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What Are The Best Ways To Train A Male Child From Infancy? - Family - Nairaland

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What Are The Best Ways To Train A Male Child From Infancy? by needanswer: 8:22pm On Jul 08, 2020
this question is open to male and female commentators. we want the male child to do better but how?
Re: What Are The Best Ways To Train A Male Child From Infancy? by XXXXTENTACION: 8:33pm On Jul 08, 2020
Just train them in the right way undecided

afterall no matter how strict or disciplined a parent is a child that will spoil will still end up spoiling. undecided
Re: What Are The Best Ways To Train A Male Child From Infancy? by needanswer: 8:39pm On Jul 08, 2020
Just train them in the right way undecided

afterall no matter how strict or disciplined a parent is a child that will spoil will still end up spoiling. undecided

the right way is the koko but the way we were trained is sort of outdated now
Re: What Are The Best Ways To Train A Male Child From Infancy? by XXXXTENTACION: 8:47pm On Jul 08, 2020

the right way is the koko but the way we were trained is sort of outdated now
Thats true

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Re: What Are The Best Ways To Train A Male Child From Infancy? by hakeemhakeem(m): 9:43pm On Jul 08, 2020
First all children are not equal likewise parents,there is no model to training males children. some parents are hot tempered any slight misdeeds cane/shout.study your child/ren know what is Paramount to them uses it to tame them to fall in lines. For me I uses( PJ masks) cartoon and my friend place


Re: What Are The Best Ways To Train A Male Child From Infancy? by needanswer: 9:56pm On Jul 08, 2020
First all children are not equal likewise parents,there is no model to training males children. some parents are hot tempered any slight misdeeds cane/shout.study your child/ren know what is Paramount to them uses it to tame them to fall in lines. For me I uses( PJ masks) cartoon and my friend place

thanks, coming from a father.
Re: What Are The Best Ways To Train A Male Child From Infancy? by saintvc(m): 4:26am On Jul 09, 2020
teach them three major values
1) morals 2) discipline 3) self confidence.

with these he can conquer the world
Re: What Are The Best Ways To Train A Male Child From Infancy? by Saintmary(f): 7:04am On Jul 09, 2020
this question is open to male and female commentators. we want the male child to do better but how?
Teach him to:
1. Pick up after himself. For example, his biscuit wraps, have him drop them in the dust bin. Let him place his plate in the kitchen by himself after eating. Let him put his used clothes, socks, panties in the laundry basket. Make sure you place these baskets at a stable location.
Be courteous
Re: What Are The Best Ways To Train A Male Child From Infancy? by Saintmary(f): 7:18am On Jul 09, 2020
this question is open to male and female commentators. we want the male child to do better but how?
Teach him to:
1. Pick up after himself: For example, his biscuit wraps, have him drop them in the dust bin. Let him place his plate in the kitchen by himself after eating. Let him put his used clothes, socks, panties in the laundry basket. Make sure you place these baskets at a stable location.
2. Be courteous: Say thank you anytime he's given any food, or if anything is done for him. Like when mummy helps him with his buttons, thanks should follow, if daddy buys him biscuits, thanks should follow, et c. He should learn to say please if he wants anything, not to demand. Say, sorry if he spills anything or steps on anyone. Also, excuse me if someone is in his way or he sneezes.
Every child should be trained regardless of their gender.
Training kids takes work, it's a lifetime job, you have to:
1. Be present
2. Don't change what you're teaching them.
3. Don't give them loopholes, trust me, those kids are smart.
3. Be kind, approachable, firm, open to them.
If you can stick to these few things, you'll have for yourself well behaved kids.

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Re: What Are The Best Ways To Train A Male Child From Infancy? by needanswer: 7:54am On Jul 09, 2020

Teach him to:
1. Pick up after himself: For example, his biscuit wraps, have him drop them in the dust bin. Let him place his plate in the kitchen by himself after eating. Let him put his used clothes, socks, panties in the laundry basket. Make sure you place these baskets at a stable location.
2. Be courteous: Say thank you anytime he's given any food, or if anything is done for him. Like when mummy helps him with his buttons, thanks should follow, if daddy buys him biscuits, thanks should follow, et c. He should learn to say please if he wants anything, not to demand. Say, sorry if he spills anything or steps on anyone. Also, excuse me if someone is in his way or he sneezes.
Every child should be trained regardless of their gender.
Training kids takes work, it's a lifetime job, you have to:
1. Be present
2. Don't change what you're teaching them.
3. Don't give them loopholes, trust me, those kids are smart.
3. Be kind, approachable, firm, open to them.
If you can stick to these few things, you'll have for yourself well behaved kids.

well detailed, bravo! thanks for sharing with ussmiley
Re: What Are The Best Ways To Train A Male Child From Infancy? by Saintmary(f): 7:56am On Jul 09, 2020

well detailed, bravo! thanks for sharing with ussmiley
It's a pleasure.
Re: What Are The Best Ways To Train A Male Child From Infancy? by needanswer: 8:00am On Jul 09, 2020
It's a pleasure.
hope to have you some other time smiley
Re: What Are The Best Ways To Train A Male Child From Infancy? by Mandela27: 10:31am On Jul 09, 2020
Give him the red pill and let him grow ethically with it .

Unfortunately in Naija,mothers train their sons to be SIMPS,where they encourage them to be loyal and humble even when they know that this present world is not for the NICE man .

It's a sin for a man to be too nice,too humble and too loyal.Give ur boy that orientation and He will not forget it

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Re: What Are The Best Ways To Train A Male Child From Infancy? by Saintmary(f): 10:31am On Jul 09, 2020

hope to have you some other time smiley
You got it.
Re: What Are The Best Ways To Train A Male Child From Infancy? by needanswer: 11:34am On Jul 09, 2020
Give him the red pill and let him grow ethically with it .

Unfortunately in Naija,mothers train their sons to be SIMPS,where they encourage them to be loyal and humble even when they know that this present world is not for the NICE man .

It's a sin for a man to be too nice,too humble and too loyal.Give ur boy that orientation and He will not forget it

I believe you should teach him masculinity, it is very essential for him but toxic masculinity should not be the goal.

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Re: What Are The Best Ways To Train A Male Child From Infancy? by momokiddies: 2:19pm On Jul 09, 2020
there is no one working manual for every male child, you just have to spend quality time with your male child to understand His personality and what rightly works for him. you may have 5 boys from one mother and still need to deal with each differently.
Although there are some basic rules that could help shape a male child into a better adult and a man.
such as: teaching them to have confidence in themselves, their dreams and abilities.
give respect to people irrespective if race gender or age.
teach them to build and value positive relationship
teach them the place of family in society
whatever religion you believe in, pass on to them by teaching them the rules of their believe while still respecting their stance. teach I said and not indoctrinate. indoctrination makes a child lost his right to reasoning and logic
give them formal education to at least university level
push them to acquire skills from a very young age that are in vogue. for example, I have introduce the use of laptop to my 2 year old and I allow him build his own interest around it.
a father figure in a male child's life is Paramount. single mother can get an uncle , friend or a colleague to stand in if the father is missing in action
be a role model. the possibility that your male child will turn out just as the father is higher. that's why I don't get tired of talking my hubby into modelling right attitude. not because I care so much, i do care really, but for the sake of my boys I won't stop talking.
why? I know my boys will gear towards wanting to be the man dad is, than wanting to be the woman mum is.
please note boys are boys and not female. do noe effeminate a male child. it kills every bit of what makes him a man.
who is a man ? topic for another discussion

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Re: What Are The Best Ways To Train A Male Child From Infancy? by needanswer: 10:12pm On Jul 09, 2020
there is no one working manual for every male child, you just have to spend quality time with your male child to understand His personality and what rightly works for him. you may have 5 boys from one mother and still need to deal with each differently.
Although there are some basic rules that could help shape a male child into a better adult and a man.
such as: teaching them to have confidence in themselves, their dreams and abilities.
give respect to people irrespective if race gender or age.
teach them to build and value positive relationship
teach them the place of family in society
whatever religion you believe in, pass on to them by teaching them the rules of their believe while still respecting their stance. teach I said and not indoctrinate. indoctrination makes a child lost his right to reasoning and logic
give them formal education to at least university level
push them to acquire skills from a very young age that are in vogue. for example, I have introduce the use of laptop to my 2 year old and I allow him build his own interest around it.
a father figure in a male child's life is Paramount. single mother can get an uncle , friend or a colleague to stand in if the father is missing in action
be a role model. the possibility that your male child will turn out just as the father is higher. that's why I don't get tired of talking my hubby into modelling right attitude. not because I care so much, i do care really, but for the sake of my boys I won't stop talking.
why? I know my boys will gear towards wanting to be the man dad is, than wanting to be the woman mum is.
please note boys are boys and not female. do noe effeminate a male child. it kills every bit of what makes him a man.
who is a man ? topic for another discussion

you are a great mom! you shared very good advice on training the male child! smiley
Re: What Are The Best Ways To Train A Male Child From Infancy? by merieam16(f): 10:16pm On Jul 09, 2020
there is no one working manual for every male child, you just have to spend quality time with your male child to understand His personality and what rightly works for him. you may have 5 boys from one mother and still need to deal with each differently.
Although there are some basic rules that could help shape a male child into a better adult and a man.
such as: teaching them to have confidence in themselves, their dreams and abilities.
give respect to people irrespective if race gender or age.
teach them to build and value positive relationship
teach them the place of family in society
whatever religion you believe in, pass on to them by teaching them the rules of their believe while still respecting their stance. teach I said and not indoctrinate. indoctrination makes a child lost his right to reasoning and logic
give them formal education to at least university level
push them to acquire skills from a very young age that are in vogue. for example, I have introduce the use of laptop to my 2 year old and I allow him build his own interest around it.
a father figure in a male child's life is Paramount. single mother can get an uncle , friend or a colleague to stand in if the father is missing in action
be a role model. the possibility that your male child will turn out just as the father is higher. that's why I don't get tired of talking my hubby into modelling right attitude. not because I care so much, i do care really, but for the sake of my boys I won't stop talking.
why? I know my boys will gear towards wanting to be the man dad is, than wanting to be the woman mum is.
please note boys are boys and not female. do noe effeminate a male child. it kills every bit of what makes him a man.
who is a man ? topic for another discussion
Well said

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