment whether be it pure joy or cry for help. So are the few simple and unlearned words that he utters or that bursts from his mouth. Hence the forms of his words can link up with the forms of his thinking which in turn, links up with the form of his intuition which is anchored in Paradise and from there linked upwards step by step. Such is prayer as it should be, a bursting forth of the intuitive perception! Free and unhindered by ponderous thinking or by learned words uttered out of habit. His genuine concern for his fellow creatures takes on form in the luminous realms, a form connected to the forms of his thinking in the plane of fine gross matter; for his thinking was born out of his genuine concern, in other words, out of his intuitive perception: For during such moments he thinks of ways to help. And his words of comfort also take on form corresponding to and connected to this thinking, because his words are in accord with his thinking. Just as the visible action resulting from such thinking can only be noble. The forms of his words in the medium gross matter, the forms of his thinking in fine gross, and the forms of his intuition in the ethereal realm which is connected to Paradise are all very powerful. Thus by such acting this man has ennobled not only the earth, but all the planes of matter including Paradise where he has contributed by making a power center homogenous to his intuitive perception stronger! Though this connection, radiation flows unhindered from Paradise to all the planes where these forms are anchored; radiations that permeates everything bring refreshment, ennoblement and strength. So actions, words, and thoughts preceded by a noble intuitive perception, are like a flight of stairs that lead from earth to Paradise. This is how we create the road that we will one day travel towards Paradise or towards hell when we depart this life. So when we talk about ennobling creation, it must not be assumed that spirits on earth can only ennoble the earth or subsequent creation. A spirit on earth can also, while on earth, contribute a lot to the ennoblement of Paradise! For as the spirit pulls from power centers in Paradise, he forces such power centers to draw more from the ones above them since creation allows no vacuum. The more you, even while on earth, pull or attract the dispensing radiations of the substantiate beings in Paradise and above the more they in turn receive from the ones above them. Hence through your spiritual activity you contribute to their strength and growth. For each time they give or spirits pull from them, they receive more from above. And the spirit receives whatever it asks! Hence, “ask and it shall be given to you,” but this asking refers to the spirits inherent ability to attract from the substantiate whatever it needs! It is impossible for the spirit to ask (attract or pull) and not receive because all that the spirit needs is lie in creation. Indeed the need of the entire beings that exist(from the Devine to the lowest part of creation) does not represent a speck compared to what God can give through the pressure that results from his inexhaustible Power. Let’s consider another example. A woman employed to clean a church on earth. She is filled with love for God and her fellow creatures who worship in the church; this love impels her in her work. She is overjoyed to see the church extremely clean; overjoyed to see that through her work no dirt impedes or disturbs the worshipers in the church. This love permeates even her thinking as she thinks of ways to clean the church better and etc. Like I explained above, her work (visible action, thoughts, words) take on forms in different planes of creation, linked to each other and linked to those matured female spirits above who work on the Temples above. Through this link she has spiritualized the work of her hands; for she can be truly called one who cleans the Temple of the Lord, a maiden in the house of the lord. Through her link to those in Paradise, who she is linked to through her intuition, she contributes, even while on still earth, to caring for the Temple in Paradise! For by involving her spirit in her desire to clean the church on earth, she is pulling radiations from those in Paradise who do the same work, making them pull ever more powerfully from those above them; hence she is making them stronger and consequently do their job in the temple above better! Another woman cleaner, on earth, whose intuition is not involved, who feels no intuitive joy in cleaning the church, does not have this connection with those in Paradise. And each time she calls herself a maiden in the house of the Lord she tells a lie and burdens herself with guilt. Hence every work can be spiritualized! Of course we are not talking of evil professions like killing and stealing. Those in such professions are only linked to hell or dark ethereal planes; such intuitions cannot be linked to Paradise. Hence two nurses can be working in a hospital; one is connected to Paradise and the other to hell. The one connected to Paradises is impelled by an intuitive desire to help the sick; hence the work of her hands is spiritualized. Link by link she is connected to the Josepha, the primordial spiritual being who works on cloaks, since the physical body, that nurses care for, also is a cloak. The other nurse impelled by the desire to make as much money as possible, and only sees her job as a means to get money, is connected to the dark planes of the beyond. Even though outwardly their works may appear the same, one has truly ennobled creation while the other hasn’t. By involving her intuition, she has not only helped in the hospital on earth but she has also helped in many healing centers above the earth, all the way to the Primordial spiritual sphere! Hence the greatest gift one can give any spirit or any being, irrespective of where the spirit or being is, is to demand or pull from the spirit or being in the way of radiation. In so doing you force the being or spirit to pull or attract more from above. All these giving and taking keeps the circle of radiations in motion, ennobling the entire creation. From these scenarios we can deduce that the outward physical action is the least in the order of importance and it is not indispensible for ennoblement of creation. A woman who intuitively perceives as much joy in seeing sick people regain their health, as much as the good nurse we described above, may have contributed as much to creation even though she has never had the opportune to physically care for the sick, or work as a nurse. Hence a man, who offered two dollars in a church offering, may have given for than another who offered twenty million dollars. If the giving of two dollars was born out intuitive joy and gratitude for the God, then this man has not only given the church monetary gift; he has also given a spiritual gift! Because his intuitive joy and gratefulness will take on form in the beyond, and though its connection with the luminous realms, shower both him and the church with blessings, provided they are inwardly open enough to receive. Another man who has no money to give, can also give as much by just intuitively feeling joy and gratitude towards the church, or towards God who he perceives through the church. Hence when it comes to giving, material things does not really have a lot to say! Anybody can give to creation! Everybody has enough to give to his fellow creatures, creation and God; all you need has been given to you through your spiritual ability to fashion long lasting works in creation. And this takes us to another example. Here we have two guys: Guy A and Guy B. Both are traveling to America. Both guys make promises to their girlfriends. Guy A made his promise out pure love; inwardly moved as he observes his girlfriend crying, and with the purest intention of fulfilling, he promises her, “don’t worry, I will not forget you. I will help you from there and I will come back later to marry you.” Guy B makes the same promise, but just said it out of courtesy, to comfort his girlfriend; inwardly he is indifferent to the promise. Let’s say that on getting to America both guys face different circumstances. Guy B becomes rich, and always sends money to the girl who he later returns to Nigeria and marries. Inwardly he is indifferent to this girl, however he never forgot her while in America because she is very beautiful, and indeed that’s why he marries her. Guy A on the other hand faces very difficult situation in America and never has money to send to his girlfriend, he never returns to Nigeria and consequently he never marries her. Everybody praises Guy B as an honest and faithful person, while criticizing Guy A as one who never fulfilled his promise. But looking at this scenario from the perspective of the laws of creation, a different picture arises. Guy B is far from being honest! He is a liar. He sinned when he made the promise because it did not come from within. His promise is only an empty word born out of intellectual scheming and hence produces no real value in creation, since there is no intuitive perception behind it. The money he sends her, which is only out of his desire to secure her as a wife or to show her that he is rich, is only a transient gift which will not bring him any spiritual benefit. For he gives in calculating way, only for his own interest. His marriage is a sin too! Since he is inwardly indifferent to the marriage; he married her beauty and not her. He does not love her for love can never be indifferent towards the spiritual needs of the beloved! Hence there is no spiritual harmony between them, even though by following custom and tradition they may find a way to live peacefully outwardly, this is not a harmonious marriage. Hence Guy B commits adultery whenever he physically unites with this woman! This marriage, like his promise has no real good value in creation, it is only a physical thing which does not help them inwardly. Both Guy B’s promise and marriage are only earthly transient works with no spiritual bases. Guy A on the other, looked from the laws of creation, is an honest person! His promise which stems from his intuitive perception takes on form in the beyond, and stays with his girlfriend, helping her, although she does not see or perceive it. His promise is a work which is spiritualized. Hence in reality, Guy A never left his girlfriend, and helps her far more than Guy B helps his girlfriend who he later marries. Also, Guy A cannot be accused of abandoning his promise of marriage, for his love for the girl never died; he never became inwardly indifferent towards her. In this mutual love which is pure harmony lies marriage, although circumstances never allowed him to perform the physical act of marrying her. This girl may outwardly cry and resent Guy A, only when she passes on, does she realize the help that this loving guy gave her while she was on earth, and continues to give her because the shedding off of her physical body does not deter or prevent this loving form or entity from accompanying the girl and helping her. Indeed this volition may become strong enough that it plays a leading role in determining their next incarnations, It may happen that in their next earth lives they may be incarnated into circumstances where events will draw them to each other and they end up marrying! People who judge from one earth life and who judge from the outside will only praise Guy B and blame Guy A. But before the laws of God the situation is entirely different! I can paint a thousand different pictures, but I know you get the idea. Hence to spiritualize the work of your hands, is to let all that you do be born out of your intuitive perception. Invite your intuition into your work, only then will your work have a far richer effect on the entire creation not only on the physical realm. It will affect all the realms of creation, paving a joyous and luminous path leading to Paradise, a path which you must one day tread when you shed your physical body. As always, thanks and remain blessed. 1 Like |
Re: Inquiry For Justcool And M_nwankwo And Other Adherents Of The Grail Message by Speer: 9:08pm On Jul 08, 2012 |
Thank you Justcool and DeepSight. The illustrations were most helpful. Cannot tell you how much they are appreciated. Next inquiry is on earthbound (EB) spirits. What is the mechanism by which this occurs? What are the characteristics of a spirit that make it become EB and not able to follow the normal path? I know it is the propensity for some earthly/gross material thing but are there not immature spirits with such xtics that are living out their ethereal environments and not EB. By mechanism, I mean how does it occur. A spirit that is going to be EB after death due to some propensity----does it after death and the loosening of the silver cord immediately get dragged downwards without even living out the (temporary)forms in Fine Gross matter that it created and that await it (much less the ethereal)? How do the Laws determine the earthly environments to which a EB spirit will be drawn towards? I take it that they operate in the astral plane and also have centres of homogeneous EB spirits. How does or can an EB spirit come to better recognition/spiritual progress and resume or start again on its proper path? Have a creative week. |
Re: Inquiry For Justcool And M_nwankwo And Other Adherents Of The Grail Message by justcool(m): 2:01am On Aug 05, 2012 |
@speer The answers to your questions are already in this thread; I have answered them in my earlier posts. Spirits are earthbound because of their propensity for earthly enjoyments or indulgencies; such attachments to things that can only be experienced on earth cannot let the spirit strive away from the earth after death, hence the spirit is drawn to the people on earth who possess and indulge in such propensities. Through the earthbound spirit’s connection to such people, the earth bound spirit nipps or enjoys their inner sensation as they indulge in this earthly or base passion. I have already explained that the subtler bodies, being more easily permeable than the physical, form themselves according to the nature of that which emanates from the spirit. Hence an the astral body of a good person appears brighter and it’s lighter than that of a bad person; the same is applicable to the body of fine gross matter to a higher degree because this body is more permeable than the astral; the same is applicable to the ethereal body which more permeable than the body of fine gross matter and etc. Outwardly, the physical body of a good person and that of a bad person may appear the same; indeed the good person may even look uglier than the bad person, depending their genetics; because the physical being very dense is not easily influenced by the radiation from the soul. But as the individual peals his bodies, as he shades his bodies or as it drops his bodies, the more you can tell the true nature of the spirit; because the lighter the body the spirits wears, the more it takes on the form of the radiation of the spirit. Hence a very good person’s astral body will look brighter and lighter than his physical, his ethereal body will even look better, lighter and nobler than his fine gross material body; it goes on until we reach the spiritual body which can look far brighter and nobler than any ethereal or animistic body can. You get the picture. All these bodies respond or shape themselves according to the nature of the spirit or the radiation of the spirit; for it is the spirit that forms its bodies or cloaks. On one hand we have the spirit which when kept alive and working, sends purifying and uplifting radiations through these bodies forcing them towards greater ennoblement, lightness and etc.; on the other hand, on the outermost, we have the physical body which also in its activities glows or radiates too. Just as all the cloaks glow and radiate. It is mutual radiation of the physical body and the radiation of these various bodies that keeps them together. It is the mutual radiation of the soul and the physical body that keeps the soul and the physical body together. Very powerful earthly activities, such as sexual intercourse, cause the physical body to glow intensively, and this intensity is felt by the spirit through the bodies between the spirit and the physical body. However, over indulgence in such earthly enjoyments, without spiritual discretion, can render the radiations arising from such acts the predominant hand in the formation or shaping of the non-physical bodies. Just as the finest animistic body is the one that can most closely resemble the nature of the spirit, the fine gross material bodies (astral and fine gross material bodies) can most close resemble the nature of the physical body, because they are the ones closest to it, both in proximity, nature, density and homogeneity. Thus it happens that through over indulgence in such powerful earthly activities or through living one-sidedly with the physical body alone, neglecting spiritual activity, the gross material bodies (astral and fine gross material bodies) bathed only in the radiations arising from such physical activities, shape themselves to these radiations. And the radiations arising from such physical activities can only be binding, coarsening, and condensing; while those arising from the noble spiritual activity can only be ennobling. Hence through over indulgence or living only for physical pleasure, the astral and fine-gross material bodies become so condensed, so dark and so physical-like. A spirit wearing such a body cannot easily detach itself from the physical body after death, because his astral body as well as the silver cord is so taut, condensed and heavy. Even after separation, the soul cannot be lifted above or pulled over to the ethereal; because for this to be done, it has to shade all its gross material bodies. Neither can it float to the lighter regions of the planes of fine gross matter, because it is too heavy, even though it wears a body of fine gross matter. Hence it remains on earth, and is pulled or attracted to the place on earth, or to the people on earth who carry the same propensity as he does. Hence earthbound spirits do not float above the earth after death, even after separation from the physical and astral body, wearing a body of fine gross matter, they still remain on earth. They can live out there temporal fine gross material forms in this condition, wearing an outmost body of fine gross matter, they are already in the fine gross material, yet on earth. This condition(of having a dense fine gross material body) itself is a fine gross material form of thier actions while alive physicaly on earth. Hence they will live it out while wearing a fine gross material body; and since that which they crave can only be enjoyed on earth, they are drawn to places or people on earth who endulge in it. Although you can say that they are in the beyond, but they are still on earth. Beyond only means beyond perception by earthly means. I think your confusion stems from the fact that you still consider the physical realm and the beyond as separate worlds. Make the word of the Grail Message which says, “But there is no division between this world and the beyond! ... ” come alive within you, and you will see the solution to your puzzle. And also keep in mind that the medium gross material realm (astral realm) and the finest gross material realm are not altogether or totally different from the plane of coarsest gross matter. They are all share a degree of homogeneity, they are all gross matter(whether coarsest, medium or finest), and hence can interact directly with each other; as opposed to ethereal realms which are entirely different from the gross material realms. This is why an astral body can condense to look almost like the physical in density and weight. It is this condensing or compacting that allows a departed who is earthbound, to remain on earth, walk on earth and etc. Some of them don’t even know that they are dead. It is also this condensing or compartment that allows a very apt physical eye to catch a glimpse of them every now and then. Hence not all the ghost stories we hear about are false. People can actually see ghost; to see them more clearer, one must be seeing with either his astral eyes or the eyes of his finest gross material body. The physical eye can only catch a glimpse of a very condensed astral or finest material body. It is also this condensing or compacting that allows such ghosts to move, although very very slightly, very light physical objects. A departed person wearing a very condensed astral or finest material body, may be able, although with enormous strength, move a physical smoke or be caught on a very sensitive camera. Such things are reported on TV all the time, they are not all false news. But for such ghosts to make more impact on the physical realm, they need a physical body, or the radiation of the physical body. Hence some people on earth (wearing physical bodies) whose blood radiation is not well suited for their spirit, may offer such ghosts the radiation bridge that they need to operate on earth. Hence in their vicinity, such ghosts can move heavier physical objects. Such things like chairs lifting of the floor or books flying off the shelves happen in their vicinity, because a departed earthbound soul is using their blood radiation which renders the departed soul greater strength towards earthly activities. Some people’s blood radiations are so unsuited for their spirits or their spirits are too weak to subjugate their physical bodies in the right manner, hence a departed soul may be able to completely push aside such a soul and take over the physical body. The person is said to possessed then. So to put it all together, it is propensity for experiences or enjoyments which can only be indulged on earth with a physical body that keeps souls earth bound. It is this propensity that condenses their material bodies, making it difficult to wither and set the spirit free after death. On the other hand, a spirit who strives for ennoblement or noble actives while on earth. This make sets his spirit aglow, and it glows through all his bodies, keeping them lighter, nobler and less dense. One passing, this lightness and less density of his fine gross material body allows such a spirit to float to the lighter realms of finest gross matter; and soon this body easily dissolves because it can longer bear the pressure of the glow from the spirit which is striving away from the earth, away from condensation. Also, in-order not to leave a gap, let me explain what propensity is. A propensity is inner urge for material enjoyment or things; hence an urge for material things, vices or enjoyment emanating from the spirit. A propensity for earthly things or earthly enjoyments keeps souls earth bound. And this is what makes a propensity unnatural, because the spirit, naturaly should not urge for gross material enjoyment or indulgence. One can indulge in any earthly enjoyment, but the individual most make sure that he doesn’t soil his cloaks (subtler bodies) or stain his spirit in so doing. Let’s take sexual intercourse for example. This is a necessity of a healthy matured physical body, and there is absolutely nothing wrong in satisfying this urge. As long as it remains a need arising from the physical body alone; but when this goes beyond the physical body to the extent that the spirit now yearns for it or desires it, it becomes a propensity which has a terrible consequence because it will hold such a spirit earthbound after passing on. Like I said earlier, during such powerful earthly activities, the spirits feels it through radiations; hence over indulgence will make an impact in the spirit or the spiritual intuition, albeit only on the outermost part of the spirit. Hence the spirit now glows predominantly or longs for earthly enjoyments. This makes the makes its subtler bodies condense and become like the physical body. And since only on earth, through the union of male and female physical bodies, can that radiation which the spirit longs for or glows in, can be achieved, the spirit remains on earth even after the dissolution of its physical and astral body. It remains on earth with a body of fine gross matter which is so condensed due to the spiritual desire for earthly enjoyment or propensity. Based on the law of attraction of homogenous species, it will be drawn to people on earth who carry the same propensity and who consequently indulge in physical intimacy unrestrictedly frequent. Such a departed soul will nip on their inner sensation as they indulge in this earthly enjoyment. This is applicable to every earthly activity, be it eating, drinking, smoking, and etc. One whose spirit is alive will only eat for the nourishment of the physical body, he eats only when the body requires it and when it is necessary. This desire to eat physically, which is alien to the spirit, is restricted to the physical body. Hence when the physical body falls away, this desire will fall away along with the physical body. The spirit which is filled with the longing for the luminous heights would strive away from the earth since it desires nothing earthly. But those who have soiled their spirit with the desire for earthly food, gluttons; on passing on, they will still feel the desire to eat, becuase this desire now stems from the spirit. But now in the absence of the physical body, the only tool through which they can fully enjoy eating, they hang around those of the same propensity who still have physical bodies and nip on their inner sensation as they eat. Hence kitchens, dining’s and etc., where people are eating, could be filled with such earthbound souls. They may remain in this condition for years, centuries and etc., until they live off that propensity or until a longing for the higher planes of creation arise within them. However this is more difficult than when on earth, because now they are surrounded by homogenous souls and tied to the place on earth where their vice (Food, sexuality and etc.) is being enjoyed or indulged in by people on earth. Hence lustful people are surrounded by lustful souls, gluttons by gluttonous souls, prostitutes are surrounded by lustful souls and etc. And if an opportunity for incarnation arises, they can reincarnate on earth without ever setting foot in the ethereal realm or taking off the fine gross material bodies. However for each earthly incarnation, a new astral body is required, because each physical body is a reflection of an astral body. However the soul can reincarnate with the same body of fine gross matter; just as people can reincarnate with the same ethereal body. And people, sometimes, do not have only one propensity. No matter how many propensities they have, each makes an impact on thier subtler bodies and each must be lived off before ascent can begin. Hence, the strongest propensity takes the fore on passing on; and after living off that one, the second one in strenght comes to the fore and etc. And as long as they are all propensities for earthly enjoyments(things that can only be indulged in on earth) they must live them(the gross material propensities) off in the gross material realms before they can step into the ethereal realms. Hence they remain earth bound. A propensity can be lived off while physicaly alive on earth, or while in the beyond wearing a body of fine gross matter. Physical(coarsest gross matter), astral(medium gross matter), and fine gross matter all still belong to one basic specie or sphere of matter. Hence a propensity of anything that can only be indulged in on earth, a gross material propensity, will not allow any soul to step beyond this sphere of gross matter into the ethereal which is an entirely different sphere or specie of matter. However, propensity is not the only thing that can keep a soul earthbound. Many other things can too. Let’s explore but a few. A man teaches his son that there is no life after death. The son shapes his earth life according to this erroneous teaching and hence not inclined towards any spiritual activity while on earth. The man passes on and realizes that life does not cease after. He feels the desire to impact this knowledge to his son, hence to make right with he had made wrong. This keeps him earthbound; he cannot ascend while his erroneous teaching is leading people astray on earth. He remains, tied to those he deceived, until he is able to influence one of them to discard this false teaching. This may take centuries, as long as this erroneous teaching which he introduced, remains in the family, leading people astray, this man is held in the beyond. If his son teaches the same to his grandson and so on, the man remains bound until the people he deceived comes to a better recognition. Hence one must be very careful with what he teaches his fellow man, especially when he holds himself as the ultimate authority or forces his opinions on others. Hence the commandment, “Honor father, honor mother!” A parent must honor his role and be careful with what he teaches his children; because basses on the law of creation, children are equipped with imitative instinct before maturity, hence at childhood, the child not only imitates its parents but can build its entire earth-life basses on its upbringing! Also people who force people to accept their opinions are threading a very dangerous path. Any form of intimidation, be it mockery, punishment, anger, and etc., directed to others who reject your opinion is wrong. However it is not wrong to share your opinions or to exchange views in a cordial way, like we do on this forum, but the individual must make sure that in no way does he force or intimidate others in to accepting his views. He must give them the freedom of rejecting his view, if it doesn’t sit well with them. He must guard carefully against a reputation. Very soon people are awarded a reputation of always being right or having a special knowledge; the individual must shorn such reputation and always remind people that he is just a human spirit who is not immune to mistakes. Such an alert spirit will always advise readers or hearers of his words to investigate them and not just accept them as infallible words. Unfortunatley, alot of people fall prey to this snear and endulge or welcome such reputations out of vanity, and consequently they create a personality cult around themselves or become a god-like figure. This is already a form of intimidation. There are also other things which can render a soul earthbound. Such things like oat taking; the individual takes an oat and tells a girls, “I am yours forever,” such practices that is very common today, can take on form in the beyond and tie the individuals together. However, the barrier of the physical body will not let them see the consequence of this oat taking, which is a gross material anchoring of an unnatural spiritual attachment. But when the physical body falls away as in death, the individual sees himself always in the vicinity of the girl and will not be able to ascend. He remains earthbound, as long as the girl is on earth. And such mutual oat taking is not very easy to dissolve; so if the girl passes on and is pulled towards hell, the man so attached to her will be pulled to hell along with her. A man who otherwise may never have had to go hell. So be careful with the covenants that you take and the promises that you make; let every word that you speak be guided by your spiritual intuition and you will be saved from unhealthy ethereal or non-physical ties. If you watch ancient customs, manner of speaking, and languages, when men were still guided by their intuition, you will notice that they subconsciously avoid such ties that can result from wrong speaking. Even marriage vows, the ancients would correctly say, “Till death do us part” That means that this union ends after death and does not bind them after earthly life. This is correct and accords with the will of God. But the modern man in his intellectual ways will say thing like, “I am yours forever!" "We will be together forever." "I belong to you!" "We belong to each other!" You are everything to me!" "i cant live without you!" and other such popular slogans. Only on passing on will he see the consequences of his loquacious pomposity! Hence the son of God warned us, “Let your communication be yea and nay, for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil!” The same is applicable to people with unhealthy attachment to earthly things, properties and etc. On passing on, they may be bound to that property which they lived for while on earth. Hence certain departed souls are bound to some earthly places, houses, cars, ships, and etc. The same is applicable to people who live for their physical bodies. A lot of women on earth today belong to this category. They live for their physical bodies, everything they do boils down to their physical body. They constantly and unnaturally beautify it; they work to beatify it, at all cost, even at the cost of starving themselves or going for plastic surgery. They will butcher their noses to be thin, if that’s what the modern intellectual man considers beautiful or what fashion decrees, they will inject silicon on their breasts and bottoms, bleach themselves and expose their body to attract men and etc. On passing on many of them will be attached to their decaying physical body. It will take unnaturally longer for them to detach from this body, the only thing they attached value to while on earth. Even as this body decays, they are tied to it through a taut silver cord and astral body. Hence grave yards and mortuaries are often haunted by such souls, souls attached to the bodies buried there. Or better said, souls who cannot free themselves from the bodies buried there. And such a soul so close to its dead physical body is not insensitive to the condition of this dead physical body. Hence they feel the pains of autopsy, cremation, or decomposition, whatever the case maybe. And just as this unnatural attachment interferes with the ascent of the soul, it also interferes with the normal decomposition of the physical body. The same is applicable to those who love earth-life so much that they will go to any extent to preserve their earth-life. This is common in Africa where people do all sorts of rituals to preserve their life. They may succeed in tying their souls unnaturally to their physical bodies. No such rituals can overrule the laws of nature which stipulates that all physical forms must pass through death or dissolution. Hence their physical bodies must one day die, their rituals have no say before the will of God which is expressed in the laws of nature. So all that they have done is that they have, out of their own volition, tied themselves unnaturally to their physical bodies, a tie which continues after physical death. Hence for centuries they may remain tied to a decomposing physical body. In conclusion, you can enjoy all the things (things that can only be enjoyed on earth) that life on earth affords us, but you must not let the desire for these things become a propensity. Otherwise you will be bound on earth, where these things can only be indulged in, after passing on. Things like sexual intercourse, eating physical food and etc are peculiar to the earth, the physical plane, or the plane of coarsest gross matter. One should eat to live, to keep the physical body healthy, so that they body can offer the soul the right radiation that the souls needs to function properly on earth, or as people say, “to keep body and soul together,”; the individual should not live to eat. Have sexual intercourse to relive the physical body, and keep it healthy, to procreate, and exchange radiations with a member of the opposite gender with whom you have achieved spiritual harmony which is pure love. Such love is already marriage before the laws of God. Indulging in these things in a manner that does not accord with the will of God leads to propensity which is harmful to both the body and the soul. I believe I have said enough here to give you the idea. Thanks and remain blessed. |
Re: Inquiry For Justcool And M_nwankwo And Other Adherents Of The Grail Message by DeepSight(m): 8:36am On Aug 05, 2012 |
Some people’s blood radiations are so unsuited for their spirits or their spirits are too weak to subjugate their physical bodies in the right manner, hence a departed soul may be able to completely push aside such a soul and take over the physical body. The person is said to possessed then. Are you certain that such a thing as this is possible? If it is, what karmaic responsibility will the true owner of the body bear for such "possessed" actions? How exactly can a departed one take control of a present one, considering that the functions of the body are controlled by a physical living brain? How is such a connection possible? And this is what makes a propensity unnatural, because the spirit, naturaly should not urge for gross material enjoyment or indulgence. Does the message not say that it is that self-same urge that brought us to earth? Does it not speak about the urges of "nipping" and eventually "tasting" being the urges that urge the spirit into this earthlife? How does it make sense to come into an entire existence on earth from an urge, and then assert that the spirit, naturaly should not urge for gross material enjoyment or indulgence. One can indulge in any earthly enjoyment, but the individual most make sure that he doesn’t soil his cloaks (subtler bodies) or stain his spirit in so doing. Let’s take intimate intercourse for example. This is a necessity of a healthy matured physical body, and there is absolutely nothing wrong in satisfying this urge. As long as it remains a need arising from the physical body alone; but when this goes beyond the physical body to the extent that the spirit now yearns for it or desires it, it becomes a propensity which has a terrible consequence because it will hold such a spirit earthbound after passing on. Like I said earlier, during such powerful earthly activities, the spirits feels it through radiations; hence over indulgence will make an impact in the spirit or the spiritual intuition, albeit only on the outermost part of the spirit. Hence the spirit now glows predominantly or longs for earthly enjoyments. Again, same as above. It must be a very harsh creation to push spirits into the world of matter, from the urge for material and other experiencing, and expect that such experiencing will not or should not "stain" the spirit. Particularly the bold in red seems contradictory to me because I assume the the latent and subconscious urge for such things was already there in the spirit and resulted in its incarnation on earth. I do not say this lightly. I was born with some very strange and inexplicable urges which I began to recognize as early as my toddler years, and I really mean as early as ages 3 - 4. Those urges have dominated my life till date, and it was only when I saw the full impact of those urges on my psyche when I was about 30 years old, that I settled down and stopped fighting them. How can I fight something that I am born with? I also had some dreams which indicated to me that they could be a possible carry over from another life. I don't know. What I do know, is that those urges are an intrinsic part of my spirit. It would seem a harsh creation to me; that would sprout me into the world of matter with certain inherent urges, and deny me a return to spirit on account of urges that were already there from the beginning, however they may have grown within the world of matter. This desire to eat physically, which is alien to the spirit, is restricted to the physical body. Hence when the physical body falls away, this desire will fall away along with the physical body. The spirit which is filled with the longing for the luminous heights would strive away from the earth since it desires nothing earthly. If it is true that all material desires are alien to the spirit, then what is the nipping and tasting referred to in the Grail Message which compels the spirit germ to come to the world of matter as a conscious being? If those urges are NOT material, then surely the spirit only needed to have incarnated in such non-material realms as would have been homogeneous to its natural spiritual urges? No? However for each earthly incarnation, a new astral body is required, because each physical body is a reflection of an astral body. However the soul can reincarnate with the same body of fine gross matter; just as people can reincarnate with the same ethereal body. Can you please elaborate on this. “I am yours forever,” such practices that is very common today, can take on form in the beyond and tie the individuals together. However, the barrier of the physical body will not let them see the consequence of this oat taking, which is a gross material anchoring of an unnatural spiritual attachment. But when the physical body falls away as in death, the individual sees himself always in the vicinity of the girl and will not be able to ascend. He remains earthbound, as long as the girl is on earth. And such mutual oat taking is not very easy to dissolve; so if the girl passes on and is pulled towards hell, the man so attached to her will be pulled to hell along with her. A man who otherwise may never have had to go hell. So be careful with the covenants that you take and the promises that you make; let every word that you speak be guided by your spiritual intuition and you will be saved from unhealthy ethereal or non-physical ties. Please this one is very important personally to me. What happens in a scenario of pledge to marry? In fact traditional rites completed, and a strong bond felt and affirmed over years to marry. And then few weeks to the final ceremony, the couple have a big misunderstanding and everything goes up in flames. If one party dies (heaven forbid), will such a scenario create an earth-bound condition on account of the pledge (oath) to marry? The same is applicable to people with unhealthy attachment to earthly things, properties and etc. On passing on, they may be bound to that property which they lived for while on earth. Chei, I had better tone down my love for my lufly car. Hence they feel the pains of autopsy, cremation, or decomposition, whatever the case maybe. And just as this unnatural attachment interferes with the ascent of the soul, it also interferes with the normal decomposition of the physical body. I have always been disturbed by this teaching of the Grail Message. Even in physical life, while physically alive, there are conditions that can render people oblivious to physical pain. Even the mere drugs used to render a person asleep during surgeries accomplishes this. It is VERY hard for me to believe therefore that when the brain has stopped working completely, the body can continue to feel physical pain. Very hard. Please reflect closely, and also scientifically, on this. Have intimate intercourse to relive the physical body, and keep it healthy, to procreate, and exchange radiations with a member of the opposite gender with whom you have achieved spiritual harmony which is pure love. I agree with this and have always taught it to other people as a teaching that I see to be the truth: however I must confess that in my personal life I have hardly ever been se.xually attracted to the women that I have loved with all my heart, and I have hardly ever been romantically or spiritually attracted to the women that I find se.xually irresistible. Infact, this contradiction has given me many problems. I do not mentally associate my romantic love with se.x. It has therefore caused some of my beloved ones in the past to think that I do not love them or desire them. I do. But not really se.xually. On the other hand, when I see a really worldly woman who I am not romantically attracted to, all my se.xual energies go into overdrive. In this circumstance I find it hard to pursue the noble teaching of only have se.x with a woman that one loves. Very hard. I believe I have said enough here to give you the idea. Although your response was for Speer, it was a superb write-up. I am already thinking of relevant people in my personal life to share it with. You are a great teacher sir. And no, I am not creating a cult about you. Remember I do not create cults even for Jesus. |
Re: Inquiry For Justcool And M_nwankwo And Other Adherents Of The Grail Message by DeepSight(m): 11:08am On Aug 05, 2012 |
Justcool:[/b]Lucifer actually fell lower than the entire creation because he originated above creation. Please where is this place that Lucifer fell to? Are there any "places" [b]outside creation, that are not within divinity? Humans in those lower regions are able to incarnate on earth due to the fall of mankind. I assume these lower regions refer to one or some of the seven planets bearing humans in this universe according to your belief? Please confirm. How many of such planets are lower than the earth and how many higher? If tomorrow, by some space probe, mankind discovers intelligent civilizations on more than seven planets in this universe, will you still regard the Grail Message as absolute truth? This is an "if" question, so please answer it as such - supposing that this actually happens, not merely by answering that it will not happen. I ask this question to see your degree of dogmatism with regard to the absolute truth of the Grail Message. |
Re: Inquiry For Justcool And M_nwankwo And Other Adherents Of The Grail Message by justcool(m): 2:21am On Aug 07, 2012 |
@Deep Sight. Thanks for your articulate questions, I will reply as follows: Deep Sight:Definitely not within Divinity or in Divine substantiate where failure is impossible. The enormous pressure, resulting from the power of God, in the Divine substantiate makes it impossible for any being, even the most powerful, to deviate from the Will of God. Simply put: In such proximity to God, Who is the Living Power, failure is impossible. Lucifer failed at cosmic distances from the Divine substantiate plane. When it was said that Lucifer was sent out to aid the developing human spirits in subsequent creation, one must not think that Lucifer incarnated into a particular planet in the world of matter, like we humans incarnate on earth. Lucifer remains outside material creation; but, naturally his volitions took on different forms and worked in all the seven parts of material creation. It was through these different forms of volitions of Lucifer that he was able to approach the human spirit and deal with the human spirit one on one. In reality, no human spirit can behold Lucifer due difference in specie. Neither is Lucifer’s working limited to subsequent creation. Even after his failure, he attacked all the planes of creation, even the Primordial spiritual plane. The event which was passed down pictorially in the book of Revelation about a dragon which was waiting for the woman clothed with the sun to deliver a baby so that it (the dragon) can devour the baby, actually happened in the highest heights in creation. The woman clothed in the sun is the primordial Queen; the child that the dragon wished to devour was the son of man; and the dragon, a volition of Lucifer. Only after this struggle against the primordial queen was Lucifer’s influence forcibly limited to subsequent creation by a host of angels who battled his volitions and drove them below the Primordial, spiritual, and animistic spheres. This is also reported in the revelation, when it was said that the dragon was thrown from heaven to earth by arch angel Michael and his host of angels. However this is going too deep into the mysteries of creation and too far away from the topic at hand. I just mentioned it to show you that Lucifer stands outside creation, and not limited to earth or subsequent creation. Since we human spirits are accustomed to view ourselves as the center of all events. About “places outside creation that are not within Divinity.” Definitely! Being accustomed to seeing ourselves as the center of all events and places, the human spirit often erroneously thinks that he is capable of knowing the extent of existence, and its opposite, non-existence. Indeed it is absurd to think that this particular creation (from the primordial to coarsest gross matter) is the only creation of God. God could have uncountable number of such creations! However all that we need to know and can fully comprehend is limited within this our particular creation; we can also faintly comprehend how this our particular creation relates to the Divine substantial realm, when this knowledge is passed down to us. But knowledge of other creations of God is not necessary for us to have. The human spirit, along with other creatures in this creation, originated in the creation, its fate and path starts and ends in this creation. It cannot ascend further or above than this creation, neither than it sink below this creation. Even in his thinking and intuitive perception, this is impossible. However, the path of Lucifer is different, for Lucifer does not belong to creation. Therefore, the fact that man thinks that he knows or can know all the places in existence only shows the arrogance of man and his always thinking in reference to himself. You have to understand that the idea of “place” or “where” in itself involves a limitation. Limited to the creatures ability to conceive. I have heard where people try to philosophize that God is the totality of all that exists; hence all existence and all that can ever exist is part of God or God manifesting Himself; and since existence is infinite, God is infinite; that there is no place outside of God. Perhaps you hold this view too, (correct me if I’m wrong, and if so, I apologize beforehand) It is my perception that this view is wrong. One must separate God from existence and non-existence. God is not limited to existence; neither is He limited to non-existence. God in not within the realm of existence, neither is He within the realm of non-existence. Both existence and its opposite (non-existence) are human concepts; and no human concept can come close to the nature of God. Both existence and non-existence are the radiation of God, or consequence of the radiation of God; they both relate to the radiation of God and not God himself Who stands above all. You can apply the same to the concept of “place” and “where”. Both the “place,” “where” and “no place,” “Nowhere” that we can conceive even with our highest intuitive perception, remains within this creation. Whatever lies outside this creation will remain a perpetual mystery to us. We humans must accept our limitation. We must also accept that even our highest conception of God must remain a belittlement of God. Back to Lucifer, saying that Lucifer fell below creation is as good as saying that: with his faliure Lucifer, distanced himself further away from his origin,(or from God)than the entire creation can. No creature in this creation can go that far away from the Light and remain in exsistance; such would be imposible. The deepest depth any creature can fall has to remain within this creation. Hence only Him(Parsifal) who came from above creation, could descend lower than creation, into the realm of Lucifer to bind Lucifer. No creature in creation could have achieved this. Deep Sight: Your assumption is wrong. The lower regions and higher regions are the non-physical parts of this part of the world of matter. You already know that there are seven parts of the worlds of matter, and each part has a physical plane, and in each physical plane there is a planet harboring human life. It is impossible to go from one part of the seven parts of the world of matter to another. I have explained this many times. I have explained this already in this thread too; read my earlier posts in this thread. Deep Sight:You already know that this impossible. What’s the point if an “if an impossibility happens” question? If it happens, and if I’m sure that the scientist is not lying or making a mistake, then I would cease to regard the Grail message as the absolute truth. Since such will be dogmatism and blind faith which the Grail message warns about. As always, Thanks and remain blessed. |
Re: Inquiry For Justcool And M_nwankwo And Other Adherents Of The Grail Message by justcool(m): 3:47am On Aug 07, 2012 |
@Deep Sight I just noticed that I only replied your second post. I will reply the first as well, soon. Thanks |
Re: Inquiry For Justcool And M_nwankwo And Other Adherents Of The Grail Message by justcool(m): 9:54am On Aug 07, 2012 |
Deep Sight: The true owner of the physical body does not incur as much karma as the spirit who forcibly took the reins of the body from the true owner. However the true owner is not totally absolved of Kramer, because she/he is indolent. Only an indolent spirit can lose possession of her/his physical body. Hence reciprocal reaction resulting from such indolence will surly strike the true owner of the body. If a possessed person commits murder, for example, while she/he is possessed; the reciprocal action resulting from the murder will revenge itself more heavily on the soul doing the possession than the one who got dispossessed of its physical body. However she/he is not totally absolved of this reciprocal action, and must receive a part of it, because if he wasn’t indolent in the first place, the crime would not have been committed. The departed takes control through the blood radiation which is not suited for the soul of the true owner of the physical body. This blood radiation, which holds the physical body and soul together, does not give this soul a right firm hold on the physical body. Hence another soul in the beyond can take possession of this not-so-firmly held physical body and succeed in pushing the true owner away momentarily and for a long time. Just as any soul wearing a physical body makes an impression on the back brain which modifies the impression and passes on to the frontal brain, which in turn, modifies the impression and sends signals to the mouth to speak, the body to move and etc.; the departed soul makes an impression on the back brain of the loosely held physical body and the rest of the process is the same. The brain responds better to the impression from the departed soul because the rightful owner of the physical is too weak to make its own impression felt by the brain; the blood radiation of the physical body does not offer its (the souls) impressions the right path to brain. It’s just like a TV that is not properly tuned to the right station. It may end up picking another station's signals or another station's signals may distort its right signals and consequently a distorted picture will be produced. Also think about CCTV, s. (Closed Circuit TV). This is a system where each camera or many cameras are connected to a particular monitor. Sometimes this connection is wireless, through signals. When the camera or the cameras are turned off, or are faulty, the monitor may start picking up signals from another camera that does not belong to that particular system. I experience this every day with my car. I have a camera at the back of my car, and a monitor on the dashboard. The camera comes on when I put my car in reverse, so that I can see my back while backing up. And when I’m moving forward, the camera turns off. So sometimes when I’m driving through a neighborhood that have security cameras. My dashboard monitor will come on displaying image from one of those nearby security cameras. Due to homogeneity in frequency, my dashboard monitor, is able to pick up signals from another camera, while the one belonging to it is turned off. The camera represents the soul; while the monitor represents the physical body. It’s the same process. An indolent soul is like a camera that is turned off or one whose signals are too weak. The physical body (the monitor) as long as it’s on, does not stop working on that account; only that now it’s at the mercy of another nearby camera that operates at the same frequency. We can liken the frequency with the blood radiation. A person with the wrong kind of blood radiation is like a monitor tuned to a different frequency to that which its camera is tuned. Such a monitor is at the mercy of nearby cameras that operate at its frequency. Even if these cameras are not designed for it. However, only a human soul can possess a person. A demon cannot. Deep Sight: Very good question! First, I will throw more light on what a propensity is. This time I will define it with an analogy. A propensity can be likened to an addiction. The spirits addiction to anything below the spiritual planes. What brought the spirit germs down to earth is their desire for development or consciousness which can only be achieved through experiencing the radiations in the world of matter. Hence in order to awaken this consciousness the spirit germs nipp on this and that radiation; in so doing their virtues or qualities awaken. And finally to fully enjoy these radiations and awaken their virtues or spiritual talents to greater degree, they incarnate on earth. Here we notice two very important distinctions: (1) what motivates them to taste or indulge in this or that radiation is their urge for awakening, maturity, or consciousness. What emanates from them is the desire for consciousness. (2) They are not addicted to these radiations, and hence cannot be described as having propensity. At best we can say that they are driven by curiosity. A man who out of curiosity accepts a pain killer; or a man who out of the desire to numb a headache accepts a pain killer cannot be described as a drug addict. Even though he goes to a drug store to buy this pain killer, the core of his motive is the desire to cure his headache. You cannot say that the desire for painkiller emanates from him or his body at this point. But after taking this or that pain killer over time he becomes addicted, and at this point his body now yearns for the pain killers. This addiction or this yearning from his body is unnatural and it keeps him hanging around hospitals and drug stores! Hence the desire for gross material activates, like sexual intimacy, is alien to the spirit for the spirit has no need for it. But the spirit, at the stage of being a spirit germ, desires to taste of the radiations arising from these activities, in order to mature and awaken. What emanates from the spirit is the desire for development, gross material experiencing is only a means to achieving this end; and not the end itself. Moreover the behavior of spirit-germs as they descend into matter or awaken to consciousness should not be used as a yardstick to measure the ideal spiritual behavior. In the early years of school, a child may soil his cloths often, but an adult should not see that as an excuse that it the intrinsic nature of man to soil his cloths. At the beginning of its development, the spirit-germ strives towards the worlds of matter for its development; at a stage in its development, it know nothing other than to strive towards the luminous heights, away from matter. Just as a seed, when initially planted, sprouting, or germinating, grows or extends its root downwards; only to start growing its stem upwards and only towards the light after germination. You cannot say that growing downwards is an intrinsic nature of trees. This is rough analogy though. I hope this is clear enough. I can elaborate further if you want me to. Deep Sight: Again, as I answered above. Would you consider it harsh to send your son to hospital, from the urge to get healthy through medication, and expect him not become a drug addict? If he takes the medicine as proscribed by the doctor or the manufacturer of the drug, he will not become an addict or stain (harm) his body. Again, the urge which lead the spirit germs to the world of matter is for development, consciousness, or maturity. For this, they need conscious experiencing which the pressure of the plane of origin and above will not allow them. Hence they need to descend into the worlds of matter where there is less presure. To live in matter necessitates a body of material nature, which as a material tool will enable them to experience in the worlds of matter. And every tool comes with an obligation of maintenance and usage in accordance with instructions of the manufacturer of the tool. We have to thank God that even the process of maintaining our tools affords us pleasure, rather than asking God why He expects us not to become addicted to the pleasure that results from the maintenance of the tools He so graciously gave us. Deep Sight: To be born with a propensity does not absolve you of any responsibly. It could be a propensity that you developed in one of your past lives. Now that you are on earth and have recognized this propensity is the time to rid yourself of it. You have hitherto failed to achieve this because you considered it, as can be seen from your statement above, as an integral part of your spirit. And you can never succeed in ridding yourself of it if your fight it with your physical body, your thoughts or the might of your brain. The urge for purity must arise from your spirit. Moreover you should pray with your intuition for the strength to cleave through this propensity. Like I told you sometime age earlier, in another thread, "all genuine healing comes from within." Deep Sight: Here you are wrong, my dear friend. Hence you have not been able to wean this dependency. The urge for physical intimacy is not an integral part of the spirit since the spirit has no need for it. If this urge emanates from your spirit, then it has become a propensity in you. Through wrong and over indulgence, it has soiled your spirit. But even this dirt cannot and can never be an intrinsic part of the spirit. It can only stain the outmost part of your spirit, the core of your spirit remains chaste. For chastity is integral part of your spirit. It emanates from the core of the spirit and hence stronger than any propensity, and only in the strength of this chastity can you rid your soul or spirit of any propensity. Deep Sight: I believe I have answered this question above. I repeat, the spirit germ cannot exercise its qualities consciously in the spiritual realm because it is too weak to counter or deal with the pressure there. Therefore it incarnates into matter, where there is less pressure, to exercise its free-will consciously. Pleasure or urges that comes from material experiences are not what drove the spirit into matter, since these urges are alien to the spirit; being material, they only emanate from the material cloaks that spirit wears. What drove the spirit germs into matter is desire for consciousness, or to put in biblical terms, “to know good from evil.” The writer of Genesis did not bother to describe the good taste of the apple which Adam and Eve eat. It must have tasted good, since apples are naturally sweet. But it is not the desire for the taste of the apple that drove Eve to accepting it from the serpent, but rather the desire for knowledge. The taste is a byproduct and not the primary purpose. Hence man must not live for these material pleasures and must see them as byproducts of his sojourn in the material realm, and not perchance the core of the purpose of his sojourn. Deep Sight: You need a new astral body for each incarnation, because the astral body and the physical body go hand in hand. Each physical body is suited only for its astral body; indeed the physical body is only a reflection of the astral body. Hence the astral body remains in the vicinity of the physical body after physical death. The decomposition of the astral body precedes the decomposition of the physical body, just as its formation precedes the formation of the physical body. Hence after physical death, before the soul can incarnate again it must have detached from its astral body, it cannot reincarnate with the same astral body that it used in its previous incarnation. If the soul didn’t go as far as into the ethereal realm, which would have necessitated it shading its fine gross material body as well, in its next incarnation it will only need a new astral body through which it can incarnate into a new physical body. Hence it still wears the same body of fine gross mater as it wore in its previous incarnation; but for each incarnation it needs a new astral body and a new physical body. If the soul had shed its fine gross material body after physical death, and hence had stepped into the ethereal realm, and consequently wearing an ethereal body as its outmost body; then for it to reincarnate on earth, it must receive a new body of fine gross matter, then a new astral body and consequently a new physical body. Hence both his astral body and the body of fine gross matter will be different from the ones he wore in his previous earth-life, yet the ethereal body will remain the same. Had he ascended into Paradise and have to incarnate on earth again, he will have to put on new animistic bodies, new ethereal body, new fine gross material body, new astral body, and finally new physical body. Hence all his cloaks will be different from the ones he wore in his previous earth-life. Whatever the case maybe, each incarnation requires a new physical and astral bodies. Both bodies are closely connected. Since the physical is a reflection of the astral body, it implies that each physical body is uniquely designed for an astral body, and whatever happens to the astral body manifests in the physical body as well. Deep Sight: I do not see anything binding here; however, it depends on their attitudes towards each other. A pledge and an oath are not the same thing. An oath is like swearing. Here the individual places his will above every other thing. This is very wrong and unnatural because man in all his promises and pledges must make sure that this promising or pledging is in accord with the Will of God, and will always leave room for the Will of God to take precedence if this pledge he made is not in accordance with God’s all holy will. A man sees a woman they start dating, he promises her marriage and even does the traditional marriage or church wedding. Along the line he discovers that they are not compactible; they quarrel and break the marriage. Still there is absolutely nothing wrong in this ending of an unnatural union. Such ending will not result in a non-physical bonding; since by ending the disharmonious union, the couple has shown precedence to the will of God. It would be a greater sin to continue the marriage when they both know that they are incompatible. The marriage may survive but as a business deal; such is unnatural before the laws of God. Even if they learn how to tolerate each other or deal with each other, the union remains a sin. For both parties spiritual accent will be disturbed by such union. And there are many such marriages today. They are nothing but prostitution. Love and compatibility should be the bases of marriage; where any of the two is missing, marriage should immediately be ended. Traditional rites, especially as it is practiced in the part of Igbo where I’m from, and especially the way it is practiced today, will not result in unnatural binding that will outlive the couple’s earth-lives. Basically the woman is given a glass of wine, from which she takes a sip and gives her husband. The husband takes a sip and gives back to wife. Actually this is a better way or symbolizing what a harmonious marriage should, better than the western way where the couple are told to kiss each other on the altar right after being pronounced husband and wife. This kissing in front of everybody, even children and especially on the altar, is very wrong because it places physical union as the major aim of marriage. However, let’s not dwell on this. Now back to your question; in order not to give a very long answer here, there is no point treating each different scenario. As long one makes his promise out of pure love, such a person is protected from unnatural ties. Pure love will not allow you to see you wife or wife-to-be as a property or something that belongs to you, which you would rather die than let go off. Such attitude will only be selfishness and not love which is selfless. It is such attitude or unhealthy attachment that can cause unhealthy binding that can outlive the individual’s earth-life, irrespective of what the outward earthly circumstances are. Also one must place the will of God before all else. The purpose of marriage is to work harmoniously together towards the Light. And to love somebody doesn’t necessarily mean that you can achieve marriage with that person, with marriage compatibility (having complementary characters or behavior) is indispensible. Hence quarrels, nagging, and bickering are sure signs of incompatibility not necessarily lack of love. In such cases, where compatibility is lacking, the most loving gift to give the woman is to end the marriage. Deep Sight: Nobody said that the dead body still feels pain. The pain that the soul feel stems from its attachment to the body which is no longer a part of it, and which was never really a part of it, but only a cloak it wore. Out lack knowledge of the structure of creation and out of spiritual indolence, some people no longer consider their physical bodies as a cloak; they consider it not only a part of them but the only them there is! This unnatural attachment causes them to suffer when the body is attacked, eventhough they nolonger wear this body. Look around, you will see this phenomenon in different forms. A mother may love her child so much that when the child is sick, the mother feels the pains of the disease! It is this attachment that causes the pain and not necessarily a direct physical connection to the child. Another man loves his house so much that he feels physical pain as he watches his house being torn down. Some people even have a heart attack and etc. It does not mean that the house feels any pain; the pain arises from the man’s unnatural attachment to something that is not a part of him. Any wonder why such a man would be bound to the house after death. Humans develop unnatural attachment towards many things, even sports. What about the people that becomes sick when their favorite team loses. Or the people that actually feel PHYSICAL pain when a goal is scored against their favorite team? Surely you must have observed this phenomenon. I can go on and on about this. Indeed I watched scientific experiment where people feel pain that was not real just because they had expected it. Such an indolent soul, who still feels the pains of autopsy, simply does not know that the physical body is not him but only a cloak he had just taken off. Deep Sight: The above tells you everything! If only you realize what you said here! Those that you hardly feel sexual to are those that you actually love! The love you feel for them will not let you attach anything dirty, even the smallest dirty thought, to them. Towards them you are selfless although unconsciously. How love teaches us everything!! And the confession you made above just showed that you are still capable of genuine love! Hence you are not spiritually dead!! This love clearly shows you that sexually, you are not as you should be yet! Hence you will never try to become intimate with such a loved person because you are still lustful. And this is not only you, don’t take my explanation personal, don’t take offence; I’m just explaining a phenomena to you. It’s like a cook who knows that she has not perfected her cooking, and hence would rather give her food to her dogs than her children, out of fear of poising them. This love in your hearth clearly points out to you the road to the luminous heights; it clearly shows you which path to thread. It shows you three major things: (1) You are still lustful (the cook hasn’t learnt how to cook in the right manner), (2) You don’t love those ones you feel sexually attracted to as much as the ones you would rather not have sex with (the cook does not love her dogs as much as her kids)(3) It also shows that this lust, which claimed to be an intergral part of your spirit does not emarnate from the core of your spirit, otherwise it would easily unite with the love that emarnates from your spirit. It is only like a dirt that hands on your spirit. If it came from the core of your spirit as an integral part, you would only gladly share it the people you love and will not feel an inward desire not to. Since that which comes from your spirit is the highest and the most loving you can give; you will naturaly feel compleled to share it with your loved ones. If you can only purify your cooking, i.e. free yourself from lust. And strive to love everybody equally. Once you rid yourself of this lust, first the urge for sexual union will reduce, and will only arise when there is perfect harmony. If your free your spirit from this dirt that is attached to it, your unhealthy lustfulness would cease; then only a healthy desire for intimacy would arise from your physical body, at the right time; a pure desire that will only set in when there is parfect spiritual harmoney between you and your partner. Such physical intimacy would not only relieve your physical need but will also further your spirit and strenghten the harmoney between you and your partner, producing greater power. In other words, once the cook has learned to love her dogs as much as kids, and most importantly, when she has learned to cook very well without the fear of poisoning; she would only cook clean meals which she would feel compelled, by love, to share with her children! And such food would only nurish this children. Just as now, you would rather not aprroach those you love sexually; when you rid yourself of this lust, you would rather not aproach the "worldly woman" sexualy anymore, in fear of geting contaminated again or becoming lustful again! Nobody would share his clean house with a pig! He would rather open his door to only worthy and clean(non-lustful) people who would not soil his clean house. Nobody cooks a clean meal and shares it with a pig! I will give another analogy: When a man is dirty and sweating, after hard physical labour. In such condition he wouldnt let his kids hug him or come close to him; he would not even go into thier room or sit on thier bed; but he may not mind playing with his dog when he is dirty, niether would he mind going into his pigs shelter. But after showering and becoming clean again, he would not go and play with dogs, neither would he go into his pigs barn, nor would he feel any desire to prevent his kids from hugging him. When he is neat, he would rather go into thier room, sit on thier bed, play with, carry them on his back and etc. Please relate this analogy to the way you feel towards women. And when I say that you lust, please don’t take it personal or as an attack; I personally have experienced what you just described above. Believe me; I’m not better than you in this. Deep Sight: Thanks! I appreciate this. As always, remain blessed. |
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