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Five (5) Misconceptions About Jehovah's Witnesses. by chatinent: 8:35pm On May 26, 2020 |
(c) All rights reserved. . 1. Myth: Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe in heaven. Apparently, this is not a new saying as people tend to say what they might have heard about the Witnesses not scrutinizing them whether or not they are truth. . Truth: Jehovah's Witnesses believe in heaven as the residence of the Creator of the Universe. . 2. Myth: Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe in hell. . Truth: This is where people misunderstand themselves. Jehovah's Witnesses believe 'Hell' is the common grave of mankind. Witnesses do not believe in 'hell fire' as it is unbiblical, unless you'll show me where the original sinners -- Adam and Eve -- went to 'hell fire.' . 3. Myth: Jehovah's Witnesses do not celebrate anything. . Truth: If you mean holidays like birthdays, Christmas etc., of course yes. Think: what is the relevance of Santa Claus in the bible? Do they or not have pagan origins? In fact, Witnesses commemorate the Death of Jesus as Jesus asked his disciples to do. . 4. Myth: Jehovah's Witness do not speak in tongues. . Truth: Well, Jehovah's Witnesses speak many languages as they come from differing lands but do not involve in the ecstatic speaking performed today by religious leaders. The first century Christians who received the gift used it to preach to people (as the early congregants were filled with people from many lands), so they spoke a language and all who heard understood. Note: To preach. Is that what is done today? Don't throw caution to the wind. . 5. Myth: Jehovah's Witnesses do not do blood transfusions and are wicked to see their loved one die. . Truth: Witnesses put much faith in doing God's will. Sorry to disappoint you, they love their children and loved ones. In fact, medical practitioners agree that it is not safe either, and no guarantee of living well or surviving as no blood samples really match another. Besides, there are other non-blood media. Coming to think of it, Witnesses put faith in the resurrection. Yes, so why worry of this wicked world? . Have more questions? Visit or simply ask them here constructively. 79 Likes 11 Shares
Re: Five (5) Misconceptions About Jehovah's Witnesses. by iKingsley(m): 8:40pm On May 26, 2020 |
Same religion, different ways. Who says I can't eat Garri with fork and knife? ![]() 217 Likes 12 Shares |
Re: Five (5) Misconceptions About Jehovah's Witnesses. by illicit(m): 8:46pm On May 26, 2020 |
Religion brings more trouble than peace 108 Likes 5 Shares |
Re: Five (5) Misconceptions About Jehovah's Witnesses. by chatinent: 9:02pm On May 26, 2020 |
illicit:Not this one. 52 Likes 4 Shares |
Re: Five (5) Misconceptions About Jehovah's Witnesses. by lekki1444: 10:07am On May 31, 2020 |
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Re: Five (5) Misconceptions About Jehovah's Witnesses. by Hotzone(m): 10:08am On May 31, 2020 |
I respect them... To be a witness, nnaa, u must carry ur Gucci bag join body for what they called “pioneer service”. Even though I am not with them any longer but I still respect most of their values and through them, I learnt how to dress like a gentleman which has helped me in my career 279 Likes 13 Shares |
Re: Five (5) Misconceptions About Jehovah's Witnesses. by jeff1993: 10:08am On May 31, 2020 |
I remember when I was in Ss3 ... I had this beautiful class mate of mine called Uchechi ...she was a very funny and lively girl and she was a Witness. One fateful day she had an accident on her way to write NECO exam .... She lost a lot of blood and was the hospital requested for blood transfusion but the parents refused ... Everyday we went to the hospital we literally watched our classmate tether on the brink of death just because of a stupid manmade ideology. Our principal had to involve social service authorities from the local govt and when they intervened, they took over the case and called the senior brother who was in another state to come and donate blood since the parents were adamant. That was how Uchechi's life was saved but the unity of their family was never saved because she quitted the church when she went to Uni and her parents kind of partially disowned her. 408 Likes 37 Shares |
Re: Five (5) Misconceptions About Jehovah's Witnesses. by A305: 10:09am On May 31, 2020 |
Opportunity comes but once, anything after that, bros check am well because, e fit be jehovah withness. 18 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Five (5) Misconceptions About Jehovah's Witnesses. by Wiseandtrue(f): 10:09am On May 31, 2020 |
chatinent:It's written in the scripture that God gave people knowledge about medicine, He instructed you to go them!!! But that shouldn't mean that you will put your trust in the medicine!!! 22 Likes 4 Shares |
Re: Five (5) Misconceptions About Jehovah's Witnesses. by Lovelies1: 10:09am On May 31, 2020 |
When the Bible told you abstain from blood you should go back and ask yourself why Abel blood was counted while those whom Elijah killed(prophet of Baal) wasn't counted And alias why it is also written that whomsoever keeps anger against his brother till the next morning or bear false accusations against his brother he or she is guilty of murder And in murder means kill and for someone to die blood must spill 3 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Five (5) Misconceptions About Jehovah's Witnesses. by MANNABBQGRILLS: 10:09am On May 31, 2020 |
We are all ONE in the Body of Christ. End of Story. JESUS IS THE SAME YESTERDAY, TODAY AND FOREVER ejanla077:YES! Very Good ones at that. ajebuter:Jehovah God bless you. 34 Likes 4 Shares |
Re: Five (5) Misconceptions About Jehovah's Witnesses. by Lovelies1: 10:09am On May 31, 2020 |
There is one more thing he didn't add which is Jehovah witness believe that Jehovah created Jesus opposing to Christian that Jesus is Lord and the Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit are three in one person Anyone who needs this PDF to clear all doubt that the Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit is one should indicate Op if you are interested to understand indicate 21 Likes 3 Shares |
Re: Five (5) Misconceptions About Jehovah's Witnesses. by Lovelies1: 10:09am On May 31, 2020 |
Christian speak in tongue to God and it meant for God and speaking in tongues his through the power of the holy Spirit and not by the speaker himself and let it stick to your � ear that never is it used to talk to man but only a man by Power of the Holy Spirit communicate the supplication of his heart to the ear of God alone who hears and answer Ask yourself what actually is the meaning of "speak in tongues" 1 corrithians 12:10 Jesus spoke in tongue at the cross of Calvary and people are saying blasphemy speaking in tongues doesn't actually means speaking out of this world but using a language the mind of the speaker or anyone one close to him know at that moment 1 corrithians 12:10 made you feel to understand for one speaketh without understanding the meaning of the language he spoke with another through the spirit interpret and might later find out the language the speaker spoke in A Yoruba man whom leave in a Yoruba community among Yoruba people might start mixing language uncommon to him and his community during prayer, probably Dutch, french, Arabic at the same time during an intercessory prayer This also reminds guy of the purpose of mankind to him, everybody is one to God I think I will create another thread for this 30 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Five (5) Misconceptions About Jehovah's Witnesses. by sunshineV(f): 10:09am On May 31, 2020 |
JW sees the world as a simple place to live and die. Live life, and pass on But some Christians own na live life, die, enter hell, burn for eternity like say na war meanwhile Adam and even no enter hell But I don't support not given blood when needes as it can save lives Nd I don't see bad in celebration just get clean mind and leave hidden meaning 28 Likes 3 Shares |
Re: Five (5) Misconceptions About Jehovah's Witnesses. by Franklyspeakin: 10:10am On May 31, 2020 |
Hmmm so oyibo Jehovah's witness they carry bag , up and down too?? 16 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Five (5) Misconceptions About Jehovah's Witnesses. by SamuelAnyawu(m): 10:10am On May 31, 2020 |
No blood transfusion. So if I am shot on the roadside and some good fellows rushed me into a nearby health facility. I'll explain to the doctor that I need no blood transfusion and will rather die than accept blood from a donor ![]() Even as a Catholic no be every Catholic doctrine I dey swallow. I do religion with my common sense ![]() 243 Likes 17 Shares |
Re: Five (5) Misconceptions About Jehovah's Witnesses. by Nobody: 10:10am On May 31, 2020 |
Oh, Christ worshipers! We want an answer to our question from your wise. If the Lord was murdered by some people’s act…what sort of god is this? We wonder! Was He pleased by what they did to Him? If yes, blessed be they..they achieved the pleasure of His But if He was discontented….this means their power subjugated His!! Was the whole entity left without a Sustainer… so who answered the prayers? Were the heavens vacated…when He laid under the ground somewheres? Were all the worlds left without a God…to manage while His hands were nailed? Why did not the angles help Him when they heard him while he wailed? How could the rods stand to bear the True Lord when He was fastened How could the iron reach Him and His body pinioned? How could His enemies’ hands reach Him and slap His rear And was Christ revived by himself…or the Reviver was another god? What a sight it is!A grave that enclosed a god! What’s more weird is the belly that had Him in it! He stayed there for nine months in utter darkness…fed by blood! Then he got out of the womb as a small baby, weak and gaping to be breastfed! He ate and drank, and did what that naturally resulted in Is this a god??!! High Exalted be Allah above the lies of Christians All of them will be held accountable for their libels Oh cross worshipers…for what reason is it exalted and blamed who rejects it? Is it not the logic to break and burn it along with the one who innovated it? Since the Lord was crucified on it…and his hands were fastened to it? That is really a cursed cross to carry…so discard it Don’t kiss it! The Lord was abused on it…and you adore it? So you are one of His enemies!! If you extol it because it carried the Lord of the worlds why don’t you prostrate yourself and worship graves, since the grave contained your god in it? So, Christ worshiper, open your eyes, this is what the matter is all about. 6 Likes 5 Shares |
Re: Five (5) Misconceptions About Jehovah's Witnesses. by Cryptofxt10: 10:10am On May 31, 2020 |
my own be say, if na only 144000 people dey go heaven, then me dey among ... 26 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Five (5) Misconceptions About Jehovah's Witnesses. by wisewordd: 10:10am On May 31, 2020 |
Why don't you guys marry outside your church but your members have sexual intercourse with non members. Why don't you guys accept other churches books and listen to their preaching but you go around knocking on people's doors. Why don't you guys enter other churches if invited to weddings or anniversaries, which I know you do celebrate. Why? 153 Likes 12 Shares |
Re: Five (5) Misconceptions About Jehovah's Witnesses. by KossyKiss97(f): 10:10am On May 31, 2020 |
Kk 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Five (5) Misconceptions About Jehovah's Witnesses. by Kingpele(m): 10:10am On May 31, 2020 |
![]() 51 Likes 3 Shares |
Re: Five (5) Misconceptions About Jehovah's Witnesses. by StPete: 10:10am On May 31, 2020 |
Witnesses do not pray openly ![]() 15 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Five (5) Misconceptions About Jehovah's Witnesses. by Emmaomotob(m): 10:11am On May 31, 2020 |
See what people are using their brainpower for, instead of solving the day-to-day problems of the citizens, such as environmental pollution, hunger, disease, road congestion, water supply etc. ![]() 15 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Five (5) Misconceptions About Jehovah's Witnesses. by Nobody: 10:11am On May 31, 2020 |
Make I hear |
Re: Five (5) Misconceptions About Jehovah's Witnesses. by kossyablaze(m): 10:11am On May 31, 2020 |
Lol |
Re: Five (5) Misconceptions About Jehovah's Witnesses. by LegalOpinion: 10:12am On May 31, 2020 |
Simple question. Do you do blood transfusion or not, you are talking about something else. 20 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Five (5) Misconceptions About Jehovah's Witnesses. by NaijadrivaCars: 10:12am On May 31, 2020 |
But all the answers you gave are all myth. TRUTH: Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe in heaven. They believe man will inherit the earth. Heaven isn't for man but God only. So, where are LAZARUS, Elijah, Moses etc ![]() Are they in PURGATORY or grave ![]() They ALSO believe that ONLY 144,000 people will go to heaven. Then why are we labouring to go to heaven ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() TRUTH: Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe in hell. Then why did the bible talked about FIRE and BRIMSTONE ![]() They believe "hell" to be GRAVE. No punishment for sinners but death and that is all. TRUTH: Jehovah's Witnesses do not celebrate anything. Very unexpressive people. They don't celebrate the birth of Christ (even if the chosen 24th December is debatable). They don't celebrate PENTECOST, Nothing!!! Do you celebrate EUCHARIST ![]() ![]() TRUTH: Jehovah's Witness do not speak in tongues. The OP just confused himself by saying they speak other languages. That is not what is meant by "speaking in other tongues" or Heavenly Language as recorded by the first "Christians" in Antioch (after the Holy Ghost visited them as Christ promised. TRUTH: Jehovah's Witnesses do not do blood transfusions. Yes! Because it is actually not biblical to do blood transfusion for life is in the blood. So why say it is a myth when you all do it ![]() Why don't you allow your ladies to marry other Christians (at least) but your "brothers" can marry ladies from other denominations and convert them to JW via marriage. Is that not how the other religion does ![]() Are we not serving the same God ![]() M E A N W H I L E He has been sending money from the UK to his brother to build him a palatable 2 storey building... Na the matter we dey try settle 44 Likes 5 Shares
Re: Five (5) Misconceptions About Jehovah's Witnesses. by ednut1(m): 10:12am On May 31, 2020 |
number 5. pure stupidity . i pray you guys grow sense soon 16 Likes |
Re: Five (5) Misconceptions About Jehovah's Witnesses. by Akwaibomdude(m): 10:12am On May 31, 2020 |
ok |
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