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COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences - Health (4) - Nairaland

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Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by RaptorX: 12:49am On Mar 15, 2021
The same Astra Zenica vaccine that is being discontinued in Europe due to blood clotting effects is what this clowns Nigerian leaders are bringing over here. Take this vaccine at your own peril, they are hiding the large death tolls and horrible side effects of this vaccines which actually are not vaccines but experimental gene therapy authorized under emergency use, meaning you cannot sue the manufacturers for any side effects or deaths and you are basically nothing more than a lab rat.


Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by RaptorX: 1:01am On Mar 15, 2021
@You all.

The COVID-19 drug was shipped you by your slave masters in Britain who are using you all as guinea pigs. France already proposed that and were cautioned but as for Britain, they work with the dumbest third world country leader such as your commander in chief, which allows them go directly to your government.

Astrazenica or whatever is an improperly manufactured drug done overnight and promoted by brain-dead leaders like your commander in chief- a big modern slave. The drug can't be shipped elsewhere, it's only going to slaves in former British colonies. That's what colonialism was about- to create market for British products.

The British people themselves refused to take the drug and have opted for the Pfizer med.

If Astrazeneca cures COVID-19 for real, Britain would use it for her citizens and will have no single dose left to ship to Africa.

Slaves wake up!. When will Africans wake up!!
They will most likely never wake up, they are basically sheeps being lead to the slaughter. How any Nigerian can believe anything this wicked, corrupt puppets so called leaders says baffles me.

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Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by HBB1(m): 1:23am On Mar 15, 2021

I know your type, so you're definitely not properly informed, though you think you're.

Go to YouTube and watch Harry and Meghan interview with Oprah. They said they had to run for their lives "to stop a repeat of what happened before". Don't bother to reply me again if you don't at least know what happened before.

A woman says she was thinking suicide, then 'ran for her life' ( as you claim)

Does that mean attempts were made to kill her?

Is this that hard to comprehend?
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by musicwriter(m): 1:27am On Mar 15, 2021

A woman says she was thinking suicide, then 'ran for her life' ( as you claim)

Does that mean attempts were made to kill her?

Is this that hard to comprehend?

You have to contact her and tell her you know better than she does, then have her return to Britain.
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by OyinO: 1:31am On Mar 15, 2021
DNA engineering. Dumb Africans
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by OyinO: 1:32am On Mar 15, 2021
Did that happened to our devilish and wicked politician too

Politicians have sense. They won't take it after you have been tested and Vaccine is trusted.
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by HBB1(m): 1:35am On Mar 15, 2021

You have to contact her and tell her you know better than she does, then have her return to Britain.

I can't continue please.

Can't afford this level of thinking.

Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by musicwriter(m): 1:39am On Mar 15, 2021

I can't continue please.

Can't afford this level of thinking.


Remember this thread is about COVID-19 but which you detailed. And you're talking about "level of thinking"? Hahahahhahha
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by tigigi: 1:44am On Mar 15, 2021

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Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by HBB1(m): 1:48am On Mar 15, 2021

Remember this thread is about COVID-19 but which you detailed. And you're talking about "level of thinking"? Hahahahhahha

How is Meghan Markle related to Covid 19?


So much for me derailing the thread.

The Queen wants to kill her Daughter-in-law and you are the only one in the world that knows so?
Is that what was discussed in the interview?

Ogbeni, na you sabi.
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by musicwriter(m): 2:08am On Mar 15, 2021

How is Meghan Markle related to Covid 19?


So much for me derailing the thread.

The Queen wants to kill her Daughter-in-law and you are the only one in the world that knows so?
Is that what was discussed in the interview?

Ogbeni, na you sabi.

Meghan is running because she has BLACK gene, and as a result her life was in danger in Britain. Many know this except you.

The correlation? Something is wrong when the same country she's running from because she's BLACK is the same one shipping COVID-19 drugs to BLACK people in Africa. If you don't understand this, I can't help you.
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by HallaDaTruth: 2:43am On Mar 15, 2021
Wait till 5 to 10 years that's when all of you taking the Covid_19 Vaccine will say had i known

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Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by Funkeshuga(m): 3:01am On Mar 15, 2021
why are they still lockdown in some countries, enforcement of nose cover in some countries and arresting defaulters of public gathering since there is now vaccine ?

what purpose is the vaccine going to achieved? post covid-19 or what?

the western world have seen us finished

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Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by Jelzin2412(m): 3:31am On Mar 15, 2021
Vaccine is like every other pharmacological agent and so has its side effects too. Some of you have had some antimalarial drugs, didn't you have more worrisome side effects like nightmares, headache, abdominal pain, dizziness etc...Why the noise about COVID-19 vaccine? If you are without such knowledge as regards side effects of medications then get educated about it.

All these conspiracy theories are borne out of sheer ignorance. Lastly, no one will ever force you to get vaccinated cos it's not even enough for people who wants to take it..

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Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by Jelzin2412(m): 3:32am On Mar 15, 2021
why are they still lockdown in some countries, enforcement of nose cover in some countries and arresting defaulters of public gathering since there is now vaccine ?

what purpose is the vaccine going to achieved? post covid-19 or what?

the western world have seen us finished

I suggest you take your time to goggle and read about the vaccine as well as its cost implications too. Knowledge is power.
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by krisdzhon: 3:45am On Mar 15, 2021
There is nothing good in Vaccines, except its ending!

Remember, these unscrupulous beings were behind the research, development and creation of Retroviral Drugs (1981), HIV/AIDS (1983), Covid (1984), and a host of other infectious diseases known to exist in the present day World.

Now, the same creatures are pushing for COVID-19 Vaccines administration – an RNA Vaccine capable of altering the genetic code of humans with no reversal possiblity!

Be wise folks; they don't mean well for humanity. Whoever takes the Vaccine will definitely not recover from its effects afterwards.

Below is a video of mass Protest in London against the COVID-19 Vaccines rollout.

To stay safe, stay away from the Vaccines!


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Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by 9gerian: 5:29am On Mar 15, 2021
Normal levels grin

People that I knew received this vaccines were either sick , having pains , headaches or temperature... But , non of our government leaders have either shown any form of sickness, they have been going about as if nothing happened.I doubt if the vaccine is the same with what Nigerians and the rest of the world received.

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Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by Slurity(m): 5:35am On Mar 15, 2021
Despite the level of our education in Nigeria. Comments here shows that people has zero knowledge or little knowledge about vaccines and vaccination. All those reactions are expected and in fact written on the vaccine. That is his own body reaction for his body to build up the antibodies that can fight the real virus. That shows that the vaccines is even good. Our level of illiteracy in this part of the country is worrisome
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by greatbuc(m): 6:17am On Mar 15, 2021

That's not how these so called MRNA vaccines work again ...no clinical version of any virus is released into you at all but rather the MRNA Vaccine tries to to tweak your genes to release antibodies
thanks. But tweaking ones genes seems sinister

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Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by Olawalelead(m): 6:51am On Mar 15, 2021
It's okay...
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by PoliteActivist: 6:52am On Mar 15, 2021
Vaccine is like every other pharmacological agent and so has its side effects too. Some of you have had some antimalarial drugs, didn't you have more worrisome side effects like nightmares, headache, abdominal pain, dizziness etc...Why the noise about COVID-19 vaccine? If you are without such knowledge as regards side effects of medications then get educated about it.

All these conspiracy theories are borne out of sheer ignorance. Lastly, no one will ever force you to get vaccinated cos it's not even enough for people who wants to take it..

Bulgaria suspended the vaccine after a 57-year-old woman died of heart failure 15 hours after she received a dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine.

Austria, Italy, Luxembourg, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia stopped using certain batches of the vaccine.

The European Medicines Agency is investigating reports of blood clots in vaccinated people but presently there is no firm evidence of a link between the vaccine and blood clot incidents.

On Friday, Thailand became the first country in Asia to suspend the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine.

The recent suspension of the AstraZeneca vaccine in some European nations will cause further delays for the EU’s vaccine rollout programme, which has faced heavy criticism for its efficiency and rollout speed.
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by PoliteActivist: 6:54am On Mar 15, 2021
Despite the level of our education in Nigeria. Comments here shows that people has zero knowledge or little knowledge about vaccines and vaccination. All those reactions are expected and in fact written on the vaccine. That is his own body reaction for his body to build up the antibodies that can fight the real virus. That shows that the vaccines is even good. Our level of illiteracy in this part of the country is worrisome

So why are all these countries halting the vaccine? Do they all have zero knowledge??

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Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by Bornboy4: 7:01am On Mar 15, 2021
Remember what the Legend (Bob Marley) said:

Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but yourself can free your mind.

Have no fear of COVID-19 Vaccine. It's meant to save humanity from extinction!

So, be wise. The Government cares!
Stop insulting your Leaders. You chose them to lead you.


Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by Abatemtem(m): 7:02am On Mar 15, 2021
Nairalanders are ignorant

These reactions are just to show that the body is fighting against the components of the vaccine. It's normal for temperature to rise after vaccination. Ask mothers or your mother if you don't know.
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by DECENCY3: 7:39am On Mar 15, 2021
For the vaccine to reach the coming man so fast means there is an hide agenda. Why didn't the palliatives reach the suffering masses fast.

How come vaccine has been made for Covid-19 so fast when we have other more dangerous and killer disease ravaging humanity.

God will help us
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by BlueAir: 8:08am On Mar 15, 2021
grin vaccine wey dey cause pain. Is that one vaccine
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by bluefilm: 8:16am On Mar 15, 2021
People were warned severally regarding COVID19 vaccine but it seem they didn't listen. What they call COVID19 vaccine is not like other vaccines as I revealed earlier that COVID19 virus has not been isolated scientifically or proven to exist.

Anyone lining up to take this vaccine is literally a lab rat and will not be able to hold the government for any damage done to health as a result of this vaccine.

May God save Nigeria

COVID 19 Virus exists

It has been in existence since time immemorial.

It used to be called the Flu virus.

They just renamed it COVID and then introduced a New testing method.

That is how they created the "NOVEL" virus.
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by pedrilo: 9:01am On Mar 15, 2021
Na Buhari own side effects i want read
that man will never ever be allowed to take dis vaccine. It will break him finally if he does.
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by Jelzin2412(m): 9:16am On Mar 15, 2021

Bulgaria suspended the vaccine after a 57-year-old woman died of heart failure 15 hours after she received a dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine.

Austria, Italy, Luxembourg, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia stopped using certain batches of the vaccine.

The European Medicines Agency is investigating reports of blood clots in vaccinated people but presently there is no firm evidence of a link between the vaccine and blood clot incidents.

On Friday, Thailand became the first country in Asia to suspend the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine.

The recent suspension of the AstraZeneca vaccine in some European nations will cause further delays for the EU’s vaccine rollout programme, which has faced heavy criticism for its efficiency and rollout speed.

That still falls under the category of side effects unfortunately. However, there are still other products of same vaccine and if their's have proven to have wider therapeutic index then it should be used for now while the astrazeneca product be pushed back.

Nevertheless it's not unusual for the first batches of a vaccine product to be less effective with greater adverse effects. Pharmaceutical companies will keep fine tuning their productions until a better and widely accepted vaccine is obtained with greater efficacy and minimal adverse effects; this is same with every pharmacological agents that we use.

Lastly, in the roll out of any drug/Vaccine and prior to its acceptance, the benefits are plotted against its demerits and if the former is significantly higher then its use is likely to be approved. Hence, It's better to use it for now considering the impact of no vaccine at all. Hopefully its production will continue to be fine tuned to meet agreed standard and this is the importance of research.
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by baganas: 9:31am On Mar 15, 2021
Did that happened to our devilish and wicked politician too
No. They were given a different dose. Do you get equal shares of the national cake? So why do you expect the same vaccine?
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by payloader(m): 9:46am On Mar 15, 2021
This vaccine ain't safe, believe me. They are trying their hardest to make it look normal, because it ain't normal. Its better to prevent the virus from attacking you, by maintaining personal hygiene, and working on your fitness level and immunity. That vaccine ain't safe, I repeat.

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Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by fidontd(m): 10:06am On Mar 15, 2021
Since their foundation in 1995, the club has appeared in three grand finals (2005, 2015 and 2017) winning in 2015, and has reached the finals ten times. The team's management North Queensland Cowboys live score headquarters and home ground, North Queensland Stadium, currently known as Queensland Country Bank Stadium due to sponsorship rights, are located in the suburb of South Townsville.

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