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Name Your Favorite Pet: Dogs, Cats, Monkeys, Snakes, Pigs, Spiders, Parrots? - Pets - Nairaland

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Name Your Favorite Pet: Dogs, Cats, Monkeys, Snakes, Pigs, Spiders, Parrots? by Ohthinktwice(m): 11:03am On Sep 16, 2021
It is often said that one man's meat was another man's poison, and that variety was the spice of life.

This saying also applies to the kinds of animals we would rather have and love to keep around us.

The ones loved and cherished by someone, may be abominable to another person and that which he has a phobia for.

I love dogs. They are my favorites pets and i'm sure the same applies to many others, as the saying goes, "dogs are a man's best friend". However, i do know that there were yet many out there who detest dogs and wouldn't want to have anything to do with them.

I for one don't really like cats, even though though my dislike for them is not much, I wouldn't want to personally keep them as pets. But I have some friends who do keep them and their fondness for cats and having to deal and relate with cats when I visit them, has made my dislike for cats to decrease because I understand them better now.

I detest snakes just as most people do, but i've also seen some people treat snakes as their fellow humans and keep them as pets.

Hence it's appears to be a matter of choice, so which one is your own favorite pet?

Feel free to also post some of their pictures here if you could.


Re: Name Your Favorite Pet: Dogs, Cats, Monkeys, Snakes, Pigs, Spiders, Parrots? by thesicilian: 11:14am On Sep 16, 2021
Pets are like pests to me.
Re: Name Your Favorite Pet: Dogs, Cats, Monkeys, Snakes, Pigs, Spiders, Parrots? by OkuFaba(m): 11:47am On Sep 16, 2021
I prefer MONEY pet
Re: Name Your Favorite Pet: Dogs, Cats, Monkeys, Snakes, Pigs, Spiders, Parrots? by stacy02: 5:16pm On Sep 23, 2021
My favorite pet is also dog. They are really men’s friend. When I was 5, I had the dog. I found it near my house. But now, despite being a dog lover, I have a cat. It is a challenge for me because it’s my first own pet. His name is Gucci. I always try to find new information how to care about cats and what food is useful for them. For instance, I didn’t know that cats can drink powered milk and I learn it here. All in all, having a pet is a real responsibility but we have to be ready for it.

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