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Want To Shed Weight? Come In Here!!! - Romance (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Want To Shed Weight? Come In Here!!! by nwaezeemmanuel(m): 7:41pm On Oct 17, 2020
I love helping people and if that would have me go against a business, i do not care!

I know a fair amount of things on weight loss, and know what works and what doesn't.

There is no need to use the product, i know weight loss happens when the things i mentioned are applied well.


Why are people like this. Its really pathetic. Why will you just see someone's business and intentionally want to bad mouth it? Did you use it and it didn't work? Please cut her some slack and mind your business.

Next time make your contributions without categorically spoiling market for the seller. Especially when you haven't even used the product. #endbadbellepeople
Re: Want To Shed Weight? Come In Here!!! by nwaezeemmanuel(m): 7:43pm On Oct 17, 2020
God bless you

Glad to see people are actually honest and calling things out without sentiment

Drug to shed weight? Lies undecided undecided

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Re: Want To Shed Weight? Come In Here!!! by nwaezeemmanuel(m): 7:47pm On Oct 17, 2020
Are you kidding me grin

If i tell you i have a product that can make you grow wings, does that mean nobody can say it's a scam because they have not tried it grin

See, I'm a very nice person but i call out scams when i spot them.

This post paints this product as the first step in a weight loss journey, and i am saying it's not - don't you want people to know the truth and save themselves some money?


If you have not tried the product, then you have no moral standing saying the seller is lying. Nigerians sha, always enemies of progress
Re: Want To Shed Weight? Come In Here!!! by nwaezeemmanuel(m): 7:49pm On Oct 17, 2020
Oh, i read it well and can see a lot of lies all over it.


Stay on your thread to remain relevant and stop clogging other people's thread to do that. They say if you want to hide anything from a black man, put it in a book, obviously that's exactly what played out here. Its either you didn't read through, or you lacked proper comprehension of what was written.
You most definitely did not even read the write up .

No need wasting time on trolls.

Now run along boy and get busy with other things. DONT derail my thread.
Re: Want To Shed Weight? Come In Here!!! by nwaezeemmanuel(m): 7:56pm On Oct 17, 2020
To anyone reading this, if you want to lose weight you do not need to start with any 'special' product.

The OP did not want to start with the most important things, because she wants to sell and is calling me a TROLL because i am being truthful.

Eat less (go for low calorie meals)
Burn more calories (by exercising)

It will not work like magic, but will give results steadily
Re: Want To Shed Weight? Come In Here!!! by KossyKiss97(f): 8:46pm On Oct 17, 2020
Good evening fam. Thanks to those who have patronized. Pls keep your orders coming
Re: Want To Shed Weight? Come In Here!!! by nwaezeemmanuel(m): 9:32pm On Oct 17, 2020
Lol, anyone reading this will know better

And honestly, it's painful for me to go against what you sell - the truth just holds more priority to me.

Good evening fam. Thanks to those who have patronized. Pls keep your orders coming
Re: Want To Shed Weight? Come In Here!!! by nwaezeemmanuel(m): 10:57pm On Oct 17, 2020
If you know anything about misinformation or weight loss, you will be pissed by this post.

I know i am not helping her business, if i did i would be duping a lot of people who want to lose weight.

Be logical, read my take on weight loss and throw sentiment away.


I hate people like this. Must you display your stupidity everywhere? The op has moved on, and you are still arguing with shadows. Its very obvious that you have ulterior motives just to probably discredit her or her product and you claim that you are helping people. Helping my foot!

Na wa o. What people will do just to bring their fellow human beings down. That's why we are still where we are as a nation.

Please swerve joor
Re: Want To Shed Weight? Come In Here!!! by nwaezeemmanuel(m): 10:59pm On Oct 17, 2020
And i am not ashamed to discredit her product.

Weight loss does not start with a bottled product, i would rather make the seller and her supporters angry than hide the truth!
Re: Want To Shed Weight? Come In Here!!! by KossyKiss97(f): 11:04pm On Oct 17, 2020
Still selling. Please call or watsapp
Re: Want To Shed Weight? Come In Here!!! by KossyKiss97(f): 11:06pm On Oct 17, 2020

I hate people like this. Must you display your stupidity everywhere? The op has moved on, and you are still arguing with shadows. Its very obvious that you have ulterior motives just to probably discredit her or her product and you claim that you are helping people. Helping my foot!

Na wa o. What people will do just to bring their fellow human beings down. That's why we are still where we are as a nation.

Please swerve joor

Please just ignore him.

grin A lot of paranoid people here on nl these days.
Re: Want To Shed Weight? Come In Here!!! by KossyKiss97(f): 9:26pm On Oct 30, 2020
We are open.

Sorry for the long break o. Recent happenings in the nation caused

Please send in your orders
Re: Want To Shed Weight? Come In Here!!! by KossyKiss97(f): 4:41am On Nov 02, 2020
We await your orders
Re: Want To Shed Weight? Come In Here!!! by KossyKiss97(f): 9:30am On Nov 14, 2020
Good morning
Re: Want To Shed Weight? Come In Here!!! by KossyKiss97(f): 9:02pm On Nov 20, 2020
Happy weekend
Re: Want To Shed Weight? Come In Here!!! by KossyKiss97(f): 7:37am On Nov 22, 2020
Happy Sunday all

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