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Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride - Pets (6) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Pets / Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride (87782 Views)

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Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Ghostmode2two(m): 11:16pm On Jul 24, 2020
Too rough a play because animals are not humans, we not them and them not we. The man is playing with very dangerous animals though God gave man dominion over animals.
Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Grandmeister(m): 11:17pm On Jul 24, 2020

Did he spoon feed all of these animals from infancy?

Cc: Pocohantas
Yea...just like Kevin the lion whisperer too..they get these animals at infancy and then nurture them to adulthood. So the animals have a good amount of respect, affection and kinship with him..that’s the difference between them and a zookeeper.


Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by perdollar(m): 11:20pm On Jul 24, 2020
oyibo jazz na original
Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by WiszyFraud: 11:20pm On Jul 24, 2020
Okay.. so who was then taking the pictures? undecided

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Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by jaxxy(m): 11:21pm On Jul 24, 2020
Lol what’s that quote about putting goat and yam in the same room

My own is what is he trying to prove by this nonsense and risky business? Hes still not Tarzan undecided

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Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by m140(m): 11:21pm On Jul 24, 2020
if u watch him on Instagram u will know why the lion's won't eat him ...those lions behave like human..they love him like mad
Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Hathor5(f): 11:22pm On Jul 24, 2020

Yea...just like Kevin the lion whisperer too..they get these animals at infancy and then nurture them to adulthood. So the animals have a good amount of respect, affection and kinship with him..that’s the difference between them and a zookeeper.

And you know he spoon fed them from infancy how?
Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by pocohantas(f): 11:22pm On Jul 24, 2020

He is aware their instinct can kick in especially with the male lions...the females have less agro and are less likely to ever hurt him...the males hmmm...

Lol. He never shows fear, just keeps reminding us that they are still wild animals. Whatever that means. cheesy


Did he spoon feed all of these animals from infancy? Cc: Pocohantas

They were quite young, but not new borns. Some of them had previous owners and were in captives- albeit in poor conditions. They have no previous hunting knowledge, I guess that makes it easier for them to be handled.
Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by LilMissRobbie(f): 11:23pm On Jul 24, 2020

Send me a PM, please

That person is a scammer sir, don't fall for it

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Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by zoedicus: 11:24pm On Jul 24, 2020
Egungun is very close to the express...


Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Hathor5(f): 11:24pm On Jul 24, 2020

Lol. He never shows fear, just keeps reminding us that they are still wild animals. Whatever that means. cheesy

They were quite young, but not new borns. Some of them had previous owners and were in captives- albeit in poor conditions. They have no previous hunting knowledge, I guess that makes it easier for them to be handled.

I know this but I could not find how old all of the animals were when he found them. I also read that he takes hurt animals from the wilderness.
Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Romangalactic(m): 11:25pm On Jul 24, 2020

Did he spoon feed all of these animals from infancy?

Cc: Pocohantas
What a question cheesy
He went into the wild, saved wild adult lions then bonded with them & became part of their pride. Lol grin


Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by INDUSTRIALFAN(m): 11:25pm On Jul 24, 2020
I've been an ardent follower of his and suddenly my love for every animal except crocs gators and snakes has grown by a million miles..

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Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by guru90: 11:26pm On Jul 24, 2020
Lol what’s that quote about putting goat and yam in the same room

We Africans too the fear joor.....
Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Hathor5(f): 11:27pm On Jul 24, 2020

What a question cheesy
He went into the wild, saved wild adult lions then bonded with them & became part of their pride. Lol grin

You have been following me although I was ignoring you. You have become a nuisance. I will soon report you. You have been warned.
Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Romangalactic(m): 11:28pm On Jul 24, 2020

You have been following me although I was ignoring you. You have become a nuisance. I will soon report you. You have been warned.
Report me for quoting you? cheesy lol, truth hater


Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Hathor5(f): 11:29pm On Jul 24, 2020

Report me for quoting you? cheesy lol, truth hater

I have been ignoring you FOR DAYS. It's called stalking. And you are deliberately provocative. Get off my mentions. Last warning.
Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Grandmeister(m): 11:31pm On Jul 24, 2020

And you know he spoon fed them from infancy how?
It’s common sense..he can’t do that with a random lion in the wild.


Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Romangalactic(m): 11:32pm On Jul 24, 2020

I have been ignoring you FOR DAYS. It's called stalking. And you are deliberately provocative. Get off my mentions. Last warning.
Ignoring me for days? lol.
I can only recall mentioning u on a list with other people on a topic I created & dis was days ago. I have not quoted u since then until today, what are u smoking


Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by macfish101(m): 11:34pm On Jul 24, 2020
Dean Schneider. Follow him on instagram so you can see his videos with them
Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Hathor5(f): 11:34pm On Jul 24, 2020

It’s common sense..he can’t do that with a random lion in the wild.

It's an assumption but a different scenario is possible too since he saved some of these animals from captivity. I don't think all of them were infants and he spoon-fed them. I think many of them were used to humans because they were raised in captivity but not all of them were infants when he got them. Besides, I also read that he saves animals from the wilderness if they are hurt.
Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by supercase1(m): 11:35pm On Jul 24, 2020

I pray they don't maul or kill him someday
I will comment RIP for him on nairaland if it's happens cool
Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Romangalactic(m): 11:35pm On Jul 24, 2020

It’s common sense..he can’t do that with a random lion in the wild.
Quite obvious


Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Hathor5(f): 11:35pm On Jul 24, 2020

Ignoring me for days? lol.
I can only recall mentioning u on a list with other people on a topic I created & dis was days ago. I have not quoted u since then until today, what are u smoking

You have quoted me on your stupid thread and several times on this thread. Just bleep off.
Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by SavageResponse(m): 11:36pm On Jul 24, 2020
The animals sure love him, no pretense.

That's what Steve Irwin thought until he met his waterloo in the hands of s stingray fish!
Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by INDUSTRIALFAN(m): 11:38pm On Jul 24, 2020
If the Lion had to make a choice between eating grass and him, the answer is obvious.
but they'll never be given that option... Food is in abundance.
Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Grandmeister(m): 11:38pm On Jul 24, 2020

It's an assumption but a different scenario is possible too since he saved some of these animals from captivity. I don't think all of them were infants and he spoon-fed them. I think many of them were used to humans because they were raised in captivity but not all of them were infants when he got them. Besides, I also read that he saves animals from the wilderness if they are hurt.
Don’t be naive..he saves animals in the wilderness so? A young cub or deer is still an animal right? Is he saving full grown male lions? Being in captivity is not the same as being used to humans..lions in the zoo are in captivity, they get fed by human zookeepers and still they maul their keepers from time to time. One story made the front page here some days ago.

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Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by pocohantas(f): 11:39pm On Jul 24, 2020

Why is it tough for lions cubs especially the male ones.... Is not like the will be eaten?...

Well to b a man no b day job

Sorry for the late response, missed this. They get chased out from the pride (before maturity) and are easy target for other predators. Some would also die of hunger and other reasons.


I know this but I could not find how old all of the animals were when he found them. I also read that he takes hurt animals from the wilderness.

I haven’t seen him make mention of their ages. Yes he takes hurt animals from the wilderness, definitely not grown lions. cheesy
Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by INDUSTRIALFAN(m): 11:39pm On Jul 24, 2020
one day, one of these wild animals will eat him up
no they won't. We like to assume the worst for people why?
Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Emilokoiyawon: 11:39pm On Jul 24, 2020
Point me to an African who established a wildlife sanctuary and rehabilitation center for animals born in captivity and I will celebrate him. What I keep seeing are grown ass African men killing kittens because they link them to witchcraft. Are you proud of them too? grin We are talking about a man here who has dedicated his life to saving animals and this one is talking about walking animals on a leash. Your inferiority complex won't let you think logically and objectively and your shame and ridicule don't matter. kiss

Nobody is saying your white master does not have millions of dollars to invest in wildlife sanctuary. We are talking about how you bedwenches are salivating over how 'bold' your white master is, we are telling you that taming wild animals by imprinting them when they are babies is EASY. The real ACT OF BRAVERY is when a man tames an ADULT beast - like African hunters have been doing since time immemorial. Animal abuse is a global phenomenon. Why don't you start an NGO to fight against animal abuse in Nigeria, if you are really concerned? But you are not. You are just raising it because I have exposed your disgusting obsession with your white overlords. And instead of proving me wrong, you have decided to confirm my suspicion by ascribing animal abuse - a global misbehavior- to Africans alone. Shame on you!

Who is illogical here? The person telling you their is a difference between IMPRINTING and TAMING a wild beast? Or you that is dedicated to promoting the agenda of your white lords? You are a disgrace of a human being. And I will continue to expose your subservient tendencies towards your white lords ANYTIME you try to push it here on Nairaland.

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Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Romangalactic(m): 11:41pm On Jul 24, 2020

You have quoted me on your stupid thread and several times on this thread. Just bleep off.

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Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by benzmatic: 11:41pm On Jul 24, 2020
Great guy actually. I really want him to succeed on the long run but I fear for him. He appears too trusting, and he is involved with too many animals. Life is not a childhood storybook fairy tale. Kevin Richardson once spoke of an experience where the adult females of a pride killed and ate a young male member of the same pride. I wish Dean the best of luck.

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