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South African Woman States Why Men Don't Want To Leave Her Alone / Dear Nigerian Ladies, If Your Boyfriend Does These, Dump Him - Busty Slay Queen / Guys Hop In Here. Does These Things Attract You ?(PHOTOS) (2) (3) (4)
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Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackRexDeus: 8:12pm On Nov 13, 2020 |
We all can’t and shouldn’t be members of woke groups like the Black Panther Party. We all can’t and shouldn’t be like yours truly, the “Angriest Black Man in America” who’s also a loudmouthed revolutionary activist. Now this is the first thing I noticed was an outright lie because the mulatto families, which is the Negro Bed Wench and her mulatto children by the White Jewish slave masters, formed the Black Panther through the fraternity of Phi Beta Sigma. Both of the founders Bobby Seale and Dr. Huey Newton were members of the Phi Beta Sigma which means they are mulattoes. The mulattoes also control the Federal Bureau Of Investigation because J. Edgar Hoover the founder was a mulatto therefore a member of the Boule. This organization like many more cunning tricks mulattoes play is to draw out the strong Blackmen and track and target them for persecution, imprisonment or death. They started the COINTEL program against all militant Blackmen to stop the rise of the Hebrew Messiah. This is very Bibilical and this means the Romans are also involved as the White Jews control the Central Intelligence Agency which is just the Catholic Intelligence Agency. The Boule help the White Jews conduct gangstalking a form of inquisition and persecution of heretics. That is strong Blackmen, women and even Whites who don't accept the brainwashing . See below these are all mulattoes behind the Black Panther Party. They changed the COINTELPRO into the Black Indentity Extremist to track and target Black people waking up to their true identity. They use a very vast network of people drawn from all walks of life. I will demonstrate later that the mulatto class also were involved in the Klux Klan and the lynching of Blackmen out of businesses and keeping them in chain gangs. The mulattoes were behind the 94 Crime Bill and mass Incarceration of Blackmen.
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackRexDeus: 8:18pm On Nov 13, 2020 |
When it comes to the struggle for racial justice, we Black folks gotta “get in where we fit in” and stay in our lane. We gotta fight for our people whichever way and wherever we feel most effective. Jack and Jill is quite effective in pursuing racial justice in the way it chooses to do so. As a Black woman, man, girl, or boy, it’s not about your color complexion. As you can see, the house slave is not a hero. ![]() What they define as racial injustice is actually captivity. 1. They try to fit in. Which is a cage. 2. They stay in their lane. Stay in the cage. 3. They fight battles selectively which is wise yet the first two rules they follow will never lead to the mindset of a warrior fighting for freedom. And best believe the house slave isn't coming as a hero who risks the impossible. 4. This is not about light complexion it's about bloodline. This is the bloodline of Whitemen who were low enough to buy a 13 yr old girl as a slave so he could rape her when he desired. 1 Like
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackRexDeus: 11:18pm On Nov 13, 2020 |
Now I have investigated into the matter of who these people are and found they are mulattoes. Michelle Robinson wife of Barack Obama paternal bloodline goes back to a White Jewish slave owner and a 13 yr slave girl probably mulatto. Either way the family is mulattoes. Kamala Harris her parternal bloodline goes back to a White Jewish slave owner and a 13 yr old slave girl probably mulatto. See for yourself
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackRexDeus: 11:35pm On Nov 13, 2020 |
The Negro Bed Wench is Jezebel and she continues to mislead even the field slaves daughters who is of the bloodline. A LovePeddler hates a virtuous woman and even tries to drag her into the trade.
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackRexDeus: 2:33am On Nov 14, 2020 |
As you can see for yourself these are perilous times because these type of wicked people love to stay hidden. |
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackRexDeus: 4:07am On Nov 14, 2020 |
Freedom and justice is a benefit for all people therefore its imperative that we see this battle is against an one world order. |
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackRexDeus: 4:33am On Nov 14, 2020 |
Here are some powerful warnings about the mulatto class. Remember these are White men through Black women running this mulatto class of traitors. The White Jews created these mulattoes in Haiti, Jamaica and other places slavery existed in the West. These are children by White Jews and 13 yr old slave mulatto girls. This is the sort of brainwashed genetic bloodline that is behind oppression. 1 Like
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackRexDeus: 11:37am On Nov 14, 2020 |
Can you see now why the feminist Black father hating Negro Bed Wench is dangerous? She is being used ad a weapon by the White Jews. 1 Like |
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackRexDeus: 1:32pm On Nov 14, 2020 |
So Jezebel which is the Negro Bed Wench has been running the Black American community via her mulatto children being in wealth and partnership with the White Jews. They have been behind feminizing the Blackmale in order to stop strong Black fathers who carry the bloodline of Hebrews from growing into strong fathers. Through the Black church they encourage homosexuality and even overlook and even reward pedophilia. The music stars of the Black community are usually gay children from the gay choirs of the Black Church. They encourage crossdressing in the Rap Industry which is connected with pagan sex worship and human ritual sacrifice. 1 Like
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackRexDeus: 1:47pm On Nov 14, 2020 |
When I state its idol worship for men to be dressed as women I am not speaking figuratively for I am drawing logical scientific conclusions. See this for yourself always so you too can ween away from spookism. Monotheism is the birth of logical science not the Greeks or pagan Egyptians. The science of Egypt came from Sumeria which was once monotheistic before they descended into polytheism and began to vault information about science and attributed it to their pagan gods during initiation. A Boule rapper in a dress and given wings to appear as a Fallen Angel. There are no Fallen Angels because angels only hear and obey Allah. This is Jinn worship who are the fire demons Allah created and warned man not to disturb and to resist their calling and influence.
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackRexDeus: 2:17pm On Nov 14, 2020 |
We shall continue to expose the Negro Bed Wench and her mulatto children who are in league with White Jews because of blood relations. Black Lives Matter is an organization put together by the mulatto class to stifle the progress of the poor Black fathers. Their stated aim is to attack the patriarchs and kill off the Hebrew male line. This is very Biblical so this means the Romans are involved. These are some foolish Black people behind Trump as well. Any avenue we take not to seize power for ourselves doesn't ever lead to autonomy and freedom.
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackRexDeus: 2:28pm On Nov 14, 2020 |
Now I have never said all Black American daughters are Negro Bed Wenches and out to help the White Jews destroy us. There are Black women of the Hebrew bloodline and daughters of field slaves and they are roused up and upset too. The lions of Yudea are angry! Our families and businesses are under attack by these marxists.
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackRexDeus: 3:42pm On Nov 14, 2020 | So they have selected Joe Biden as president in 2021 to carry out Agenda 21 which is depopulation i.e genocide against bloodlines the Romans view as heretics. Joe Biden is the chairman of the lynch party of Democrat crackers and the Negro Bed Wench Anita Hill who disgraced the darkskin male Clarence Thomas on national television for being a sex harasser in the work place. Joe Biden who is a raving pervert who gropes women, children and feminine men in public called this lynching of Clarence Thomas's character. Anita Hill forgave Joe Biden and even voted for him despite during this live televised trial and public spectacle he drilled her with all sort of private questions of a sexual nature. Yet Anita Hill is still angry with Clarence Thomas who is probably innocent which I believe now he is very much a victim of character assassination by Joe Biden. kak·i·sto·cra·cy /kakəˈstäkrəsē/ noun government by the least suitable or competent citizens of a state. "the danger is that this will reduce us to kakistocracy" a state or society governed by its least suitable or competent citizens. plural noun: kakistocracies "the modern regime is at once a plutocracy and a kakistocracy" It's a rule by perverts and man boy lovers and women girl lovers and pagan devil worshippers. The Quran calls these people hypocrites. Biden was the chairman of this lynch party against Clarence Thomas. And its unimaginable that a Black woman who has been raped, defiled and lynched by White Jews like Joe Biden would join in attacking a Blackman for making mere sexual advances at her. That's right, Anita Hill admits that Clarence Thomas never physically touched her nor did they have sexual intercourse of any type! This is crucial because these allegations she made were over 10 years old and she and Clarence Thomas were no longer working together. Joe Biden has several sexual harassment lawsuits against him yet its never publicised by these hypocrites!
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackRexDeus: 4:06pm On Nov 14, 2020 |
During the 2020 election campaign for President of the United States in March 2020, Tara Reade, a former staffer in Biden's U.S. Senate office, alleged that Joe Biden, the former U.S. vice president and Democratic nominee in the 2020 presidential electionsexually assaulted her in 1993 in a Capitol Hilloffice building when she was a staff assistant in his office. Biden denied Reade's allegations. Reade worked for Biden as a Congressional aide in 1992 and 1993, and later attended Antioch University and Seattle University School of Law. She works now as a domestic-violence advocate. She has said she suffered emotional and violent physical abuse from both her father and her ex-husband, which in turn motivated her to work on behalf of victims.[1]
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackRexDeus: 4:23pm On Nov 14, 2020 | Clarence Thomas is married to a White woman at the time so it's quite clear he had no interest in Black women. The Black women are very narcissistic they aren't really attracted to educated especially darkskin men like Clarence Thomas. Yet the whole affair could be staged by the mulatto class and the Jews to disgrace Blackmen everywhere as sexual predators. This mulatto class is very wicked. You know what I believe Mr. Clarence Thomas it was a high tech lynching to keep him in his place. A very darkskin man who came up from being an orphan to a trained attorney and supreme court justice. That's God's will.
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackRexDeus: 5:05pm On Nov 14, 2020 |
There is only one God and alot of wicked Black people are also at war with Him. They are the root of satanic human sacrifice and sexual perversion prompting the Whites who are dictating it from the throne. It's the rise of the pagan world order.
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by Samishiba: 6:08pm On Nov 14, 2020 |
BlackRexDeus:Many "African Americans" are not black. But for one drop rule pleasure declare themselves black. Ridiculous. Mariah Carey and Vanessa Williams Black? I don't undersdant. In Brazil for example African Brazilians pleasure pardos and mulattos declare themselves black. If Neymar claim "i'm mulatto or mixed race" pan africanists attack Neymar and say "Neymar denies the blackness". If Neymar say " i'm a black men" pan africanists attack Neymar "you're not black enough". |
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackRexDeus: 6:35pm On Nov 14, 2020 |
Samishiba: The father's bloodline determines ethnicity yet the slave owners confused it by making complexion the deciding factor. I'm lightskin yet my father is darkskin and his name is Defrance. We are the bloodline of French Black Hebrews, we are European and Yudeans. The mulattoes are of White Jewish slave owners bloodline and they act very much like them. Some of them are lightskin yet some of them are darker than me! The Whiteman created the mulatto as a caste system and buffer group between themselves and us. The Berbers created the White Jews in Greece, Rome, Byzantine and the Umayyad Caliphate, they started as Mameluks or slave soldiers and rulers under the Berbers aka Moors. Behind the Jews are the African pagan Moors that make up the world order. So defining issues on color is not going to bring any understanding. We are our father's bloodline and my fathers were never pagans. We created Christianity via Mary Magdalene and we are the Biblical Hebrews so yes we are not Black like you. It's not out fault for the doctrine that worships Christ as God yet he was are our beloved Hebrew ancestor and merely an apostle to Allah.
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackRexDeus: 7:46pm On Nov 14, 2020 |
No Matter rich or poor we are the real Franks |
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackRexDeus: 9:33pm On Nov 14, 2020 |
The Whiteman's german shepherd is the Negro Bed Wench and Minister Jap goes in. Before his viewing I didnt know Joe Biden lead the hypocritical lynching of Mr. Clarence Thomas. |
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackRexDeus: 10:58pm On Nov 14, 2020 |
The Negro Bed Wench gave birth to the treacherous mulatto class. |
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackRexDeus: 11:37pm On Nov 14, 2020 |
Only weak Blackmen doesnt desire autonomy and supports these racists. Trump and Clinton are cousins with Obama and Biden, it's a family ruled corporation the United States, they take turns running it. Joe Biden has been in power all of his life because of family ties. And the same goes with Pres. Trump.
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackRexDeus: 12:05am On Nov 15, 2020 |
The insidious kings of the down low and they have no shame. |
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackRexDeus: 12:39am On Nov 15, 2020 |
Hell will not stand because you can never make a deal with the Devil. Blue is for Lucifer Red is for Satan Stand for uprightness There is only one God
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackRexDeus: 12:02pm On Nov 15, 2020 |
Learn because you will never have these lessons on life again. |
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackRexDeus: 1:28pm On Nov 15, 2020 |
This woman brags she is a bed wench and she loves being a bed wench because every single bed wench is living a better life she says. ![]()
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackRexDeus: 1:35pm On Nov 15, 2020 |
So let's get what these nasty White Jews of the Roman Catholic church are up too. They are promoting the Black woman being with White men and the Black men being gay. The White woman still is to be with the White man though. So they don't desire to see the Black father breed and spread his seed in America. And if a Blackman is successful and is heterosexual and loves women they label them criminal deadbeats and sexual predators. |
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackRexDeus: 1:58pm On Nov 15, 2020 |
Data is greater than knowledge because once you put up on the board all the information without prejudice you will easily see the patterns. This is the New thinking or computer brain we must possess for the new age! So even though 0 has no value it does when you place 0 behind a 1 or either in front of the 1 it has value. Wake up out your slumber |
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackFrenchKing: 4:32pm On Nov 15, 2020 |
Lessons to teach lessons to learn. |
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackFrenchKing: 5:05pm On Nov 15, 2020 |
The Negro Bed Wench was the number one enemy of the Black father seeing she valued her mulatto offspring as more precious than his children. They were the first to rat out a planned up rising and worked to keep Blackmen in their places. For the Blackman in America its perilous times.
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackFrenchKing: 5:41pm On Nov 15, 2020 |
Its nature although the female will side who she sees as the dominant male. So it's just Matter of which male bloodline will rule at the top. This is what it means the last shall be first, it means a new male bloodline comes to rule. |
Re: If Your Woman Does These Things...leave Her. by BlackFrenchKing: 7:11pm On Nov 15, 2020 |
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