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Girl Impregnated By Ten Year Old Boy Gives Birth - Romance - Nairaland

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Girl Impregnated By Ten Year Old Boy Gives Birth by Linadinna: 2:05am On Aug 18, 2020
A Girl who accused a ten year old boy of putting her in the family way has put to bed.

Darya Sudnishnikova was thirteen years of age when she became popular in Russia after saying that she was impregnated by her ten year old sweetheart, Ivan.

Darya even went on prime time television insisting Ivan was the dad and Ivan said he's truly the dad.

Darya later said she had been molested in her old neighbourhood Zheleznogorsk by a sixteen year old boy. She insisted Ivan was the dad since she was too humiliated to even consider admitting to the molest.

Ivan, presently 11, decided to remain by her and he remains her sweetheart.

Darya declared Instagram that she has given birth to a girl after going through a very tough delivery process.

She traveled to Krasnoyarsk in Siberia to see Doctors who could help her, she said a week ago.

She posted on Instagram, "I gave birth to a girl at 10 am. It was intense, I'll reveal to you everything later, I'm having a rest now."

Police are currently investigating the supposed assault case and are required to take a DNA test from the baby to see whether the 16 year old boy who molested her is the dad.

Currently, Ivan remains loyal to Darya and her baby. Before delivering the baby, Darya said that Ivan stays over at her home sometimes and would take over fatherhood reponsibilities of her baby when he clocks sixteen.

She stated, "He doesn't live with me, he stays with us sometimes. At sixteen, he will start taking up fatherhood responsibilities, however it relies upon how everything goes on between us.

Source: https://www.updatemegist.com/2020/08/girl-impregnated-by-ten-year-old-boy.html?m=1

Re: Girl Impregnated By Ten Year Old Boy Gives Birth by Nobody: 2:14am On Aug 18, 2020
It is well

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Re: Girl Impregnated By Ten Year Old Boy Gives Birth by Twelfthman: 2:14am On Aug 18, 2020
The old societal model was:

A young woman would trade her youth and fertility
exclusively to only one man, and he in turn would be the workhorse and take
care of her when she gets past her prime. This was a great incentive for men to
work, become men, and get married. You got a prize, a young beautiful loyal
wife. In theory, as we know life isn't perfect. She does him a favor early on
by being a virgin/exclusive and later he does her a favor by staying and
supporting her instead of leaving her for a younger woman. They both get a prize.

The new societal model is:

Women LovePeddler around and waste their youth and fertility on Chad/Tyrone,
get walled out, get STDs, lose their ability to pair bond, rapidly accelerate
their aging process with excessive alcohol and fast food, and have no loyalty
to any man. What sensible man would pay top dollar for something 30 other men
got for free? The incentive for men is gone. You don't get a prize anymore. You
get a parasite with an entitlement mentality that’s looking to take your resources
and then some. Before you even say “I do” at the altar, she’s already plotting
how to financially rape your ass in family court when she divorces your sorry
ass in a few years. Why do you think she’s smiling as she’s walking down the aisle?
A woman’s main reason for getting married is to get a divorce.

You're expected to pay a premium price for a used up, beaten
up, soulless woman from the bargain basement bins of some store in the hood
with the morals of an alley cat, an in denial, freak of nature, pathologically
delusional, self-esteem deficient, morally bankrupt, bottom dwelling, blood
sucking, inhuman, creature of the night, bitch on wheels, spawned from the seed
of Satan, and a boil on the buttocks of the world.

When she dies, the last living reminder of hell will be gone
from the face of the earth.

She has kids from Chad/Tyrone or both, personal credit card
debt, no assets, school debt for a worthless degree in liberal arts or gender
studies, no cooking skills and no desire to learn any, no fiscal responsibility,
an overly banged vagina, and a pet you’ll be expected to take care of as well.

And you're supposed to be happy about this opportunity to
lick up the scraps from the floor.

The so-called good men she wants and can’t find are out
there. They just don’t want her at the table because she has nothing to bring
except financial and emotional pain. When women say, "Men are only after
one thing". Meaning sex. My question to them is, do you have anything else
to offer. Crickets is all I hear. Which means even they don't believe they have
anything else to offer.

In addition, she also has great expectations you’ll do
everything for her, make her feel better, and provide an unrealistic
unsustainable lifestyle she feels she deserves because she read about it some
feminazi magazine article that hates men.

All this while she cheats behind your back with the “bad
boys” she really wants while you’re at work paying all the bills to feed this
little parasite.

Women don’t “love men”, they love what men can do for them. Where
are all the great art works female artists have created, inspired by their love
of men?

Men are not afraid of commitment or marriage…. Men are
afraid of getting divorce raped in “family court.” It’s just a bad deal and
there’s nothing in it for men except the chance to be financially ruined for
the rest of your life.

If you were thinking of going skydiving and knew that three
out of four parachutes failed, and you had already watched your friends jump,
some successfully, others not so. Would you be willing to take the chance that
you're going to be the exception and get the one parachute out of the four that
is going to work?......... I mean they all look so pretty and smell so good and
feel so soft to the touch and they are offering you the thrill of a lifetime if
you would just let one of them wrap itself around you and make that commitment
to attach yourself to it and jump...... would you still take that chance?

But… but…. Look how pretty the parachutes are, smell their
lovely fragrance, touch and feel how soft they feel, they beckon you to try one
of them on, please try me on and let me wrap myself tightly around you and see
how good I feel to you, I’ll hold on tight and snug to you, I am not like the
others, honest I am different, I’ll work.

Well….. would you do it? Would you take that chance for the thrill of a lifetime?

Yea, that sounds like a good deal if I were a slowpoke, is this the line I stand in to lose half my sh!t?

Good luck with that.

Men are waking up and realizing this system is defective and
toxic. Women's sexual liberation, feminism and the birth control pill, have
ironically dis-empowered women. They are throwaway sexual objects now more than

"Feminism did NOT free women from the chains they
thought they had. It freed MEN from the chains they had no idea were

~ Arch Stanton ~


Re: Girl Impregnated By Ten Year Old Boy Gives Birth by DaddyRochie1642: 2:23am On Aug 18, 2020
In the Last Picture, look at that Boy's Face, Does he look happy? grin grin


Re: Girl Impregnated By Ten Year Old Boy Gives Birth by Nobody: 2:46am On Aug 18, 2020
The boy will probably be a grandpa before 30 and I'm over 30 already with not even an accusation of Jay, you don give me belle.cry

12 Likes 1 Share

Re: Girl Impregnated By Ten Year Old Boy Gives Birth by Quiver: 3:11am On Aug 18, 2020
Shame has disappeared from this world


Re: Girl Impregnated By Ten Year Old Boy Gives Birth by Nobody: 3:15am On Aug 18, 2020
Chai.See the girl's mood sef.From the boy's facial expression he would probably be thinking it is finished.
Re: Girl Impregnated By Ten Year Old Boy Gives Birth by hisgrace090: 3:35am On Aug 18, 2020
An Experiment taken too far!
Re: Girl Impregnated By Ten Year Old Boy Gives Birth by MANNABBQGRILLS: 4:47am On Aug 18, 2020
Who says there is nothing new under the sun cool

1 Like 2 Shares

Re: Girl Impregnated By Ten Year Old Boy Gives Birth by Nobody: 6:19am On Aug 18, 2020
Oti daru, koye mi mo....
Re: Girl Impregnated By Ten Year Old Boy Gives Birth by Nobody: 6:25am On Aug 18, 2020
A Girl who accused a ten year old boy of putting her in the family way has put to bed.

Darya Sudnishnikova was thirteen years of age when she became popular in Russia after saying that she was impregnated by her ten year old sweetheart, Ivan.

Darya even went on prime time television insisting Ivan was the dad and Ivan said he's truly the dad.

Darya later said she had been molested in her old neighbourhood Zheleznogorsk by a sixteen year old boy. She insisted Ivan was the dad since she was too humiliated to even consider admitting to the molest.

Ivan, presently 11, decided to remain by her and he remains her sweetheart.

Darya declared Instagram that she has given birth to a girl after going through a very tough delivery process.

She traveled to Krasnoyarsk in Siberia to see Doctors who could help her, she said a week ago.

She posted on Instagram, "I gave birth to a girl at 10 am. It was intense, I'll reveal to you everything later, I'm having a rest now."

Police are currently investigating the supposed assault case and are required to take a DNA test from the baby to see whether the 16 year old boy who molested her is the dad.

Currently, Ivan remains loyal to Darya and her baby. Before delivering the baby, Darya said that Ivan stays over at her home sometimes and would take over fatherhood reponsibilities of her baby when he clocks sixteen.

She stated, "He doesn't live with me, he stays with us sometimes. At sixteen, he will start taking up fatherhood responsibilities, however it relies upon how everything goes on between us.

Source: https://www.updatemegist.com/2020/08/girl-impregnated-by-ten-year-old-boy.html?m=1

Well, well, well. Congratulations, son. You are a "Daddy" now.

I'm gonna ask your mom to give you a lecture on what types of diapers to invest your school lunch money in. smiley

*Why does the girl's name sound like the Persian word for sea though? sad
Re: Girl Impregnated By Ten Year Old Boy Gives Birth by konkonbilo(m): 6:46am On Aug 18, 2020
grin cheesy that guy resemble my guy ubunja
Re: Girl Impregnated By Ten Year Old Boy Gives Birth by illicit(m): 6:52am On Aug 18, 2020
This girl is a smart ass
She wants that little boy to take responsibilities that he ain't responsible for

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Re: Girl Impregnated By Ten Year Old Boy Gives Birth by Gadafii: 7:21am On Aug 18, 2020
Ivan the terrible grin cheesy

Where is that nairaland Man of God?
Re: Girl Impregnated By Ten Year Old Boy Gives Birth by DavidEsq(m): 8:14am On Aug 18, 2020
The boy will probably be a grandpa before 30 and I'm over 30 already with not even an accusation of Jay, you don give me belle.cry
grin grin grin grin grin grin

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Re: Girl Impregnated By Ten Year Old Boy Gives Birth by meobizy(f): 8:36am On Aug 18, 2020
A DNA test will exonerate that little boy.
Re: Girl Impregnated By Ten Year Old Boy Gives Birth by paulolee(m): 8:57am On Aug 18, 2020
Re: Girl Impregnated By Ten Year Old Boy Gives Birth by Nobody: 10:02am On Aug 18, 2020
The boy will probably be a grandpa before 30 and I'm over 30 already with not even an accusation of Jay, you don give me belle.cry
such is life my brother, me too o

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Re: Girl Impregnated By Ten Year Old Boy Gives Birth by Dreadlock69(m): 11:41am On Aug 18, 2020
The little boy ain't balance
No worry DNA will clear up from the mess
Re: Girl Impregnated By Ten Year Old Boy Gives Birth by Cmoni1(m): 11:41am On Aug 18, 2020
Someone somewhere helped that boy.its impossible for him to father a child
Re: Girl Impregnated By Ten Year Old Boy Gives Birth by Lexusgs430: 11:43am On Aug 18, 2020
The boy looked trapped........ tongue
Re: Girl Impregnated By Ten Year Old Boy Gives Birth by Abso1uteZero(m): 11:56am On Aug 18, 2020
The boy will probably be a grandpa before 30 and I'm over 30 already with not even an accusation of Jay, you don give me belle.cry

You no go thank God.

Belle accusation is not all that it seems o.



Re: Girl Impregnated By Ten Year Old Boy Gives Birth by Nicepoker(m): 12:56pm On Aug 18, 2020
The boy will probably be a grandpa before 30 and I'm over 30 already with not even an accusation of Jay, you don give me belle.cry
Don't worry they will start coming grin

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Re: Girl Impregnated By Ten Year Old Boy Gives Birth by spencekat(m): 1:03pm On Aug 18, 2020

You no go thank God.

Belle accusation is not all that it seems o.

At all ooooo
Re: Girl Impregnated By Ten Year Old Boy Gives Birth by Psalm126: 3:31pm On Aug 18, 2020
The boy will probably be a grandpa before 30 and I'm over 30 already with not even an accusation of Jay, you don give me belle.cry

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Re: Girl Impregnated By Ten Year Old Boy Gives Birth by Vyzz: 4:26pm On Aug 18, 2020
Re: Girl Impregnated By Ten Year Old Boy Gives Birth by zikcash(m): 6:09pm On Aug 18, 2020
How?........when?.....why?........10yrs old I doubt it
Re: Girl Impregnated By Ten Year Old Boy Gives Birth by Iceyjayz: 6:57pm On Aug 18, 2020
Can you imagine?

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