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Is The Legal Profession As Lucrative As It Used To Be? - Career - Nairaland

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Is The Legal Profession As Lucrative As It Used To Be? by Vianna(f): 9:18pm On Jul 15, 2020
In my opinion, I think it's no longer as lucrative as it used to be and it's a very sorry situation. A lot of lawyers roaming the streets, they are suffering. Some of the many problems are

1. Too many graduates, little job slots

2. Senior colleagues are not ready to give the younger ones a chance

Most lawyers are "charge and bail" . They roam the streets and advertise their services to potential clients and they don't even have a place to call office. Many of them loiter in court premises all day under the hot sun and await the arrival of the police, hoping that the police would bring some accused persons who do not have lawyers to defend them. The moment this happens, the lawyer would approach the accused (usually agberos, louts and unfortunate Nigerians who the police had decided to transfer his frustrations on. ) and offer his service either directly to the accused persons, or through his relatives or friends who followed him to court. After a certain meagre fee is paid. The lawyer will appear before the magistrate and orally apply for bail, which in most cases would be granted if the offence(s) is a bailable one.

Being a lawyer in today's Nigeria is overrated, studying in school for 5 years to become a lawyer is a waste of time. To me it's more meaningful if used as a part time job while you venture into business or entrepreneurship.

144 Likes 7 Shares

Re: Is The Legal Profession As Lucrative As It Used To Be? by heykims(m): 11:44pm On Jul 15, 2020
This guy bad o, see how u relegated person profession recommending it as part time job.

149 Likes 5 Shares

Re: Is The Legal Profession As Lucrative As It Used To Be? by Vianna(f): 12:11am On Jul 16, 2020
This guy bad o, see how u finish person profession recommending it as part time job.
Nobody is discrediting any ones job. It's just an opinion.

And mind you, I'm not a guy.

74 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Is The Legal Profession As Lucrative As It Used To Be? by rottable(m): 8:40am On Jul 16, 2020
Aspiring lawyers will soon attack you now.... Not everybody will be successful in a profession. Some will, some won't, that's life

91 Likes 5 Shares

Re: Is The Legal Profession As Lucrative As It Used To Be? by Maj196(m): 8:41am On Jul 16, 2020
Law is overrated lipsrsealed

125 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Is The Legal Profession As Lucrative As It Used To Be? by Vianna(f): 12:15pm On Jul 16, 2020
Law is overrated lipsrsealed
Exactly my thought. It's not what it used to be


Re: Is The Legal Profession As Lucrative As It Used To Be? by Etinosa1234: 1:32am On Jul 17, 2020
OP...are u a lawyer/Law student...

I'm a Law student and I have few years b4 I graduate but as of recent..I've been discouraged abt the course...The course is great alright but it's not in demand and I'm not ready to spend 5yrs and spending more than 300k in law school and get paid 20k a month.. So I'm learning a skill that will make way for me...
One reason that made me give up on the law profession is the fact that Law schools in Nigeria are churning out thousands of Lawyers in a country that has legal apathy. They'll prefer to "leave the matter to God" than to fight it in court hence depreciating the demand for lawyers
Another thing is that it's very competitive.... from what I've heard ..it takes a while to get to top of the ladder in the legal profession..abeg..I wan make my Papa quick enjoy the fruits of his labour
And the third reason I gave up was that my roommates in the hostel don dey call me charge and bail grin. I don dey reject am..So a whole me..A Law graduate that spent 6 years in school will be hanging around the court and be shouting "Bros u get case"
I've already decided that I'll just get the cert for people to know that I'm a graduate..

Simply my opinion...Don't disturb me

327 Likes 20 Shares

Re: Is The Legal Profession As Lucrative As It Used To Be? by Vianna(f): 12:38pm On Jul 17, 2020
OP...are u a lawyer/Law student...

I'm a Law student and I have few years b4 I graduate but as of recent..I've been discouraged abt the course...The course is great alright but it's not in demand and I'm not ready to spend 5yrs and spending more than 300k in law school and get paid 20k a month.. So I'm learning a skill that will make way for me...
One reason that made me give up on the law profession is the fact that Law schools in Nigeria are churning out thousands of Lawyers in a country that has legal apathy. They'll prefer to "leave the matter to God" than to fight it in court hence depreciating the demand for lawyers
Another thing is that it's very competitive.... from what I've heard ..it takes a while to get to top of the ladder in the legal profession..abeg..I wan make my Papa quick enjoy the fruits of his labour
And the third reason I gave up was that my roommates in the hostel don dey call me charge and bail grin. I don dey reject am..So a whole me..A Law graduate that spent 6 years in school will be hanging around the court and be shouting "Bros u get case"
I've already decided that I'll just get the cert for people to know that I'm a graduate..
I'm not a lawyer or student anyways. It's just a sorry situation honestly. I wish the mods like lalasticlala and Dominique could push this to the front page so more views and perceptions will flood in.


Re: Is The Legal Profession As Lucrative As It Used To Be? by Maj196(m): 2:43pm On Jul 17, 2020
Lord Lalasticlala... Your attention is needed wink


Re: Is The Legal Profession As Lucrative As It Used To Be? by Nobody: 6:53pm On Jul 17, 2020
I have plenty of lawyers around me and i will tell you spending such years and money to be a lawyer is not worth it. I'm earning far above most of them and I studied a 4 yrs course in administrative field.

72 Likes 1 Share

Re: Is The Legal Profession As Lucrative As It Used To Be? by SmartPolician: 12:17pm On Jul 18, 2020
My dear, the most lucrative professions are Information Technology, the real sector (manufacturing industry, including agriculture), oil and gas (engineering), creative arts or entertainment (AY, Wizkid, Genevieve, Don Jazzy, etc.), sports, and health sectors.

The problem with law is that it takes a long time to make money from it. Unlike the ones I mentioned, the legal profession is already supersaturated.

Don't let your friends and family fool you; times have changed. You should follow the trend

41 Likes 1 Share

Re: Is The Legal Profession As Lucrative As It Used To Be? by Slawormir: 12:17pm On Jul 18, 2020
Damnnnnn niggarrr
Na all profession for the country my dear

After training and stress to get the qualifications
Still nothing to show for it

Imagine i go see one lawyer the other day concerning how he is going to help me write an agreement of a land i purchased with an approval permit

The lawyer even dey beg me make i pay twenty thousand Naira......
I was shocked.... within me i was like this amount nor too small
Trust Nigerians na..even when i know say the amount small
Still i was telling him am going to pay 15,000 naira
And funny enough he still accept last last...

You only paid for his signature and ID. The said agreement can be found by simply using Google. Most business centres have these agreements and contracts of sales in their numbers. I have a lot too on my laptop, and I'm not a lawyer.
I understand you brother.. them don already get the agreement for system na for them to edit the agreement and sign....but them dey also keep the draft copy of the agreement after signing....one for the transferor, the transferee and the lawyer.. probably incase of dispute and wahalar

47 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Is The Legal Profession As Lucrative As It Used To Be? by Buhari2023(m): 12:17pm On Jul 18, 2020
For wia

na charge and bail full now o

i was shocked i saw a job vacancy for lawyers with a salary of 30k sad

Well still on still sha
if you have any job for Barr. CIROMA CHUKWUMA ADEKUNLE please he is readily available grin

Yes the WAEC guy he turned out to be a charge and bail lawyer

107 Likes 5 Shares

Re: Is The Legal Profession As Lucrative As It Used To Be? by gunners160(m): 12:18pm On Jul 18, 2020
Truth be told, a lot of those gibberish courses we studied in school back then are no longer needed again and not just law profession.
I think it is high time Nigeria change her curriculum and focus more on science related courses

Sociology, psychology, business admin, criminology, political science etc no get use

37 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Is The Legal Profession As Lucrative As It Used To Be? by ideabuilder: 12:18pm On Jul 18, 2020
Every profession has the rich and the poor. Depends on luck and how well you make use of little opportunity that come across you.

33 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Is The Legal Profession As Lucrative As It Used To Be? by Pharraooh76(m): 12:19pm On Jul 18, 2020
Mmmm he get as e be o
Re: Is The Legal Profession As Lucrative As It Used To Be? by Martinez39s(m): 12:19pm On Jul 18, 2020
Lol. Are you just knowing?

2 Likes 1 Share

Re: Is The Legal Profession As Lucrative As It Used To Be? by Nobody: 12:19pm On Jul 18, 2020
It's more lucrative than ever. It's just restricted to certain people in specific sectors.

12 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Is The Legal Profession As Lucrative As It Used To Be? by iCauseTrouble: 12:19pm On Jul 18, 2020
Re: Is The Legal Profession As Lucrative As It Used To Be? by Guest911: 12:20pm On Jul 18, 2020

Exactly my thought. It's not what it used to be
what would you so do differently to change things a bit

1 Like

Re: Is The Legal Profession As Lucrative As It Used To Be? by Hoodgod(m): 12:20pm On Jul 18, 2020
In my opinion, I think it's no longer as lucrative as it used to be and it's a very sorry situation. A lot of lawyers roaming the streets, they are suffering. Some of the many problems are

1. Too many graduates, little job slots

2. Senior colleagues are not ready to give the younger ones a chance

Most lawyers are "charge and bail" . They roam the streets and advertise their services to potential clients and they don't even have a place to call office. Many of them loiter in court premises all day under the hot sun and await the arrival of the police, hoping that the police would bring some accused persons who do not have lawyers to defend them. The moment this happens, the lawyer would approach the accused (usually agberos, louts and unfortunate Nigerians who the police had decided to transfer his frustrations on. ) and offer his service either directly to the accused persons, or through his relatives or friends who followed him to court. After a certain meagre fee is paid. The lawyer will appear before the magistrate and orally apply for bail, which in most cases would be granted if the offence(s) is a bailable one.

Being a lawyer in today's Nigeria is overrated, studying in school for 5 years to become a lawyer is a waste of time. To me it's more meaningful if used as a part time job while you venture into business or entrepreneurship.
i believe atomic bomb can attest to this...the legal profession is garbage in naija


Re: Is The Legal Profession As Lucrative As It Used To Be? by Stephendeals: 12:20pm On Jul 18, 2020
In my opinion legal professionals are doing well considering the situation of the country....
When you compare statistics with other career path, the country generally offer little compare to the many hands waiting to receive it.

That been said it might be out of my jurisdiction to say...

my current and primary jurisdiction is IT Products Sale and I can say confidently that the Economy of the Nation is affecting sales...

You can patronize me for your computer needs


Re: Is The Legal Profession As Lucrative As It Used To Be? by EngineerBode: 12:20pm On Jul 18, 2020
Sad one
Re: Is The Legal Profession As Lucrative As It Used To Be? by opalu: 12:20pm On Jul 18, 2020
Legal profession is very lucrative. But I think the criminal justice system as a whole needs a total overhaul to come to terms with today's realities. How can u use laws used for 1980s crimes to tackle 2020 crimes? How can that work?


Re: Is The Legal Profession As Lucrative As It Used To Be? by AyDripper1(m): 12:20pm On Jul 18, 2020
Not at all you gax add some stuff bro
Re: Is The Legal Profession As Lucrative As It Used To Be? by Farki: 12:20pm On Jul 18, 2020
Go into property or corporate law, that's where you will find money.

Not everything must be court this court that.

27 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Is The Legal Profession As Lucrative As It Used To Be? by HisRoyalHardnes(m): 12:21pm On Jul 18, 2020
Most female lawyers study law to get married and most males just to be addressed as The Bar. Lol.

80% have not read much hence are empty ... That's why old lawyers are the boss.

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