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Not Every Mother Deserves Motherly Love. - Family (3) - Nairaland

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Re: Not Every Mother Deserves Motherly Love. by tpia5: 9:05pm On Jun 22, 2011
^^CPS works with the police to investigate cases of child abuse or child neglect, and determines whether a parent should be classified as unfit to raise their child/ren or not.

in many instances where there has been extreme cruelty to a child, it's often found the parent involved is a drug user and/or involved in lifestyles that could endanger the minor/s involved.

so it would be appreciated if you brought that into consideration instead of automatically lumping every mother into the same category.

going by your reasoning, a mother who spanks her child is abusing the kid. However, even CPS makes a distinction- there is abusive spanking and there's mild spanking. Though admittedly sometimes you might not distinguish between the two.
Re: Not Every Mother Deserves Motherly Love. by Elpieda: 9:10pm On Jun 22, 2011
Just like you lumped all the cases with CPS into one category abi (saying majority of the mothers deal with drugs- myopic and mediocre). You dint even read my post well, You just went to wikipedia to download info and poured it out,

Anyways all that is derailing this thread, You have your opinion and I have mine, You dont agree with me neither do i agree with you,

End of story, We agree to disagree
Re: Not Every Mother Deserves Motherly Love. by tpia5: 9:13pm On Jun 22, 2011
^^are you denying the majority of the cases of extreme child abuse arent drug related?

dont let oversabi do you.
Re: Not Every Mother Deserves Motherly Love. by Elpieda: 9:15pm On Jun 22, 2011
No they are not in the majority, sorry to burst ur bubble.
Re: Not Every Mother Deserves Motherly Love. by tpia5: 9:19pm On Jun 22, 2011
^^of course they arent.

none on welfare either. undecided
Re: Not Every Mother Deserves Motherly Love. by Elpieda: 9:24pm On Jun 22, 2011
I can see you have run out of points to make and too arrogant to plead defeat, Cos your replies dont make sense, Anyways am done, peace out
Re: Not Every Mother Deserves Motherly Love. by tpia5: 9:27pm On Jun 22, 2011
toodles. undecided
Re: Not Every Mother Deserves Motherly Love. by Nobody: 9:46am On Jun 23, 2011
Whats with all these un necessary arguments?  Some of us have got good parents thank God for that, but some of yous need to go out there and see what some of these so called parents are doing to/with their kids. I am not for abortion and swore it was one procedure I will never carry out on anybody but when I hear of some of the abuses parents have subjected their kids to , I would say aborting that child was way better.

Re: Not Every Mother Deserves Motherly Love. by armyofone(m): 4:44pm On Jun 23, 2011
Is everyone watching Casey Anthony's case? i just hated what is going on. court case all over the cable news and no ending in sight, why can't someone just owe it up and accept they kill the tot and take the punishment?
what kind of mother whether young or old goes parting, shopping at the mall etc while your less than 3 years old girl went missing and didn't report it?

either her or her parents were responsible for the death of the baby girl but why is their life so important and not that of the child? some mothers huh!
Re: Not Every Mother Deserves Motherly Love. by Elpieda: 5:01pm On Jun 23, 2011

Whats with all these un necessary arguments?  Some of us have got good parents thank God for that, but some of yous need to go out there and see what some of these so called parents are doing to/with their kids. I am not for abortion and swore it was one procedure I will never carry out on anybody but when I hear of some of the abuses parents have subjected their kids to , I would say aborting that child was way better.


Mehn Jenny it was when I finally got more exposed beyond the walls of my parents house that I was amazed at some things parents do with their kids, I lived in the mushin area for a while and I was like OMG why do you choose to get knocked up if this is how you are going to treat the child, Then leaving the shores of naija, wow is all i can say, These kids end up growing up and having all sorts of psychological and emotional trauma and then they carry all these baggage into marriage without even know the root cause of their mode of thinking.

All the talk of "she carried you for nine months" is nothing but manipulation IMO. I respect the pain and trauma of child birth but isnt that enough for you to want to do everything within your power to care for that child rather than neglect .

And with the Casey Anthony case, its funny but in the area where I live, there have been more cases of missing kids that just dint make it to the News, its becoming a trend and I dont understand what is going on with parents and their little kids.
Re: Not Every Mother Deserves Motherly Love. by Nayah(f): 4:25pm On Jun 28, 2011
I'm not a mother yet and I don't want to judge but for me a mother it's not just having giving birth but it's about love and education you give to a child
Re: Not Every Mother Deserves Motherly Love. by chines4(m): 5:29pm On Jul 06, 2011

Is everyone watching Casey Anthony's case? i just hated what is going on. court case all over the cable news and no ending in sight, why can't someone just owe it up and accept they kill the tot and take the punishment?
what kind of mother whether young or old goes parting, shopping at the mall etc while your less than 3 years old girl went missing and didn't report it?

either her or her parents were responsible for the death of the baby girl but why is their life so important and not that of the child? some mothers huh!

The jury found Casey not guilt of murder
Re: Not Every Mother Deserves Motherly Love. by ayomifull(f): 4:46pm On Jul 07, 2011
@jennykadry that brought tears to my eyes, its evil its unimaginable
If i report to my mother that my step brother is abusing me sexually and she careless i will not only hate her with passion i will pray never to set my eyes on her again. Harsh as it may sound i have no regret saying that. What a helpless poor girl.

It is not a sin nor is it an offence not to have children, if you cant look after them until they are able to stand on their own by all means dont have any.

I am a mother myself i have only 2 kids not because i dont like kids all around my table but i decided to have the ones i can cater for on my own in case the unexpected happen.

Despite being married to very responsible and lovely man if you ask me who i love most, while my mum is still alive, my answer will be a resounding 'IYA MI'. I lost my dad when i was only 3 months and that was over 3 decades ago and my mum who was only in her 30s at the time refused to remarry nor go into any relationship with any man simply because according to her 'I cant allow my children to be seen as second citizens in another man's house'. She brought the 2 of us up all on her own and up till now i cant remember knowing any male friend with my mum, it was quite hard but she stood her ground. The very first thing i did as soon as i made some money was built her a house even though i had no single plot of land myself but i will do more for my precious mum.

Yeah mothers deserve love, all the love we can give but not all mothers like someone said, the mother jennykardy described there deserve to be locked up for life.
Re: Not Every Mother Deserves Motherly Love. by Nobody: 12:20am On Jul 01, 2012
sooo true @ topic....

anyone can have a child, but it's not everyone who brings forth
a child that deserves the title 'mother' and 'father'.
Re: Not Every Mother Deserves Motherly Love. by queensmith: 2:35pm On Jul 01, 2012
One thing about Nigerians is they love to serve people with undeserved loyalty. A simple title automatically warrants all sorts of servitude and respect.

A boyfriend automatically needs to be cooked for

A husband automatically needs to be submitted to

A mother automatically needs to be held in reverence, whether or not she's been a good one. Simply because she popped a baby out of her arse. Who was she doing the favour when she had the child?

What happened to people proving themselves and deserving respect? That way of thinking I cannot reconcile with at all.

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