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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Education / The Nigerian Standard Of Education Is High (12292 Views)
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Re: The Nigerian Standard Of Education Is High by JudgeDredd: 9:51am On Jun 28, 2011 |
coogar: Come and interview my 7 yr old niece, walahi you'll think all 10 yr olds in US are retarded!!! ![]() @ topic: Nigerian education terrain is harsh. This is what propels you when you get to a more conducive learning environment. Back in school, I nor send so long as I could pass without carry over I was contented. Luckily for me I got called up for this training by one of the several multinational coy operating here. The learning environment was conducive, the white instructors were willing to give you all the marks if you merit it, suffice it to say, I dusted the best student in my graduating class. A conducive learning environment/appropriate learning material will work wonders irrespective the geographical location. |
Re: The Nigerian Standard Of Education Is High by femmy2010(m): 9:58am On Jun 28, 2011 |
Natasha,,: Not to say we do not have good schools in Nigeria but generally Education in Nigeria is at its lowest ebb. I remember those days when a year one University student cant comfortable teach an SS3 student to pass his/her exams. Most of our fathers and mothers that only attended some modern schools those days speaks better English language than many of our today's University graduates. The major factor militating against the growth of education standard in our Country is the much emphasis been placed on certification. |
Re: The Nigerian Standard Of Education Is High by femmy2010(m): 10:02am On Jun 28, 2011 |
The standard of education was higher these days when the candidate with the highest score in jamb was 284/400 and now we have Candidates scoring 350/400 and the standard is getting lower. What an irony. |
Re: The Nigerian Standard Of Education Is High by Nobody: 10:14am On Jun 28, 2011 |
Lack of facilities. At secondary school, I could count on my finger the number of times I used a laboratory in 3 years of senior secondary and a science student at that. ![]() |
Re: The Nigerian Standard Of Education Is High by reindeer: 10:20am On Jun 28, 2011 |
As a doctor who tranined in Nigeria and practising in the UK, i tell you the standards were pretty good. What we lacked in equipment, we made up for by amassing vast amounts of theoretical knowledge. I teach medical students in the UK and some of the things i knew as a part 4 student in Ife, many final year grads here have no idea of. Thats not to mean they wont do well, they have just left the level of you needing to know everything when there are so many specialists to help you out in your practice(specialist diabetic nurse, specialist sleep nurse, specialist asthma nurse etc). All in all the system is good in Nigeria, it just needs tweaking and provision of the right ewuipment and learning environment. I have met so many Nigerian consultants doing well and holding their own here in the UK health system and more than 90% of them graduated from Nigerian medical schools. The system is good but the implementation could be so much better. |
Re: The Nigerian Standard Of Education Is High by Nobody: 10:23am On Jun 28, 2011 |
Natasha don fall my hand finish for posting this, how on Earth will any one from this Earth open his/her mouth and say Education Standard in Nigerian is high? No bedroom love for you for the rest of the year ![]() |
Re: The Nigerian Standard Of Education Is High by chines4(m): 10:24am On Jun 28, 2011 |
The problem I have with Nigerian educational system is the product of that system. How well are the graduates applying the supposed gained knowledge. What about corruption in the system, sex or money for grades. Graduates with certificates that they can't defend. Why can't we manage our resources and our economy, why? |
Re: The Nigerian Standard Of Education Is High by MeandSum: 10:28am On Jun 28, 2011 |
BABE!: He was being sarcastic ![]() |
Re: The Nigerian Standard Of Education Is High by SUV(f): 10:39am On Jun 28, 2011 |
The Nigerian standard of education is high… on drugs. about the only sensible post so far. Our Nigerian Education is a big joke, i never saw a computer in the computer science department in the university and i did some computer programming and other computer science courses; what a miracle? i thought my project supervisor in Physics how to use a computer (laptop) and what a flash drive is. we need to upgrade facilities and quality of lecturers. In private universities, it is worse cos garbage in, garbage out. No need to stress urself cos some of the things are available, which seem to make public schools better cos u struggle to scale through. |
Re: The Nigerian Standard Of Education Is High by Nobody: 10:44am On Jun 28, 2011 |
Anything makes front page these days. All'ya talking about how high in the sky Nigeria's standard of education is , CAN YOU EXPLAIN WHY NECO AND JAMB RESULTS HAVE SUDDENLY BECOME ABYSMAL OVER THE LAST DECADE? |
Re: The Nigerian Standard Of Education Is High by SUV(f): 10:46am On Jun 28, 2011 |
As a doctor who tranined in Nigeria and practising in the UK, i tell you the standards were pretty good. Nigerian medical graduates that always treat people for wrong illness and kill them? Quack doctors that we have everywhere esp some private hospitals. a lab scientist will be a surgeon, gynecology, pediatrics, everything. Radiographers will become dentist, and GP in their private clinics. Abroad trained will specialize and they are not stupid in specializing. u cant be jack of all trade, specialization is what makes their medical practice the best standards compared to Nigeria which is a death zone. i pray i dont fall into the hands of Nigerian trained doctors. majority of them are quacks. only abroad trained are the exception and a lot of pple cannot afford their services. |
Re: The Nigerian Standard Of Education Is High by BABE3: 10:48am On Jun 28, 2011 |
MeandSum: you think? Damn--- He's really good then--- Sarcasm at it's best. hehehe |
Re: The Nigerian Standard Of Education Is High by obailala(m): 10:50am On Jun 28, 2011 |
One thing i know for sure is that the difference between our educational system and what we find abroad isn't as much as we always paint it. The gap isn't so much and can easily be filled if we have good leadership. I got to the Uk for my masters and got in a discussion with fellow mechanical engr graduates from various countries. I was shocked to discover that I had a much clearer understanding of almost all the topics we discussed. The issue that annoys me most is the fact that some people believe Ghanian educational standard is "far" better than ours ![]() The yardstick for measurement of educational standard still remains the quality of the products so I dont know why we always downrate ourselves in Nigeria. |
Re: The Nigerian Standard Of Education Is High by AjanleKoko: 10:57am On Jun 28, 2011 |
The system of education in Nigeria is mostly outdated, and lacks any kind of versatility,or homegrown developments or innovation. I serious doubt that we have many competent teachers anymore, even. The schools find is difficult to update the curriculum, and there is little or no practical approach in our education. Technical education is as dead as Lord Lugard. I'm looking for a school for my toddler son right now. All I hear is 'british system', 'montessori', bla bla bla. I ask simple questions like 'show me some non-classroom activity like sports and vocational education', and all i get is mumbled excuses from the schoolmarms. All we know how to do is read read read in Nigeria. Read read read and cram cram cram. Look how we have broken the Ivy league code. Now even Harvard and MIT are holding recruitment fairs in their new gold mine, Nigeria. Nigerians can spend any amount of money on a bloody certificate. |
Re: The Nigerian Standard Of Education Is High by AjanleKoko: 11:01am On Jun 28, 2011 |
Sure we have products. People with all manner of certificates and very little substance. In any case, i don't think Ghanaian education is better than ours, we just need a total revamp from what exists currently. When i was in secondary school, we had a PE teacher, Mr Kuku, who took us out on the field and demonstrated every sport. From basketball to hockey, even cricket. The man somehow knew all the sports, and how to play them. I can never forget him showing the difference between a flick and a scoop in hockey. he actually played both shots, to my eternal admiration. Only Lord knows where that man is right now. |
Re: The Nigerian Standard Of Education Is High by michylabo(m): 11:07am On Jun 28, 2011 |
@ SUV U must have attended almajiri skool, One of those skools dat ve AK 47 labs instead. D truth be said. How can u study computer science in a University without cin a computer. Naija is not dat whacked. |
Re: The Nigerian Standard Of Education Is High by SUV(f): 11:12am On Jun 28, 2011 |
The system of education in Nigeria is mostly outdated, and lacks any kind of versatility,or homegrown developments or innovation. Thank you! infact i hv made up my mind to allow my little boy stay at home (till he is 3yrs) and i teach him myself. the so called private schools will only concentrate on summer holiday abroad where u r expected to pay as a sign of love for ur children as if that is the main essence of recreation? computer games in the classes, no field for gaming activities and no extra curricular activities. i just cant stand private schools in Nigeria, they hv killed educational system as public schools are dead already. |
Re: The Nigerian Standard Of Education Is High by SUV(f): 11:14am On Jun 28, 2011 |
@ SUV it is not a joke! i wen to UNN, class of 2003. i dont know abt now, but then there was no computer in Computer science dept. we cram Fortran and Paschal programming, i made A's in the courses anyway, cos i can cram. what the heck those things meant, i really dont know. |
Re: The Nigerian Standard Of Education Is High by michylabo(m): 11:18am On Jun 28, 2011 |
Guys, naija educational system is not that bad. Some skooled in Afghanistan and claim they also have good education, yes, probaly in al qaeda camps, I am a good product of our system, and i represent anywhere in d world i go, Education is not just abt learning in d classroom, but involves loads of research. Be it in Europe or Africa. Once u carry out a research u improve ur knowledge, Look at Prof Awosika, Known worldwide for marine studies. Prof Soyinka. Prof Ayolabi. e.t.c. DR Meshida, Guys google search dis names and c pls were they all skooled and their acheivements |
Re: The Nigerian Standard Of Education Is High by member479760: 11:52am On Jun 28, 2011 |
Natasha,, - u make me laugh, are u made in Nigeria? our education is sucks, most people pass thru university just to study english grammar. it is in Nigeria we have professor of computer science that cannot write any application that can bring money. 99.9% of engineering students dont understand the content of PDF (Probability Dist function) not to talk of its application, likewise, application of thermodynamics is zero. many architect in nigeria cannot use autocad or similar cad software whereas many high school graduate can do so in that place, if our standard of education is so high, why can't we get electricity for the pass 50 yrs, we cannot even build power plant by-self. how many software language have we develop? Natasha - is a Russian name, are you russian? russian babes are cool, i like to meet one. |
Re: The Nigerian Standard Of Education Is High by DisGuy: 1:05pm On Jun 28, 2011 |
michylabo: these guys studied when the system was topnotch when the curriculum was still fresh!! Chances are if you take the current syllabus to them and ask them if they recognise it they will recognise it and even recognise the same textbooks!!! The universities should get into the commercial world and collaborate with industry to know what is outdated and what is current! and they should stop announcing test 6.00am Saturday just to show how tough they are |
Re: The Nigerian Standard Of Education Is High by Fidelo726: 1:15pm On Jun 28, 2011 |
the standard of education in nigeria is not really as bad as most of you who have the opportunity to further your education abroad presume. there is a curriculum that is run. a successful completion of which attest your knowledge in a specied course of study. As one who has been through the system, the problem we have is technological and lack of update in the use of modern applications in delivering the lecture. This makes the students go the extra mile to achieve success. |
Re: The Nigerian Standard Of Education Is High by Nobody: 1:31pm On Jun 28, 2011 |
AjanleKoko:You are very right about it been outdated. The world has moved on and our system has simply refused to modernise, our system is just too academic based. Our teachers/lecturers still use lesson notes that they developed some 15 to 20 years ago. We harp on academic intelligence while neglecting the other types of intelligence. The reason why the supposedly dullards from Nigeria turn out to be stars abroad is because of the system that paints everyone with one brush, students are not allowed the room to reach their full potentials. The system is just too rigid, needs a bit of flexibility to be compliant with the 21st century realities. |
Re: The Nigerian Standard Of Education Is High by armyofone(m): 1:36pm On Jun 28, 2011 |
maybe you mean take home exam OP? That take home exam is not funny at all o. if projects this and that no kill you for oyinbo school eh. Nigeria school system should be upgraded, imagine teaching with chalk and blackboard ![]() |
Re: The Nigerian Standard Of Education Is High by Sicherheit(m): 1:44pm On Jun 28, 2011 |
The standard used to be high but it is now stagnant. Imagine, my 10yrs old cousin is using the exact textbooks I used when I was in primary 5 over 20yrs ago. Extracurricular activities is nonexistent, all they know is to jam pack the children's brain with outdated facts. I found an educational website for my cousin and encourage to expose himself real knowledge outside Ilesanmi. His older brother in secondary school showed me his computer notes and it was full of Binary. BINARY? In this day and age, they are teaching binary. Ask any of the students to turn on a computer and open some files, they will be looking like mugu. The computer science teacher has no idea how to do basic computer stuff, he calls on my nephew for help. ![]() |
Re: The Nigerian Standard Of Education Is High by Nobody: 1:46pm On Jun 28, 2011 |
Many people on Nairaland just like to talk and talk and talk. Nigeria education is not as bad as you people seem to think If you think it's that bad, i will advise you to be part of the change and stop running down your heritage. |
Re: The Nigerian Standard Of Education Is High by AjanleKoko: 2:31pm On Jun 28, 2011 |
percipi1: Okay sir ![]() |
Re: The Nigerian Standard Of Education Is High by SUV(f): 3:03pm On Jun 28, 2011 |
Many people on Nairaland just like to talk and talk and talk. if u r a lecturer, am sure u can pick one or 2 things from all the post, take up the challenge and stop consoling urself with the preaching. |
Re: The Nigerian Standard Of Education Is High by fxtopedia(m): 3:43pm On Jun 28, 2011 |
I make bold to say the STANDARD OF EDUCATION is high in Nigeria. It is the QUALITY OF EDUCATION that is low. For us to appreciate this, let us distinguish between the two, |
Re: The Nigerian Standard Of Education Is High by mayofab(f): 3:56pm On Jun 28, 2011 |
i humbly disagree. . . . I think you and the poster both have a point. when it comes to hard work and given information then Nigeria's standards are high cuz im in college in the US and all the stuff i did in year one, where my secondary school stuvs. And here in the US nigerian students that is the ones coming straight from naija are considered some of the brightests, in fact once you tell a teacher you are from Nigeria he expects only top grades from you, but when it comes to exposure to new technology and new ideas then they have the upper hand. |
Re: The Nigerian Standard Of Education Is High by MMM2(m): 3:59pm On Jun 28, 2011 |
Évery thing abt 9ja is bad, d country is just good 4 bad things. So we need 2 pray 4 d country. |
Re: The Nigerian Standard Of Education Is High by AjanleKoko: 4:00pm On Jun 28, 2011 |
fxtopedia: Difficult to agree with you, chief. Education in Nigeria can't be said to have a high standard. Else the output yield would be much higher than it is right now, in both quality and quantity. Our literacy level, to start with, is 68%, lower than the likes of even Zimbabwe, South Africa, and Namibia, at over 90%. Then there is the annual ritual called JAMB. you have over a million students sitting for exams, and less than 10% offered admission. Maybe 40% of that even graduate. Then the other story begins: very few number of employable graduates among the number. Let's go abroad. What percentage of educational scholarships are even taken up by Nigerians, compared to other nations? We are among the top 7 in world population, that should reflect in the global jobs pool. Does it? After you answer all those questions bros, you'll think again about your statement. I say, Nigerian education used to have a high standard, but those days are long long gone. |
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