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Re: Salvation Is Free by Aaronbee7(m): 2:04pm On Jul 05, 2020
would love that
hello. How are you?
Re: Salvation Is Free by TAYO124: 2:12pm On Jul 05, 2020
When you consider the scripture which admonishes each willing person to "workout your salvation with fear and trembling" then you can reason that accepting salvation maybe free but God lays a heavy demand on the recipient afterwards to be faithful and be obedient to Him the end of life on earth.
Re: Salvation Is Free by LordReed(m): 5:22pm On Jul 05, 2020
When you consider the scripture which admonishes each willing person to "workout your salvation with fear and trembling" then you can reason that accepting salvation maybe free but God lays a heavy demand on the recipient afterwards to be faithful and be obedient to Him the end of life on earth.

So its not free then?
Re: Salvation Is Free by IMAliyu(m): 6:51pm On Jul 05, 2020

it will look like the weakest cos it's a mystery it takes a depth and the spirit of God for you to know it.you know you can't really understand what you are not into even on in a physical settings talking of spiritual things that our eyes can't behold or see.original sin that you talk of is just the disobedience of Adam in Eden after eve was tempted and I know it is in your quran.the sacrifice is the mystery we all are finding to understand cos we have been alienated from God and his spirit .when God through jesus died for us he restored us back to what we are in Eden through him even though that is not yet manifesting but will after the second coming out jesus.yet all this was to prove the love of God to us even when we disobeyed him.
Trinity is one confusion but a lot just wander in it.God is a spirit ..then he being a spirit has the capacity to create and in its creation he gave birth to a son and that son is the word and that word is God also which is what most of you get confused with..You think God should conceive in a man's way but no He is a spirit
That's thing though. The idea of a son being held accountable for the sins of his father is an unfair one.
You see in the Muslim version of the story, Adam and Eve immediately turn to their Lord in repentance and God forgave them for their sin, but it was too late because they had already been expelled from the garden. So they and their children will have to earn their way back to Eden(paradise and Eden are thesame here) through good deeds and obedience. Every new born is born with a clean record until they taint it themselves when they grow up.
So I find it hard to believe that the merciful and loving God, could not had forgiven the original sin and would even judge the children for a sin they never committed.
And would need to resort to killing a beloved part of himself, just so he could forgive the parents of humanity for eating a fruit.

The version of the Trinity that makes the most logic to me is the three distinct individual entities The father, Son and Holy Spirit. United as the Godhead, but this to me would mean calling Christianity a monotheistic religion would be wrong, because monotheism implies belief in a single deity.

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Re: Salvation Is Free by Kay25(m): 8:08pm On Jul 05, 2020

That's thing though. The idea of a son being held accountable for the sins of his father is an unfair one.
You see in the Muslim version of the story, Adam and Eve immediately turn to their Lord in repentance and God forgave them for their sin, but it was too late because they had already been expelled from the garden. So they and their children will have to earn their way back to Eden(paradise and Eden are thesame here) through good deeds and obedience. Every new born is born with a clean record until they taint it themselves when they grow up.
So I find it hard to believe that the merciful and loving God, could not had forgiven the original sin and would even judge the children for a sin they never committed.
And would need to resort to killing a beloved part of himself, just so he could forgive the parents of humanity for eating a fruit.

The version of the Trinity that makes the most logic to me is the three distinct individual entities The father, Son and Holy Spirit. United as the Godhead, but this to me would mean calling Christianity a monotheistic religion would be wrong, because monotheism implies belief in a single deity.
If you go through old testament you will see the mode of remission of sins which was done by killing of animals such as birds every year yet that Could not properly atoned for the sin of man unto God then his only begotten son laid down his life as a lamb of sacrifice once and for all for the remission of sin it is a proof of love just as Abraham laid down Isaac at the commandments of God.
on the issue of monotheism in religion Christianity itself is not the worship of a deity but of a life as of a God itself who is a spirit and we live and worship him as one that's why I need no object to look at except unto God by my faith.God in a spirit and so also he is the word the trinity is one just as of a man who has a spirit soul and body..All together
Re: Salvation Is Free by Askme2020(m): 8:53pm On Jul 05, 2020
Not in nigeria.
Very costly, they make hell seem like a fun place, if its the only penalty for not paying to get salvation.

To get salvation in nigeria, first you have to be a bible carrier from childhood, if you dont get to cram john 3-16, psalm 23 and other popular psalms as a kid, the church people will look you as too dumb to afford heaven.

Then you grow up, and then attend catechism and when you consistently fail to answer right, the folks be looking at you as too dense go get baptized or eligible to eat the body of Christ.

And then you have to be able to afford to play the bandset, sing in the choir, be an alter boy, be a consistent church goer, else everytime they folks climb up and preach about doing so much for Christ, you will be looking at yourself as one underserving of salvation.

Then in school, you have to wear long skirts, barb low cut, regulate your music library to never play worldly songs, or atleast not where yhe hollier than thou folks are, because the way they be looking at you, like a customer with 100 naira pricing an Iphone, will make you just screen yourself out.

Then thry begin harmaring on tithes, and then they go on and on, of how how much you give in church is how much you give in building your heavenly mansion, and your joblesz and has never earned exceot for mama put for me, and you'll be looking at yourself, as one to be sleeping on some mat, if you ever get there.

Salvation as brought by Christ is free, because all you'll have to give is yourself in love of God and love of the people around you, you dont even have to stress yourself, its just in the smiles you bring to people.

But you see in Nigeria, where I cant attend church because the youth meeting will come and i have not paid the dues, and mama nkechi always leaves before the final blessings so as not to join the women meeting where she's owning months of dues.. And then the pastor keeps telling you that you are cheating God, because you did not give your widows mite, to challenge God to bless you as he did the Shunamite woman through Elijah..

Its even worst here in Akwa Ibom, where nka ufok abasi, is now ensrouded so much in politics, its not about if you not with thrm you are against them, here it's if you are not with them, then you are a few against God, and they keep on singing, who can battle with the lord, who can battle with the lord, ....i say nobody.

Christianity down here is messed up preety big, we need to start all over... From Love. Because, its the only price we ought to pay, and because loving is truelly free.

More blessing

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Re: Salvation Is Free by CelestineNelson: 8:58pm On Jul 05, 2020
Why are you a Muslim?

Moses was a Messiah for his people. Same as Noah.
Re: Salvation Is Free by CelestineNelson: 9:44pm On Jul 05, 2020



I don't get you here.
Most mosques already have imams from that community, so you expect them to just let anyone lead in prayer.
A Hausa man in borno doesn't lead the kanuri in prayer in their mosques, or in the southwest doesn't lead the Yoruba man in prayer, because what ever community that mosque is in get to decide who will leads them.
'Arne' in Hausa is used in two ways, the original meaning to be an outsider, not of thesame tribe or place and the other meaning is someone outside Islam. Therefore some Fulani(purists) don't give their daughters to hausa men, because to them they are Arne.
Re: Salvation Is Free by CelestineNelson: 9:56pm On Jul 05, 2020


So you mean I should believe that Yahweh left heaven to enter Mary's womb attaching Himself to her placenta to obtain nutrients. Then after Jehovah was born He sucked his mother's breast. Yahweh was circumcised and two birds were killed for his presentation. Mary and Joseph even protected God from the evil king who wanted to kill Him as the Lord was still young and helpless. Yahweh was seen praying putting his face to the ground to another God for help. In the end Jehovah God was killed by the humans He created and death. When God was about to die, He shouted Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani. My Lord, My Lord, Why have you forsaken me? Here we see Yahweh accusing another Lord of abandoning Him! Death killed God for three 3 days (whether Thursday/Friday to Sunday)... And God was able to rise on the third day!
Re: Salvation Is Free by CelestineNelson: 10:08pm On Jul 05, 2020

Why does your God have a son?
Who is his wife?
Was sex involved?
Can't God save people with performing a ritual of killing his son?
Where do you think the life of God is?
Sperm or his word..?
That is the reason why he created everything through his word and both plants and animals, humans have life in them...

Re: Salvation Is Free by AntiChristian: 1:43pm On Jul 06, 2020

Where do you think the life of God is?
Sperm or his word..?
That is the reason why he created everything through his word and both plants and animals, humans have life in them...


God created everything through or with his word?
Re: Salvation Is Free by AntiChristian: 1:45pm On Jul 06, 2020

Why are you a Muslim?

cos I realize there's no other way to the Lord than through Islam.
Re: Salvation Is Free by AntiChristian: 1:50pm On Jul 06, 2020
Dear AntiChristian, knowing God and what He represents require years of painstaking study, determination, patience etc. As an accountant and finance professional, it took me 4years in the university, 4years studying with ACCA and will require an average of another 4years studying to be a CFA Charterholder, the years of study & experience prove i have relevant education, skill and experience in the accounting and finance field. This analogy also apply to knowing God. You need to painstakingly study, with patience and determination as you grow, you will have understanding of who God really represent.


I need the explanation of those verses! Did Yahweh approve killing childrens, men and women, etc or not?
Re: Salvation Is Free by CelestineNelson: 1:53pm On Jul 06, 2020

cos I realize there's no other way to the Lord than through Islam.
Were you born in a Muslim family?
Re: Salvation Is Free by AntiChristian: 1:58pm On Jul 06, 2020

which God is your God tell me?mine killed his son to prove his love yet he was able to raise that same son from the dead oya tell me about your own God who is timid,incapacitated to do as mine..

1. My God is far from having son. Having sons/daughters is for humans and Jinns who think of preserving their lineage.

2. My God needs no helper in his rule. He is mighty and capable of doing all things.

3. My God is one. By one I mean just ONE, not three in one.

4. My God is far from dying. He creates death and hence it has no power except as to do as he is directed.

5. My God can't be born by his creation. He is far above sucking breast, being helpless and becoming like his creation.

6. Lastly, What sort of father kills his son and then raise him because he loves some other people?

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Re: Salvation Is Free by AntiChristian: 1:59pm On Jul 06, 2020

Were you born in a Muslim family?

Not that really a Muslim family.
Re: Salvation Is Free by AntiChristian: 2:01pm On Jul 06, 2020

Kai, Who did you recognise during shahada? Or you recognise Moses during ur shahada kwo? grin

Whoever does not believe Moses and other Prophets to be Prophets of Allah is not a Muslim.

We believe in Adam, Noah, Abraham,...Jesus and Muhammad.
Re: Salvation Is Free by CelestineNelson: 2:09pm On Jul 06, 2020

Not that really a Muslim family.

Have you asked yourself what would have happened.. Assuming you were born into a Christian family? You will start saying Christianity is the only way to God..even though you don't even know why!!! Same thing applies to your stand now for Islam... Is not as if you have encountered God before, not heard his voice, you only hear what your imam told you, and what you read in books, aside that am very sure you don't have a reasonable supernatural life experience of this Supernatural God you think you are serving the right way.
Do you really have a personal relationship with this God?
If yes ...?how? And what is the proof?
Re: Salvation Is Free by Kay25(m): 2:19pm On Jul 06, 2020

1. My God is far from having son. Having sons/daughters is for humans and Jinns who think of preserving their lineage.

2. My God needs no helper in his rule. He is mighty and capable of doing all things.

3. My God is one. By one I mean just ONE, not three in one.

4. My God is far from dying. He creates death and hence it has no power except as to do as he is directed.

5. My God can't be born by his creation. He is far above sucking breast and becoming like his creation.

6. Lastly, What sort of father kills his son and then raise him because he loves some other people?
From your last point the Almighty Father who is above All and in you all is able to do anything with God all things are possible why can't he die for your sin?when he is able to raise the son back to life ..It is with man that is limited but with God all things are possible.
On your number two point My God needs no helper yes he needs no helper but God gave the earth to man and he does nothing on earth through the vessel of man simply because he is a principled God.if he gives anything he doesn't look back on it the same reason why jesus had tor come in human for to save us.
on your 4.yes He is immortal that's why death couldn't hold him and resurrection after jesus was killed.
on point 3 God is one yes he is one but He is a spirit and spirit is not limited and can be in form.if God made the concept of father and mother so can't he be a father himself?
Re: Salvation Is Free by advocatejare(m): 2:50pm On Jul 06, 2020

1. My God is far from having son. Having sons/daughters is for humans and Jinns who think of preserving their lineage.

2. My God needs no helper in his rule. He is mighty and capable of doing all things.

3. My God is one. By one I mean just ONE, not three in one.

4. My God is far from dying. He creates death and hence it has no power except as to do as he is directed.

5. My God can't be born by his creation. He is far above sucking breast and becoming like his creation.

6. Lastly, What sort of father kills his son and then raise him because he loves some other people?
But your god can impregnate virgin Maryam by breathing his spirit (ruh) into her vagina(farjaha)?
Re: Salvation Is Free by AntiChristian: 3:17pm On Jul 06, 2020

grin You're an ignoramus. After the death of Muhammad Abu Bakr freed Bilal.

""Umar used to say, "Abu Bakr is our chief, and he manumitted our chief," meaning Bilal.
Sahih Bukhari 5:57:98

Subhanallah! Bragging on falsehood again!Blatant liar!
The Story of Bilaal is simple and straight forward. His master used to punish him because he was a believer till he was freed by Abu Bakr.
He was the one who calls the "Adhan" Muslim's call to Salah.

Abdullah ibn Umar reported: When the Muslims came to Medina, they gathered and sought to know the time of prayer, but no one announced it to them. They discussed the matter one day, and some of them said, “Use something like the bell of the Christians,” and some of them said, “Use a horn like that of the Jews.” Umar said, “Why not send a man to call people to prayer?” The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “O Bilal, stand and announce the prayer.”
Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 579, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 377

His master who punishes him for his faith will never allow him do this if he wasn't free!


Even despite Bilal didn't want to give the oath of allegiance to Abu Bakr because he knew his selection as the first caliph was a fraud.

"After Muhammad died in 632 AD, Bilal was one of the people who did not give bay'ah (the oath of allegiance) to Abu Bakr. It is documented that when Bilal did not give bay'ah to Abu Bakr, Umar ibn al-Khattab grabbed Bilal by his clothes and asked, "Is this the reward of Abu Bakr; he emancipated you and you are now refusing to pay allegiance to him? Bilal replied, "If Abu Bakr had emancipated me for the pleasure of Allah, then let him leave me alone for Allah; and if he had emancipated me for his service, then I am ready to render him the services required. But I am not going to pay allegiance to a person whom the Messenger of God had not appointed as his caliph."

Which Hadith is this from? And how is this relevant to the fact that Bilaal was freed during the lifetime of the Prophet?
We pray you don't die in falsehood!
Re: Salvation Is Free by AntiChristian: 3:24pm On Jul 06, 2020

From your last point the Almighty Father who is above All and in you all is able to do anything with God all things are possible why can't he die for your sin?when he is able to raise the son back to life ..It is with man that is limited but with God all things are possible.
On your number two point My God needs no helper yes he needs no helper but God gave the earth to man and he does nothing on earth through the vessel of man simply because he is a principled God.if he gives anything he doesn't look back on it the same reason why jesus had tor come in human for to save us.
on your 4.yes He is immortal that's why death couldn't hold him and resurrection after jesus was killed.
on point 3 God is one yes he is one but He is a spirit and spirit is not limited and can be in form.if God made the concept of father and mother so can't he be a father himself?

I think I prefer my God.

A God that dies is not God.

A God that prays to another God is not God.

A God that kills his son is not God.

A God that can be born by a woman, suck human breast, even be protected by humans is not God.
Re: Salvation Is Free by AntiChristian: 3:31pm On Jul 06, 2020

Have you asked yourself what would have happened.. Assuming you were born into a Christian family? You will start saying Christianity is the only way to God..even though you don't even know why!!! Same thing applies to your stand now for Islam... Is not as if you have encountered God before, not heard his voice, you only hear what your imam told you, and what you read in books, aside that am very sure you don't have a reasonable supernatural life experience of this Supernatural God you think you are serving the right way.
Do you really have a personal relationship with this God?
If yes ...?how? And what is the proof?

So I must have a supernatural experience before believing in God? You are mistaken. Even false prophets can perform supernatural acts.
I was privileged to attend one of the best boarding house in Ibadan, a Catholic school. And I was mentored by a CAC guardian. I already dropped my Muslim and was attending fellowships and storing memory verses in my brain. Mind you we attend masses morning and sometimes evening! So I had an idea of what it's like!

Then I found the truth!
Re: Salvation Is Free by CelestineNelson: 3:40pm On Jul 06, 2020

So I must have a supernatural experience before believing in God? You are mistaken. Even false prophets can perform supernatural acts.
I was privileged to attend one of the best boarding house in Ibadan, a Catholic school. And I was mentored by a CAC guardian. I already dropped my Muslim and was attending fellowships and storing memory verses in my brain. Mind you we attend masses morning and sometimes evening! So I had an idea of what it's like!

Then I found the truth!
If Satan can quote the scripture but he does not have the spirit of the living God in him
Re: Salvation Is Free by advocatejare(m): 7:07am On Jul 07, 2020

Subhanallah! Bragging on falsehood again!Blatant liar!
The Story of Bilaal is simple and straight forward. His master used to punish him because he was a believer till he was freed by Abu Bakr.
He was the one who calls the "Adhan" Muslim's call to Salah.

Abdullah ibn Umar reported: When the Muslims came to Medina, they gathered and sought to know the time of prayer, but no one announced it to them. They discussed the matter one day, and some of them said, “Use something like the bell of the Christians,” and some of them said, “Use a horn like that of the Jews.” Umar said, “Why not send a man to call people to prayer?” The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “O Bilal, stand and announce the prayer.”
Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 579, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 377

His master who punishes him for his faith will never allow him do this if he wasn't free!
You're ignorant of many things about your religion and it's a pity.

Now let me educate you.

Bilal had a slave master called Umayyah ibn Khalaf who was maltreating and torturing Bilal when he learnt that Bilal had converted to Islam and the news got to Muhammad who then sent Abu Bakr to go and purchase Bilal from
Umayyah ibn Khalaf, after which Bilal remained Muhammad's slave till Muhammad died.

Muhammad and other Muslims freed some slaves and those set of freed slave had the title of "freed slave of so-and-so" when their names are mentioned in the ahadith, Bilal was never freed by Muhammad hence he was never referred to as the freed slave of Muhammad like

"Shuqran a freed slave of Messenger of Allah."

Muhammad kept Bilal as his slave and Bilal remained in his house performing some religious and domestic duties for Muhammad and his household.

As part of his religious duty "Muhammad chose Bilal as the first mu'azzin (reciter of the Adhan)" the man who called people to prayer.

Bilal bin Rabah was often referred to in the Hadiths as "Rabah the slave of messenger of Allah"

" ....I ascended (that mountain) twice or thrice that night. (At last) we reached Medina. The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) sent his camels with his slave, Rabah, and I was with him. I (also) went to the pasture with the horse of Talha along with the camels...."
-Sahih Muslim 1807a

When Muhammad died, Abu Bakr then decided to make Bilal b. Rabah a free man.

If Bilal was already a Freeman when Muhammad was alive, why would Abu Bakr make him a freeman again?

Who else was freed by Muhammad when he was alive that Abu Bakr had to re free again?

Was Zaid bin Haritha, the freed slave of Muhammad re freed again after Muhammad's death? No. And that's because you cant set free an already freed person

Muhammad never freed any of his black slaves including Bilal.

That was why he exchanged two black slaves for one non-black slave to prove how he rated blacks as less of human.

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Re: Salvation Is Free by Kobojunkie: 7:11am On Jul 07, 2020
Good evening everyone am here once again as usual.
Salvation is free come to Jesus it doesn't require sacrifices, money, food. True salvation comes from our Lord Jesus Christ. Who died on the cross of Calvery so that through him all men might be saved.
Are you still doubting his existence, he's real and he answers prayers. He's the God of all races, he doesn't segregate men may reject you but God is readily available 24 hours to attend to your needs.
Oh, He is absolutely real alright but His Salvation comes at a cost. And those who want it ought to understand the cost and be willing to pay it. There is no cutting corners to get at it and there is no 419 way to it.
No one can become a follower of Jesus Christ simply by wishing for it. Jesus required that those who choose to follow Him do the work that He commands they first do.

1. Be prepared to abandon parents, brother, sister, children, spouse, in-laws, e.t.c.
2. Abandon all that you know/believe, have, and all that you are
3. Bear your own burden (not someone else's cross- not even your family's or children's)

Matthew 10 vs 34-39
34. “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace. I came to bring trouble.[h]
35. I have come to make this happen:
‘A son will turn against his father.
A daughter will turn against her mother.
A daughter-in-law will turn against her mother-in-law.
36. Even members of your own family will be your enemies.’
37. “Those who love their father or mother more than they love me are not worthy of me. And those who love their son or daughter more than they love me are not worthy of me.
38. Those who will not accept the cross that is given to them when they follow me are not worthy of me.
39. Those who try to keep the life they have will lose it. But those who give up their life for me will find true life.

4. Become a child again in your thinking and your actions

Matthew 14 vs 23-24
3. Then he said, “The truth is, you must change your thinking and become like little children. If you don’t do this, you will never enter God’s kingdom.
4. The greatest person in God’s kingdom is the one who makes himself humble like this child.
5. Be prepared to lose life(reputation, career, control, property, etc.)

Matthew 16 vs 24-27
24. Then Jesus said to his followers, “If any of you want to be my follower, you must stop thinking about yourself and what you want. You must be willing to carry the cross that is given to you for following me.
25. Any of you who try to save the life you have will lose it. But you who give up your life for me will find true life.
26. It is worth nothing for you to have the whole world if you yourself are lost. You could never pay enough to buy back your life.
27. The Son of Man will come again with his Father’s glory and with his angels. And he will reward everyone for what they have done.

6. Desire above all to find and enter the Kingdom of God and also walk the path of righteousness, with God as your guide every step
7. Let go of all control you have over your life and circumstances, allowing God to take care of your every need

Matthew 6 vs 31-34
25. “So I tell you, don’t worry about the things you need to live—what you will eat, drink, or wear. Life is more important than food, and the body is more important than what you put on it.
26. Look at the birds. They don’t plant, harvest, or save food in barns, but your heavenly Father feeds them. Don’t you know you are worth much more than they are?
27. You cannot add any time to your life by worrying about it.
28. “And why do you worry about clothes? Look at the wildflowers in the field. See how they grow. They don’t work or make clothes for themselves.
29. But I tell you that even Solomon, the great and rich king, was not dressed as beautifully as one of these flowers.
30. If God makes what grows in the field so beautiful, what do you think he will do for you? It’s just grass—one day it’s alive, and the next day someone throws it into a fire. But God cares enough to make it beautiful. Surely he will do much more for you. Your faith is so small!
31. “Don’t worry and say, ‘What will we eat?’ or ‘What will we drink?’ or ‘What will we wear?’
32. That’s what those people who don’t know God are always thinking about. Don’t worry, because your Father in heaven knows that you need all these things.
33. What you should want most is God’s kingdom and doing what he wants you to do. Then he will give you all these other things you need.
34. So don’t worry about tomorrow. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Tomorrow will have its own worries.
Re: Salvation Is Free by advocatejare(m): 7:27am On Jul 07, 2020

So I must have a supernatural experience before believing in God? You are mistaken. Even false prophets can perform supernatural acts.
I was privileged to attend one of the best boarding house in Ibadan, a Catholic school. And I was mentored by a CAC guardian. I already dropped my Muslim and was attending fellowships and storing memory verses in my brain. Mind you we attend masses morning and sometimes evening! So I had an idea of what it's like!

Then I found the truth!
grin You did all these and yet you didn't know the meaning of Mesaiah? You were just like an average miracle seeking Muslim who went to church when you were hungry and ran back to Islam when you were full
Re: Salvation Is Free by AntiChristian: 9:06am On Jul 07, 2020

grin You did all these and yet you didn't know the meaning of Mesaiah? You were just like an average miracle seeking Muslim who went to church when you were hungry and ran back to Islam when you were full

Actually, I wasn't sick/poor before going there! Catholics do not care much about miracles like some protestants!

You just keep showing how ignorant you are. That's why you keep regurgitating same poo all the time!
Re: Salvation Is Free by advocatejare(m): 9:42am On Jul 07, 2020

Actually, I wasn't sick/poor before going there! Catholics do not care much about miracles like some protestants!

You just keep showing how ignorant you are. That's why you keep regurgitating same poo all the time!
All the same, you were only a church goer, you didn't even know whom Jesus was to you, you didn't know what Mesaiah mean and you called yourself a Christian. Ignorant Christian, mogbo moya Christian
Re: Salvation Is Free by Acehart: 1:26pm On Jul 07, 2020

That's thing though. The idea of a son being held accountable for the sins of his father is an unfair one.
You see in the Muslim version of the story, Adam and Eve immediately turn to their Lord in repentance and God forgave them for their sin, but it was too late because they had already been expelled from the garden. So they and their children will have to earn their way back to Eden(paradise and Eden are thesame here) through good deeds and obedience. Every new born is born with a clean record until they taint it themselves when they grow up.
So I find it hard to believe that the merciful and loving God, could not had forgiven the original sin and would even judge the children for a sin they never committed.
And would need to resort to killing a beloved part of himself, just so he could forgive the parents of humanity for eating a fruit.

The version of the Trinity that makes the most logic to me is the three distinct individual entities The father, Son and Holy Spirit. United as the Godhead, but this to me would mean calling Christianity a monotheistic religion would be wrong, because monotheism implies belief in a single deity.

Hi, I’d like to explain a bit what the Trinity is:

Where Jesus speaks extensively about the relationship between the Father and Him (John 15,17), He mentions three important subjects:

1. The Father and the relationship with the Son;
2. God;
3. Oneness.

In the discourse, Jesus makes it clear that He is not the Father; and the Father is not Him. Yet, He shows us that the Father and Him are equal in ability and authority; they take decisions jointly. In one place, He said: If a person [really] loves Me, he will keep My word [obey My teaching]; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home (abode, special dwelling place). In another place, He shows his ‘almighty-ness’ over Satan: I will not talk with you much more, for the prince of the world is coming. And he has no claim on Me. [He has nothing in common with Me; there is nothing in Me that belongs to him, and he has no power over Me]. But we know Satan had power over an angel in Daniel’s vision and Satan has power over men; but He has no power over God.

This brings me to the second point, God. What is the meaning of God? In the sixteenth chapter of John, it is written: They will put you out of (expel you from) the synagogues; but an hour is coming when whoever kills you will think and claim that he has offered service to God. And they will do this because they have not known the Father or Me. From this text, Jesus states succinctly that ‘God’ whom some people offer their service to is void if it is not based on the knowledge of God - The Father or Him. We can see that Jesus didn’t say God is: The Father and Him; He says God is the Father OR Him. I hope you have knowledge of meaning of a logic circuit: In an OR-gate logic circuit, OR states that A HIGH output (1) results if one or both the inputs to the gate are HIGH (1). If neither input is high, a LOW output (0) results; if the output is God, then we have to go through one or both of the inputs (which have the same value) - The Father or The Son: both have a High Output (1). This sounds like Binitarianism rather than Trinitarianism. Later on in the text, Jesus introduces a third High input, The Comforter. Then He prays for another input, His disciples, to have oneness (1) with the other three High inputs in this circuit. If we were to look at the God circuit, we would see that the output Jesus expected in this OR gate is: The Father and The Son and The Spirit with The Saints, producing God-like union. This is neither Unitarianism or Binitarianism or Trinitarianism; but Quadrilateralism. We can see that the -isms is neither the worship of several deities but a relationship of individuals or individual beings.

This brings me to the third point, Oneness. In myrmecology, it is well known that a colony of (millions) of ants see themselves as one individual: from the outside, we see millions of ants; but inside the colony, it is one ant. All ants within the colony transmit the same information between themselves and no ant is oblivious of anything the other ant knows; and none is more powerful than the other. In the scriptures, Jesus says, “I and the Father are One”. Jesus severally in the gospel of John describes ‘God’ in terms used for ‘advanced life form’ or ‘super-organism’ like the ants - this is where our confusion lies.

There is one God.

Re: Salvation Is Free by Missyajoke(f): 10:05pm On Jul 07, 2020

Oh, He is absolutely real alright but His Salvation comes at a cost. And those who want it ought to understand the cost and be willing to pay it. There is no cutting corners to get at it and there is no 419 way to it.
No one can become a follower of Jesus Christ simply by wishing for it. Jesus required that those who choose to follow Him do the work that He commands they first do.

1. Be prepared to abandon parents, brother, sister, children, spouse, in-laws, e.t.c.
2. Abandon all that you know/believe, have, and all that you are
3. Bear your own burden (not someone else's cross- not even your family's or children's)

4. Become a child again in your thinking and your actions

5. Be prepared to lose life(reputation, career, control, property, etc.)

Matthew 16 vs 24-27
24. Then Jesus said to his followers, “If any of you want to be my follower, you must stop thinking about yourself and what you want. You must be willing to carry the cross that is given to you for following me.
25. Any of you who try to save the life you have will lose it. But you who give up your life for me will find true life.
26. It is worth nothing for you to have the whole world if you yourself are lost. You could never pay enough to buy back your life.
27. The Son of Man will come again with his Father’s glory and with his angels. And he will reward everyone for what they have done.

6. Desire above all to find and enter the Kingdom of God and also walk the path of righteousness, with God as your guide every step
7. Let go of all control you have over your life and circumstances, allowing God to take care of your every need

Matthew 6 vs 31-34
25. “So I tell you, don’t worry about the things you need to live—what you will eat, drink, or wear. Life is more important than food, and the body is more important than what you put on it.
26. Look at the birds. They don’t plant, harvest, or save food in barns, but your heavenly Father feeds them. Don’t you know you are worth much more than they are?
27. You cannot add any time to your life by worrying about it.
28. “And why do you worry about clothes? Look at the wildflowers in the field. See how they grow. They don’t work or make clothes for themselves.
29. But I tell you that even Solomon, the great and rich king, was not dressed as beautifully as one of these flowers.
30. If God makes what grows in the field so beautiful, what do you think he will do for you? It’s just grass—one day it’s alive, and the next day someone throws it into a fire. But God cares enough to make it beautiful. Surely he will do much more for you. Your faith is so small!
31. “Don’t worry and say, ‘What will we eat?’ or ‘What will we drink?’ or ‘What will we wear?’
32. That’s what those people who don’t know God are always thinking about. Don’t worry, because your Father in heaven knows that you need all these things.
33. What you should want most is God’s kingdom and doing what he wants you to do. Then he will give you all these other things you need.
34. So don’t worry about tomorrow. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Tomorrow will have its own worries.

You're very right . Giving your life to Christ is much more than that you have to be able to leave everything and follow Christ.
The reasons why most people keep going back to their old lives is because they haven't up their old habits to Christ.
Kobojunkie you're 100% right.
Thanks for your contribution.

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