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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Romance / If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. (205000 Views)
South African Woman States Why Men Don't Want To Leave Her Alone / Dear Nigerian Ladies, If Your Boyfriend Does These, Dump Him - Busty Slay Queen / Guys Hop In Here. Does These Things Attract You ?(PHOTOS) (2) (3) (4)
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Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackRexDeus: 7:42pm On Nov 09, 2020 |
O Jezebel O Jezebel Straight from the Black pits of hell.
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackRexDeus: 1:20am On Nov 10, 2020 |
They are the sons of Jewish slave masters via Negro Bed Wenches. And Jezebel is their wild daughter. |
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by Mrscarter(f): 2:38am On Nov 10, 2020 |
BlackRexDeus: Every half caste person I know live happy Normal lives accepted by all their friends n families, white and black. |
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackRexDeus: 2:51am On Nov 10, 2020 |
Mrscarter: You live in a small world as does every person out of 7.8 billion humans. When discussing social phenomenon, i.e behavior patterns, exhibit in specific bloodlines, we are talking a more broader humanity than your small social circle. 3 Likes |
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackRexDeus: 3:06am On Nov 10, 2020 |
This is based upon bloodline and not just the physical mixing. Nature knows no color line. |
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackRexDeus: 2:50pm On Nov 10, 2020 |
Drop that olosho like a bad habit. |
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackRexDeus: 3:58pm On Nov 10, 2020 |
Homosexuality was once labeled scientifically a mental illness. And it has been proven that fathers pass down mental illness to their offspring. So historically worldwide we have alot of elite families that owned slaves and engaged in perverted sexual occult practices and human sacrifice. Any offspring these men produced will carry those cursed genes or bloodline. And this is the bloodline of the house slave as well as the Negro Bed Wench. Yet Whites are not the only slave owners the original were Blacks. So alot wicked behavior seen across Africa are curses passed down from the former culture that promoted slavery, brutality and human sacrifice. Call them by their father's name Holy Quran 33:5 4 Likes |
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackRexDeus: 4:49pm On Nov 10, 2020 |
The ancient Black Hebrew holy people. |
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackRexDeus: 5:12pm On Nov 10, 2020 |
Here is an African saying, You can never venture so far down the wrong road that you can't turn around and come back. Atoning and repenting are the keys of hope. 3 Likes |
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackRexDeus: 7:20pm On Nov 10, 2020 |
They come and go yet hope she takes everything with her that she brought and not your property. ![]() |
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackRexDeus: 10:28pm On Nov 10, 2020 |
Blacks who come from Manumissions or Black women lovers of White plantation owners and their mulatto children. Beginning as light, bright and damn near White the Jack and Jill families come in all shades now. Exactly 81 years ago on January 24, 1938, the idea of Jack and Jill of America was birthed in Philadelphia (before the group was incorporated as a national organization in 1946) when twenty-one Black mothers who had grown up in South Philly established an association “to provide social, cultural, and educational opportunities for [Black] youth between the ages of two and 19.” It currently consists of over 10,000 mother members representing more than 40,000 parents and children in 230 chapters throughout the country. And its mission consists of “nurturing future African American leaders by strengthening children through leadership development, volunteer service, philanthropic giving, and civic duty.” If that’s what Jack and Jill is and if that’s what Jack and Jill does, why do so many Black folks state that it’s nothing more than a bunch of elitist, bourgeois, light-skinned Blacks who want to be white? Why do many Black folks state that Lawrence Otis Graham was condemning groups like Jack and Jill when he wrote his seminal book entitled Our Kind of People: Inside America’s Black Upper Class? The answer to both questions is quite simple. The Black folks who make those statements, as we say in the hood, “don’t know what they talkin’ bout.” Here’s the real story. Support the Philadelphia Tribune Support the Philadelphia Tribune At the outset, I must admit that, in its early years, this “by invitation only” organization appeared rather snobbish by being preoccupied with proper etiquette, debutante cotillions, ballets, symphonies, horseback-riding, skiing, and the like. Also, members were almost exclusively well educated professional women such as lawyers, physicians, professors, CEOs, ministers, etc. or wives of lawyers, physicians, professors, CEOs, ministers, etc. And don’t forget that color-conscious thing. Jack and Jill has always had that image, whether founded or unfounded. As Marianne Rohrlich wrote in a 1998 New York Times article, that image “can be traced to the group’s early decades when some Blacks saw it as open only to those who had ‘good hair’ and were able to pass ‘the paper-bag test....’” In fact, when one of Jack and Jill’s founding members, namely Louise Truitt Dench, was interviewed for that column and was asked about dark-skinned members during her time, she replied, “I didn’t know a lot of dark-skinned people. I just didn’t know them.” Moreover, in 1993, the Chicago Tribune reported, “In its heyday, Jack and Jill was a prestigious club for those then considered, almost literally, the cream of Black society.... [It]... helped Black children, many from lighter-skinned families, to fit into white America.” As a result of such misguidance, miscommunication, or misunderstanding, membership declined. However, in the mid-1970s/late-1980s, added the Chicago Tribune, there was a resurgence in membership due to more Blacks being able to afford to move into the suburbs, which led to the organization’s “new mission that reflects the isolation felt by many Blacks living in predominantly white suburbs. Instead of helping Blacks assimilate into white culture, the organization is seeking to instill a sense of ethnic pride in suburban Black children.” In the aforementioned New York Times article, Yale-educated commercial real estate broker Elizabeth Martin, a Jack and Jill member raising a child in upper-middle class nearly all-white Summit, NJ, was asked in connection with the organization’s 60th anniversary why she had joined. She replied, “When my [five-year-old] son came home from kindergarten and asked why his hair was different from the other boys’ in his class, I knew we needed Jack and Jill.” She went on to say, “Parents don’t want their kids to lose a sense of themselves, and culturally, it’s very important to be with people like yourself....” That same year, her North Jersey Chapter held “Afrocentric events like Kwanzaa... and [a] ceremony for nine college-bound teenagers, modeled on an African rite of passage.” That rite of passage was led by a history professor from Sierra Leone who gave each boy a carved wooden spear to acknowledge his “fathers from Africa” while telling them “You are now warriors from a great tradition of warriors” and gave each girl a palm plant exemplifying “[powerful African] fertility.” Despite appearances (and a few missteps) throughout its existence since 1938, Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated- especially during the past four decades or so- has been about promoting the cause of Black people and their history, which explains why its official 2018-2020 Chapters’ Programmatic Thrust is centered first on “culture” followed by “education, health, civic” issues, and “social/recreational” activities. Additionally, among many other annual events, it sponsors “National Black Family Day,” which began in May 1987 to “focus on... the cultural heritage of African American families.... (and hold) workshops on the need for Black adoptions....” Along with that is a “focus on the needs... of children in Africa....” And since 1968, Jack and Jill’s foundation has continued to provide millions of dollars in funding to pro-Black groups including, but not limited to, Africare (the largest and oldest African-American founded entity providing development aid to African countries), the United Negro College Fund, King Center for Nonviolent Social Change, and NAACP Legal Defense Fund. Also, it sponsors “Carole Robertson Day” to acknowledge her (who was the daughter of the organization’s Southeastern Regional Director) along with the three other little girls brutally murdered in the racist bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham on September 15, 1963. The purpose of the event is to “highlight the goals of human rights and civil rights.” We all can’t and shouldn’t be members of woke groups like the Black Panther Party. We all can’t and shouldn’t be like yours truly, the “Angriest Black Man in America” who’s also a loudmouthed revolutionary activist. When it comes to the struggle for racial justice, we Black folks gotta “get in where we fit in” and stay in our lane. We gotta fight for our people whichever way and wherever we feel most effective. Jack and Jill is quite effective in pursuing racial justice in the way it chooses to do so. As a Black woman, man, girl, or boy, it’s not about your color complexion. It’s about your cultural commitment. Jack and Jill has been and still is committed. By the way, Jack and Jill members come in all shades of Blackness. They include deep brown chocolate members. They also include sweet butter almond ice cream members- but don’t hate on those light-skinned ones by hating on the organization’s early history. After all, Malcolm X, Adam Clayton Powell, and Louis Farrakhan were/are “light, bright, and damn near white.” But nobody’s “Blacker” than them. Call them by their father's name Holy Quran 33:5
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackRexDeus: 11:10pm On Nov 10, 2020 |
Some of it was rape and some of the discretion occured willingly as Black women sought the rare opportunity of becoming free through the loophole of manumission. Yet the White Jewish slave owners were wise they took a 13 yr girl usually a mulatto and sold her out for high price as a bed slave to other White Jewish slave masters. The 13 yr old girl was impregnated and her father already being White the child came out damn White or passing. These offspring they were given education and opportunity not available to field slaves and their children. Sometimes field slaves raped or consent would have mixed breed children by a random Whiteman yet they inherited no wealth typically understood. Yet the Boule or the Negro Bed Wench children became part slave owners too. Many of them were Klu Klux Klan members and rode with Whites to terrorize and kill White sympathizers and rebellious Blacks, uppity Blacks were also targeted it means doing too good for their caste. Literally we are talking about a hidden caste where Black women who have children by White Jews being in league with White Supremacy. It's that simple. So if Henry Minton a barely passing as Black man is considered the Father of the Boule then the Negro Bed Wench is the Mother of the Boule.
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackRexDeus: 11:37pm On Nov 10, 2020 |
Here in the video a Black immigrant from Africa is working as a mailman. He gets yelled at by a White lady calling him nigger, etc. It all started over her wanting to return a package she signed for which he can not do. The White lady statements are very revealing about what she knows goes on in Black communities. She says Blacks turn on each other, killed Martin Luther King jr, other leaders, and that Black women work with the Whiteman underneath it all. Everything she said was true despite the racist overture. Alot people around the world avoid Black people because they say we are cursed. It is too many bloodlines living as Black who have no common destiny except opposing one another. That is a curse because whatever we organize to free ourselves threathens the mulatto bloodline because they are trapped with the slave owners blood in their veins. Thus they are in a way enslaved twice and don't desire to leave Mr. Big White Daddy.
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackRexDeus: 1:15am On Nov 11, 2020 |
Bloodlines is a very important study and family name and inheritance does matter. |
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackRexDeus: 1:23am On Nov 11, 2020 |
Philadelphia, where on May 15, 1904, a pharmacist, a dentist and two physicians–Henry McKee Minton, Dr. Algernon B. Jackson, Dr. Edwin C. Howard and Dr. Richard J. Warrick–met and announced to themselves, and to others, that a new world was coming. Within two weeks, two more doctors–Robert J. Abele and Eugene T. Hinson–joined, increasing the membership by 50 percent. As you can read the Black Boule sons of White Jews and Negro Bed Wenches are also behind the New World Order as a hidden leadership group. They are Christians, Catholics, Muslims, Republicans and Democrats, LGBTQ, Black Lives Matter, NFAC, Nation of Islam, Moorish Science Temple of America, Conscious Movement, Pan African, Prince Hall Masons, Greeks, Divine Nine. Youtube Conscious Community, and it's all an archon or hidden ruler game they Institute corruption. 1 Like
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackRexDeus: 1:38am On Nov 11, 2020 |
Best believe the Jews are pulling the strings of the Boule their bastard children. Black Americans are really two different separate bloodlines. The father of the original Hebrews taken in captivity and the mother bloodline bastards produced by White Jewish slave owners like Joe Biden.
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackRexDeus: 2:34pm On Nov 11, 2020 |
Please feel free too leave |
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackRexDeus: 3:45pm On Nov 11, 2020 |
The one drop of Black blood law was created to make these bastards Black who were created by unholy unions between enslaved Black women and their White slave owners. This is the origin of the gay Boule who practice the gay culture of their White Jewish pagan fathers who say they are the real Jews. It's an abomination because the Holy Hebrews never would own others as slaves and practice sodomy. There is only one God.
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackRexDeus: 6:14pm On Nov 11, 2020 |
Babylon could have been healed but she was not.
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackRexDeus: 7:31pm On Nov 11, 2020 |
He who has ears let him hear coz once the head is cut off, it goes.down with the ears too. I could not have said it better. ![]() 1 Like |
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackRexDeus: 10:33pm On Nov 11, 2020 |
Black women being disloyal and coming to attack Blackmen on behalf of the White Supremacists. It's that simple. |
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackRexDeus: 1:36pm On Nov 12, 2020 |
The Negro Bed Wench mother of the Boule |
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackRexDeus: 3:55pm On Nov 12, 2020 |
Going after God's elect means going after the descendants of the Black Rex Dues. |
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackRexDeus: 3:57pm On Nov 12, 2020 |
Going after God's elect means going after the descendants of the Black Rex Dues. Did Christ found a dynasty that is still with us today? Rex Deus: Families of the Grail describes how Rex Deus, the descendants of the Twenty-Four High Priestly families of the Biblical Temple in Yerusalem went underground throughout Europe and kept their secret teaching alive despite terrible persecution by the fake Jewish lead Roman Catholic Empire. |
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackRexDeus: 5:31pm On Nov 12, 2020 |
The Negro Bed Wench who inherited freedom and wealth during slavery along with her mulatto children do not desire to see the Blackman advance. These mothers formed a society called Jack and Jill to give their children the unique opportunity to enjoy all the privileges and rights America has to offer. They are insecure about the rise of the field slaves because they have a legacy that is much more esteem. Some of the field slaves are the Rex Dues, some are the Native American Blacks who were already living on the North and South American continents and islands. Then there are some Igbos or Hebrews from West Africa trafficked to the Americas. Yet the Rex Dues is the greatest legacy descendants of the Black Hebrews royal bloodline and because of this there is some serious envy going on in the hearts of the Boule clan especially the Negro BedWench who is the mother. 1 Like
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackRexDeus: 6:44pm On Nov 12, 2020 |
Her bloodline is the White Supremacist Jews who dictate they are special so the Negro Bed Wench is a natural narcissistic feminist. Adopting this psyche has left alot of Black women damaged to be used by Whitemen as tools. A wrench is a tool if you remove the R letter you have wench which means bed slave and concubine.
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackRexDeus: 2:53am On Nov 13, 2020 |
Mary Magdalene was a pure and holy woman and not a bed slave. |
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackRexDeus: 11:32am On Nov 13, 2020 |
1 Like |
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackRexDeus: 12:45pm On Nov 13, 2020 |
There are no benefits to having a Negro Bed Wench unless you are a White Male. |
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackRexDeus: 4:21pm On Nov 13, 2020 |
The Devil's seed. |
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackRexDeus: 5:28pm On Nov 13, 2020 |
Get the right woman - Forget the slay queens and women with looks but zero brains. Get a woman who will not only support your vision but will also push you to achieve more. A woman who will inspire you to work hard and not a woman who just makes you hard. He who finds a real woman finds a good thing and obtains favour and power to create wealth. 2 Likes |
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackRexDeus: 7:00pm On Nov 13, 2020 |
A people can rise no higher than its women. A man can take his seed anywhere and start a new clan and kingdom. The offspring he bears will have his ways yet it requires a woman to birth and nurture that seed. The purity of Mary Magdalene and Yudean women were such it's how we built other kingdoms. 1 Like |
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