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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / Why Can't You Go Back To Your First Enemy?. (200 Views)
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Why Can't You Go Back To Your First Enemy?. by udopee(f): 6:20pm On Jul 23, 2020 |
HAVE YOU LEFT YOUR FIRST LOVE? RETURN BACK TO YOUR FIRST LOVE FOR THE LORD". This is the statement many preachers and teachers tell their followers and members. But they fail to explain what First Love means, who is someone's First Love, What about going back to your First Enemy, or is it just First Love that matters ![]() As life keeps teaching us lessons, one needs to unlearn and relearn alot of things, question what you are told or being taught, and own your conclusion by seeing the truth for what it is. Many people attested that their experience with their first Love was not what they expect from a lover. They are abusive, cheats, betrayal after betrayal, sucks the living light from you and won't hesitate to sacrifice your head if need be, and then, the hatred exceeds the love at the end. Even many that married their supposed First love ends up feeling empty and unfilled in their marriage. Most first Love might be a lesson for you, might be a punishment, might be a means to actually know what genuine love is. Although everyone is different and people changes, you need to analyze whether it's worth going back to your first Love. Genuine love is likely to come from someone you sees an enemy, who might be your redeemer, might have your interest at heart, and a selfless person that loves you unconditionally. Whatever the case is, know what works for you and go for it so that you don't keep running in circles without achieving anything in life. But you have to beware not to fall into a rabbit hole and be sucked back to hell by returning back to what broke you, cause it might break you again. You have a wonderful future, so be positive, look out for that person who brings out the best in you and move on with life. "QUITE A CRAZY WORLD OUT THERE WHICH ONLY GOD CAN FIX". #FRESH_DEW #HEAVENS_DEW
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