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It Was A Brutal Fight Between Me And My Best Friend Now (enemy) Over A Girl - Romance (13) - Nairaland

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I'm Dating Her Friend Now She's Getting Jealous / My Friend Told Her Boyfriend That I Am Just A Friend,, Now This Is Happening. / I Just Blocked A Female Friend Now Because Of This. (2) (3) (4)

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Re: It Was A Brutal Fight Between Me And My Best Friend Now (enemy) Over A Girl by emperortony: 9:50am On May 17, 2021
I thought there is a code, that says "bros before hoes" but instead you wanna put your bro in a hole...�
Re: It Was A Brutal Fight Between Me And My Best Friend Now (enemy) Over A Girl by Lostchild(m): 9:57am On May 17, 2021

Few years later two of you will think of this day and believe that sense una no get


Re: It Was A Brutal Fight Between Me And My Best Friend Now (enemy) Over A Girl by Lostchild(m): 9:58am On May 17, 2021

Two of you are big fools. I nod my head in disgust.

Instead of Una to dey pray to God for Una life and destiny, Una dey fight over a woman?

Chai. If it is possible for God to show Una wathin woman do to me. Una go get sense by fire and by force.

Right now; both of you nor get sense at all.

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Re: It Was A Brutal Fight Between Me And My Best Friend Now (enemy) Over A Girl by DAMN99: 10:14am On May 17, 2021
You accommodate your friend's fiancee with his permission or without his permission? Cos one thing i know for a fact is being with a female that is not your sibling in the same room na kpanshing dey always end am grin
Re: It Was A Brutal Fight Between Me And My Best Friend Now (enemy) Over A Girl by bishopjoe02(m): 10:19am On May 17, 2021
[/color]After carefully going through the previous thread and reading the mentions, I have formed the opinion (s) that

chumaZ is a loosed person in nature and was wrong for sleeping with his supposed "besties" GF. As for the rape, he didn't do that. it's a LIE and an EMOTIONAL BLACKMAIL used by the said GF. Nevertheless, Offorken was wrong and stupid for attacking his friend over a girl.

Offorken is definitely heart broken that his own friend slept with his GF but still, his acrions by threatening and making an attempt on his friends life EXPOSES the kind of person he is. he is WICKED AND HEARTLESS AND A SIMP AS WELL. If Offorken does not handle this issue as a reasonable man, he will either KILL OR BE KILLED either ways, it will end bad for him.


You miss out the part that all the three friends are all cultist


Re: It Was A Brutal Fight Between Me And My Best Friend Now (enemy) Over A Girl by Xtopher16(m): 10:26am On May 17, 2021
Las Las the girl no go send any of una two.
Re: It Was A Brutal Fight Between Me And My Best Friend Now (enemy) Over A Girl by Bossose(m): 10:43am On May 17, 2021

You miss out the part that all the three friends are all cultist



Re: It Was A Brutal Fight Between Me And My Best Friend Now (enemy) Over A Girl by emonis88: 10:48am On May 17, 2021
The funny part of this story is dat, that girl dey somewhere dey live her life, she lied to Kennedy dat his guy chima raped her so she can get off d hook , cus she knows he is hot tempered , now kennedy nearly killed his guy chima .all these r the manipulations of a prostitute, an ashawo! Hope all d players r reading, u all have bn played by an ashawo!! Those wey go at their guy life learn lesson, if it escalates more than this , those saying they il go after d op after he is out of d hospital, the matter don cast already , u guys r known no amount of laying low go make d op family let una go! Na advice I dey give, una all. Let the matter end , so u all can ve a future, make una no let dat ashawo dey laugh o! Cus na wetin she dey do now.

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Re: It Was A Brutal Fight Between Me And My Best Friend Now (enemy) Over A Girl by Nobody: 11:01am On May 17, 2021
Another igbo talk..
Una be best friends and fought over toto, not once or twice and yet you allowed your friendship to becloud your sense of reality.

Simps are gorgeously hell in waiting..
Sorry bro but you learned the hard way.

My own cuz did the same thing to me bro. Been sleeping with my girl back in sec sch days and when I found out, I cut off the two from my list of friends..

You don't have to be a victim to learn your lesson. Keep it short and simple
Re: It Was A Brutal Fight Between Me And My Best Friend Now (enemy) Over A Girl by Drella: 11:17am On May 17, 2021

Then na cult matter na why all men dey code. Cultists no dey ever think well. Be like who price go pay...bullshit. An eye for an eye mentality wey no dey bring anything but sorry tears and blood.

If na jews this matter no fit reach like this. Na all these smelling cultists wey no get life. Person wey get better work or career go rise men go kill person

You get the gist.
Na why hin sef no fit do anything cos he no belong.
Re: It Was A Brutal Fight Between Me And My Best Friend Now (enemy) Over A Girl by Nobody: 11:26am On May 17, 2021
When woman matter mix with confra na so e dey be.

A typical man , polygamous in nature,wanted to test his sexual prowess and went for the fiancee of his friend who is a sucker for love.

I am afraid ,this is a fight to the death. I said my piece on the former thread, nothing I say now will make a difference.

This is why I always ask any guy I am attracted to if "e blend" una matter too dey hard abeg.

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Re: It Was A Brutal Fight Between Me And My Best Friend Now (enemy) Over A Girl by Drella: 11:44am On May 17, 2021
what useless number 1 are you talking about?

The guy is a cultist.The number one is their overall head in a particular jurisdiction.

Don't engage him further!


Re: It Was A Brutal Fight Between Me And My Best Friend Now (enemy) Over A Girl by Nobody: 11:55am On May 17, 2021
Fake stories una too quick to dy believe any post from some deluded SIMPs.
Re: It Was A Brutal Fight Between Me And My Best Friend Now (enemy) Over A Girl by Ralphken7(m): 12:02pm On May 17, 2021
Are you sure it's not the Kenneth offorchukwu that lives in aba by umule?
Re: It Was A Brutal Fight Between Me And My Best Friend Now (enemy) Over A Girl by HIGHESTPOPORI(m): 12:12pm On May 17, 2021
Oponu, go and Bleep your number 1's girlfriend na...
Mumu,I dont have a number 1,i will bleep any babe I want to.Cultism is for broke boys,I don't do that.

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Re: It Was A Brutal Fight Between Me And My Best Friend Now (enemy) Over A Girl by NiceMen: 12:29pm On May 17, 2021
The babe in question was even pregnant for an UNKNOWN MAN. And yet they went ahead to attack the friend.
Even after everyone was telling Chima that what he did was wrong and calming Keneddy down, after their first attack on him. They took their fight home and continued. This is how we know those that cultism run in their blood. The urge to kill in order to show power is always pushing them.
They have too much energy but have refused to join the army whee they can deal with terrorists but have decided to fight each other over a lady. A lady that doesn't have regards for them. That's jumping from one sick to another. That's the kind of lady they are fighting over. Only cultists or x cultists fight like that.
I swear man. I make dem join army and go fight bokoharam.

I think this is a great idea. Anyone found in cultism should be sent to the war front straight!


Re: It Was A Brutal Fight Between Me And My Best Friend Now (enemy) Over A Girl by cybriz82(m): 12:54pm On May 17, 2021

If i give you nodding, you will go into a coma. Are you drunk? Show me where I was 'cheering him up' as you claim or forever hold your peace.

Arrant nonsense.

Na so ur head big reach Wey u want nod person...
Re: It Was A Brutal Fight Between Me And My Best Friend Now (enemy) Over A Girl by MISSCONGENIALITY(f): 1:01pm On May 17, 2021
I swear man. I make dem join army and go fight bokoharam.

I think this is a great idea. Anyone found in cultism should be sent to the war front straight!
Yes nah. So that they can enjoy blood letting and bullying.

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Re: It Was A Brutal Fight Between Me And My Best Friend Now (enemy) Over A Girl by Sariel(m): 3:30pm On May 17, 2021
From my observation,

1) Ruggedboy01 is the same person known as Kachi, and his other name too is Collins.

2) Offorken and Kachi are both cultists, Aromate precisely.

3) Prior to this incident there has been too much bad blood between Ruggedboy01 and ChumaZ.

4) Ruggedboy01 is a local champion, boastful, ignorant and jealous person.

5) ChumZ had an eye for Offorken's girlfriend right from time, and he knew he couldn't stay alone in the room with her, hence his not agreeing to accommodate her when Offorken asked him to.

6) Offorken is an Emotional guy who trusted his friend too much, but took counsel from Ruggedboy01 who wanted his friendship with ChumZ the Jew man to be broken at all cost, and him sleeping with the hoe gf was the perfect bait.

7) Even the foolish Ruggedboy has slept with the hoe gf of Kennedy and it was all Ruggedboy's idea for her to accuse ChumZ of Rape.

8} Ruggedboy01 had a hand in everything that is happening and he needs to be arrested not only because he is a cultists or because he has a hand in everything that happened but because he still went ahead to issue fresh threat against ChumaZ, something he has been doing to Roland and ChumaZ.

9) Fear women, never trust anyone, Love and Lust is the biggest killer of Men. So it's safe to say Women are the biggest killers of Women.

10) Offorken you will go down for letting Love have control over you,
ChumaZ you are going through all these for letting Lust have control over you,
Ruggedboy01, you will go down for all your atrocities and Jealousy just watch.


Re: It Was A Brutal Fight Between Me And My Best Friend Now (enemy) Over A Girl by DecanRice: 3:42pm On May 17, 2021
From my observation,

1) Ruggedboy01 is the same person known as Kachi, and his other name too is Collins.

2) Offorken and Kachi are both cultists, Aromate precisely.

3) Prior to this incident there has been too much bad blood between Ruggedboy01 and ChumaZ.

4) Ruggedboy01 is a local champion, boastful, ignorant and jealous person.

5) ChumZ had an eye for Offorken's girlfriend right from time, and he knew he couldn't stay alone in the room with her, hence his not agreeing to accommodate her when Offorken asked him to.

6) Offorken is an Emotional guy who trusted his friend too much, but took counsel from Ruggedboy01 who wanted his friendship with ChumZ the Jew man to be broken at all cost, and him sleeping with the hoe gf was the perfect bait.

7) Even the foolish Ruggedboy has slept with the hoe gf of Kennedy and it was all Ruggedboy's idea for her to accuse ChumZ of Rape.

8} Ruggedboy01 had a hand in everything that is happening and he needs to be arrested not only because he is a cultists or because he has a hand in everything that happened but because he still went ahead to issue fresh threat against ChumaZ, something he has been doing to Roland and ChumaZ.

9) Fear women, never trust anyone, Love and Lust is the biggest killer of Men. So it's safe to say Women are the biggest killers of Women.

10) Offorken you will go down for letting Love have control over you,
ChumaZ you are going through all these for letting Lust have control over you,
Ruggedboy01, you will go down for all your atrocities and Jealousy just watch.

He wanted to hurt that his friend

He skewed it to make his friend look bad before the world. It is clear for the blind to see he wants people to hate his friend so bad

He cleverly hides his hate and envy he has for the friend

Chuma is a snake and a person to be wary of

Yes he is also the other identities as the same energy resonates across all the posts by all those handles.
Re: It Was A Brutal Fight Between Me And My Best Friend Now (enemy) Over A Girl by Viper231: 4:03pm On May 17, 2021
A no blame you.

Lobber See this useless boy scout bastard... I go swallow u no trace. Small rat with smelly mouth cheesy grin
Re: It Was A Brutal Fight Between Me And My Best Friend Now (enemy) Over A Girl by Nobody: 4:16pm On May 17, 2021
A no blame you.
Stick to 231 and stop being a little fool.. It baffles me how they make u idiots these days undecided
Re: It Was A Brutal Fight Between Me And My Best Friend Now (enemy) Over A Girl by DecanRice: 4:21pm On May 17, 2021

Lier I saw you when your guys descended on me, your there Kennedy even with my blurry vision I still see you clearly and I was shouting and begging you to spare me before I was knocked out with a bullet on my laps which have landed me in a wheelchair now, why are you being wicked and still try to deny your action, although I have forgiven but your wickedness will change my life forever cry

Why do this to me

Kennedy I wish you well

You betrayed. You knew your actions and that it would have consequences. However heavy or light it is assumed, you don't choose how people react to your mistreatments of them.

Did you spare the vagina when pounding it? Or care that you were inflicting great hurt on someone else?

Next time, be a better person. I don't say the other party is right. But, you do your own homework and be a better person.


Re: It Was A Brutal Fight Between Me And My Best Friend Now (enemy) Over A Girl by Nobody: 4:37pm On May 17, 2021
As-salamu alaykum
Wetin dey happen for here na.......?
Why all the insult,curse and commotion....?
Wetin rugged01,ChumaZ and Kennedy do all of una....?
Na their matter,so make them solve am.
Abeg make una allow ChumaZ rest.

Una no dey there when the thing dey happen, so make una no judge too much.
Instead of una to learn from wetin happen,una dey judge person as if na court all of una dey.

Some people comment really annoy me.
If na your brother this kind thing happen to,you go insult am the way you dey insult ChumaZ...?

Abeg, make una no dey judge people,make una dey learn from their story because this kind thing fit happen to any of us tomorrow or in the future.
Make una dey use una sense before una comment.

E get one idiot way write rubbish. I no wan mention that person moniker because I no wan beef with anybody for here.

If this thing way happen to ChumaZ happen to any of us. Some of una go make the same mistake way ChumaZ make.

Nobody is perfect.


Re: It Was A Brutal Fight Between Me And My Best Friend Now (enemy) Over A Girl by Nobody: 6:24pm On May 17, 2021

off course you are free to quote me online, I wonder if you can ever do that offline, I no go waste my time on you, just be guided who you insult online
but he didn't insult you na
Re: It Was A Brutal Fight Between Me And My Best Friend Now (enemy) Over A Girl by Avedonn: 6:44pm On May 17, 2021

Gerrawayu. You slept with your friend's hoe girlfriend and you expect us to pat you on the back? You're a joker.

I'm not acting nice here; I'm condemning the extreme action the said friend took to avenge the betrayal. Grievous bodily injury is akin to swatting a fly with a sledgehammer. Get that into your potato head

I can remember vividly when you encouraged the friend to take his pound of flesh on him and here you are saying different thing.

Please allow the guy to nurse his injuries in peace. Avoid him as he mentioned.


Re: It Was A Brutal Fight Between Me And My Best Friend Now (enemy) Over A Girl by ruggedboy01: 7:12pm On May 17, 2021
From my observation,

1) Ruggedboy01 is the same person known as Kachi, and his other name too is Collins.

2) Offorken and Kachi are both cultists, Aromate precisely.

3) Prior to this incident there has been too much bad blood between Ruggedboy01 and ChumaZ.

4) Ruggedboy01 is a local champion, boastful, ignorant and jealous person.

5) ChumZ had an eye for Offorken's girlfriend right from time, and he knew he couldn't stay alone in the room with her, hence his not agreeing to accommodate her when Offorken asked him to.

6) Offorken is an Emotional guy who trusted his friend too much, but took counsel from Ruggedboy01 who wanted his friendship with ChumZ the Jew man to be broken at all cost, and him sleeping with the hoe gf was the perfect bait.

7) Even the foolish Ruggedboy has slept with the hoe gf of Kennedy and it was all Ruggedboy's idea for her to accuse ChumZ of Rape.

8} Ruggedboy01 had a hand in everything that is happening and he needs to be arrested not only because he is a cultists or because he has a hand in everything that happened but because he still went ahead to issue fresh threat against ChumaZ, something he has been doing to Roland and ChumaZ.

9) Fear women, never trust anyone, Love and Lust is the biggest killer of Men. So it's safe to say Women are the biggest killers of Women.

10) Offorken you will go down for letting Love have control over you,
ChumaZ you are going through all these for letting Lust have control over you,
Ruggedboy01, you will go down for all your atrocities and Jealousy just watch.

arrant nonsense, you seat in your cave and analysized someone who is far ahead of you in all ramification. You're the local champion. Can you even stand before me You fools should try and get sense and leave my mention. Don't hid behind keyboard and yarn trash. What kind of nonsense is this kawnu angry
Re: It Was A Brutal Fight Between Me And My Best Friend Now (enemy) Over A Girl by Ishilove: 7:17pm On May 17, 2021

I can remember vividly when you encouraged the friend to take his pound of flesh on him and here you are saying different thing.

Please allow the guy to nurse his injuries in peace. Avoid him as he mentioned.
You better bring out where I 'encouraged' anyone to slay anyone or forever hold your peace.

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Re: It Was A Brutal Fight Between Me And My Best Friend Now (enemy) Over A Girl by Sariel(m): 7:58pm On May 17, 2021

arrant nonsense, you seat in your cave and analysized someone who is far ahead of you in all ramification. You're the local champion. Can you even stand before me You fools should try and get sense and leave my mention. Don't hid behind keyboard and yarn trash. What kind of nonsense is this kawnu angry

Ahead of me?? Because you are a cultist? You are a dreamer. You are the foolish one here for thinking I am ChumaZ who you have bullied all your life, you keep thinking no one can confront you, you will die like a rat, Jealous Local champion.


Re: It Was A Brutal Fight Between Me And My Best Friend Now (enemy) Over A Girl by ruggedboy01: 9:06pm On May 17, 2021

Ahead of me?? Because you are a cultist? You are a dreamer. You are the foolish one here for thinking I am ChumaZ who you have bullied all your life, you keep thinking no one can confront you, you will die like a rat, Jealous Local champion.
you gonna die before me with your uncouth mouth, lucky you boy. You can insult me all you want because you're hiding behind a keyboard, even though I have issues with my friends and they stupidly bring it here and tag me along, you will never attend to my level. Work on yourself and mind your business
Re: It Was A Brutal Fight Between Me And My Best Friend Now (enemy) Over A Girl by Starships4u(m): 9:09pm On May 17, 2021
You dey beg am?

My man make matter die...

Person wey go OVB dan go am oh..
And who run the hit fit still go OVB so make dem die d matter. Make all man count their losses...
The Bleep up dan be buh make e nor pass like this....

My guy was stabbed on the neck just on Saturday for what reason?? Chelsea VS Leicester match....
If he has died e for dan be buh wisdom profits all men. He cut ties with the attacker and kept his distance...
This life nor pass reach like that oh...
Re: It Was A Brutal Fight Between Me And My Best Friend Now (enemy) Over A Girl by Avedonn: 9:15pm On May 17, 2021

You better bring out where I 'encouraged' anyone to slay anyone or forever hold your peace.

Go through the first thread and how you guys encouraged that boy to take such shameful act.

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