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New Blog By A Hausa/fulani Woman Living In England - Culture - Nairaland

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New Blog By A Hausa/fulani Woman Living In England by Tweety121(f): 1:26pm On Mar 17, 2011
Check out this new blog by a Hausa/Fulani woman living in England, about her background as a Muslim turned Christian, her thoughts about being Nigerian in the UK and her views on Nigerians around the world:

Re: New Blog By A Hausa/fulani Woman Living In England by Nobody: 11:24pm On Mar 17, 2011
what the. . . . . .

she rated seun osewa right along with dangote, chiwetel, adichie and who else now?

abi she dey find husband ni.


poster, it seems you're the blogger in question.

you'd better be ready to fight off his other admirers eg mamagee.

and his wife [whoever that is].
Re: New Blog By A Hausa/fulani Woman Living In England by Nobody: 11:24pm On Mar 17, 2011
interesting blog, btw.
Re: New Blog By A Hausa/fulani Woman Living In England by Tweety121(f): 12:19am On Mar 18, 2011

what the. . . . . .

she rated seun osewa right along with dangote, chiwetel, adichie and who else now?

abi she dey find husband ni.


poster, it seems you're the blogger in question.

you'd better be ready to fight off his other admirers eg mamagee.

and his wife [whoever that is].

Lol! I was celebrating inspiring Nigerians and had to include Osewa.

Plus I don't even know what he looks like grin


interesting blog, btw.

Thank you!
Re: New Blog By A Hausa/fulani Woman Living In England by Nobody: 9:16pm On Mar 18, 2011

Lol! I was celebrating inspiring Nigerians and had to include Osewa.

Plus I don't even know what he looks like grin

Thank you!

^you're welcome.

i'm not sure if you're a new member or not.

as per seun's matter- the guy is a mystery.
Re: New Blog By A Hausa/fulani Woman Living In England by InkedNerd(f): 9:12am On Mar 19, 2011
@OP: Nice blog. I'll definitely be tuning in smiley.
Re: New Blog By A Hausa/fulani Woman Living In England by Tweety121(f): 12:34pm On Mar 19, 2011
@ tpiah! I've been a member for a couple of years but don't post much

@ Inked_Nerd, Thanks!

Add the blog to your favourites and spread the word smiley
Re: New Blog By A Hausa/fulani Woman Living In England by Tweety121(f): 12:44pm On Mar 19, 2011
PS: You can now subscribe by email too
Re: New Blog By A Hausa/fulani Woman Living In England by Sweetnecta: 3:27am On Mar 26, 2011
@Tweety121; my Allah return you to Islam. Amin.

Allah says in the Criterion that 'and I did not create jinn and mankind [the two we know that are endowed with freewill], other than to worship Me. No feeding of Me do I ask of them'.

I think your not being around muslims is like a lamb not being around the herd of sheep. Such a lamb will easily imitate the specie it hangs around. This is the very reason you easily capitulated with just a little push into Trinity, a religion that is no less than idolatry.

A muslim father should know that a muslim mother has right over him for bring her husband before any other group of mothers. The mother is naturally the one that raises the offspring[s]. it is better that she believes in One God [Islam] rather than let her beauty allures you.

I have the same experience. But we also see how the west is now accepting Islam, while people from Islamic background are being lost to disbelief.

Is your father still a muslim? I wish him well. And your mother to accept Islam before the certainty/reality. Amin.
Re: New Blog By A Hausa/fulani Woman Living In England by Tweety121(f): 3:24pm On Mar 26, 2011
@Sweetnecta: Thanks for your fascinating assessment of my conversion.

Although I'm very happy with my choice of religion, I value my father's religion and will not change my Islamic history smiley
Re: New Blog By A Hausa/fulani Woman Living In England by Sweetnecta: 1:12am On Mar 27, 2011
So would you refuse to accept the truth in the future, if you discover your present choice is faulty?

You know journalism. The best piece a journalist can produce is absolute truth; the account of what happens without bias if there is any to begin with. That is what Quran is; he heard he repeated and ordered it written and memorized, for usage and its passing along through the generations.

The children of Israil used to make Hajj to Makka before the idols were introduced to the Ka'aba. This is a sign that Islam is the truth and preceded judaism and christianity, and being the religion of Ibrahim, The Father of Faith, Friend of God.

Do your own research. When you find the absolute truth, return to it. Take your mom along into it.

If christianity is the truth with its trinity; god being son and man, another being ghost and the third being father; give the proof. I will then accept it with knowledge, not blindly or because it is popular. This is all about your final destination; Hell or Paradise.
Re: New Blog By A Hausa/fulani Woman Living In England by Tweety121(f): 10:36am On Mar 27, 2011
My faith is based on more than just facts, research and investigation. It's a gut feeling I have, a deeply held trust and an emotional connection with my Father in heaven who I have had powerful experiences of where I've been left in awe and fallen down on my knees because of His power. I worship Him not because it's popular but because I know He is there and has changed me and the way I think, act and understand life. That's my proof.
My religion has long moved on from any family or societal influence, and today I am Christian because my experience of God leaves me no choice but to follow Him.


Re: New Blog By A Hausa/fulani Woman Living In England by Sweetnecta: 12:29pm On Mar 27, 2011
Often the feeling from the gut is wrong.

If God were to be father to anyone among mankind, it would have been Adam [AS] foremost. Then Eve because have no earthling parents. There are creatures of God that are far superior than them. God then said in many parts of the Quran, but i will like you to read Surah Maryam where The Almighty says it does not befit His Own Majesty to have any offspring [negating false claims of being His children when even one is honored as a begotten son/child, and further elevated to be His partner and even Him], all that in Heavens and Earth and in between [seen and unseen] are but servants to Him, needing Him, always [at least in time of distress must cry to Him] while He does not need any of them to be complete.

Reality is that the Muslim man is your father while God is your Creator, hence the claim of you being God's daughter is simple of your own without any proof [really a false hope]. You are aways going to remain your father's bloodline/progeny/daughter. No one in his right mind will ever say your surname is God, but that of my nigerian muslim brother.

I am sure that you do know the success rate of the British Hindu Indians, in almost every field? Who do they pray to but their god/idol which as somebody puts it, they have to ring the bell to wake it up, wash it, place it in its place and then pray to it. There prayers are answered. Even Buhdhist has his prayers answered just as well. For many decades China;s official policy is that there is no God. This was also the case with USSR through the cold war. These two plus pagan India, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, etc were and still remain part of the first 'world'.

In africa, the animists cry to their gods and they often get what the asked.

Allah says in Surah Maryam [this surah is enough to get you thinking] that He allows satan [evil one] to control the disbeliever for his/her disbelief in Allah The Almighty. You do know that the ultimate failure is the one whose deed is rendered worthless on the day of great meeting? You can nor make up your own religion. When you follow falsehood, is as good as making up your own religion.

How does a man dies for your sins, when he has not committed it? How do you become sinful for a sin which your forebearers committed, even though they have been forgiven of that very sin?

My dear sister, these are brainfoood[s]. The good result is that it nourishes the soul. May God guide us all. Amin.

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Re: New Blog By A Hausa/fulani Woman Living In England by Tweety121(f): 8:09pm On Mar 27, 2011
Well, Sweetnecta, I don't know what to tell ya. I've said all I can on the subject. But I promise, if I ever become a muslim you'll be the first to know. Anyway thanks for the thorough analysis of my faith, and keep reading the blog! smiley
Re: New Blog By A Hausa/fulani Woman Living In England by Tweety121(f): 8:41pm On Mar 27, 2011
Re: New Blog By A Hausa/fulani Woman Living In England by Sweetnecta: 12:57am On Mar 30, 2011

my email is galadimalou@aol.com

let me know when you write.

then i will check in and respond.
Re: New Blog By A Hausa/fulani Woman Living In England by fstranger3(m): 10:16pm On Mar 31, 2011
Really nice blog.
Re: New Blog By A Hausa/fulani Woman Living In England by Afam4eva(m): 11:27pm On Mar 31, 2011
Interesting blog you have there.
Re: New Blog By A Hausa/fulani Woman Living In England by Tweety121(f): 9:42am On Apr 01, 2011
Thanks afam4eva and fstranger3!

Two new posts have just been added smiley
Re: New Blog By A Hausa/fulani Woman Living In England by hornyimam: 2:14am On Apr 02, 2011
Aboki in England? how many mallams have eneterd plane before?. They speak English there and not hausa and if they are largely illiterate, how will they survive in UK?.
Re: New Blog By A Hausa/fulani Woman Living In England by emofine(f): 4:15pm On Apr 02, 2011
Hey Tweety, nice blog I'll be sure to visit it regularly wink

oh I see you dey for London, you are thus within my local, how far? or is it Ina Kwana?

I rarely see Hausa/Fulanis online let alone real life so I'm very pleased to see you in our midst kiss
Re: New Blog By A Hausa/fulani Woman Living In England by Tweety121(f): 8:54pm On Apr 02, 2011
@hornyimam, I don't know if you're been sarcastic or not?
Yayade Emofine? Are you Hausa too? We're a rare breed indeed, especially the females.
Re: New Blog By A Hausa/fulani Woman Living In England by 25omega(m): 2:34am On Apr 03, 2011

Aboki in England? how many mallams have eneterd plane before?. They speak English there and not hausa and if they are largely illiterate, how will they survive in UK?.
your ignorance is astounding it must be hard being you seeing as you can't stop putting your dirty foot in your mouth.

poster you have a really interesting blog i enjoyed reading "you are a fake Nigerian"
Re: New Blog By A Hausa/fulani Woman Living In England by Tweety121(f): 11:38am On Apr 04, 2011
Thanks 25omega, I'm glad you liked it!
Re: New Blog By A Hausa/fulani Woman Living In England by Sweetnecta: 8:25pm On Apr 04, 2011
@Tweety121; shall i hear/read from you soon, now that you have my email, set up for our conversation?

check my earlier post.
Re: New Blog By A Hausa/fulani Woman Living In England by Tweety121(f): 8:46pm On Apr 04, 2011
Hi Sweetnecta, I haven't forgotten, I'm just waiting for my internet connection to be fixed cos typing long emails on a blackberry is not enjoyable. I'll email you by next week insha'Allah.
Re: New Blog By A Hausa/fulani Woman Living In England by Afam4eva(m): 4:54am On Apr 05, 2011

Hi Sweetnecta, I haven't forgotten, I'm just waiting for my internet connection to be fixed cos typing long emails on a blackberry is not enjoyable. I'll email you by next week insha'Allah.

I thought you said you converted to Christainity or have you forgotten?
Re: New Blog By A Hausa/fulani Woman Living In England by fstranger3(m): 6:06am On Apr 05, 2011

I thought you said you converted to Christainity or have you forgotten?

Its an arabic word meaning God Willing.

How is that religious. Christian and Muslim Arabs use that phrase. It has no religious connotation whatsoever.
Re: New Blog By A Hausa/fulani Woman Living In England by Tweety121(f): 8:19am On Apr 05, 2011
There are many Arabic words in our language. Check my post 'Why I love my language'
Re: New Blog By A Hausa/fulani Woman Living In England by isalegan2: 10:55am On Apr 05, 2011

Often the feeling from the gut is wrong.

If God were to be father to anyone among mankind, it would have been Adam [AS] foremost. Then Eve because have no earthling parents. There are creatures of God that are far superior than them. God then said in many parts of the Quran, but i will like you to read Surah Maryam where The Almighty says it does not befit His Own Majesty to have any offspring [negating false claims of being His children when even one is honored as a begotten son/child, and further elevated to be His partner and even Him], all that in Heavens and Earth and in between [seen and unseen] are but servants to Him, needing Him, always [at least in time of distress must cry to Him] while He does not need any of them to be complete.

Reality is that the Muslim man is your father while God is your Creator, hence the claim of you being God's daughter is simple of your own without any proof [really a false hope]. You are aways going to remain your father's bloodline/progeny/daughter. No one in his right mind will ever say your surname is God, but that of my nigerian muslim brother.

I am sure that you do know the success rate of the British Hindu Indians, in almost every field? Who do they pray to but their god/idol which as somebody puts it, they have to ring the bell to wake it up, wash it, place it in its place and then pray to it. There prayers are answered. Even Buhdhist has his prayers answered just as well. For many decades China;s official policy is that there is no God. This was also the case with USSR through the cold war. These two plus pagan India, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, etc were and still remain part of the first 'world'.

In africa, the animists cry to their gods and they often get what the asked.

Allah says in Surah Maryam [this surah is enough to get you thinking] that He allows satan [evil one] to control the disbeliever for his/her disbelief in Allah The Almighty. You do know that the ultimate failure is the one whose deed is rendered worthless on the day of great meeting? You can nor make up your own religion. When you follow falsehood, is as good as making up your own religion.

How does a man dies for your sins, when he has not committed it? How do you become sinful for a sin which your forebearers committed, even though they have been forgiven of that very sin?

My dear sister, these are brainfoood[s]. The good result is that it nourishes the soul. May God guide us all. Amin.

This ranks right up there with the single best posts ever on Nairaland. Salaam, Sweetnecta.
Nice to see some leaving the enclave of the Islam section to express their educated view.

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Re: New Blog By A Hausa/fulani Woman Living In England by namfav(m): 3:29pm On Apr 06, 2011
if you're hausa why do you call yourself fulani? or are you trying to represent the fulani culture too? astagfirulla and thanks we don't need that kind of representation, please remove the fulani from your blogĀ  angry
Re: New Blog By A Hausa/fulani Woman Living In England by Tweety121(f): 3:53pm On Apr 06, 2011
I am Fulani because my family is and my grandmother spoke Fulfude, and I'm Hausa because my family is and that is what we speak.
Funny how you presume to know my etymology, I kinda thought I was better placed to make such judgements myself, seeing as it is my family we're talking about, and you don't know me?

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