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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Family / Black People Are Fighting Back In D. C. (USA) - Video And Pictures (6131 Views)
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Re: Black People Are Fighting Back In D. C. (USA) - Video And Pictures by Nobody: 12:13pm On May 28, 2020 |
khia: Yes please, fight, fight for yourself, no one will. You do it on the internet with your keypads, in the streets with your hands but more importantly and my point, in the decision rooms with authority and power which they don't have and won't with your point. 3 Likes |
Re: Black People Are Fighting Back In D. C. (USA) - Video And Pictures by cococandy(f): 12:18pm On May 28, 2020 |
khia: I don’t. And I used to one of those who parrot what they hear about AA on the internet to sound smart while being obviously painfully ignorant. 7-8 years ago, I would have been saying AAs need to do better for themselves, stop being victims, uplift themselves by themselves, this, that and bla bla bla. I feel like if I go back long enough, I’d find some of my posts in that time frame that said such. But even in my ignorance, I was able to refrain when someone with personal experience had something to say. I pray I never have to personally experience it in it’s most violent form. Thank goodness I’ve learned. 5 Likes |
Re: Black People Are Fighting Back In D. C. (USA) - Video And Pictures by Klass99(f): 12:22pm On May 28, 2020 |
Re: Black People Are Fighting Back In D. C. (USA) - Video And Pictures by khia: 12:23pm On May 28, 2020 |
Mariangeles: This is America, and it has always been America, stay where you are. |
Re: Black People Are Fighting Back In D. C. (USA) - Video And Pictures by Hathor5(f): 12:27pm On May 28, 2020 |
cococandy: This thread and the most recent incident of police brutality has been haunting me with the question of how a country can elect such a great man like Obama and celebrate Michelle like she was celebrated and then struggle to hold those responsible who abuse their power to give racism the most ugly expression. I can't wrap my head around it. |
Re: Black People Are Fighting Back In D. C. (USA) - Video And Pictures by cococandy(f): 12:31pm On May 28, 2020 |
Klass99: 1) fear of getting shot at. You rush towards a police officer in the line of duty like that, they will “fear for their lives” and shoot you in your tracks. Every black American knows this. If I was white, I might have attempted to. Whites get a slap on the wrist for getting physical with the cops. If you’re black, you pay with your life. 2) mental conditioning. After hundreds of years of beat down, you get mentally defeated and accept some things as part of the package. Many of them are used to such violence from cops. They probably didn’t think the man would die for sure at that time. 3 Likes |
Re: Black People Are Fighting Back In D. C. (USA) - Video And Pictures by khia: 12:31pm On May 28, 2020 |
Dignity5: Just because it's an image fed to you by the white media doesn't make it facts. 3 Likes |
Re: Black People Are Fighting Back In D. C. (USA) - Video And Pictures by cococandy(f): 12:32pm On May 28, 2020 |
Hathor5: Color me confused. ![]() |
Re: Black People Are Fighting Back In D. C. (USA) - Video And Pictures by khia: 12:37pm On May 28, 2020 |
Richy4: That's exactly who they hire. 1 Like |
Re: Black People Are Fighting Back In D. C. (USA) - Video And Pictures by Hathor5(f): 12:37pm On May 28, 2020 |
cococandy: It is very confusing. I was thinking that there are enough white, Latino, Asian people who are not racist so it should be possible for a small minority to win this fight with the majority of people who are not racist but like Angela Davis once said: "In a racist society it is not enough to be non-racist - we must be antiracist." |
Re: Black People Are Fighting Back In D. C. (USA) - Video And Pictures by cococandy(f): 12:39pm On May 28, 2020 |
Video of WHITE and black people looting a target in Minneapolis during this riot. However, Read the comments under about how blacks like to loot and steal. Some calling for them be shot with machine guns. Racist whites and Uncle Tom blacks for some reason can’t see the white colored folks among them behaving inappropriately. 3 Likes |
Re: Black People Are Fighting Back In D. C. (USA) - Video And Pictures by khia: 12:45pm On May 28, 2020 |
cococandy:The American police force descended from Run away slave catchers of the past. That's why they are so brutal to blacks. It's systematic. 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Black People Are Fighting Back In D. C. (USA) - Video And Pictures by cococandy(f): 12:46pm On May 28, 2020 |
Hathor5: Not when many of the colored folks have been brainwashed to hate themselves too. Asians hardly like blacks. Neither do the Latinos. The white supremacist machine runs on divide and conquer oil. All they do is feed negative imagery of races to each other and that solidifies their hold onto power. Do not discount other tactics they use such as misogyny, homophobia, religious bigotry etc. many of which appeals to members of the black, Asian and Latino communities. These communities will vote people who have a similar type of hate in them even if it means voting against their own self interest. As long as they elect someone who hold their “values”, conveniently ignoring the racism that is directed at them 6 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Black People Are Fighting Back In D. C. (USA) - Video And Pictures by khia: 12:48pm On May 28, 2020 |
Richy4:What's not to understand, he's black it's as simple as that. |
Re: Black People Are Fighting Back In D. C. (USA) - Video And Pictures by Nobody: 12:50pm On May 28, 2020 |
khia: And your words are set in stone? |
Re: Black People Are Fighting Back In D. C. (USA) - Video And Pictures by khia: 12:56pm On May 28, 2020 |
cococandy: You are wise. You once was lost and now you are found, was blind and now you see. Amazing Grace ❤️ how sweet the sound. ![]() 2 Likes |
Re: Black People Are Fighting Back In D. C. (USA) - Video And Pictures by Klass99(f): 1:31pm On May 28, 2020 |
. 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Black People Are Fighting Back In D. C. (USA) - Video And Pictures by crackkhaus: 1:52pm On May 28, 2020 |
khia:FALSE. These (pictured below) are all that a ruckus has ever achieved - pandemonium, destruction, and more reasons for cops to look at the black community through colored lenses. 7 Likes 2 Shares
Re: Black People Are Fighting Back In D. C. (USA) - Video And Pictures by Mariangeles(f): 2:00pm On May 28, 2020 |
cococandy: This is one sad truth most of us can never relate with. The hate is deep! 2 Likes |
Re: Black People Are Fighting Back In D. C. (USA) - Video And Pictures by cococandy(f): 2:08pm On May 28, 2020 |
1) White looters 2-3) white folks destroying police stations 4) white folks physically aggressive with armed police All related to Floyd’s death. BuT BLACk PeoPLE SHOUld STOP BEHAving LIKe AnIMALs. OTHER RACES DON’t ACT LIKE THIS. THEY NEed TO EArn THE RESPECt IF THEy WANt It . On the rare occasion that a white person gets unjustifiable murdered in this manner, evidence of such unruly behavior abounds amongst white people, but other people much less those who look like will never use it to minimize what happened to them. 8 Likes 6 Shares
Re: Black People Are Fighting Back In D. C. (USA) - Video And Pictures by meobizy(f): 2:45pm On May 28, 2020 |
khia:Stop showing off ‘fore massa bring out the whip! |
Re: Black People Are Fighting Back In D. C. (USA) - Video And Pictures by Nobody: 3:07pm On May 28, 2020 |
cococandy:But we all know that Blacks will always be second class citizens over there. |
Re: Black People Are Fighting Back In D. C. (USA) - Video And Pictures by Hathor5(f): 3:24pm On May 28, 2020 |
cococandy: Nice analysis. Sad but smart. 2 Likes |
Re: Black People Are Fighting Back In D. C. (USA) - Video And Pictures by Omoluabi16(m): 3:36pm On May 28, 2020 |
khia:What is wrong with you people and your inferiority complex towards Africans? One practically told me he hates Nigerians because we taking your jobs and the whites are comfortable with us. Una get problem. 5 Likes |
Re: Black People Are Fighting Back In D. C. (USA) - Video And Pictures by DonroxyII: 8:57pm On May 28, 2020 |
cococandy:This is it !!! .... You have to be 10x better than your predator and you metamorphosed!! You become the Hunter and no more the hunted!! |
Re: Black People Are Fighting Back In D. C. (USA) - Video And Pictures by khia: 9:12pm On May 28, 2020 |
Omoluabi16:Don't come to me telling me something ONE person told you. The fact is the whites are comfortable with Africans because they know that you are meek and can be controlled, it has nothing to do with the black American complex. You aren't taking away anything. You will witness a black man being abused by a cop and justify the white cop savagery, animalistic behavior towards blacks because you have the same mindset which is very sad. You actually believe racism doesn't exist and if it did you are immune to it simply because you aren't black Americans. |
Re: Black People Are Fighting Back In D. C. (USA) - Video And Pictures by khia: 9:26pm On May 28, 2020 |
crackkhaus:That ruckus and rebellion is what helped to defeat the white racist pigs in the Civil War that led to the freedom of blacks from slavery in the US, just like that ruckus behavior help white Americans defeat the white British in the Revelutionary War. When whites behave the same way as black people when they are outraged people like you would call it being assertive but when blacks display the same behavior you call it being aggressive. There is something mentally wrong with black people like you. 8 Likes 4 Shares |
Re: Black People Are Fighting Back In D. C. (USA) - Video And Pictures by crackkhaus: 7:05am On May 29, 2020 |
khia:Only someone with the mental capacity of a toddler will compare violent protests to war. ![]() You want to defeat institutionalized racism by fighting a war.. Lmao... Who will be the soldiers on either side of this conflict I wonder ![]() 8 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Black People Are Fighting Back In D. C. (USA) - Video And Pictures by bukatyne(f): 11:16am On May 29, 2020 |
Dignity5: @Bold Absolutely true. All through history, emotional responses (which is the curse of the black man) has never solved anything. What is their five year strategy? ten year strategy? What is their selling point? What is their leverage? How can they redeem their image and/or start afresh elsewhere? Do they want to study Isreal and tweak to fit their own situation? They have a lot of strategic work to do to get out of this mess. One of which is to build stronger families. You can't be collecting stipends as Govt welfare and expect them to take seriously or more than a statistic. 3 Likes |
Re: Black People Are Fighting Back In D. C. (USA) - Video And Pictures by cococandy(f): 11:48am On May 29, 2020 |
bukatyne: Every population in America collects stipends and welfare. Even white people. They collect, unemployment benefits, they collect food stamps, etc. Talking about building stronger families. Many black men are locked up for possession of weed. Weed! Something that is even legal in many states now. Do you know what happened when a drug problem started ravaging the white communities? No indiscriminate locking up and prison time. Nope. Many state governments developed assistance programs to help “people” with drug problems. (White people of course). Safe injection sites sprung up in the cities where people can safely go do their drugs and exchange used needles for new needles to reduce HIV transmission. Narcan (Naloxone) pens were made available even more available than Epipens (epinephrine) and insulin to help revive those who would over dose themselves at these safe injection sites and beyond. To the extent that people who needed epipens and insulin but couldn’t get it for free were protesting because their tax monies were being used to help white drug addicts get Narcan for free. Have had more white junkie patients than I can count who end up going back home to their families after almost losing their lives to overdose or to rehab paid for by insurance. But never to prison for possessing and using those drugs. Not even a misdemeanor charge filed against them. Yet black a child can’t be with their father because some cop planted weed on him during a random stop and frisk. Some advice sounds good on paper just because it does sound good while you’re thinking it. If you don’t live the life of the person who’s crying, any high handed, “logical” advice given from a place of total lack of understanding of what they are going through is pointless because it will do no good to them. They have tried those peaceful attempts at being heard yet people had problems with it. it is not the responsibility of black people to stop racism. Lord knows they try anyway 10 Likes 4 Shares |
Re: Black People Are Fighting Back In D. C. (USA) - Video And Pictures by cococandy(f): 11:56am On May 29, 2020 |
The solution to racism is America is for white parents to stop teaching racism to their children. Otherwise we are expecting black people with all of their 13.1% of the population to have their own police force, their own banks and financial institutions, their own social infrastructures in order to lift themselves up by their bootstraps. If white people don’t teach themselves to stop being racists, nothing the back community does will make a difference to them because they will only see the black person as less than them even when they are just as guilty of whatever behavior they think makes the black person unruly. And for those wondering, their rioting started because police started firing rubber bullets and tear gas at peaceful protesters, thereby inciting the rioting. 8 Likes 3 Shares |
Re: Black People Are Fighting Back In D. C. (USA) - Video And Pictures by khia: 12:10pm On May 29, 2020 |
crackkhaus:Don't respond to my statements without doing your research. I will no longer respond to your self hatred. 3 Likes 1 Share |
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