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Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation - Crime (5) - Nairaland

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Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by pocohantas(f): 8:14pm On Jul 27, 2020
People's mental health is very fragile these days. The madness and this fast paced world some just can't keep up. Don't just go about calling everyone a rapist or rape apologists. Neither should we defend those accused of assault. It won't cost people to sit on the fence. You don't need to have an opinion on every damned thing. Men are scum women are hoe's bla bla..so many nonsense things I see online. Prayers to his family.

People are beginning to abuse social media. Someone will just come online and be looking for whose life to destroy.

How do you claim a man harassed you non-physically and the first thing that came to your head is to add his name to a TWITTER list of SEX-OFFENDERS!!! How?

Some people will na say, it is not enough to kill yourself. Who are you to tell people their limit? I am not saying he killed himself for that, but some people can and that doesn’t make them weaklings. NL is anonymous and the defamation can get irritating. Now imagine Twitter where you have family, friends, colleagues and your picture is up.

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Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by Daroldigits: 8:14pm On Jul 27, 2020
respect women ooooo. Some of them can kill faster than gun

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Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by nokatakata: 8:14pm On Jul 27, 2020
Why commit suicide instead of taking steps to clear your name. Did the accuser have any concrete evidence against you to prove that you raped her. Did he truly rape her? Committing suicide will make it look like he was guilty and make the girl feel like she won. Guys need to be strong especially when dealing with women. Don't allow your emotions make you give in when you are not guilty.
Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by Farki: 8:14pm On Jul 27, 2020

People say I am weird because I don't use twitter, Instagram and facebook. I have my reasons because those apps have zero value in my life.

The only social media app/site I use frequently is LinkedIn and its because its an app/website for professionals. Then WhatsApp for everyday communication if we even have to class WhatsApp as a social media app

I only use Instagram for work, the other two are cesspools with the occasional good post making it to the surface.
Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by Nobody: 8:15pm On Jul 27, 2020
Him do am if not that no reach to kill himself if he's innocent
Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by Jaqenhghar: 8:15pm On Jul 27, 2020
Are you people still claiming he was falsely accused of rape? The girl who made the list has made it public, he was included in that list for harassment. She also uploaded texts of him apologising for harassment.

Let people have a balanced view.
According to other sources she first put rape. Then when she was presented with proof she changed it to harrasment. Even then the guy asked her to tlremove her name to which she replied that she wanted to make a name for herself ( or some shít)

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Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by Nobody: 8:15pm On Jul 27, 2020
Even if i did it, i would still look them in the eyes and say i am not guilty, waste my life for lying hoes? No way!!


Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by lexy2014: 8:15pm On Jul 27, 2020
Are you people still claiming he was falsely accused of rape? The girl who made the list has made it public, he was included in that list for harassment. She also uploaded texts of him apologising for harassment.

Let people have a balanced view.

So were is d girl who made d list public?
Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by sdcf(m): 8:16pm On Jul 27, 2020
Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by AngelicBeing: 8:16pm On Jul 27, 2020
This life no balance even ontop scale!
Where's Lalasticlala sef shocked

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Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by hammer8: 8:16pm On Jul 27, 2020


grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin

Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by grandstar(m): 8:17pm On Jul 27, 2020
Why commit suicide? Why not simply go for a polygraph test, a lie detector test?

Does he not watch the Maury Show, Steve Wilkos and other shows? . If he was innocent, the polygraph would expose who was lying between the two and whether there was a rape.

This is just senseless and so pointless. I'm seething here.

For there to be justice now, the accuser must be made to under a polygraph test. If found lying,, the blood of Izu would be on her head. I don't know if there's any punish for slander in the USA.

Just watch the Steve Wilkos show and watch how the lie detector expose pedophiles, slanderers, cheaters and so on.

You'd see a woman accuse her ex of sexually molesting their child. When the test results come out, it's discovered she lied throughout so as to get custody of the child and have her ex locked up for good

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Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by Jaqenhghar: 8:17pm On Jul 27, 2020
This young man just wasted his life for nothing.
He should have went ahead to clear his name from the accusations levelled against him.
No matter what, suicide is never an option..
You think clearing name is the way you do it in naija?
A rape allegation is as good as you are gon lee in the US. You may never get a job, it will be on your record anywhere you go. They might even put you on a sex offender's list.

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Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by NENGIsmells: 8:18pm On Jul 27, 2020
You might even be found not guilty in the end after destroying her or even let off with manslaughter as a result of mental unstability.
yes na. some people are just stupid
Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by NENGIsmells: 8:19pm On Jul 27, 2020
homo and bisexuals full this house
Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by TOPCRUISE(m): 8:19pm On Jul 27, 2020
Are you people still claiming he was falsely accused of rape? The girl who made the list has made it public, he was included in that list for harassment. She also uploaded texts of him apologising for harassment.

Let people have a balanced view.
What kind of harassment. Is harassment rape. Define harassment please


Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by Nobody: 8:19pm On Jul 27, 2020

You don't even have enough brains to read and repeat what you read accurately, then you have the audacity to say he is weak. twit!.

Because you live in a lawless society where decency and integrity mean nothing, where rapists walk freely with no repercussions??.

the poor boy understood what it meant to lose a good name, and the weight of what it means to be called a sex offender in a civilised society.
And how brilliant are you?
I'm not insensitive to what he went through. But being falsely accused is no reason to commit sucide.
He could be alive not to justify himself not be buried 6feet under while the lady in question smears his good name.
Yes! He was very weak. He found himself in a negative situation and decided to pull the plug.
No was lynching him. Why not make a statement and get justice? undecided
According to mister Mindpresh; when the going gets tough, end you life.
Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by NENGIsmells: 8:20pm On Jul 27, 2020
Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by Nobody: 8:21pm On Jul 27, 2020
yes na. some people are just stupid
The guy looks like a spoilt cry baby. if it was a mad man like me i would still deny it even if they caught me blue handed.


Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by kiddkash(m): 8:21pm On Jul 27, 2020
Not interested in frontpage likes
a girl have never accused you of rape that's why.
I remember a friend of mine, after he dumped his girlfriend, his girlfriend then said I'll show you
2 days later police came with the girl and her family and arrested him. no investigation, nothing.
the whole situation was traumatizing for him. people all over mumbling God I can't believe he's a rapist
his family were doubting him and the ones that showed him support were still secretly wondering if he did it.

I stuck with my friend because he is incapable of doing it. after he spent like 3 weeks in jail, then the girl said she lied
and at the said time of the rape, me and my friend were at a party where there were many girls and there were
videos taken. he was released and nothing was done to the girl. till today people still murmur when he is around
they go like isn't it that guy that was accused of rape?
his family were telling him to be a man.

you don't know how many times he has tried drinking sniper. but I was around to stop it

don't judge people until you've been in their position

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Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by hammer8: 8:22pm On Jul 27, 2020




Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by Davicl: 8:22pm On Jul 27, 2020
Hmmm.....me Write suicide note and still comited suicide join on top of women matter lie lie.... I'll find a way to throughly rape the person and still denied join. Nonsense

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Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by LedRock: 8:23pm On Jul 27, 2020
Welcome to a world where men are labelled rapists without evidences or court appearance, a world where what a woman says is always right, a world where a woman hits and abuse a man and he has to be a gentleman to the society, welcome to earth.

Commiting suicide wasn't right to me but I am not in izu's heart to know how much this affected him, maybe he was tired of living in a judgemental word without him able to defend himself. Time would reveal everything hidden

R.I.P to him


Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by Nobody: 8:23pm On Jul 27, 2020

He can't, once the rabid twitter idiots are unleashed they can't be stopped.

They will try to ruin his business, prevent him from getting jobs by threatening his employer. If he has a job they will try to get him sacked and his employer will bend to avoid the negative press. They won't be satisfied until he is ruined and even his family has abandoned him.

It's the same thing that happened to Johnny Depp when his wife lied about abuse to get public sympathy during their divorce when she was the one abusing him.

The earth is bleeped up. I'll punish this bitch with me right now. I just picked up my leather belt. I'll spank the shit outta her fucking body and throw her out in the cold. Hope she publishes mine as well. Fucking and Bleep men and simps who bend their principles to be politically correct or for those motherfucking subhumans that bleed once a month.

Bleep all da layers and breeders. Studid fuckers , hoes and fucking leeches.

If na me be the guy friend , blood for flow walahi.

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Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by Izigha(m): 8:24pm On Jul 27, 2020
Online life should come with a warning

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Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by hammer8: 8:25pm On Jul 27, 2020
Hmmm.....me Write suicide note and still comited suicide join on top of women matter lie lie.... I'll find a way to throughly rape the person and still denied join. Nonsense





Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by Nobody: 8:25pm On Jul 27, 2020
And how brilliant are you?
I'm not insensitive to what he went through. But being falsely accused is no reason to commit sucide.
He could be alive not to justify himself not be buried 6feet under while the lady in question smears his good name.
Yes! He was very weak. He found himself in a negative situation and decided to pull the plug.
No was lynching him. Why not make a statement and get justice? undecided
According to mister Mindpresh; when the going gets tough, end you life.
Don't mind them mushroom pipsqiks, if the boy really understood what a good name is like that guy claimed he should have stayed alive a cleared his so called good name, i mean what would have been the worst than suicide? Trump was accused all sorts he is still standing.
Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by Nobody: 8:25pm On Jul 27, 2020
In the US, being accused of sex offence is crippling. All your records caery that tag "sex offender". Imagine carrying that tag for something you didn't do. Painful part is, as a black male in the US, chances of clearing your name is slim, unless you have a video or at least audio prove. The system is bleeped.

I am not trying to justify suicide, but I can understand tge young man.

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Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by Denko2721987(m): 8:25pm On Jul 27, 2020

Who told you I won't understand?
Are you trying to justify suicide?
I'm not in a mood to tell stories now, but someone very close to me did it and up till now I still see it as a life wasted..
I know depression is real, don't come and lecture me about that..

I am not in any way trying to justify or support suicide myself but my dear, never pray to be in situations that would break your will and resolve of staying alive than facing a dire or hopeless situation.. There are some certain pains or agony that some people cant endure to bear than to just end it.. So it takes and depends on the true test of ones personal & spiritial resolve to stay alive when pushed to their breaking limits. This is the reason why some nations allow euthanasia for instance becos they know some pains are much worse than death itself. Also the fact that someone took his or her life doesnt really mean that they wasted their lives. Although, it might seem so if you look at it formally, but a person who lives a fulfilled life of 50years for instance and ends it for whatever plausible or implausible reasons best know to them to me, is better than someone who lived his or her life up to a 100years unfulfilled and full of regrets & sorrow. There are lots of people living currenly whose lives are more misarable than the dead, so never pray to be in their shoes. My narration may not necessarily apply for Mr. Izu's case and we may never know, but perspectives and conditions will always be different for different people.


Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by Nobody: 8:25pm On Jul 27, 2020

Keep quiet..

Pray you don't meet chronic depression or be falsely accused of something
Don't assume to know me. I know what depression is, more than anyone commenting on this thread. Including you.
So you encourage men to kill themselve when they find themselves in tough situations? Life is bleeped up, that's the basic truth.
The guy was weak. Being falsely accused isn't the worse that can happen. He had the chance to exonerate himself despite the heat.
I've met people in far worse situations. He should have strived to redeem his good name not write a note and end his life.
Now we all know the truth, what good has it done? Now we merely pity a corpse.

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Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by dalass(f): 8:25pm On Jul 27, 2020
You referred to it as a false accusation...so y kill yourself then?

All these ajebo pikin dem sef...

Abi oh

Pako kids can't ever kill themselves.... Its terrible what over pampered kids yo to themselves cause they are too soft kiss
Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by TOPCRUISE(m): 8:26pm On Jul 27, 2020
There should be a list of false rape accusers. Such list should be made public


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