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COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences - Health (6) - Nairaland

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Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by atonement12: 3:18am On Mar 20, 2021

You mean this man is your scientific evidence?
A controversial alternative medicine practitioner?


Sorry o!

Besides I thought you said it was altering people's DNA?
"controversial alternative medicine practitioner"-Lame defence and excuse!
All the facts he pointed out there have been corroborated by many medical researchers and doctors in Europe and US. some of whom are practitioners and consultants of more than 40 years. You sit in your closet and claim you are smarter than these people
So you can consciously recommend this therapy to your family members- If that is not evil, I wonder what is
There are many others I can reference, but its now obvious that I am wasting my time with one of the dishonest and hypocritical globalist puppet claiming to have sworn the Hippocratic Oath.
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by HBB1(m): 8:27am On Mar 20, 2021

"controversial alternative medicine practitioner"-Lame defence and excuse!
All the facts he pointed out there have been corroborated by many medical researchers and doctors in Europe and US. some of whom are practitioners and consultants of more than 40 years. You sit in your closet and claim you are smarter than these people
So you can consciously recommend this therapy to your family members- If that is not evil, I wonder what is
There are many others I can reference, but its now obvious that I am wasting my time with one of the dishonest and hypocritical globalist puppet claiming to have sworn the Hippocratic Oath.

What practitioners and researchers?

Oga shift!

Your reference is from a man who is known to peddle falsehood waaaaay before now.

You see yourself?!

You clearly don't know what you are talking about.

One moment you say it alters DNA, the next moment you conjure facts it causes autoimmune reactions
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by atonement12: 11:25am On Mar 20, 2021

What practitioners and researchers?

Oga shift!

Your reference is from a man who is known to peddle falsehood waaaaay before now.

You see yourself?!

You clearly don't know what you are talking about.

One moment you say it alters DNA, the next moment you conjure facts it causes autoimmune reactions
Anything that does not align with the agenda of your puppet masters is peddling falsehood.
You want to wait until you see formation of chimera -like traits before you believe it will ultimately impact the DNA. Not to mention many other side effects already manifesting.
You claim you are educated, but all these forced lock downs, exemption from legal responsibility for manufacturers, issuance of vaccine passport, digital and implanted ID and more restrictions being planned for enforcing vaccination for a disease with less than 1% fatality, means nothing to you -its all a coincidence smiley
You are clearly deluded!

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Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by HBB1(m): 2:57pm On Mar 20, 2021
Anything that does not align with the agenda of your puppet masters is peddling falsehood.
You want to wait until you see formation of chimera -like traits before you believe it will ultimately impact the DNA. Not to mention many other side effects already manifesting.
You claim you are educated, but all these forced lock downs, exemption from legal responsibility for manufacturers, issuance of vaccine passport, digital and implanted ID and more restrictions being planned for enforcing vaccination for a disease with less than 1% fatality, means nothing to you -its all a coincidence smiley
You are clearly deluded!


Every medication has side effects, you know?

People react to aspirin, paracetamol, antimalarials and die.

And you are so sure, it changes DNA?
So sure!

Covid has been mild in Africa, can't be said about the West.

1st wave was mad, 2nd wave was madder and Hospitals were overwhelmed...

So they shouldn't enforce lock down?

You are hell bent on your conspiracy theories without thinking things through.

...and you sat a disease with 1 % morality rate.
So the ones that come to Hospital should be turned back because mortality rate is low?

The ones that can't breath even on 15L oxygen should be turned back because fatality is low.

If there is an outbreak of a diarrhoea illness that has a low fatality rate but will overwhelm the health services, they should not ask people to stay at home.

Hundreds of thousands of people have died in the UK and US because of this.
I know 4 sons from the same family that died from Covid.

...about the caveat given to manufacturers?

Come on!
You know about the safety classification of medications-- A,B, C, D, X
There are medications you use today that nobody can say a 100% about it. Its benefits however outweigh the risks, so people use them, even pregnant women.

The caveat is for people like you that will blame every circumstance thereafter on the vaccine.

You are clearly the puppet!

Nobody is forcing you to be vaccinated, if you don't want, don't take, simple.


Did God tell you Donald Trump was going to win the elections too?

Was 5G also the cause of Covid?
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by ny1234: 7:06pm On Apr 02, 2021
See https://principia-scientific.com/even-cdc-now-admits-no-gold-standard-of-covid19-virus-isolate/

Download official document here https://www.fda.gov/media/134922/download

Check page 42, in a section titled, “Performance Characteristics,” you will see this: “Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available, assays [diagnostic tests] designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA…”


COVID 19 Virus exists

It has been in existence since time immemorial.

It used to be called the Flu virus.

They just renamed it COVID and then introduced a New testing method.

That is how they created the "NOVEL" virus.
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by HallaDaTruth: 9:07pm On Apr 05, 2021
Vaccine is like every other pharmacological agent and so has its side effects too. Some of you have had some antimalarial drugs, didn't you have more worrisome side effects like nightmares, headache, abdominal pain, dizziness etc...Why the noise about COVID-19 vaccine? If you are without such knowledge as regards side effects of medications then get educated about it.

All these conspiracy theories are borne out of sheer ignorance. Lastly, no one will ever force you to get vaccinated cos it's not even enough for people who wants to take it..

What about those that have died taking the poisonous vaccines
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by HallaDaTruth: 9:11pm On Apr 05, 2021


Every medication has side effects, you know?

People react to aspirin, paracetamol, antimalarials and die.

And you are so sure, it changes DNA?
So sure!

Covid has been mild in Africa, can't be said about the West.

1st wave was mad, 2nd wave was madder and Hospitals were overwhelmed...

So they shouldn't enforce lock down?

You are hell bent on your conspiracy theories without thinking things through.

...and you sat a disease with 1 % morality rate.
So the ones that come to Hospital should be turned back because mortality rate is low?

The ones that can't breath even on 15L oxygen should be turned back because fatality is low.

If there is an outbreak of a diarrhoea illness that has a low fatality rate but will overwhelm the health services, they should not ask people to stay at home.

Hundreds of thousands of people have died in the UK and US because of this.
I know 4 sons from the same family that died from Covid.

...about the caveat given to manufacturers?

Come on!
You know about the safety classification of medications-- A,B, C, D, X
There are medications you use today that nobody can say a 100% about it. Its benefits however outweigh the risks, so people use them, even pregnant women.

The caveat is for people like you that will blame every circumstance thereafter on the vaccine.

You are clearly the puppet!

Nobody is forcing you to be vaccinated, if you don't want, don't take, simple.


Did God tell you Donald Trump was going to win the elections too?

Was 5G also the cause of Covid?

Have you heard of the coalition of doctors and other medical experts from the United States, Canada, UK etc that are against the virus ?. Even doctors are now warning people bro.


Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by HBB1(m): 10:02pm On Apr 05, 2021

Have you heard of the coalition of doctors and other medical experts from the United States, Canada, UK etc that are against the virus ?. Even doctors are now warning people bro.


Coalition of who?

Tell me more about it.

Weren't masks worn in 1919, during the flu outbreak?

What you are saying doesn't hold water
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by gree324: 1:43am On Apr 06, 2021
The virus was first transmitted from the United States to Europe. At present, the number of patients in Europe and the United States is still the highest. We must take precautions.
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by HallaDaTruth: 9:57am On Apr 07, 2021

Coalition of who?

Tell me more about it.

Weren't masks worn in 1919, during the flu outbreak?

What you are saying doesn't hold water

The Doctors who explain why vaccines are not safe or effective.

1. Dr. Nancy Banks - http:///1Ip0aIm
2. Dr. Russell Blaylock - http:///1BXxQZL
3. Dr. Shiv Chopra - http:///1gdgh1s
4. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny - http:///1MPVbjx
5. Dr. Suzanne Humphries - http:///17sKDbf
6. Dr. Larry Palevsky - http:///1LLEjf6
7. Dr. Toni Bark - http:///1CYM9RB
8. Dr. Andrew Wakefield - http:///1MuyNzo
9. Dr. Meryl Nass - http:///1DGzJsc
10. Dr. Raymond Obomsawin - http:///1G9ZXYl
11. Dr. Ghislaine Lanctot - http:///1MrVeUL
12. Dr. Robert Rowen - http:///1SIELeF
13. Dr. David Ayoub - http:///1SIELve
14. Dr. Boyd Haley PhD - http:///1KsdVby
15. Dr. Rashid Buttar - http:///1gWOkL6
16. Dr. Roby Mitchell - http:///1gdgEZU
17. Dr. Ken Stoller - http:///1MPVqLI
18. Dr. Mayer Eisenstein - http:///1LLEqHH
19. Dr. Frank Engley, PhD - http:///1OHbLDI
20. Dr. David Davis - http:///1gdgJwo
21. Dr Tetyana Obukhanych - http:///16Z7k6J
22. Dr. Harold E Buttram - http:///1Kru6Df
23. Dr. Kelly Brogan - http:///1D31pfQ
24. Dr. RC Tent - http:///1MPVwmu
25. Dr. Rebecca Carley - http:///K49F4d
26. Dr. Andrew Moulden - http:///1fwzKJu
27. Dr. Jack Wolfson - http:///1wtPHRA
28. Dr. Michael Elice - http:///1KsdpKA
29. Dr. Terry Wahls - http:///1gWOBhd
30. Dr. Stephanie Seneff - http:///1OtWxAY
31. Dr. Paul Thomas - http:///1DpeXPf
32. Many doctors talking at once - http:///1MPVHOv
33. Dr. Richard Moskowitz - censored
34. Dr. Jane Orient - http:///1MXX7pb
35. Dr. Richard Deth - http:///1GQDL10
36. Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic - http:///1eqiPr5
37. Dr Chris Shaw - http:///1IlGiBp
38. Dr. Susan McCreadie - http:///1CqqN83
39. Dr. Mary Ann Block - http:///1OHcyUX
40. Dr. David Brownstein - http:///1EaHl9A
41. Dr. Jayne Donegan - http:///1wOk4Zz
42. Dr. Troy Ross - censored
43. Dr. Philip Incao - http:///1ghE7sS
44. Dr. Joseph Mercola - http:///18dE38I
45. Dr. Jeff Bradstreet - http:///1MaX0cC
46. Dr. Robert Mendelson - http:///1JpAEQr
47. Dr Theresa Deisher https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=6Bc6WX33SuE
48. Dr. Sam Eggertsen-

Hundreds more doctors testifying that vaccines aren't safe or effective, in these documentaries....

1. Vaccination - The Silent Epidemic - http:///1vvQJ2W
2. The Greater Good - http:///1icxh8j
3. Shots In The Dark - http:///1ObtC8h
4. Vaccination The Hidden Truth - http:///KEYDUh
5. Vaccine Nation - http:///1iKNvpU
6. Vaccination - The Truth About Vaccines - http:///1vlpwvU
7. Lethal Injection - http:///1URN7BJ
8. Bought - http:///1M7YSlr
9. Deadly Immunity - http:///1KUg64Z
10. Autism - Made in the USA - http:///1J8WQN5
11. Beyond Treason - http:///1B7kmvt
12. Trace Amounts - http:///1vAH3Hv
13. Why We Don't Vaccinate - http:///1KbXhuf

9 hour court case


Documentaries... �

1. Vaccination - The Silent Epidemic(2013)

- http:///1vvQJ2W

2. The Greater Good - (2011)


3. Shots In The Dark -(2009)


4. Vaccination The Hidden Truth -(1998)


5. Vaccine Nation - (2008)


6. Vaccination - The Truth About Vaccines -


7. Lethal Injection - http:///1URN7BJ

8. Bought - (2015)



9. Deadly Immunity - (2005)


10. Autism - Made in the USA(2009)

- http:///1J8WQN5

11. Beyond Treason - (2005)


12. Trace Amounts - (2014)


13. Why We Don't Vaccinate -


14. Autism Yesterday - (2010)

Nairaland Will not let some of the links to be posted. But there you have it and there's more
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by HBB1(m): 10:40am On Apr 07, 2021

The Doctors who explain why vaccines are not safe or effective.

1. Dr. Nancy Banks - http:///1Ip0aIm
2. Dr. Russell Blaylock - http:///1BXxQZL
3. Dr. Shiv Chopra - http:///1gdgh1s
4. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny - http:///1MPVbjx
5. Dr. Suzanne Humphries - http:///17sKDbf
6. Dr. Larry Palevsky - http:///1LLEjf6
7. Dr. Toni Bark - http:///1CYM9RB
8. Dr. Andrew Wakefield - http:///1MuyNzo
9. Dr. Meryl Nass - http:///1DGzJsc
10. Dr. Raymond Obomsawin - http:///1G9ZXYl
11. Dr. Ghislaine Lanctot - http:///1MrVeUL
12. Dr. Robert Rowen - http:///1SIELeF
13. Dr. David Ayoub - http:///1SIELve
14. Dr. Boyd Haley PhD - http:///1KsdVby
15. Dr. Rashid Buttar - http:///1gWOkL6
16. Dr. Roby Mitchell - http:///1gdgEZU
17. Dr. Ken Stoller - http:///1MPVqLI
18. Dr. Mayer Eisenstein - http:///1LLEqHH
19. Dr. Frank Engley, PhD - http:///1OHbLDI
20. Dr. David Davis - http:///1gdgJwo
21. Dr Tetyana Obukhanych - http:///16Z7k6J
22. Dr. Harold E Buttram - http:///1Kru6Df
23. Dr. Kelly Brogan - http:///1D31pfQ
24. Dr. RC Tent - http:///1MPVwmu
25. Dr. Rebecca Carley - http:///K49F4d
26. Dr. Andrew Moulden - http:///1fwzKJu
27. Dr. Jack Wolfson - http:///1wtPHRA
28. Dr. Michael Elice - http:///1KsdpKA
29. Dr. Terry Wahls - http:///1gWOBhd
30. Dr. Stephanie Seneff - http:///1OtWxAY
31. Dr. Paul Thomas - http:///1DpeXPf
32. Many doctors talking at once - http:///1MPVHOv
33. Dr. Richard Moskowitz - censored
34. Dr. Jane Orient - http:///1MXX7pb
35. Dr. Richard Deth - http:///1GQDL10
36. Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic - http:///1eqiPr5
37. Dr Chris Shaw - http:///1IlGiBp
38. Dr. Susan McCreadie - http:///1CqqN83
39. Dr. Mary Ann Block - http:///1OHcyUX
40. Dr. David Brownstein - http:///1EaHl9A
41. Dr. Jayne Donegan - http:///1wOk4Zz
42. Dr. Troy Ross - censored
43. Dr. Philip Incao - http:///1ghE7sS
44. Dr. Joseph Mercola - http:///18dE38I
45. Dr. Jeff Bradstreet - http:///1MaX0cC
46. Dr. Robert Mendelson - http:///1JpAEQr
47. Dr Theresa Deisher https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=6Bc6WX33SuE
48. Dr. Sam Eggertsen-

Hundreds more doctors testifying that vaccines aren't safe or effective, in these documentaries....

1. Vaccination - The Silent Epidemic - http:///1vvQJ2W
2. The Greater Good - http:///1icxh8j
3. Shots In The Dark - http:///1ObtC8h
4. Vaccination The Hidden Truth - http:///KEYDUh
5. Vaccine Nation - http:///1iKNvpU
6. Vaccination - The Truth About Vaccines - http:///1vlpwvU
7. Lethal Injection - http:///1URN7BJ
8. Bought - http:///1M7YSlr
9. Deadly Immunity - http:///1KUg64Z
10. Autism - Made in the USA - http:///1J8WQN5
11. Beyond Treason - http:///1B7kmvt
12. Trace Amounts - http:///1vAH3Hv
13. Why We Don't Vaccinate - http:///1KbXhuf

9 hour court case


Documentaries... �

1. Vaccination - The Silent Epidemic(2013)

- http:///1vvQJ2W

2. The Greater Good - (2011)


3. Shots In The Dark -(2009)


4. Vaccination The Hidden Truth -(1998)


5. Vaccine Nation - (2008)


6. Vaccination - The Truth About Vaccines -


7. Lethal Injection - http:///1URN7BJ

8. Bought - (2015)



9. Deadly Immunity - (2005)


10. Autism - Made in the USA(2009)

- http:///1J8WQN5

11. Beyond Treason - (2005)


12. Trace Amounts - (2014)


13. Why We Don't Vaccinate -


14. Autism Yesterday - (2010)

Nairaland Will not let some of the links to be posted. But there you have it and there's more

From Covid Vaccine you have moved to Vaccines in general.

For every 10 Doctors who are anti-vaxxers, there are thousands who say and think otherwise.

Conspiracy theories is the reason Polio is still ravaging Northern Nigeria in this age.

Vaccines don't work?!

So you believe its just because people are washing their hands that child and infant mortality rates have reduced the world over, although still higher in areas with worse healthcare.

What happened to smallpox, measles, chicken pox, Polio...?

Come on!

If you just target Covid, I understand, and it is reasonable to do so....

But vaccination in general?!

If you don't want to Vaccinate your Wards, don't do so, it's your choice.
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by HallaDaTruth: 11:35pm On Apr 10, 2021

From Covid Vaccine you have moved to Vaccines in general.

For every 10 Doctors who are anti-vaxxers, there are thousands who say and think otherwise.

Conspiracy theories is the reason Polio is still ravaging Northern Nigeria in this age.

Vaccines don't work?!

So you believe its just because people are washing their hands that child and infant mortality rates have reduced the world over, although still higher in areas with worse healthcare.

What happened to smallpox, measles, chicken pox, Polio...?

Come on!

If you just target Covid, I understand, and it is reasonable to do so....

But vaccination in general?!

If you don't want to Vaccinate your Wards, don't do so, it's your choice.

Behold the victims of the deadly corona virus poisonous vaccines

Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by HBB1(m): 12:14pm On Apr 13, 2021

Behold the victims of the deadly corona virus poisonous vaccines


You realise oral contraceptives are more likely to cause clots than the Astrazeneca vaccine?

Millions of people have taken it and you have counted a handful of deaths.

Though unfortunate, it is inevitable.

No drug is a 100 percent safe.
Every one of them has potential side effects.
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by RockhouseCafe: 4:59pm On Oct 17, 2021

Your tirade is just emotional at best.

Please be better informed or think things through.

I am not in Nigeria by the way.

...and where did you here that the Queen wanted to kill her daughter-in-law?


You realise oral contraceptives are more likely to cause clots than the Astrazeneca vaccine?

Millions of people have taken it and you have counted a handful of deaths.

Though unfortunate, it is inevitable.

No drug is a 100 percent safe.
Every one of them has potential side effects.

Bros e choke abi?

These are the kind of reasoning l have all around me since l took my first jab. My friend in Australia took Pfizer but the wife got Astrazenica.

And they say such thing with boldness and finality of tone
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by vickydevoka(m): 1:58pm On Dec 15, 2021
Lol! Classic Corona symptoms. U see that body pain, its the most brutal. That shivering the editor talked about, I remember waking up at 3am and running to find blanket. No AC. Just fan
My eye de turn me . Na paracetamol de reduce am
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by vickydevoka(m): 2:01pm On Dec 15, 2021
I had horrible side effects after the 1st dose... really horrible!

Some people however don't have the minutest problems.
They are up and about the very next moment.

To take 2nd dose sef, na to start paracetamol 2 days before the shot. grin
Eat well

After taking it I didn't eat well for 2 days even b4 taking it, now it's been 3 days my eyes it turning me
Re: COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects: Lagos Residents Share Their Experiences by HoneyWholesaler: 5:35pm On Dec 15, 2021
P.S. For HONEY: get the least expensive wholesaler of original undiluted honey straight from the bee farm, check my signature

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