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Trump Pushed Georgia Officials To "Find Votes" To Tilt Election - Foreign Affairs (11) - Nairaland

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Re: Trump Pushed Georgia Officials To "Find Votes" To Tilt Election by IjeBos(m): 4:36pm On Jan 04, 2021
all the irregularities and videos all over the Internet are what?
Let me tell you something, both Democrats and top Republicans want Trump gone. He's an anomaly to the elite Republicans who came from nowhere and hijacked the party. Now Mitch Mcconnel and Lindsey Graham have to grovel before him to win an election. They want him gone. This whole saga was gamed out in early 2019 through project lawfare. They predicted everything that will happen down to the very tweet Trump will be tweeting. Majority of the court cases were never heard. The court will say the injury has already been done, it's too late so they'll dismiss the case as moot. Without considering the evidence presented. They either do that or say they don't have Jurisdiction for the case that they should go to a lower court first that was how they threw them around till they ran out of time.
The problem I have with Trump is that he talks too much and insults people he does not necessarily have to insult

You can find anything online. Don't put too much stock in things that you can't verify yourself. Trump is the President of the US with access to the preeminent investigative agency in the world (the FBI) and a Justice department stocked with people he chose(Bill Barr). Ask yourself why some guy on the internet found this but the FBI didn't and Trump's DOJ hasn't investigated/prosecuted.

There is an argument that we deserve the governments we have. You are in a Nigeria surrounded by corrupt politicians who put their own interests ahead of the country and you like who Trump is and what he does? You wonder why Nigeria is in the trouble it is. I see Trump and see a Nigerian politician and see the amount of people that still support him and can understand how a country like Nigeria is. I don't want that for the US.

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Re: Trump Pushed Georgia Officials To "Find Votes" To Tilt Election by LordReed(m): 5:09pm On Jan 04, 2021

I can't believe what you posted. You believe a politician over what you see? Did u watch the video? Did it seem normal? Judge for yourself dont rely on others to make the judgement for you. In the video you saw ruby freeman asking people to leave for the night, then later they start pulling boxes from under the table to count without supervision. And just cos the secretary of state says " nothing to see here" does not mean u should not critically analyse the video you saw. Never trust a politician.

In the ranking of who to trust in this matter, I would rate the SoS who happens to be a Republican, higher than people on the Internet who are alleging a conspiracy after viewing an edited video.

That's not true. The report said the machines were compromised. I have the report. And i have attached to this post.

Oh the report from the so called Allied Security Operations Group, a company with no known qualifications or previous clients. Read the SoS response under oath here:


All the suits i posted you claim they are not alleging fraud. Why did they then take the case to court. Are you expecting to see the word fraud in the case title?.
The lin wood case challenges the inclusion of absentee ballots in Georgia and wants to prohibit result certification. This indirectly accuses fraud.

Yes, I expect that any case alleging fraud would have that allegation front and center. In a court of law there is nothing like indirectly, either there was or there wasn't any fraud and you are either trying the case for fraud or not. Also alleging that there are irregularities doesn't equal alleging fraud, irregularities and fraud are not the same.

The Johnson case asks them to block certification until an independent audit is done. Also they want an investigation to be done on claims of voter fraud in wayne County. This case is also about voter fraud.

The suit was withdrawn by the same people who brought it. Whatever it was about is now moot.

So i do not know where u found the info that they did not allege fraud in their suits. The issue is that the courts never gave them a chance to prove their case. They were thrown out not cos of evidence

I asked you to state the cases that were alleging fraud and I pointed out to you that the President's lawyer did not allege fraud. If they were out to prove fraud where are the cases doing so?

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Re: Trump Pushed Georgia Officials To "Find Votes" To Tilt Election by LordReed(m): 5:15pm On Jan 04, 2021

Well, I don't believe the framers of the constitution intended that. But one of the members of our new conservative court recently in a decision opined that only the legislature can decide election laws based on a very strict reading of the constitution. Seems wholly irrational (as most things done by this conservative court) as the point of the judiciary is to decide whether legislative actions are legal and hue to the state constitution. Ex. if a state legislature decided it was legal only for white males to vote. The state judiciary should strike that down.

The State Supreme Court has jurisdiction to hear any case on the constitutionality of a state election law. On matters of state law, the judgment of a state supreme court is considered final and binding in both state and federal courts. So I don't see how the Texas suit has any merit when the state Supreme courts have already ruled on the election laws.
Re: Trump Pushed Georgia Officials To "Find Votes" To Tilt Election by fortran12: 5:40pm On Jan 04, 2021

In the ranking of who to trust in this matter, I would rate the SoS who happens to be a Republican, higher than people on the Internet who are alleging a conspiracy after viewing an edited video.

Oh the report from the so called Allied Security Operations Group, a company with no known qualifications or previous clients. Read the SoS response under oath here:


Yes, I expect that any case alleging fraud would have that allegation front and center. In a court of law there is nothing like indirectly, either there was or there wasn't any fraud and you are either trying the case for fraud or not. Also alleging that there are irregularities doesn't equal alleging fraud, irregularities and fraud are not the same.

The suit was withdrawn by the same people who brought it. Whatever it was about is now moot.

I asked you to state the cases that were alleging fraud and I pointed out to you that the President's lawyer did not allege fraud. If they were out to prove fraud where are the cases doing so?

the 2 cases i quoted are still in court. they have not been withdrawn.
I would not trust any politician especially a rino. So you expect the SOS to claim there was fraud? Why cnt they agree to share their data with the public? Why are they?
Why did the counting stop when trump was in the lead? why did they have more adjudicated ballots than correctly filled ones?
You know the truth.
Show me proof that the fraud video was edited, hundreds of people under oath have testified that the witnessed fraud, there is video evidence yet you claim its false. Why do you suppress the truth because of ideology. So you trust a politician over your average citizen.

Hope you know its not only trump's lawyers suing the state, private people are doing so too. Trumps cases in court are not up to 15. I repeat again, the courts never heard the cases, so there was no chance to present any evidence. the cases were dismissed before they were heard. All the cases are pointing to fraud and they have not has the chance to present their evidence.
Re: Trump Pushed Georgia Officials To "Find Votes" To Tilt Election by naijaman2225(m): 5:43pm On Jan 04, 2021

This is why I detest some of us. We choose to believe what we want to believe. This one has links to prove election fraud. Whats ur concern with their election of its fraudulent or not.

Give ur self sleepless nights like this affects or concerns u in anyway.

So the judges don't have the links, their law enforcement don't have the link, na u get the link.

You are hilarious
Re: Trump Pushed Georgia Officials To "Find Votes" To Tilt Election by IjeBos(m): 5:43pm On Jan 04, 2021

The State Supreme Court has jurisdiction to hear any case on the constitutionality of a state election law. On matters of state law, the judgment of a state supreme court is considered final and binding in both state and federal courts. So I don't see how the Texas suit has any merit when the state Supreme courts have already ruled on the election laws.

With the exception being on laws that affect Federal issues. Election law isn't one as the constitution explicitly leaves that to the state. But, the conservative Supreme Court is trying to make a narrower argument that the constitution leaves election law strictly up to the legislatures and even State Supreme courts can't amend them. The Texas suit was SHIT both in the law and the facts in it. The fact that Texas filed it and Republican House members supported it is depressing.

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Re: Trump Pushed Georgia Officials To "Find Votes" To Tilt Election by LordReed(m): 5:43pm On Jan 04, 2021
then you didn't read lawsuit. Go do that first

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court upheld the election laws for example so you can point me to any one of the States that their Supreme Court did not uphold their election laws.

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Re: Trump Pushed Georgia Officials To "Find Votes" To Tilt Election by naijaman2225(m): 5:45pm On Jan 04, 2021
[quote author=lagdmark post=97694269]
Trump is mixed, German /Afghanistan origin. [/qu ote]
Re: Trump Pushed Georgia Officials To "Find Votes" To Tilt Election by fortran12: 5:45pm On Jan 04, 2021

Put everything you wrote in google. Instead of watching the edited video, watch the full video (there is a full video of that incident). Instead of reading a clip or someone's opinion of the lawsuit, read the lawsuit that was filed. Instead of reading a clip of a judicial opinion. Read the opinion yourself. I promise when you do, you'll understand how the truth doesn't match up to what you wrote here or what you believe.

FYI: Any lawsuit has to meet a threshold question. I can't just sue you and ask the court for some relief because I believe something. I have to come into court with evidence or proof that there is harm and that the court can/is allowed to provide relief for that harm, if they can't the cases are dismissed. Listen to some of the hearings (some have been released). Some are actually funny in the ridiculousness of the Trump lawyers.

I did not watch the edited video, I saw the live hearing where the video was presented. The video is over 2 hours long as its was a live recording.so tell me what edits did they make? did u not see the woman in the video? did u not see a video of her and her daughter stealing a usb device? or you will claim that was edited too.
All the cases were not thrown out cos of evidence, they were cos of standing, timing etc. NONE of the courts agreed to hear their case. its a fact
Re: Trump Pushed Georgia Officials To "Find Votes" To Tilt Election by LordReed(m): 5:47pm On Jan 04, 2021

With the exception being on laws that affect Federal issues. Election law isn't one as the constitution explicitly leaves that to the state. The Texas suit was SHIT both in the law and the facts in it. The fact that Texas filed it and Republican House members supported it is depressing.

Re: Trump Pushed Georgia Officials To "Find Votes" To Tilt Election by IjeBos(m): 5:54pm On Jan 04, 2021

I did not watch the edited video, I saw the live hearing where the video was presented. The video is over 2 hours long as its was a live recording.so tell me what edits did they make? did u not see the woman in the video? did u not see a video of her and her daughter stealing a usb device? or you will claim that was edited too.
All the cases were not thrown out cos of evidence, they were cos of standing, timing etc. NONE of the courts agreed to hear their case. its a fact

Again, you understand that in most a hearing was held, then the case was thrown out, in others, it was just thrown out based on the briefs that were filed. That's the point I am trying to make to you. They did not meet the threshold in the initial hearing or based on the briefs filed(either by law or evidence presented). Here in one incident. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/11/11/trump-lawyers-suffer-embarrassing-rebukes-judges-over-voter-fraud-claims/ Again, do more research my friend.

And we are talking about the video where they pulled the ballots from under the table right?

Listen, the Dominion stuff is particularly stupid. The election machines are backed up by paper ballots. You vote, you get a paper ballot and you turn it in. The election machines just help tabulate the votes. If the machines were tampered with the paper ballots would not match. They did a hand recount of all the paper ballots in Georgia. The hand recount of the paper ballots matched the count form the machines,

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Re: Trump Pushed Georgia Officials To "Find Votes" To Tilt Election by LordReed(m): 6:02pm On Jan 04, 2021

the 2 cases i quoted are still in court. they have not been withdrawn.
I would not trust any politician especially a rino. So you expect the SOS to claim there was fraud? Why cnt they agree to share their data with the public? Why are they?
Why did the counting stop when trump was in the lead? why did they have more adjudicated ballots than correctly filled ones?
You know the truth.
Show me proof that the fraud video was edited, hundreds of people under oath have testified that the witnessed fraud, there is video evidence yet you claim its false. Why do you suppress the truth because of ideology. So you trust a politician over your average citizen.

Hope you know its not only trump's lawyers suing the state, private people are doing so too. Trumps cases in court are not up to 15. I repeat again, the courts never heard the cases, so there was no chance to present any evidence. the cases were dismissed before they were heard. All the cases are pointing to fraud and they have not has the chance to present their evidence.

The video was obviously edited because it is not the full video. It doesn't show how the ballots came to be kept under the table for instance.

Of the 3 cases you mentioned 2 have been voluntarily withdrawn by the plaintiffs. The third one was dismissed from the state Court and is on appeal at the Supreme Court. It has no hope of doing anything.

You keep saying there was no chance to present their evidence meanwhile they had a chance in the one case you mentioned but withdrew the case, is it the court's fault? Can you mention any other case that alleges fraud?

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Re: Trump Pushed Georgia Officials To "Find Votes" To Tilt Election by Nobody: 6:06pm On Jan 04, 2021

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court upheld the election laws for example so you can point me to any one of the States that their Supreme Court did not uphold their election laws.
a state Supreme Court upholding an unconstitutional changes to Election law does not make it valid. State Supreme Court rulings doesn't supercede the constitution. The four states in question had their election laws changed by the executive branch and its appointees
If it's a state election then your argument would be valid
Re: Trump Pushed Georgia Officials To "Find Votes" To Tilt Election by LordReed(m): 6:11pm On Jan 04, 2021
a state Supreme Court upholding an unconstitutional changes to Election law does not make it valid. State Supreme Court rulings doesn't supercede the constitution. The four states in question had their election laws changed by the executive branch and its appointees
If it's a state election then your argument would be valid

If Republicans in Pennsylvania thought the state supreme court was in error why didn't they appeal to the Federal Supreme Court before the election?

States have absolute jurisdiction in all election matters that is why there is no federal electoral body.

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Re: Trump Pushed Georgia Officials To "Find Votes" To Tilt Election by fortran12: 6:12pm On Jan 04, 2021

The video was obviously edited because it is not the full video. It doesn't show how the ballots came to be kept under the table for instance.

Of the 3 cases you mentioned 2 have been voluntarily withdrawn by the plaintiffs. The third one was dismissed from the state Court and is on appeal at the Supreme Court. It has no hope of doing anything.

You keep saying there was no chance to present their evidence meanwhile they had a chance in the one case you mentioned but withdrew the case, is it the court's fault? Can you mention any other case that alleges fraud?

So according to the video did they pull boxes from the table or not. Were there people in the room or not? The fraud is them counting ballots whn no one was present and pulling boxes from the table not putting the table there.

What of the other cases that were not withdrawn that the courts dismissed? Were they dismissed cos of evidence?
Re: Trump Pushed Georgia Officials To "Find Votes" To Tilt Election by fortran12: 6:18pm On Jan 04, 2021

Again, you understand that in most a hearing was held, then the case was thrown out, in others, it was just thrown out based on the briefs that were filed. That's the point I am trying to make to you. They did not meet the threshold in the initial hearing or based on the briefs filed(either by law or evidence presented). Here in one incident. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/11/11/trump-lawyers-suffer-embarrassing-rebukes-judges-over-voter-fraud-claims/ Again, do more research my friend.

And we are talking about the video where they pulled the ballots from under the table right?

Listen, the Dominion stuff is particularly stupid. The election machines are backed up by paper ballots. You vote, you get a paper ballot and you turn it in. The election machines just help tabulate the votes. If the machines were tampered with the paper ballots would not match. They did a hand recount of all the paper ballots in Georgia. The hand recount of the paper ballots matched the count form the machines,

If you count fraudulent ballots you will get the same result. What the trump team are asking for is signature verification. The fraud is not in the counting but in the validity of the individuals who voted, some of them were phantom voters.
So you agree that the suits in some cases were not heard. They should be given their day in court and let them present the evidence.
Did u hear whn judge Roberts was fearing there will be unrest in the streets if they took up the case? The courts have not been fair
Re: Trump Pushed Georgia Officials To "Find Votes" To Tilt Election by LordReed(m): 6:19pm On Jan 04, 2021

So according to the video did they pull boxes from the table or not. Were there people in the room or not? The fraud is them counting ballots whn no one was present and pulling boxes from the table not putting the table there.

What of the other cases that were not withdrawn that the courts dismissed? Were they dismissed cos of evidence?

Did you see how the ballots got under the table?

Which of the dismissed cases was alleging fraud?

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Re: Trump Pushed Georgia Officials To "Find Votes" To Tilt Election by DedeNkem: 6:23pm On Jan 04, 2021
This goes to show the extent of criminality in humanity which is a common issue across all races...Don't let anyone tell you the "whites" do things better, they are equally as wicked as our leaders just that, there is a respected system of punishment when you derail from law in their part of the world

If you love trump but hate Buhari, I guess you need to be checked for bipolar disorder because I have not seen any difference between these two bunch of clown

I hate both criminals. What am I suffering?
Re: Trump Pushed Georgia Officials To "Find Votes" To Tilt Election by Nobody: 6:31pm On Jan 04, 2021

If Republicans in Pennsylvania thought the state supreme court was in error why didn't they appeal to the Federal Supreme Court before the election?

States have absolute jurisdiction in all election matters that is why there is no federal electoral body.
they tried to do that in Georgia for the runoff, the judges said there's no injury yet, too early lol do it after election, the injury has already been done too late
Re: Trump Pushed Georgia Officials To "Find Votes" To Tilt Election by LordReed(m): 6:38pm On Jan 04, 2021
they tried to do that in Georgia for the runoff, the judges said there's no injury yet, too early lol do it after election, the injury has already been done too late

Which runoff, the one coming tomorrow?

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Re: Trump Pushed Georgia Officials To "Find Votes" To Tilt Election by fortran12: 6:47pm On Jan 04, 2021

Did you see how the ballots got under the table?

Which of the dismissed cases was alleging fraud?

Did you see them being ballots and count from the boxes? Did they run them multiple times or not? It's all on video. Were there observers present whn they were counting? Is it possible for them to commit fraud with no one watching? Hope you know there is also a video of the dominion machine being used to change ballots in a demonstration. Hope you know the machines were hacked live at a hearing late December.
Watch and make judgement for yourself.

Court of common pleas buck county, challenge over 2000 mail in ballots, trump vs boockvar , ziccarelli vs alleghany county.
These are some cases denied and they are alleging fraud that's why they went to court in the first place or why did they challenge the results in court?
Re: Trump Pushed Georgia Officials To "Find Votes" To Tilt Election by ajebuter(f): 6:54pm On Jan 04, 2021

And that Senator Hawley fellow and Rudi Gulliani - repulsive creatures

Rudy giuliani the farting Trump attorney..

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Re: Trump Pushed Georgia Officials To "Find Votes" To Tilt Election by LordReed(m): 7:05pm On Jan 04, 2021

Did you see them being ballots and count from the boxes? Did they run them multiple times or not? It's all on video. Were there observers present whn they were counting? Is it possible for them to commit fraud with no one watching? Hope you know there is also a video of the dominion machine being used to change ballots in a demonstration. Hope you know the machines were hacked live at a hearing late December.
Watch and make judgement for yourself.

The reason I am asking you if you saw how the ballots got there is because if you didn't you'd miss the critical context that those ballots were opened and placed there in full view of everyone.

Court of common pleas buck county, challenge over 2000 mail in ballots, trump vs boockvar , ziccarelli vs alleghany county.
These are some cases denied and they are alleging fraud that's why they went to court in the first place or why did they challenge the results in court?

Trump V Boockvar is the very case Guiliani said it was not a fraud case.

Ziccarelli V Alleghany was also not a fraud case. Ziccarelli alleged that some ballots were irregular and therefore should not be counted, that is not a fraud allegation.

I am still waiting for you to bring up a case of fraud so we can see and discuss it.

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Re: Trump Pushed Georgia Officials To "Find Votes" To Tilt Election by fortran12: 7:18pm On Jan 04, 2021

The reason I am asking you if you saw how the ballots got there is because if you didn't you'd miss the critical context that those ballots were opened and placed there in full view of everyone.

Trump V Boockvar is the very case Guiliani said it was not a fraud case.

Ziccarelli V Alleghany was also not a fraud case. Ziccarelli alleged that some ballots were irregular and therefore should not be counted, that is not a fraud allegation.

I am still waiting for you to bring up a case of fraud so we can see and discuss it.

Stop speaking English, what claims are they making? Irregular ballots point to fraud. Ballots with same signature are examples of irregular ballots and this points to fraud. You are trying to use technicality to disprove my claims. Leave all the english terms alone. The cases were taken to court cos of somethin was not right , that also points to fraud. Let the courts hear and determine if its fraud or not. Dont dismiss the cases before hearing them.

The ballots were not in the open. They were stacked under a table with black cloth covering them.
Why did they specifically go towards that table after everyone left. Ballots that were counted all day did not come from under the table.
They lied there was a water main break asked everyone to leave that they ended counting for the night even news outlet announced this cos they were present too. Next thing you know they resumed counting without anyone present.
After reading all these you think that does not reek of election malpractice, i have a bridge i want to sell you !
Re: Trump Pushed Georgia Officials To "Find Votes" To Tilt Election by Nobody: 7:19pm On Jan 04, 2021

Which runoff, the one coming tomorrow?
Re: Trump Pushed Georgia Officials To "Find Votes" To Tilt Election by Arelyn: 7:27pm On Jan 04, 2021

I hate both criminals. What am I suffering?

You are not suffering from any mental issue, you are rational..You are like the control test in these scenario
Re: Trump Pushed Georgia Officials To "Find Votes" To Tilt Election by LordReed(m): 7:39pm On Jan 04, 2021

Stop speaking English, what claims are they making? Irregular ballots point to fraud. Ballots with same signature are examples of irregular ballots and this points to fraud. You are trying to use technicality to disprove my claims. Leave all the english terms alone. The cases were taken to court cos of somethin was not right , that also points to fraud. Let the courts hear and determine if its fraud or not. Dont dismiss the cases before hearing them.

The ballots were not in the open. They were stacked under a table with black cloth covering them.
Why did they specifically go towards that table after everyone left. Ballots that were counted all day did not come from under the table.
They lied there was a water main break asked everyone to leave that they ended counting for the night even news outlet announced this cos they were present too. Next thing you know they resumed counting without anyone present.
After reading all these you think that does not reek of election malpractice, i have a bridge i want to sell you !

Apparently you don't know the meaning of fraud.

deceit, trickery, sharp practice, or breach of confidence, perpetrated for profit or to gain some unfair or dishonest advantage.https://www.dictionary.com/browse/fraud

Ziccarelli did not allege any such deceit or trickery. Guiliani said specifically "this is not a fraud case" so I ask you what are you on about?

I read the full context of what took place at State Farm and it doesn't reek of any electoral malpractice. It is when you take snippets of the video and begin to draw unreasonable conclusions that it appears to be something sinister.

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Re: Trump Pushed Georgia Officials To "Find Votes" To Tilt Election by Mrsimpleworld: 8:11pm On Jan 04, 2021
This is orchestrated by American big tech to tarnish President Trump. Check it out on YouTube, it wasn’t done in the secret, even Trump has displayed this on his Facebook page since yesterday

Apparently you don't know the meaning of fraud.

deceit, trickery, sharp practice, or breach of confidence, perpetrated for profit or to gain some unfair or dishonest advantage.https://www.dictionary.com/browse/fraud

Ziccarelli did not allege any such deceit or trickery. Guiliani said specifically "this is not a fraud case" so I ask you what are you on about?

I read the full context of what took place at State Farm and it doesn't reek of any electoral malpractice. It is when you take snippets of the video and begin to draw unreasonable conclusions that it appears to be something sinister.

Re: Trump Pushed Georgia Officials To "Find Votes" To Tilt Election by NOETHNICITY(m): 8:23pm On Jan 04, 2021
It'd be a great miracle for Trump not to go to jail for all these actions.
Trump is going to no jail, American system is corrupt almost like ours just that naive folks won't see
Re: Trump Pushed Georgia Officials To "Find Votes" To Tilt Election by chewwie(m): 8:29pm On Jan 04, 2021
I am still watching it live on CNN. This is very embarrassing for the Republican senators that agreed to sit on the 6th.

Someone said this is enough reason for him to resign and leave the office now.

Instead of focusing on the hundreds of thousands dying of covid, he is more interested in the presidency.

He is officially out. Not even the vice president will upturn this one on the 6th.
1. Stop watching fake news CNN.
2. How do you expect Trump stop people from dying because of covid? Is he a doctor?

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Re: Trump Pushed Georgia Officials To "Find Votes" To Tilt Election by NOETHNICITY(m): 8:37pm On Jan 04, 2021
The truth is that Trump won Georgia.

That's the fact. There's no sugar coating here.

Someone is still watching CNN?
Oya go and give Trump the victory

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Re: Trump Pushed Georgia Officials To "Find Votes" To Tilt Election by NOETHNICITY(m): 8:45pm On Jan 04, 2021

1. Stop watching fake news CNN.
2. How do you expect Trump stop people from dying because of covid? Is he a doctor?
And you keep watching Fox news

Trump could have done alot to contain the raging virus if he had admitted early enough that the virus was as ravaging as it is. But no, he prefers to live in denial because he wanted to protect the economy at the expense of lives
Trump was against any form of lockdown from day one still because he wanted to protect the economy
The dumb Trump refused to admit to the efficacy of face notwithstanding the advice of his close aids. He even mocked others who religiously stuck to their face masks

You need to admit it that Trump fumbled with the covid thing

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