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NIPOST And FIRS Fight On Twitter Over Stamps. - Politics (3) - Nairaland

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Re: NIPOST And FIRS Fight On Twitter Over Stamps. by OlujobaSamuel: 12:57pm On Aug 04, 2020
Hmmmmmmm, clueless gej, i don't even know how to classify this Bubu, irresponsible and daft PMB.
The only president his appointees engaged in gutter fight

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Re: NIPOST And FIRS Fight On Twitter Over Stamps. by TheCork(m): 12:58pm On Aug 04, 2020

Corky, I am not light skin cheesy Where is your arch enemy 190? tongue

..huh? That boy??
He still in prison in India. He be out hopefully in 2083 angry
Re: NIPOST And FIRS Fight On Twitter Over Stamps. by TheCork(m): 1:01pm On Aug 04, 2020

Corky, I am not light skin cheesy Where is your arch enemy 190? tongue

Dyammmm. U fine!! tongue
Re: NIPOST And FIRS Fight On Twitter Over Stamps. by nokatakata: 1:09pm On Aug 04, 2020
What do you expect when you pack ab.oki full everywhere to head important posts they are not qualified for.

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Re: NIPOST And FIRS Fight On Twitter Over Stamps. by Temptee101(m): 1:18pm On Aug 04, 2020
The things happening in this regime has never happened in Nigeria or anywhere in the world.

Re: NIPOST And FIRS Fight On Twitter Over Stamps. by Nobody: 1:20pm On Aug 04, 2020
Its all about plundering the economy, taxation that will not bring any development to the country.

This just proves that these bodies do not have the interest of the nation at hand, you tax people yet provide zero accountability on how the funds are used, fail to take into account that for the last 6 months many private businesses have been rendered economically impotent, no form of compensation given to them , why should they be fighting over stamp duties, why not think about stimulating the economy first?

Is it a crime to give tax breaks the small business?

Banks are charging 30% plus, and you want to hike stamp duties and other taxes, go ahead maybe they should start taxing corpses in the cemetery.
Re: NIPOST And FIRS Fight On Twitter Over Stamps. by debasco1(m): 1:27pm On Aug 04, 2020
[quote author=josite post=92445356]nipost is full of illiterates,they are in charge of postal and are only restricted to postage stamps and only some receipts and agreements are meant t to have postage stamps affixed on them to be admissible in court..There is a law called stamp duties act and it is not to be executed by nipost but firs because they are a specie of tax and ta collection is not the function of nipost in any country.nipost is a moribund organization in the advent of dhl etc and emails and should be scrapped.

Where are you from?
What is called stamp and tax, are they not two different things.
Since the creation of Nigeria, which agencies have been selling stamp.
I believe you are eating from FIRS or they are you pay master.
Don't be naive.

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Re: NIPOST And FIRS Fight On Twitter Over Stamps. by Icetech: 1:48pm On Aug 04, 2020
FIRS should please answer the question raised by the Chairperson of NIPOST Board? Is there any provision in the finance act or stamp duty act that empowered your organization to produce stamp? The answer is no.

This is basically what NIPOST is fighting for.

NIPOST has the sole responsibility to mint stamp, just like CBN.

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Re: NIPOST And FIRS Fight On Twitter Over Stamps. by galaxy2020(m): 2:03pm On Aug 04, 2020
Why won't they clash, when they know they will make alot of money from it, remember is part of the money they will use to off set the Chinese loan where they signed off our sovereignty.
Re: NIPOST And FIRS Fight On Twitter Over Stamps. by MASTAkiLLAh(m): 2:59pm On Aug 04, 2020

She is chairman of the board. A political appointment and not involved in the day to day running of Nipost.
lol cool na so, a little research or some questions to her subordinates would have saved her this embarrassment but agenda must agend na
Re: NIPOST And FIRS Fight On Twitter Over Stamps. by thatigboman: 3:38pm On Aug 04, 2020
Re: NIPOST And FIRS Fight On Twitter Over Stamps. by Whitecoal711: 3:52pm On Aug 04, 2020
Bring meat bring meat na for cow body
stamp duty or postal duty shebi na from the citizens
Wetin we the citizen dey gain
or who should we cry to
wetin I know sef
Re: NIPOST And FIRS Fight On Twitter Over Stamps. by Yankee101: 4:12pm On Aug 04, 2020
when the head of the fish is rotten, no hope for the body
Re: NIPOST And FIRS Fight On Twitter Over Stamps. by Openbusiness4: 4:18pm On Aug 04, 2020
FIRS should waka pass, dey have no business with stamp duty. Anything stamp, na NIPOST get am. Nawa oh, dey just wanna credit Buhari regime akant by force, forming eye service for d dictator in Chief say na dem dey bring revenue pass. Nawa oh. In Wike voice, may God save us from dis evil regime of tax collectors dem grin

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Re: NIPOST And FIRS Fight On Twitter Over Stamps. by Sheunma: 4:23pm On Aug 04, 2020
See confusion all over in this government .. A supposed one body fighting
Re: NIPOST And FIRS Fight On Twitter Over Stamps. by Openbusiness4: 4:30pm On Aug 04, 2020

FIRS I'd say cos stamp duty is a form of taxation and the FIRS oversees all forms of taxation at federal level.
Postage stamp is a form of duty by the govt. NIPOSt has been d one printing and handling dat. Then dey modernize d system, and introduce d term stamp duty, which is also a stamp charge. NIPOST should be d one doing it. FIRS should have no business with it. If not that d head of dis regime is very dull, such nonsense should not b happening. If na me, I will sack d FIRS chairman straight and replace their board. Wot rubbish is dat. See how dey are embrassing dis evil regime grin NIPOST should handle stamp duty in any capacity, so far they are d ones to be printing FG stamps. Do they want to render NIPOST useless? FIRS is not d only body of govt thru which dey extort d public (taxation I mean grin), so dey shul gan sleep joh grin

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Re: NIPOST And FIRS Fight On Twitter Over Stamps. by Openbusiness4: 4:37pm On Aug 04, 2020
FIRS should please answer the question raised by the Chairperson of NIPOST Board? Is there any provision in the finance act or stamp duty act that empowered your organization to produce stamp? The answer is no.

This is basically what NIPOST is fighting for.

NIPOST has the sole responsibility to mint stamp, just like CBN.
don't mind those greedy tax collector FIRS dem. An agency that is absolutely useless to d public. Dey are only serving d pockets of d crooks in Abuja. But NIPOST at least, even though dey generate money for d govt, dey serve d public too by running dispatch and courier services for people at an affordable rate. I stand with NIPOST. dey beta take time in FIRS may 9ja pipu no swear for dem grin dey shul face oil companies abeg. STAMP DUTY for NIPOST. Daz wot Nigerians want and daz wot d law of d land supports.

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Re: NIPOST And FIRS Fight On Twitter Over Stamps. by usiholo: 4:41pm On Aug 04, 2020
All I see is a fight between two northerners over their birth rights. What's my own.just passing by
Re: NIPOST And FIRS Fight On Twitter Over Stamps. by stchinedu: 4:46pm On Aug 04, 2020
How did Maimuna Abubakar get to head an agency such as NIPOST, what criteria was used in selecting her ? Nigerians have been complaining about the brazen nepotism taking place under this junta (such as in this case) we’ve also been complaining about the shocking ineptitude of the selected appointees (from the president down to Maimuna and that disaster lady minus Osinbajo).
When will these roforofo embarrassments end bikonu

Lalasticlala, come and see Tonto Dikeh eating snake o cool

Nepotism was the criteria
Re: NIPOST And FIRS Fight On Twitter Over Stamps. by earnit3: 4:58pm On Aug 04, 2020
Re: NIPOST And FIRS Fight On Twitter Over Stamps. by MASTAkiLLAh(m): 5:19pm On Aug 04, 2020

Nepotism was the criteria
its obvious to the blind and audible to the deaf my brother

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Re: NIPOST And FIRS Fight On Twitter Over Stamps. by Nobody: 5:26pm On Aug 04, 2020
So this Aboki NIPOST quota system do not know the difference between Postage Stamps and Stamp duty, cos she dey see some legal documents bearing postage stamp she concluded na stamp duty, Oya my Access Bank please attach postage stamp to all those dubious stamp duty you collect from my account, send it as JPEG to my phone. Ndi ara nepotism kill you pple there.
Re: NIPOST And FIRS Fight On Twitter Over Stamps. by DamianBriel(m): 5:34pm On Aug 04, 2020
When the head is affected they say the body follows.... Gbas Gbos from different quarters under the watch of a sick leader... Anyways, like my secondary school anthem would say .."We shall overcome someday".
Re: NIPOST And FIRS Fight On Twitter Over Stamps. by freemi(m): 7:08pm On Aug 04, 2020
Re: NIPOST And FIRS Fight On Twitter Over Stamps. by luvcarz(m): 7:44pm On Aug 04, 2020
Nigerians tho, everyone is more interested in the fight btw two govt agencies, and completely ignoring the fact that someone is atleast trying to expose a sharp corrupt practice by such a big govt agency as FIRS. For me shaa, I give kudos to the nipost DG. She is young and using d same channel that a lot of businesses and individuals have been using to get issues that are above them rectified i.e Twitter. She is not doing rub my back I rub your back politics, like the older generation.

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Re: NIPOST And FIRS Fight On Twitter Over Stamps. by bizzibodi(m): 8:54pm On Aug 04, 2020
When two elephants fight it d grasses that suffers......every agencies are now tax collectors Firs,nipost,customs,FRSC,police.

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