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Electricity Crisis: 3 Reasons Nigeria Is In Darkness — Barth Nnaji - Politics (4) - Nairaland

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Re: Electricity Crisis: 3 Reasons Nigeria Is In Darkness — Barth Nnaji by abokikhalifa: 12:56pm On Mar 20, 2022
Even if I'm the richest man in Nigeria tomorrow. Nothing will stop me from getting Canada or USA visa.

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Re: Electricity Crisis: 3 Reasons Nigeria Is In Darkness — Barth Nnaji by yemi1504: 12:57pm On Mar 20, 2022
He was never part of the problem. During his time as the minister of power there was increase in power supply and it was felt by everyone.but the evil system won't allow him stay for so long. Evil cabals that needs to be eliminated in this country.

You can say that again! He was the only me minister of power that really tried in terms of electricity supply! Don't get me started on Mr. Rocket Science and Minister of Darkness sha!


Re: Electricity Crisis: 3 Reasons Nigeria Is In Darkness — Barth Nnaji by yemi1504: 12:59pm On Mar 20, 2022
Truth is that we are not ready to fix the electricity issues.

Actually, government is not ready nor have the political will to solve the issue by reversing the privatization done in 2014 and doing a reprivatization due to the fear of coups from influence from the owners of the assets SMH.
Re: Electricity Crisis: 3 Reasons Nigeria Is In Darkness — Barth Nnaji by bitbillionaire: 1:00pm On Mar 20, 2022
To me Nnaji was probably the best power minister we ever had in this country . He had a lot brilliant ideas and we made some progress in the power sector when he was the minister. Nevertheless, I believe self-interest was his undoing. The powers that be did not like the way he was allowing his company to bid for contracts. You know that's against the rule of global best practice. The powers that be were afraid that he might use his influence as power minister to favour his company and Nnaji seemed ready to quit anyway

He was never part of the problem. During his time as the minister of power there was increase in power supply and it was felt by everyone.but the evil system won't allow him stay for so long. Evil cabals that needs to be eliminated in this country.

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Re: Electricity Crisis: 3 Reasons Nigeria Is In Darkness — Barth Nnaji by yemi1504: 1:01pm On Mar 20, 2022
Barth was the best minister for power we've ever had

You can say that again bro!


Re: Electricity Crisis: 3 Reasons Nigeria Is In Darkness — Barth Nnaji by goody234: 1:01pm On Mar 20, 2022
Excuses Excuses Excuses Enough of this silly talking points ..With all the money the politicians and leaders have stolen over the years it could have fixed the problems years ago ....Nigeria has to really decide if it wants to continue in this mediocrity called a nation!! Nigerians have really not had enough of this nonsense yet ...When that arab spring comes i will pity these failures called politicians stealing money from the nigerian coffers as if these b*****ds earned .......Enough Excuses !!

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Re: Electricity Crisis: 3 Reasons Nigeria Is In Darkness — Barth Nnaji by yemi1504: 1:02pm On Mar 20, 2022

He is wrong. The few period he was minister. Within 7months there was overwhelming improvement. He resigned honorably before the cabal could lay their hands on him and soil his achievement. It took just a month fir the next minister to take us back to darkness

So true!


Re: Electricity Crisis: 3 Reasons Nigeria Is In Darkness — Barth Nnaji by LastProphet: 1:03pm On Mar 20, 2022
All we need is a Leader in the mold of Stalin and Kim Jon un to Wipe off Corrupt elements and within a day this electric power mystery in Nigeria will be solved

That is the truth
Re: Electricity Crisis: 3 Reasons Nigeria Is In Darkness — Barth Nnaji by Nobody: 1:03pm On Mar 20, 2022
This barth man is one of the criminals that truncated the power sector! Barth nnaji was the man president jonathan placed as the custodian of power sector development only for this man to abandon his regulatory role to become a partaker in the biding process. His stupidity didnt open his eyes to the fact that without a straight channel generation the ones who want to distribute will only distribute tin air to consumers, which is now our reality.
the refinaries waste and flare away gas daily yet power company is forever short in gas. God help us
You know nothing about power, so all what you have uttered here are nonsensical

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Re: Electricity Crisis: 3 Reasons Nigeria Is In Darkness — Barth Nnaji by Nobody: 1:04pm On Mar 20, 2022

The only solution to the power problem is the total privatisation of the sector. We have seen this in the telecom sector, and soon in the oil and gas sector, when Dangote Refinery comes online. Govt should have role on the productive sector of the economy, other than regulation.

The power sector was privatized, you forget that the reason telecom worked is because competent hands were brought in, not cronies, dangote refinery won't work because its based on cronies, not competence just like the power sector.

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Re: Electricity Crisis: 3 Reasons Nigeria Is In Darkness — Barth Nnaji by chloride6: 1:04pm On Mar 20, 2022
There is only one reason why Nigerians don't have electricity. It's because Nigerians don't pay bills.



Re: Electricity Crisis: 3 Reasons Nigeria Is In Darkness — Barth Nnaji by Bahamas95(m): 1:07pm On Mar 20, 2022
Nigeria is a disgrace.

Na only Nigeria rain go start to shower and NEPA go take light for 3days.

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Re: Electricity Crisis: 3 Reasons Nigeria Is In Darkness — Barth Nnaji by ikdaddy01(m): 1:11pm On Mar 20, 2022
When people with brain talk you ll know. Intelligence lacks in this administration.
Even a layman will follow you with this description. When things were going well.

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Re: Electricity Crisis: 3 Reasons Nigeria Is In Darkness — Barth Nnaji by yemi1504: 1:15pm On Mar 20, 2022

Telecoms were sold to foreign investors who had enough capital and were able to meet up with setting up infrastructure needed.
The Nigerian businessmwn on seeing the amount of money made by MTN and others did not want the power sector sold foreigners as was done to Telecoms . So overnight ,all sorts of people became power giants , bidded and won because they are connected ..They expect to start reaping money immidiately without injecting the needed capital into it. Since these business men / politicians are cronies of the FG in power , they begin to use the power failure to loot the nation wealth .
Now that the nation is in debt and can't afford to sustain the cash flow , the problem became obvious .
In summary , Power sector was sold to politicians and business men who had little or no experience in power management. It was a paddy paddy thing . FG was at background backroling the expenses because they don't have the capital . Now that the FG is broke , the chicken is home to roost .
Don't let anyone deceive you . If OBJ/GEJ had sold power to Siemens , GE etc , we won't have these issues .Power may not be 100% but we will have move many miles ahead .

Actually, it was GEJ then who sold those power assets to his cronies as a sort of compensation then as he possibly felt the mood then in the country was to unseat his government which he was right about. That mistake then in 2014 that has refused to be corrected by the current scared, clueless and brainless one due to the fear of coups is why the issue continues to persist!


Re: Electricity Crisis: 3 Reasons Nigeria Is In Darkness — Barth Nnaji by Kingcalls: 1:16pm On Mar 20, 2022
A part of the problem is speaking

Nnaji still remains the best power minister we hv ever had

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Re: Electricity Crisis: 3 Reasons Nigeria Is In Darkness — Barth Nnaji by lorelife(m): 1:16pm On Mar 20, 2022
The government knows exactly how to solve the problems, but no, they won't..

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Re: Electricity Crisis: 3 Reasons Nigeria Is In Darkness — Barth Nnaji by yemi1504: 1:18pm On Mar 20, 2022

Telecoms were sold to foreign investors who had enough capital and were able to meet up with setting up infrastructure needed.
The Nigerian businessmwn on seeing the amount of money made by MTN and others did not want the power sector sold foreigners as was done to Telecoms . So overnight ,all sorts of people became power giants , bidded and won because they are connected ..They expect to start reaping money immidiately without injecting the needed capital into it. Since these business men / politicians are cronies of the FG in power , they begin to use the power failure to loot the nation wealth .
Now that the nation is in debt and can't afford to sustain the cash flow , the problem became obvious .
In summary , Power sector was sold to politicians and business men who had little or no experience in power management. It was a paddy paddy thing . FG was at background backroling the expenses because they don't have the capital . Now that the FG is broke , the chicken is home to roost .
Don't let anyone deceive you . If OBJ/GEJ had sold power to Siemens , GE etc , we won't have these issues .Power may not be 100% but we will have move many miles ahead .

You were right though that the cronies of the government then who got the power assets had no experience in the sector. It was also the reason, Manitoba Hydro after being schemed out of the generation plants' assets despite having the experience and was given a useless TCN, opted out altogether!


Re: Electricity Crisis: 3 Reasons Nigeria Is In Darkness — Barth Nnaji by yemi1504: 1:21pm On Mar 20, 2022

Not surprised you'd say that. Your people that held onto every sector yet, completely deficient are the solution.

Prof Nnaji is not your mate. Parasites.

You can say that again bro! The rocket science government even made what they met worse! SMH. Only in Nigeria! Only in Nigeria!

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Re: Electricity Crisis: 3 Reasons Nigeria Is In Darkness — Barth Nnaji by yemi1504: 1:22pm On Mar 20, 2022
The best power minister Nigeria ever had.


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Re: Electricity Crisis: 3 Reasons Nigeria Is In Darkness — Barth Nnaji by yemi1504: 1:24pm On Mar 20, 2022

The power sector was privatized, you forget that the reason telecom worked is because competent hands were brought in, not cronies, dangote refinery won't work because its based on cronies, not competence just like the power sector.

You can say that again!
Re: Electricity Crisis: 3 Reasons Nigeria Is In Darkness — Barth Nnaji by neatideas: 1:25pm On Mar 20, 2022
Trait of a failure. He was ex power minister without meaningful contributions

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Re: Electricity Crisis: 3 Reasons Nigeria Is In Darkness — Barth Nnaji by funshint(m): 1:29pm On Mar 20, 2022
A part of the problem is speaking
He's not part of the problem. He was already trying to solve the power issue when the Jonathan govt and the cabals kicked him out.


Re: Electricity Crisis: 3 Reasons Nigeria Is In Darkness — Barth Nnaji by Timmi: 1:30pm On Mar 20, 2022


Hypocrite everywhere. When this Barth Nannies was the Minister of Power, what did he do? He doesn’t need a spokesperson but let him tell us and provide verifiable evidence. That’s the question the so called journalist should have asked him instead of this envelope collecting journalist that we have in Nigeria

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Re: Electricity Crisis: 3 Reasons Nigeria Is In Darkness — Barth Nnaji by Originalsly: 1:33pm On Mar 20, 2022
No doubt these are the main problems. How to go about solving them? . My take is decentralization. Each State and each city should be responsible for its electricity supply. Generation.... supply and distribution should be privatized but regulated by the State/City. Any breach of contract must have penalties... and they must be enforced. The problem is the people in charge.... how much money was given to the private companies... by the FG.... yet the FG is accepting excuses for failure to produce. The country needs a dictator.... a Rollins to weed out the corrupt decision makers and throw them in prison with the common criminals. It is only by fear or force we will.see change.
Re: Electricity Crisis: 3 Reasons Nigeria Is In Darkness — Barth Nnaji by OhiOfIhima: 1:33pm On Mar 20, 2022
But they still bring their outrageous bill

They will force, threaten and blackmail you to pay...
If not so... I told a district manager we have no light and that made it difficult to people in the house to pay their bills, he vehemently told me, if that is the case, he will totally disconnect us so that both of us will have rest of mind. Who does that in this hot weather. Kia, wickedness at the highest order.
Re: Electricity Crisis: 3 Reasons Nigeria Is In Darkness — Barth Nnaji by xelly: 1:38pm On Mar 20, 2022
A part of the problem is speaking

Example of how he is a part of the problem?
Re: Electricity Crisis: 3 Reasons Nigeria Is In Darkness — Barth Nnaji by just2endowed: 1:56pm On Mar 20, 2022
As nepa failed, get this powerbank contact me on my siggy and thank me later

Re: Electricity Crisis: 3 Reasons Nigeria Is In Darkness — Barth Nnaji by tnerro1(m): 2:12pm On Mar 20, 2022

Decentralize power , let’s states or regions generate and transmit the power and create employment and wealth while doing so.
Re: Electricity Crisis: 3 Reasons Nigeria Is In Darkness — Barth Nnaji by NAMAS(m): 2:16pm On Mar 20, 2022
If power generation is localized then I think most of this problems would've been solved.
Re: Electricity Crisis: 3 Reasons Nigeria Is In Darkness — Barth Nnaji by IamaNigerianGuy(m): 2:23pm On Mar 20, 2022
A part of the problem is speaking
You just get up and spew nonsense from your burukutu addled brain

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