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Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation - Crime (7) - Nairaland

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Video Shows Girlfriend Attacking US-Based Nigerian 2 Months Before Killing Him / Russian Forces Paedo Who Abused His Daughter To Dig His Grave Before Killing Him / #JusticeForIzu: Izu Madubueze Commits Suicide After False Rape Accusation (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by linearity: 8:39pm On Jul 27, 2020
Are you people still claiming he was falsely accused of rape? The girl who made the list has made it public, he was included in that list for harassment. She also uploaded texts of him apologising for harassment.

Let people have a balanced view.

Yes, the lady that uploaded the list later clarified that, it was harassment and not rape and there was nothing physical.....if you give the lady's account 100% credit, it was just some back and forth sexual messages according to her and she said, it eventually stopped after she blocked all his lines.....now, this is the account of the lady, we all know you need all party's involved statement to know the actual truth, but regardless he apologized.

However, if you took time to go through those same twitts, someone people escalated it and started retelling and re-twitting it that he raped the lady....one lady even twitter that 'he was a rapist'. Most likely, this later turn of events was want got into him, because it appear he was able to handle the harassment phase and apologized.

This is what what happen, when people think that they are invincible, powerful and anonymous and can say anything behind a social media handle. They even go ahead and add little salt and sugar to the story to make it sensation.

I think the people that accused him of rape should be prosecuted and since this happened in the US, I doubt if they are peaceful now....as the orignal twit was not about rape, but it was later hijacked.

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Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by Missyajoke(f): 8:39pm On Jul 27, 2020
A Twitter user, Tenacity, has shared a video of Izuchukwu Madubueze reading his suicide note before committing suicide over false rape accusations as 'RIP Izu' trends.

Izuchukwu Madubueze, a Nigerian entrepreneur, shot himself dead in Florida over an allegation of sexual assault, US police said.

Read the earlier thread about the accusation and suicide here... https://www.nairaland.com/6002245/justiceforizu-izu-madubueze-commits-suicide

Sharing the videos of Izu reading his suicide note, Tenacity wrote:


These lady is in a serious mess cause karma will play its own parts for her.

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Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by kiddkash(m): 8:39pm On Jul 27, 2020
Are you people still claiming he was falsely accused of rape? The girl who made the list has made it public, he was included in that list for harassment. She also uploaded texts of him apologising for harassment.

Let people have a balanced view.
harassment and rape,are they the same thing?


Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by hammer8: 8:40pm On Jul 27, 2020





Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by Nobody: 8:40pm On Jul 27, 2020
Do you know that this girl wasn't evne arrested or invited for questioning? Lol. Guess it's because she's a woman. After they'll say women are oppressed. Keep giving them power, simps.

Bleep bitches, Simps and breeders.

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Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by sonnie10: 8:40pm On Jul 27, 2020

That's not true.
There is a very high standard before a rape conviction in the US
What that guy said is true. The accusation and investigation alone is enough to ruin your reputation, In this days of internet, your career is gone. In fact you are ruined for life. If you are lucky, you might be placed on administrative leave with or without pay till everything is over.


Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by kiddkash(m): 8:42pm On Jul 27, 2020
They don't know how it feels.
no they don't. which is why I never pity anyone who is been dealt with after making false rape accusation

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Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by LedRock: 8:42pm On Jul 27, 2020

Please just shut up, let sensible people talk. You think this is about you, your NL pettiness and misogyny. If they ask you to come prove this nonsense you typed, you will disappear.

When I first heard of it, I didn’t understand. I kept hearing list, curator, Twitter. I was confused. I thought they met or something. Till a loved one who uses Twitter explained to me. I just knew it is finished. Social media has done it again.
You are a rayypist/molesterrr, simple


Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by hammer8: 8:43pm On Jul 27, 2020

What that guy said is true. The accusation and investigation alone is enough to ruin your reputation, In this days of internet, your career is gone. In fact you are ruined for life. If you are lucky, you might be placed on administrative leave with or without pay till everything is over.




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Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by kiddkash(m): 8:43pm On Jul 27, 2020
some situations calls for suicide, it only takes the grace of God for one to escape suicide. you won't understand
a girl have never accused some people of rape that's why.
I remember a friend of mine, after he dumped his girlfriend, his girlfriend then said I'll show you
2 days later police came with the girl and her family and arrested him. no investigation, nothing.
the whole situation was traumatizing for him. people all over mumbling God I can't believe he's a rapist
his family were doubting him and the ones that showed him support were still secretly wondering if he did it.

I stuck with my friend because he is incapable of doing it. after he spent like 3 weeks in jail, then the girl said she lied
and at the said time of the rape, me and my friend were at a party where there were many girls and there were
videos taken. he was released and nothing was done to the girl. till today people still murmur when he is around
they go like isn't it that guy that was accused of rape?

his family were telling him to be a man.
you don't know how many times he has tried drinking sniper. but I was around to stop it

they shouldn't judge people until you've been in their position


Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by PercyJackSon007(m): 8:43pm On Jul 27, 2020

The list was titled Abusers, and alongside his name, there was harassment.

I was surprised when I saw it yesterday. People went as far as making fake tweets to indicate that she accused him of rape.

Both genders have just turned the whole issue to push agendas.
Even the harassment was wrong. He sent a sexual poem to a girl who hit on him and who he told he wasn't willing to date but they could have sex.
Her taking offense doesn't qualify as harassment when their conversation was on that topic.
Question is did both ladies know what qualifies as a crime? That is why only educated and qualified judges sit in court.
She wasn't qualified to pass judgement.
He never admitted to "harassment", he apologized for sending the poem


Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by Hotguy27: 8:44pm On Jul 27, 2020
Nothing one will say that everyone will agree.

There are so many scenarios painted as rape which are not true. Most accusers know how gullible the public has become through social media and they chose that unfortunate path as a means of getting back on some people they hate.

False rape accusation is worse than rape itself.


Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by kiddkash(m): 8:44pm On Jul 27, 2020
How can this fine boy kill himself because of a girl he is finer than.
An olosho looking girl for that matter

Guys false harassment /rape is real. I have witnessed it. Most women are bad if they mean you
a girl have never accused you of rape that's why.
I remember a friend of mine, after he dumped his girlfriend, his girlfriend then said I'll show you
2 days later police came with the girl and her family and arrested him. no investigation, nothing.
the whole situation was traumatizing for him. people all over mumbling God I can't believe he's a rapist
his family were doubting him and the ones that showed him support were still secretly wondering if he did it.

I stuck with my friend because he is incapable of doing it. after he spent like 3 weeks in jail, then the girl said she lied
and at the said time of the rape, me and my friend were at a party where there were many girls and there were
videos taken. he was released and nothing was done to the girl. till today people still murmur when he is around
they go like isn't it that guy that was accused of rape?

his family were telling him to be a man.
you don't know how many times he has tried drinking sniper. but I was around to stop it

don't judge people until you've been in their position

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Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by kokosheen(m): 8:45pm On Jul 27, 2020
Are you people still claiming he was falsely accused of rape? The girl who made the list has made it public, he was included in that list for harassment. She also uploaded texts of him apologising for harassment.

Let people have a balanced view.

This is not true. If you do not have adequate information of a case, it's better you hold on before discrediting yourself.
Most of his interactions with the girl that published his name are online. A quick google search will help you have a better informed opinion.
The guy was just a gentleman who pleaded to know what he did and to whom. He begged and even apologised for whatever crime he was being accused of, but unfortunately, the agenda must agend.
When he figured out who is accuser was, he posted his online chats with lady and it showed that the lady approached him and kept on his case for years. His so called crime was refusing to date the girl and telling her that if all he wanted to do was to smash her, he would have strung her along. The girl has now termed that non-physical sexual abuse!!!
May Almighty God forgive him and his false accusers pay for their sins, amen.


Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by kiddkash(m): 8:45pm On Jul 27, 2020
Hmmm.....evil forces at work

No matter what you are going through in life. Suicide is not the best option for you.
a girl have never accused you of rape that's why.
I remember a friend of mine, after he dumped his girlfriend, his girlfriend then said I'll show you
2 days later police came with the girl and her family and arrested him. no investigation, nothing.
the whole situation was traumatizing for him. people all over mumbling God I can't believe he's a rapist
his family were doubting him and the ones that showed him support were still secretly wondering if he did it.

I stuck with my friend because he is incapable of doing it. after he spent like 3 weeks in jail, then the girl said she lied
and at the said time of the rape, me and my friend were at a party where there were many girls and there were
videos taken. he was released and nothing was done to the girl. till today people still murmur when he is around
they go like isn't it that guy that was accused of rape?
his family were telling him to be a man.

you don't know how many times he has tried drinking sniper. but I was around to stop it

don't judge people until you've been in their position
not everyone is tall also not everyone is short.
not everyone has a strong mind to handle something like that
Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by kiddkash(m): 8:47pm On Jul 27, 2020
undecided He do am jor..

if not,he wouldn't hv shot himself..

the video changes nothing..he's dead and may GOD never 4give me if i should mistakenly type r.i.p..

i don't know if he did it or not. I can't judge only the police can carry out investigation to determine but
a girl have never accused you of rape that's why.
I remember a friend of mine, after he dumped his girlfriend, his girlfriend then said I'll show you
2 days later police came with the girl and her family and arrested him. no investigation, nothing.
the whole situation was traumatizing for him. people all over mumbling God I can't believe he's a rapist
his family were doubting him and the ones that showed him support were still secretly wondering if he did it.
I stuck with my friend because he is incapable of doing it. after he spent like 3 weeks in jail, then the girl said she lied
and at the said time of the rape, me and my friend were at a party where there were many girls and there were
videos taken. he was released and nothing was done to the girl. till today people still murmur when he is around

they go like isn't it that guy that was accused of rape?
his family were telling him to be a man.
you don't know how many times he has tried drinking sniper. but I was around to stop it

don't judge people until you've been in their position
Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by Denko2721987(m): 8:47pm On Jul 27, 2020
If only people understand Where they go to when they Kill themselves, they won't try it!

For No Reason Should you take your Life...

It's a Straight Way to Hell!

You Cannot Compare the Lake of Fire where the Worm dieth not to any situation you are in, Here on Earth...

This is why It's a Great Risk to Be here Without JESUS CHRIST

Come you no they rest sef for all these your annoying e-preaching wey u they peddle?? They call Jesus everywhere and upandan like say u done see am before...?

You are most probably already in hell and dont even know it..

There is nothing like an afterlife hell or heaven. That was a concocted piece of lie and tool setup by the elite to maintain control and domination over the people
Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by uglodoh(f): 8:50pm On Jul 27, 2020
He had intention to kill himself before.
Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by hammer8: 8:50pm On Jul 27, 2020
If only people understand Where they go to when they Kill themselves, they won't try it!

For No Reason Should you take your Life...

It's a Straight Way to Hell!

You Cannot Compare the Lake of Fire where the Worm dieth not to any situation you are in, Here on Earth...

This is why It's a Great Risk to Be here Without JESUS CHRIST







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Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by Gerrard59(m): 8:50pm On Jul 27, 2020
One advice I can give to a young lad out there wanting to enter into any sort of relationship (professionally, academic or otherwise) is to know the lady's twitter account. Check her likes, followers, who she follows, what she retweets and most importantly her bio. If she has any of the following: feminist witch, feminist coven, coven lady, her/she, homosexuality rainbow flag etc., run, don't look back or else what Lot's wife faced will be small compared to yours.


Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by Amsickindahead: 8:52pm On Jul 27, 2020
Hissa fucking Coward.. I don't pity him
Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by Nobody: 8:52pm On Jul 27, 2020
Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by Nnemuka(f): 8:52pm On Jul 27, 2020
I don't understand, why kill yourself if you aren't guilty?
Well he had other issues from 3yrs ago according to him.
We all are going to die someday though
Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by Annie001: 8:52pm On Jul 27, 2020
Has the lady been arrested?
Arrested for?

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Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by FuckThaMod: 8:53pm On Jul 27, 2020

Another emotional outburst.
No one accused him of rape but harrassment which he owned up to.

He just wanted attention in death.

If he were accused of rape and he ended up killing himself, that is no evidence of innocence.
Just shut up and rest! He was accused of rape all over the internet and now he's dead you guys have switch the word to harassment. Sanpipita

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Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by Jaqenhghar: 8:53pm On Jul 27, 2020

That's not true.
There is a very high standard before a rape conviction in the US
Okay nah. You forgrt that these days publuc opinion seems to be held higher than a conviction. You may get a ruling in your favour but the after effects are not very nice
Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by LedRock: 8:56pm On Jul 27, 2020

Arrested for?

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Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by Jaqenhghar: 8:56pm On Jul 27, 2020

Noo. They just turned the whole stuff to a circus by pushing different agendas.

I was surprised when I saw the original tweet on her page yesterday, it was clearly stated that he was on the list for harassment. That means people went as far to generate fake tweets indicating she accused him of rape.
Pity. The whole thing wasnt handled properly now we are left woth a he said/ she said.
Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by pocohantas(f): 8:56pm On Jul 27, 2020
Irritating? Lol that's not even the right word. That's an understatement. It gets more than irritating, some people get caged and never really heal.

Let me just stop at irritating. I read the young man was pissed his own friends didn’t even hear him out- must have made it tougher. I have read so many versions to this.

Do you know that this girl wasn't evne arrested or invited for questioning? Lol. Guess it's because she's a woman. After they'll say women are oppressed. Keep giving them power, simps.

The girl is not in Nigeria, so I heard. Even if she were in Nigeria, I bet the family knows more about their son or more issues surrounding his death. They probably just want to bury and mourn him in peace. Except someone else can file a suit on their behalf, wouldn’t know how that works legally. You can give it a try if you are so concerned.

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Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by Omoluabi16(m): 8:58pm On Jul 27, 2020

When I first heard of it, I didn’t understand. I kept hearing list, curator, Twitter. I was confused. I thought they met or something. Till a loved one who uses Twitter explained to me. I just knew it is finished. Social media has done it again.
At least they will rest, or move on to another issue with their itchy hands. Just feel for his family sha.

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Re: Rape: Izu Madubueze Reads Suicide Note Before Killing Self Over False Accusation by GraGra247(m): 9:01pm On Jul 27, 2020
Are you people still claiming he was falsely accused of rape? The girl who made the list has made it public, he was included in that list for harassment. She also uploaded texts of him apologising for harassment.

Let people have a balanced view.

Texts can be easily doctored.

I can upload a text of you with claims that you defrauded me. This can happen if I have your name and number.

Supposing even the story were true, Sexual harassment is different from rape.

One involves penetration without consent and the other doesn't.

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