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Why We Shelved Strike – Labour - Politics (3) - Nairaland

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24 Hours To Strike: Labour Talks Tough, FG Begs / No Warning Before Next Strike, Labour Tells FG / Minimum Wage: There’ll Be No Warning Strike, Labour Tells Govt (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Why We Shelved Strike – Labour by Whobedatte(m): 2:51pm On Sep 29, 2020
I remembered Abdulrasheed Omar and the TUC guy
These labour leaders cashed out during the last dispensation .
Bunch of sellouts
Re: Why We Shelved Strike – Labour by fola044: 2:51pm On Sep 29, 2020
Does COVID-19 stop them from embezzling the little in the treasury ? Fake and incompetent labor leaders....�����
Re: Why We Shelved Strike – Labour by Femeto: 2:51pm On Sep 29, 2020
Re: Why We Shelved Strike – Labour by Nickymichy(m): 2:54pm On Sep 29, 2020
Na today?

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Re: Why We Shelved Strike – Labour by jornwhite: 2:54pm On Sep 29, 2020
The most useless set of nlc we ever heard since democarcy. OYO till 2023.
Re: Why We Shelved Strike – Labour by backnbeta(f): 2:58pm On Sep 29, 2020
Which of the following reasons were not known to them then before they started chest beating on going on indefinite strike.....

The only reasons I can see is that
1) they have a sympathetic disposition to this insensitive government
2) Money have exchanged hands

Simple as ABC
Re: Why We Shelved Strike – Labour by Brushstrokes20: 3:14pm On Sep 29, 2020
Bunch of self serving thieves!
Re: Why We Shelved Strike – Labour by Zetty177x: 3:16pm On Sep 29, 2020
Re: Why We Shelved Strike – Labour by ejimatic: 3:19pm On Sep 29, 2020

All of you are fools.What did you achieve from minimum wages? Salary increased once fuel pump price increased thrice.Till today the minimum wages arrears are yet to be paid.meetings upon meetings.Serious NLC and TUC will still start the strike for two days and suspend it....I remember Oshiomole in his days.OBJ will not forget him...
Re: Why We Shelved Strike – Labour by Glory2DLamb(m): 3:21pm On Sep 29, 2020
So everybody in Nigeria is a civil servant?

Just tell us how much you were paid.

You know you were compromised.
Re: Why We Shelved Strike – Labour by bluefilm: 3:23pm On Sep 29, 2020

All I am interested in right now is to see TSTV relaunch on the Ist of October.

DSTV monopoly and nonsense repeat of certain tv programs must come to an end.
Re: Why We Shelved Strike – Labour by Geo07: 3:25pm On Sep 29, 2020

Selfish set of people. They have been bribed with Juicy promises. There is no difference between the callous FG and the corrupt labour leaders.

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Re: Why We Shelved Strike – Labour by Lexzov1: 3:26pm On Sep 29, 2020
What was the reason you gave for your strike,
Was your demands met?
Didn't you think of COVID-19 realities before you told us you wanted to go on strike?

I have Said it before that this people are fighting for there pockets now that they have been paid, they are now saying trash.

This people always thinks that an average Nigeria is stupid that there problem and to some extent I don't blame them because where are the course of all this nonsense.

Next election now, you will see the youths queueing up to vote another useless person with alot of bad history.
Re: Why We Shelved Strike – Labour by King44(m): 3:27pm On Sep 29, 2020
We knew what would happen from the beginning

Don't bother to read the article, what you would read is pandemic, pandemic,pandemic
Re: Why We Shelved Strike – Labour by Edeteyongapla(m): 3:28pm On Sep 29, 2020
After exhaustive deliberations on the issues raised by Labour Centres, the Federal Government stated that it has fashioned out palliatives that would ameliorate the sufferings that Nigerian workers may experience as a result of the cost-reflective Electricity Tariff adjustments and deregulation of the downstream sector of the Petroleum Industry. The palliatives will be in the areas of transport, power, housing, agriculture and humanitarian support.

This is the part that interest me the most!!!
FGN will ameliorate the suffering of 9ja workers may experience as a result of downstream sector of the petroleum industry...
Then what is the essence of the palliative...
This is purely rubbing peter to pay Paul kind of a deal...
SH!!thole country
Re: Why We Shelved Strike – Labour by lakos: 3:38pm On Sep 29, 2020
this guys dont have integrity.
Re: Why We Shelved Strike – Labour by Skyyoyo: 3:43pm On Sep 29, 2020
Their various bank accounts will be smiling hugely by now. I was reading to see the reasons given by the government that made Labour suspend the strike action. But nothing.

It can only mean one thing : MONEY CHANGED HANDS!

It's a pity. Nobody really cares about the common man. Everybody is after their pockets.

Re: Why We Shelved Strike – Labour by Nobody: 3:43pm On Sep 29, 2020
Tou still didn't tell us why, even after all this plenty grammar angry angry angry


Re: Why We Shelved Strike – Labour by drololaaof: 4:04pm On Sep 29, 2020
Which of the paliahives has the common man enjoyed NON so far ,at the end of the day the palliative get back into their pockets. Any measure that did not reduse cost of transportation , reduce cost of food and domestic product is nullity
Re: Why We Shelved Strike – Labour by Reference(m): 4:07pm On Sep 29, 2020
PDP Dundees want the strike, not because they love Nigeria but because they hate Buhari. How on earth would anyone wants to continue subsidies after revenue crashed by 60%?
perhaps, you people can tell all the sixteen PDP governors to start importing fuel and be paying subsidies for you. After all, Obaseki claims he's building one audio refinery.


Oga. There is no political leader that is universally loved or loathed anywhere in the world. That you are consumed with how your fellow citizen sees his or her leader(s) is unfortunate. Show yourself some respect and focus on their deliverables. That is, if you are not personally related to them.

Most citizens and I am sure including you will never get a direct benefit from them so it does not matter one way or another but in all likelihood if the government is made good by stiff opposition you will benefit from it and consequently if it falls apart by lethargic citizenship we will all suffer.

'Topically', I am a supporter for ALL subsidy removals without exception even going beyond what this government can stomach to really spur a revolution of some sorts across board and in a myriad of ways you cannot imagine but I also recognise the rights of citizens to kick against the attendant suffering.

It is highly irresponsible for you to tag those who seek to protest against this 'haters' of your 'pet government' when you do not feed, cloth, educate, treat and transport them. That is pure sadism. What a responsible government should be doing is "stooping to conquer'. The government right now should be in its most sober disposition, making other concessions and loudly worded sacrifices to appease those they are tasking.

Folks like you are just not helping this cause. Folks like you are primers for explosive reactions in society. Better watch it.

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Re: Why We Shelved Strike – Labour by jokotus: 4:08pm On Sep 29, 2020
Power change hand. Leader without conscience
Re: Why We Shelved Strike – Labour by blackgold90(m): 4:12pm On Sep 29, 2020
You have been compromised

You are a small boy

After 6months corona virus stay at home you want them to add pepper to the current economic hardship.

If they are compromise, it is a good hit.
Re: Why We Shelved Strike – Labour by AerialMapper: 4:23pm On Sep 29, 2020
Dear Labour,

The Government explained the state of the economy..... bla bla bla

You did not go there to go and listen to what they had to say, you went there to strike a fair deal for the people you represent

In all the promises made, did government promise to cut down the cost of governance?

They promised you CNG-powered buses, distribution of CNG kits, 50 % completion of PH refinery by 2021 December and you felt this was a good deal?

How does this help?Does this put more money in our pockets at the end of the day?

Re: Why We Shelved Strike – Labour by georgemarcus(m): 4:30pm On Sep 29, 2020
Its bad everywhere we go in Nigeria is filled with bad leadership. That alone has been the bane of development and pose fear for the nearest future. How can you call off planned strike because of palliatives that has not reached you yet? Just a promise made and will be read in the National broadcast on Thursday you decided to call off the strike because all of us were with you in that clandestine meeting that was not fruitful. The story has always been the same with this Com Ayuba man. Longer throat wont help you all in this country. if you accept to call off the strike, what happens to the rest of the poor masses whom you are fighting for their interest. So many Pensions owed and not payed. Civil servants feed from ground to mouth yet they work tirelessly risking their lives to ensure accountability and neutrality in the office. God is watching sha embarassed
Re: Why We Shelved Strike – Labour by sylarada(f): 4:31pm On Sep 29, 2020
Don't shelf investment opportunity
Re: Why We Shelved Strike – Labour by olmoRoc: 4:55pm On Sep 29, 2020
I don't need to read ur long essay, u shelved the strike bcuz u already had enough money paid into ur accounts...stupid med

That's what they've been doing for a very long time. Ask thief oshiomhole, he did the same thing.
Re: Why We Shelved Strike – Labour by PrinceOyin68: 5:49pm On Sep 29, 2020
Nowadays labour leaders are thief's they only fight for their own pocket and not mercess the real passionate leaders has gone, where are Gani Fawemi, Alex Kokori etc of today, today labour leaders are liers and deceivers
Re: Why We Shelved Strike – Labour by APOSTLECHUMA: 6:22pm On Sep 29, 2020
Re: Why We Shelved Strike – Labour by schoolmaster: 6:47pm On Sep 29, 2020
NLC and TUC can no longer be trusted, we already know all these reasons they are giving. So how are we expected to receive these palliative measure in transport, electricity, social welfare etc? Some countries are giving post covid-19 relief packages to their people.Here we are paying more immediately after covid-19 pandemics.
Re: Why We Shelved Strike – Labour by KingGBsky(m): 7:02pm On Sep 29, 2020
What do you expect from a man Buhari brought to office in 2015.
Re: Why We Shelved Strike – Labour by MacWin155(m): 7:05pm On Sep 29, 2020
They didn't consider these factors before they threatened to embark on the strike... Handshakes and envelopes in secret,they suddenly discovered... Last last,karma awaits us all...
Re: Why We Shelved Strike – Labour by laivwire(m): 8:36pm On Sep 29, 2020

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