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He's came back. - Romance - Nairaland

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He's came back. by Sandrazima(f): 9:11am On Jun 24, 2020
He called back and everything is back to normal....


Re: He's came back. by NeeKlaus: 9:13am On Jun 24, 2020
And so? How many guys are you ignoring on your Whatsapp currently? Go and reply all of them first before we can talk about that "guy".

208 Likes 11 Shares

Re: He's came back. by Oloki: 9:16am On Jun 24, 2020
maybe he is married and in order not to hurt you decided to end it when it's still fresh


Re: He's came back. by kalex0(m): 9:17am On Jun 24, 2020
And so? How many guys are you ignoring on your Whatsapp currently? Go and reply all of them first before we can talk about that "guy".
Nice one

They can't handle rejection but the can reject guys


79 Likes 4 Shares

Re: He's came back. by DrNueLpureHoney: 9:18am On Jun 24, 2020
Anty mellow down....

You are going too far


Re: He's came back. by majamajic(m): 9:18am On Jun 24, 2020
Not everyone likes long distance relationship , more also when the girl keep demanding , na to run !


Re: He's came back. by Drsnives(m): 9:18am On Jun 24, 2020


Re: He's came back. by kalex0(m): 9:19am On Jun 24, 2020
There is a guy I met few months ago. He has all the qualities I want in a man. I met him him before the locked down when I travelled for a business trip to Abuja where he resides. We had a long interesting conversation and we realized we shared a lot in common and he seemed very into me.

I was sad when I had to return to Lagos because he was such a great guy. He said he occasionally travels to Lagos for meetings and business trips and that made me happy knowing that I would get to see him more.

The lockdown and ban of interstate travel distanced us for months but we exchanged calls and text messages all the time. The more I got to know him the more I fell in love with him. He told me he was attracted to me and I felt the feelings I had for him were mutual. We flirted a lot, exchanged pictures and talked about sexual topics.

A month ago he just stopped responding to my texts and calls. When I text him the messages will go through, but he won't reply. If I call him the phone will ring and he won't pick. We didn't quarrel and put last conversation ended on a good note. It's been a almost a month. I see he is online and he occasionally updates his WhatsApp status so I know nothing is wrong with him. I feel very disrespected.

Why would a guy tell you he likes you, flirt with you and then just disappear from your life? Doesn't he know that he is hurting me by acting in this way? Men are indeed trash.
I do this once in a while
Not that we really like you.

Don't get carried away most of us don't do distance relationship, we bounce off immediately we meet a new chick around our vicinity

You won't understand

42 Likes 1 Share

Re: He's came back. by Strangebuttrue(m): 9:19am On Jun 24, 2020
maybe your way is not PURE and he discovered that early

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Re: He's came back. by Kriss216: 9:19am On Jun 24, 2020
Forget, girls are cheap.


Re: He's came back. by SweetCunt97(f): 9:20am On Jun 24, 2020
Not everyone likes long distance relationship , more also when the girl keep demanding , na to run !
Did she mention anything about demanding?


Re: He's came back. by xperiencelove(m): 9:20am On Jun 24, 2020
Pele dear

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Re: He's came back. by JOACHINpedro: 9:21am On Jun 24, 2020
I'm urgently looking for a legit feminist to date
I couldn't sleep after seeing the below photo cry

24 Likes 1 Share

Re: He's came back. by Sandrazima(f): 9:21am On Jun 24, 2020
maybe he is married and in order not to hurt you decided to end it when it's still fresh

He is not married. I know this for sure. I have his social media handles.
Re: He's came back. by nrexzy: 9:22am On Jun 24, 2020
Aunty wey mumu...

6 Likes 1 Share

Re: He's came back. by Goldenkrezi: 9:22am On Jun 24, 2020
The guy fit don dey shenk anoda babegrin grin
Re: He's came back. by Kriss216: 9:23am On Jun 24, 2020
Did she mention anything about demanding?
Na good morning senior how are you
She will get to the demanding stage.. Guy man don already decode the settings.

12 Likes 1 Share

Re: He's came back. by majamajic(m): 9:23am On Jun 24, 2020
Did she mention anything about demanding?

Oh , she will ?
No Nigerian girl will admit she demanded from a guy , and u can't chat them peacefully without demands , especially those on long distance , when u see u are not going to Lagos soon , na to run
This man will reappear when he is about visiting Lagos !

29 Likes 2 Shares

Re: He's came back. by Nobody: 9:24am On Jun 24, 2020
And so? How many guys are you ignoring on your Whatsapp currently? Go and reply all of them first before we can talk about that "guy".
boss, you make sense oh. that's how ladies do. they love the ones who treats them like trash and treats the ones who love and show them attention like trash. I'm very sure when they guy fall for her finish, she go start dey use ham dey play, nai make him run.


Re: He's came back. by Oloki: 9:25am On Jun 24, 2020

He is not married. I know this for sure. I have his social media handles.

then he lost interest... let him be. don't be too desperate, if he is for you, he will come back, if not look elsewhere

in the mean time consult the highest authority

God can right any wrong


Re: He's came back. by ajailer(m): 9:26am On Jun 24, 2020
Men ain't trash just that he is not feeling the vibes. let him be and if he decides to start initiating contact back, just be careful so that you don't get hurt again cos I feel he is just for the fun and nothing serious.

4 Likes 1 Share

Re: He's came back. by SweetCunt97(f): 9:26am On Jun 24, 2020

Na good morning senior how are you
She will get to the demanding stage.. Guy man don already decode the settings.
A lady who flies from Lagos to Abuja no go dey that level naw. The dude probably has a wife or she get spirit husband grin

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Re: He's came back. by placeofallure(f): 9:27am On Jun 24, 2020
Not everyone likes long distance relationship , more also when the girl keep demanding , na to run !

Some of you are hard of comprehending.
Was there anywhere in the post where she said she asked him for anything? Not all girls are after a man's money, don't just assume.

Aunty OP I understand why you feel humiliated. He might have good reasons for not wanting to go further with you, he reserves the right to associate with whoever. His only undoing is not telling you. He should've manned up and tell you why it's not gonna work. Sorry, just move on already.


Re: He's came back. by Ecbatana: 9:36am On Jun 24, 2020
As a bonafide gee, a Nigerian girl can never refuse you because you hold the keys.


Re: He's came back. by Kriss216: 9:40am On Jun 24, 2020
A lady who flies from Lagos to Abuja no go dey that level naw. The dude probably has a wife or she get spirit husband grin
A Nigerian girl can buy a car of 3Miliion today and still ask for 1K recharge card tomorrow. It's in their DNA

37 Likes 1 Share

Re: He's came back. by Nobody: 9:41am On Jun 24, 2020
She Don throw the guy format. Alaye tete japa

3 Likes 1 Share

Re: He's came back. by majamajic(m): 10:03am On Jun 24, 2020

Some of you are hard of comprehending.
Was there anywhere in the post where she said she asked him for anything? Not all girls are after a man's money, don't just assume.

Aunty OP I understand why you feel humiliated. He might have good reasons for not wanting to go further with you, he reserves the right to associate with whoever. His only undoing is not telling you. He should've manned up and tell you why it's not gonna work. Sorry, just move on already.

I know u will jump where I said not everyone likes long distance relationship , and choose what most of u girls are guilty of , even does that are working


Re: He's came back. by paulolee(m): 10:11am On Jun 24, 2020
probably he is too busy to attend to u
gat serious girlfriend dts better than u and maybe married
felt they is no need to continue with u after seeing wat he saw those few mins with u..
u av been ghosted, jus move on because gals do guys alot


Re: He's came back. by placeofallure(f): 10:12am On Jun 24, 2020

I know u will jump where I said not everyone likes long distance relationship , and choose what must of u girls are guilty of , even does that are working

A piece of advice for you, if you ever become a father, and your kid score low in comprehension passages, Don't ever raise your voice, let alone your hands on him or her. It would be a chip off the old block!

Uncle No Network, my grouse isn't about the long distance relationship, it's about you suggestng that she probably asked the man for money, hence the reason for ghosting her.

Try and understand this one, biko. Or which of the dialects do you speak so.....


Re: He's came back. by Nicklaus619(m): 10:17am On Jun 24, 2020
Sorry op but that's how we role in Abuja here
We ain't got no time for plenty dramas, here we have working class ladies begging you for a relationship, maybe you didn't get the message right, the guy in question didn't ask you out did he.?

Ya both are just friends with benefit and nothing really serious, live for the moment sweetheart, nothing serious, the feeling is almost mutual, I know you enjoy it when you ghost people like that too, that's a taste of your own medicine dear, move on already cool


Re: He's came back. by Arexit: 10:19am On Jun 24, 2020
sometimes it's for the excitement of the chase, just to know that we can


Re: He's came back. by pretydiva(f): 10:20am On Jun 24, 2020
Let him be. Do not force yourself or relationship on him

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