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Help! Should I Accept Her Back? - Romance - Nairaland

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Help! Should I Accept Her Back? by JustwiseNaIdiot: 10:19pm On Nov 20, 2021
So there is this girl we have been dating for 9 Months now. she's very beautiful. Like mamiwater. She's a good muslim and descent.

She messaged me 2 weeks ago that she need to travel urgentlyfor job interview. I say okay. She say she need money. I didn't have much. So I gave her 15k from my house rent money.

She has good vibe and damn hot. She came back from Lagos. Cuz we live at Osun. I sha force her to come and spend night with me after she came back from travel.

Just last week,, I sha don't know what push me to check her phone when she sleep. The code didn't lock before she slept.

So I just checked and see different messages. This girl tell me she was going to Lagos for job interview but she went to spend weekend with another man in Lagos. I sent her out of my house that night. Now she is begging that she is sorry. And I love her. And I don't want to lose her


Re: Help! Should I Accept Her Back? by NwaAmaikpe: 10:23pm On Nov 20, 2021

I always thought that investing in lands was the safest line of business but it wasn't until I became actively involved in acquiring lands and houses that I realized it was a scam; real estate is a line of business for only the tough hearted.

Your C of O can be revoked at any time, despite having a C of O, you'd still pay tenement rates. An encroacher can develop on part of your property, omoniles can get you to buy it over again, you could even wake up to find charms on your plot and fear won't let you step foot in it again.

Worse still, your property can be demolished for no reason whatsoever.
That's why some people will rather be tenants all their lives than to buy a land and build on it.

Ogbeni, the moment you realize that women are like plots of land, the happier you'd become.
Your C of O is not final as ownership is tenured.

That kpekus is only on lease, it does not belong to you. So enjoy her while she's there and live like she's not there by not relenting in your pursuit for replacement kpekuses.

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Re: Help! Should I Accept Her Back? by thesicilian: 10:24pm On Nov 20, 2021
You can accept her back if she's the only single girl left in osun state


Re: Help! Should I Accept Her Back? by hybrid11(m): 10:25pm On Nov 20, 2021
Don't accept her back period
Re: Help! Should I Accept Her Back? by JustwiseNaIdiot: 10:26pm On Nov 20, 2021
You can accept her back if she's the only single girl left in osun state
She's my first and u will not understan cuz u don't know what love is

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Re: Help! Should I Accept Her Back? by JustwiseNaIdiot: 10:26pm On Nov 20, 2021
Don't accept her back period
why bro?
Re: Help! Should I Accept Her Back? by Cowbell521: 10:29pm On Nov 20, 2021
So there is this girl we have been dating for 9 Months now. she's very beautiful. Like mamiwater. She's a good muslim and descent.

She messaged me 2 weeks ago that she need to travel urgentlyfor job interview. I say okay. She say she need money. I didn't have much. So I gave her 15k from my house rent money.

She has good vibe and damn hot. She came back from Lagos. Cuz we live at Osun. I sha force her to come and spend night with me after she came back from travel.

Just last week,, I sha don't know what push me to check her phone when she sleep. The code didn't lock before she slept.

So I just checked and see different messages. This girl tell me she was going to Lagos for job interview but she went to spend weekend with another man in Lagos. I sent her out of my house that night. Now she is begging that she is sorry. And I love her. And I don't want to lose her
U give ur girlfriend transport fare make E go Bleep another man for another state? U dey give Olosho money 2 go meet her customer? And u still dey talk love?

Na ur mama I pity


Re: Help! Should I Accept Her Back? by thesicilian: 10:30pm On Nov 20, 2021
She's my first and u will not understan cuz u don't know what love is
Lol. But I'm sure I know what sense is.

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Re: Help! Should I Accept Her Back? by Aplaudez(m): 10:38pm On Nov 20, 2021
Common sense is not just common lipsrsealed lipsrsealed

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Re: Help! Should I Accept Her Back? by hybrid11(m): 10:39pm On Nov 20, 2021
why bro?
why? A girl who made u to use your house rent money and she used it to visit another man, probably bought bread for him with your money, open your eyes
Leave and move on to the next bae

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Re: Help! Should I Accept Her Back? by PrimeWatermark: 10:41pm On Nov 20, 2021
Re: Help! Should I Accept Her Back? by slimjohn2k5: 10:49pm On Nov 20, 2021
Drop Ur emotions and think with your brain, then you will know what to do.

The fear u might not get another girl like her is not true.

If you have caught her then she have been doing it and u are not aware.
A girl that does not love u and u are loving her, you giving yourself high BP.

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Re: Help! Should I Accept Her Back? by Obioramichael(m): 11:13pm On Nov 20, 2021
She's my first and u will not understan cuz u don't know what love is

So she practically billed you 15k and used it to transport herself to where she can get another taste of....


Re: Help! Should I Accept Her Back? by Polynek(m): 11:17pm On Nov 20, 2021
Accept Her back undecided

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Re: Help! Should I Accept Her Back? by shege45: 11:26pm On Nov 20, 2021
So there is this girl we have been dating for 9 Months now. she's very beautiful. Like mamiwater. She's a good muslim and descent.

She messaged me 2 weeks ago that she need to travel urgentlyfor job interview. I say okay. She say she need money. I didn't have much. So I gave her 15k from my house rent money.

She has good vibe and damn hot. She came back from Lagos. Cuz we live at Osun. I sha force her to come and spend night with me after she came back from travel.

Just last week,, I sha don't know what push me to check her phone when she sleep. The code didn't lock before she slept.

So I just checked and see different messages. This girl tell me she was going to Lagos for job interview but she went to spend weekend with another man in Lagos. I sent her out of my house that night. Now she is begging that she is sorry. And I love her. And I don't want to lose her
lol e Funny. She carry your money go see another man. Bro no take am serious


Re: Help! Should I Accept Her Back? by Nobody: 11:29pm On Nov 20, 2021
Don't ever accept her back. Never tolerate such.

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Re: Help! Should I Accept Her Back? by yuping(m): 11:51pm On Nov 20, 2021
She got dick in reservation but prefer to give her pussy out for donation and you SIMPly feeling pity.
One day you all shall learn shaaaa.
Just update me when she start sharing it up and down again.


Re: Help! Should I Accept Her Back? by Theama(m): 12:18am On Nov 21, 2021
Re: Help! Should I Accept Her Back? by Yoighaman(m): 12:28am On Nov 21, 2021
She's my first and u will not understan cuz u don't know what love is

She's your first and you suddenly already know it's love?

In hindsight, mine was stupidity, I mean my first was absolute stupidity, but just like you, I called it love.

Keep loving and calling it love, when you look back many years from now, you will call it what it really is.

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Re: Help! Should I Accept Her Back? by Nobody: 2:47am On Nov 21, 2021
So there is this girl we have been dating for 9 Months now. she's very beautiful. Like mamiwater. She's a good muslim and descent.

She messaged me 2 weeks ago that she need to travel urgentlyfor job interview. I say okay. She say she need money. I didn't have much. So I gave her 15k from my house rent money.

She has good vibe and damn hot. She came back from Lagos. Cuz we live at Osun. I sha force her to come and spend night with me after she came back from travel.

Just last week,, I sha don't know what push me to check her phone when she sleep. The code didn't lock before she slept.

So I just checked and see different messages. This girl tell me she was going to Lagos for job interview but she went to spend weekend with another man in Lagos. I sent her out of my house that night. Now she is begging that she is sorry. And I love her. And I don't want to lose her

Lemme get this...
A girl lied to you ...
Duped you of your 15k
Cheated on you with the money she lied to you to collect...
And you're saying you 'still love her and don't want to lose her"??

If she can lie, cheat and dupe you after 9months of dating...then it definitely means you're just an option to her, a maga that's good for nothing buh to pay bills...

Use your head


Re: Help! Should I Accept Her Back? by suraaj(m): 4:21am On Nov 21, 2021
Accept her, so that you too can continue to deceive her, enjoy that Congo while it last.

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Re: Help! Should I Accept Her Back? by Godada(m): 4:30am On Nov 21, 2021

Back then, I felt that it was important that I helped everyone I saw in need. That my input was needed whether it was requested or not. I just over delivered.

Something strange happened. While I tried helping every Tom, Dick and Harry, I discovered no one gave a damn about my help. They at most felt that I have a motive for wanting to help with an intention to cash out at a later date.

Thing is this, the likes of the Op, is best left to suffer heart break. All you have to tell him is this: all women are useless but you will find someone worthy of your stupidity love.

Just enjoy whatever it is she is serving. It's your happiness that matters.


Re: Help! Should I Accept Her Back? by basty: 4:50am On Nov 21, 2021
She's my first and u will not understan cuz u don't know what love is

When you know, why are you wasting people's time? Your type is uncommon. Carry your cross alone. Lucky you.

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Re: Help! Should I Accept Her Back? by Davicl: 5:06am On Nov 21, 2021

I always thought that investing in lands was the safest line of business but it wasn't until I became actively involved in acquiring lands and houses that I realized it was a scam; real estate is a line of business for only the tough hearted.

Your C of O can be revoked at any time, despite having a C of O, you'd still pay tenement rates. An encroacher can develop on part of your property, omoniles can get you to buy it over again, you could even wake up to find charms on your plot and fear won't let you step foot in it again.

Worse still, your property can be demolished for no reason whatsoever.
That's why some people will rather be tenants all their lives than to buy a land and build on it.

Ogbeni, the moment you realize that women are like plots of land, the happier you'd become.
Your C of O is not final as ownership is tenured.

That kpekus is only on lease, it does not belong to you. So enjoy her while she's there and live like she's not there by not relenting in your pursuit for replacement kpekuses.

Re: Help! Should I Accept Her Back? by talk2hb1(m): 5:19am On Nov 21, 2021
@OP your Matter don dey village square.
Love Ko, Jollof Ni.
Re: Help! Should I Accept Her Back? by Olumighty123(m): 5:33am On Nov 21, 2021
SIMP-le man grin
Re: Help! Should I Accept Her Back? by seanwilliam(m): 5:37am On Nov 21, 2021
She's my first and u will not understan cuz u don't know what love is
mûmû with certificate grin

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Re: Help! Should I Accept Her Back? by foxxydude: 5:58am On Nov 21, 2021
Op accept her back and live happily ever after cool
Re: Help! Should I Accept Her Back? by Boogyman557: 5:59am On Nov 21, 2021
Holly Gram cool OP U SEND her waiting, U SEND her MONEY from ur house RENT.. OP na people like you de make me BLAST pesin left leg wit my KALA 4 free. WAITING DE WORRY U. U no 1 get SENSE... I don LOAD my KALA 4 here... Make pesin give me dis OP house ADDRESS make I JAZZ in der wit my KALA to ADDRESS dis MATTER. WAITING DE WORRY U... WTF MAN

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Re: Help! Should I Accept Her Back? by cayorday89(m): 5:59am On Nov 21, 2021
She's my first and u will not understan cuz u don't know what love is
Guy, you called this love? First thing you are supposed to do after that is to tell her to transfer the monet you gave to her for lying to you immediately. You still say she is decent and you love her. You ment?
Re: Help! Should I Accept Her Back? by cayorday89(m): 6:02am On Nov 21, 2021

Lemme get this...
A girl lied to you ...
Duped you of your 15k
Cheated on you with the money she lied to you to collect...
And you're saying you 'still love her and don't want to lose her"??

If she can lie, cheat and dupe you after 9months of dating...then it definitely means you're just an option to her, a maga that's good for nothing buh to pay bills...

Use your head
Not just to pay bills but to fund her trips for escapades.

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