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Not Every Mother Deserves Motherly Love. - Family (2) - Nairaland

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Motherly Care Or Foolishness? / (Pic) Mother And Son Bathing Together; Motherly Love Or Child Abuse? / "motherly Love"? (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Not Every Mother Deserves Motherly Love. by Nobody: 10:18am On Jun 20, 2011
^^^ Very sad to hear that, Jenny. How could a mother be so cruel, and heartless? sad
Re: Not Every Mother Deserves Motherly Love. by Nobody: 10:26am On Jun 20, 2011
^^Ând the foolish woman and her son will come visit her like one loving mother and brother. Devil be damned ,I had to make sure they were stopped from coming to visit her, what irritating nansense, thinking about it now makes me wanna throw up angry
Re: Not Every Mother Deserves Motherly Love. by NaJaHaJe(f): 10:54am On Jun 20, 2011
I sympathise with her Jenny. I really do. i dont like to compare stituations as each case of 'abuse' is always unique to the people involved. For your girl in question; the situation was appalling indeed. However i still stand by my opinion to love your mother.

Yes, some mothers need to be [b]stoned [/b]to death! [b]Flayed alive [/b]and left to rot. - this is something other people can say about a mother but not something a child should say about his/her mother.

I dont have many regrets in my life but i do regret ever telling my mum i hate her. Your mother is your mother. simple as that. Its in the bible; Love your father and mother. That commandment was given with no conditions. This was what made it easy to patch things up with my own mum.

There are some mother child relationships where the bounderies need to be wider to protect yourself from being continually hurt but this does not give you good reason to deny your mother love. One can love from a distance.

It is very hard to forgive and forget. But from experience ,  it is completely rewarding. Bear in mind the person you hold so much ill feelings for may not know the true extent of your pain and may never even fully understand even if there was an attempt to explain.
Re: Not Every Mother Deserves Motherly Love. by honeric01(m): 11:15am On Jun 20, 2011
@NaJa HaJe

Yes, mothers deserve love but NOT every mother.
Re: Not Every Mother Deserves Motherly Love. by Nobody: 11:43am On Jun 20, 2011

@NaJa HaJe
Yes, mothers deserve love but NOT every mother.

This is the point I'm trying to get across.

There are good mothers, and extremely bad ones too. A bad, unrepentant mother does not deserve the love of her child, and let's leave quotations from the Bible out of this.
Re: Not Every Mother Deserves Motherly Love. by sley4life(m): 11:54am On Jun 20, 2011
Some peeps are talking trash. Most especially some gals here. So because her mom gave birth to her means she should abandon her child at a certain age. Even if the gal is 20yrs old and her mom is working 24hrs a day, her mom must take care of her. Its her right and duty. You think if its some countries that mother wont be jailed. If my mom treated me as such I would wait till I'm an adult & jail her forking a s s. I'm make sure he goes in pains before I think of any forgiveness.
Re: Not Every Mother Deserves Motherly Love. by Nobody: 12:31pm On Jun 20, 2011
Sienna, reading your story brought tears to my eyes.

Some mothers are not worth the love, but that doesnt mean when they need our help and we have the capacity to help we shouldnt.
Though it hard to forgive, but its a better option than bitterness.
Re: Not Every Mother Deserves Motherly Love. by NaJaHaJe(f): 1:47pm On Jun 20, 2011

Some mothers are not worth the love, but that doesn't mean when they need our help and we have the capacity to help we shouldnt.
Though it hard to forgive, but its a better option than bitterness.

one of the points i was trying to make,


@NaJa HaJe

  Yes, mothers deserve love but NOT every mother.

There are good mothers, and extremely bad ones too. A bad, unrepentant mother does not deserve the love of her child, and let's leave quotations from the Bible out of this.

I personally don't think,  in all seriousness,  that anyone deserves more or less love than the next person.

As i had previously pointed out, external people may decide a mother needs to be served some justice however great or small but the child in question does not have the right to deny his/her mother love. 

How the child chooses to love or show love depends on how far they can go.

The flipside is if the child is absolutely abominable should the parent deny the child love? There are millions of debate on parents disowing their errant and evil children and majority of people still say 'that is your child, so no matter what you have to love'
Re: Not Every Mother Deserves Motherly Love. by wiseguy(m): 12:04am On Jun 21, 2011
Like someone said no human being deserves more love than another. Some people commenting here do not know how harsh it is to survive in such conditions. I had worse experience from my own mum. Of course, i forgave her but it wasn't easy at all even till this day when i remember all i went through i still feel a little hate for her but for the fact that i still call her and provide for her now that she's old i know that I've forgiven her. But honestly, what i went through in the hands of my own mother is something i would never wish my WORST ENEMY. Though i am grateful to God in a way because those experiences helped in making me who i am today. And now when i look at my two beautiful kids, only one prayer comes to my mind that God should keep me alive long enough to take good care of them and provide them all the love and care they need. So, i will not blame this lady. Some mothers are just not worthy to have the honor of being addressed as such.

Yes, the bible says we should honor our parents but parents should also be deserving of such honor. Sincerely, no child will honestly respect and honor a prostitute mother or a thieving father or a drunk one who comes home and pounces on their mother. it is not just possible IMHO.
Re: Not Every Mother Deserves Motherly Love. by alienYOUTH(m): 12:26am On Jun 21, 2011
I normally wuld say u have no right to say your parents maltreated u, until u have kids of your own and raise them successfully and hear wat they hav to say 'bout u.

Its just unfortunate, but some pple were never meant to have kids; the westerners understand this perfectly, thats why some of them never get married of give birth and they dont get castigated about it. They know if u have kids and u dont treat them right, the law will lock u up.

Women r mostly guilty of this because d onus to bring up a child rests squarely on their shoulders; we males can just bail anytime (i'm not sayin its right tho). Most ladies dont knw wat they getting into most time when they say they wanna get married; believe it or not, your life takes a sharp 270 degrees turn when u say "i do". The men can go on clubbing and banging, but u r stuck home with the kids and u begin to wonder how your life hit rock bottom.
I dare say, most Nigerian Mothers r not mentally stable as a result of the trauma they receive when they start having kids, especially when they have unsupportive husbands; its like being dunked in iced water while u r having a lovely dream episode - a rude awakening!

i always advice all my lady friends; do not rush into marriage, its not for the faint @ heart.
Re: Not Every Mother Deserves Motherly Love. by Gbenge77(m): 9:11am On Jun 21, 2011
Nigerian mums can be very harsh.
Re: Not Every Mother Deserves Motherly Love. by xynerise: 11:36am On Jun 21, 2011
Gbenge 77:

Nigerian mums can be very harsh.
Dont reason inductively undecided
Re: Not Every Mother Deserves Motherly Love. by Nobody: 10:14pm On Jun 21, 2011
i'm sad to read some of these stories about horrible mothers. it is true-not every mother is deserving of praise and love. if you opted to bring a child into the world, you must care for that child. no excuses.
it is also true that not everyone is fit to be a parent. that doesn't make the person good or bad for deciding not to have children; in fact, i respect that more than those who just have children because that's what they are expected to do.
Re: Not Every Mother Deserves Motherly Love. by tpia5: 12:15pm On Jun 22, 2011
Let's not incite violence plz.

We havent heard the other side of te story and besides it never bodes well for the child who curses out their mother in this manner.

Regardless if the mother is actually bad or not. Let others do the cursing, not you. Because without your mother you still wouldnt have a mouth to say whatever it is you're saying.

At most, call your relatives into the matter, not random strangers and/or boyfriends.
Re: Not Every Mother Deserves Motherly Love. by Elpieda: 2:39pm On Jun 22, 2011

Let's not incite violence plz.

We havent heard the other side of te story and besides it never bodes well for the child who curses out their mother in this manner.

Regardless if the mother is actually bad or not. Let others do the cursing, not you. Because without your mother you still wouldnt have a mouth to say whatever it is you're saying.

At most, call your relatives into the matter, not random strangers and/or boyfriends.

I beg to differ with that statement, Without God she will not be alive, God is the giver of kids and not man. Just because you get married and sleep with your husband does not automatically mean you are entitled to a child. Its a gift and God can give you that gift and take it away from you when he pleases.
Re: Not Every Mother Deserves Motherly Love. by Nobody: 2:43pm On Jun 22, 2011
There is never another side to a story posted on the internet by unknown people. Deal with it people
Re: Not Every Mother Deserves Motherly Love. by tpia5: 2:58pm On Jun 22, 2011

I beg to differ with that statement, Without God she will not be alive, God is the giver of kids and not man. Just because you get married and sleep with your husband does not automatically mean you are entitled to a child. Its a gift and God can give you that gift and take it away from you when he pleases.

you did not just drop from the sky.

a vehicle was what you used to enter this world, and that was the womb of your mother, like it or not.

so cut the crap. And stop talking like a witch.

not all women make good mothers, and not all men make good fathers, but that's not for you to decide or say about your own mother.

in cases of obvious clearcut abuse, nobody says you shouldnt talk, but none of that has been established in this case.

attacking your mother is a definite sign of mental illness.

if you have a bad mother, let others say that, not your mouth.
Re: Not Every Mother Deserves Motherly Love. by Elpieda: 3:06pm On Jun 22, 2011
TPAIN if you notice I have not attacked her mum neither have i even said anything about her situation. I am just letting you know my opinion and you can clearly say I dont agree too.

I still stand and say God gave her to her mother and God can take her away when he wants. Just because a child came in through his/her parents does not mean the child is forever indebted to her folks.

So it has to get to a stage of abuse before a child speaks forth? This is a case of neglect and you and no one can invalidate how the poster feels.
Re: Not Every Mother Deserves Motherly Love. by tpia5: 3:10pm On Jun 22, 2011
^^only a witch talks like you just did.

my point is nobody enters this world outside of their mother's womb.

so, when you call down curses on your mother, you're cursing nobody but yourself since that's your dna and mouth you're cursing.

and yes, a child is indeed indebted to her folks because without them, the child would not be there.

we havent heard from the mother, so till then, the case remains moot and is certainly no reason to start abusing the woman anyhow on a public forum.

your wishing death on the girl for attacking her mother, in no way contradicts what i'm saying.
Re: Not Every Mother Deserves Motherly Love. by Elpieda: 3:36pm On Jun 22, 2011
TPAIN SO whats the whole WITCH calling for??

Anyways you are talking like a Nigerian that is not exposed with a narrow horizon so I aint surprised.

Na your silly naija mentality  cause am so you dont know better

Like someone said, no one forced her to have kids and they did not beg to come into the world so children are not indebted to their parents forever. My children owe me nothing for bringing them into this world. They are to honor and respect me but I wont Lord it over them to forever kiss my foot if I have neglected them and not being a major part of their life.

What will you say about women who have kids and dump them infront of someone's house? so if the kid ends up meeting such mother in future she is forever indebted to her abi? Olodo

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Re: Not Every Mother Deserves Motherly Love. by Elpieda: 3:41pm On Jun 22, 2011
I will reiterate what SIena mentioned. A BAD UNREPENTANT MOTHER DOES NOT DESERVE LOVE, SHe needs to prove herself worthy of that by being humble and not automatically expect the child to show unending love simply because she came out of her Vajina,

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Re: Not Every Mother Deserves Motherly Love. by wiseguy(m): 4:14pm On Jun 22, 2011

I will reiterate what SIena mentioned. A BAD UNREPENTANT MOTHER DOES NOT DESERVE LOVE, SHe needs to prove herself worthy of that by being humble and not automatically expect the child to show unending love simply because she came out of her Vajina,

Re: Not Every Mother Deserves Motherly Love. by tpia5: 5:02pm On Jun 22, 2011

I will reiterate what SIena mentioned. A BAD UNREPENTANT MOTHER DOES NOT DESERVE LOVE, SHe needs to prove herself worthy of that by being humble and not automatically expect the child to show unending love simply because she came out of her Vajina,

do not jump on siena's coattails.

he referred to his father, not his mother.

post your own story so we can tell you if your mother is an evil person.

and yes, you talk like a witch.

you came out of your mother's v.agina. If you hate that fact then do whatever you like about it.

people who saw your beginning will also see your end while they discuss you with their own mothers.
Re: Not Every Mother Deserves Motherly Love. by tpia5: 5:22pm On Jun 22, 2011

TPAIN SO whats the whole WITCH calling for??

Anyways you are talking like a Nigerian that is not exposed with a narrow horizon so I aint surprised.

Na your silly naija mentality  cause am so you dont know better

Like someone said, no one forced her to have kids and they did not beg to come into the world so children are not indebted to their parents forever. My children owe me nothing for bringing them into this world. They are to honor and respect me but I wont Lord it over them to forever kiss my foot if I have neglected them and not being a major part of their life.

What will you say about women who have kids and dump them infront of someone's house? so if the kid ends up meeting such mother in future she is forever indebted to her abi? Olodo

the fact that you're encouraging someone to attack their own mother while touting yourself as ideal, shows you yourself are a bad mother.

so, if in spite of whatever you say you're doing for your kids, they still grow up and curse you anyway, what will you say then?

you lack knowledge and dont seem to know life isnt black and white.

did the mother in question dump her new born baby and if a mother neglects her child for whatever reason, its still a sign of mental illness if the child attacks the mother in public and says the kind of things you're saying now. So far, the op hasnt given the full details of whatever happened.

get that into your brain.

its not about whether your ill feeling is justified or not, but about the fact that you're attacking and finishing yourself .

i'm sure you'd have nothing to say about the multitudes of fathers who abandon kids all over the place.
Re: Not Every Mother Deserves Motherly Love. by senoraaquila(f): 5:39pm On Jun 22, 2011
well, this is sad, but not surprising. I'v read and agreed 2most people's opinion concernin ds topic.
4d fact dat u carried me 4 nine months shud b d more reason why u shud show luv.
Obviously, ds is nt d whole story but dat kid is talkin straight 4rm d heart nd she's hurtin. I'v neva bn in her shoes cos my mum is swit. Thou' no parent is perfct.
@jenny, i feel ur anger towards d mom nd son 4violatn d kid. Her reason bn dt d kid provides 4d houz, mmschew, dts bullshit. They're mentally deranged n shud b in an asylum.

I don't av 2lv u because u carried me 4nine months, i dont av 2av 2hate u either. Some are nt jst fit 2b mothers.
Re: Not Every Mother Deserves Motherly Love. by tpia5: 5:49pm On Jun 22, 2011
^^well, you need to provide solid evidence showing your mum is an unfit mother, because just smoking weed then reflecting while under the influence, on how long you were in the womb, doesnt count.
Re: Not Every Mother Deserves Motherly Love. by Elpieda: 7:51pm On Jun 22, 2011
Wo TPAIN go and mop barbeach jor, You are too immature to understand reality sogbo, Keep living in your little village bubble

Oh and by the way I love my mother to death because she raised me right and well, So so well infact but that does not take away the fact that I have seen some FOOLISH Mothers,
Re: Not Every Mother Deserves Motherly Love. by tpia5: 8:14pm On Jun 22, 2011
^^yeah, whatever.

your claims about being raised well are questionable going by what you've shown on this thread.
Re: Not Every Mother Deserves Motherly Love. by Elpieda: 8:32pm On Jun 22, 2011
*Yawn* I knew that was what u will say next, You also were not raised well if you had to resort to calling names to make a point, don't know why some people dont know how to argue intelligently without resorting to name calling.

And when you go back and think clearly like a human being you will be able to tell that I made a GOOD point, you are just attaching unnecessary sentiments,

I never encouraged the poster to attack her mum and i dint even give any advice whatsoever. I was just stating facts which are entirely true.

After working with Child Protective Services and seeing the crap I see I know for sure that not every woman deserves the kids given to them, Some women needed to use some form of birth control before having kids and the same goes for the men.

But what would you knowyour still inexposed to the realities of life, But I have seen a lot and keeping seeing more daily, Wake up and smell the coffee

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Re: Not Every Mother Deserves Motherly Love. by tpia5: 8:46pm On Jun 22, 2011
^^the majority of the mothers you're seeing in child protective services, are on drugs.

you should always point that out before encouraging people to attack their mothers anyhow.

like i keep saying, the op is yet to convince me her mum deserves all the criticism being heaped on her here.
Re: Not Every Mother Deserves Motherly Love. by Elpieda: 8:53pm On Jun 22, 2011
That's a very stereotyped statement you made, What do you know about CPSLike I said you are still myopic in your thinking which just proves my theory about you, Jeeze, Please dont make judgments about things you know absolutely nothing about ok. THats a lack of intelligence on your part and u just looked foolish in my eyes right now. You are probably one of those who just make generalisations based on waht u see on TV shuu

Let me coach you on life, Most of the cases that come in are usually more of issues of sheer NEGLECT because folks dont have TIME because they are probably chasing after MATERIAL wealth and them kids constitute a burden, 

Dey there dey wait for the poster to prove herself sogbo,

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