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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Health / How Jibola Ended His 7 Years Of Staph Infections Torture (408 Views)
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How Jibola Ended His 7 Years Of Staph Infections Torture by Kunlefiz(m): 1:04pm On Dec 07, 2021 |
This is the story of how my friend, Jibola got rid of his staph infection after 7 years In case you don't know what staph means... Staph is a short form for Staphylococcus and it is a type of bacteria that causes several staph infections on the body Some staph infections are Boils, Impetigo, Cellulitis, etc It is said that 3 out of every 10 people in the world suffer with Staph infection and according to cdc... Staph infection can lead to serious infections if it gets into the body and can even lead to sepsis or death Here's Jibola's story, Jibola was about 19 when he contacted staph Just like everybody else, he didn't know it will turn out to be something serious over the years if not taken care of so he didn't pay attention to the infection It was until after 3-4 years that he started taking it seriously when the symptoms and pains were killing him, so he started searching for cures He bought several supplements that claimed would heal him but ended up doing nothing and in some cases made the infection worse It's not because supplements don't work for staph infections but rather it's because... Taking herbal supplements alone is not enough to fight those stubborn infections. Those infections torment your body defense mechanisms, And as such there are rules you must follow to PERMANENTLY KICK STUBBORN STAPH INFECTIONS OUT OF YOUR BODY. The symptoms nearly killed Jibola He had general body aches and weakness. He had moving sensations all over his body, the pelvic pain In fact, he had quick ejaculation and even annoying itch and discharge from down there It was emotionally draining for Jibola But he never gave up on finding a long-lasting solution to his problems Every day, he religiously took shots of bitter liquid twice a day or more sometimes Helplessly swallowing pills he bought online or at the bus stop. Spending all his hard-earned money on infection flushers that have REFUSED to work. Sometimes, it feels like he was getting better. But before he knew it, everything would come crashing down. And he would become sick again, completely back to square one But on a faithfully day, in a curious Google search... He came across a piece of vital information by a Young Public Health Researcher With COVID 19 Infection Prevention And Control Field Experience This piece of information went on to changing Jibola's life completely This information helped him to get rid of those Stubborn and Life-Threatening Staph Infections after 7+ years This piece of information he discovered was simply a play book or an exposé (as the creator calls it) on How To Defeat Stubborn, Bloodstream Staph Infections This book laid down secret rules that you must combine with your medications in order to PERMANENTLY KICK THOSE STUBBORN STAPH INFECTIONS OUT OF YOUR BODY. These secret rules are the backbone to your recovery Not only are these rules specific for staph infections, but they are also valid for most bacterial infections such as: E. COLI, CANDIDIASIS, CHLAMYDIA, BACTERIAL VAGINOSIS, PID, etc. The name of the book is "Final Staph Knockout" and it's by Chisom Ekilons, Public Health (B.Tech) But I should tell you... Final Staph Knockout is not a quick fix neither will it give you an overnight solution to cure your staph infections In fact, don't ever believe anyone that wants to sell you an infection treatment with the ridiculous promise that you will get well in one week. Those are cheap scams you should stop falling for as from today. Rather the Final Staph Knockout gives you the right guidelines to curing your staph infections forever within 3 months or less... depending on how long you've had the infections If you want to learn more about Final Staph Knockout and how it can help you get rid of your staph infections. Click the link here - |
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