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Can Prostitution Ever Be Justified? - Romance - Nairaland

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Can Prostitution Ever Be Justified? by carlinks: 5:53pm On Jul 04, 2011
i was having a conversation with my girlfriend on prostitution and i told her i felt there is no justification for selling your body, she told me the story of

a  girl who had an evil step mother that refused to allow her and her siblings go to school, the girl had to p.r.o.s.t.i.t.u.t.e to survive and send her siblings to

school but i asked her "what if there were nobody for her to sell her body to,wouldn't she think outside the box and  find some other means of

earning a living like learning a craft?"

the question i am asking is " is there any fulfillment at the end of acquiring whatever one set out to acquire after selling their bodies, be it good 

grades,certificate or material things?"  male and female alike

i asked her if she would p.r.o.s.t.i.t.u.t.e if she were confronted with some difficult  situations but she didn't give me a clear  answer

she argued that i was taking such stance because i had never  been in some tight situations, are there folks out there who feel there are times when

prostitution can  be justified " those who willingly go into it and not forced into  it" or am out of touch

this is not a gender bashing thread as this post covers both males and females, i just want to be enlightened
Re: Can Prostitution Ever Be Justified? by 190: 5:56pm On Jul 04, 2011
What i noticed today is 90% of some Nigerian ladies esp those back in Nigeria and in the Nigerian universities think

the only thing a woman has to offer is her pu-cee then all other things would be added unto them -

they haven't really been hit with the reality of life thats why
Re: Can Prostitution Ever Be Justified? by chibaby5(f): 5:59pm On Jul 04, 2011

Always 2 sides to a coin. Sum ppl live in situationz where there is absolutely no means of earnings for even the simplest. For e.g Food.
However and whatever the case, IMO, that shud not warrant such behavior.
Like they say, cut ur coat according to ur size
Re: Can Prostitution Ever Be Justified? by Nobody: 6:06pm On Jul 04, 2011
I do not support it, but I also won't judge them.
There is no telling what my outlook would have been if I was a woman in similar tight situations. I am happy God spared me the temptation.
Everyone's got their cross to carry.

We've all sinned. What matters is do you want to spend time justifying your sin? or confessing and turning away from it.
Re: Can Prostitution Ever Be Justified? by 190: 6:12pm On Jul 04, 2011
^2Buff u made sense there

But would you believe that  70% of Nigerian ladies esp those in the Universities

Think they can achieve anything today by opening their legs to just any man (BB is a case study )

If they simply dont curb that mentality tell me what difference would it make in their lives

An average Nigerian girl with that Mentality in Unilag, Uniben, Uniport or even AAU

would rather do prostitution than learn a damn trade!

I have seen ladies work @ KFC here and I have seen ladies learn tailoring back home too

But these Nigerian ladies all want something - Quick money- as long as there's a condom then thats access to quick money

mtschewww - rubbish
Re: Can Prostitution Ever Be Justified? by 9dynasty(m): 6:32pm On Jul 04, 2011
two quick questions 1) does your girl friend have a step mother 2) did she train her siblings? if yes well i'm happy to announce to you that your girlfriend was. . . . 190 abeg help me finish the sentence
Re: Can Prostitution Ever Be Justified? by 190: 6:35pm On Jul 04, 2011
Mugu-rized!!  grin  grin  grin
Re: Can Prostitution Ever Be Justified? by upendo98(f): 6:36pm On Jul 04, 2011
Oh puuliz .

Okay so in short you are asking. Does the end justify the means?
well NO.
Or else we all go prostituting ,stealing,etc etc.After all who doesnt have a need. And lemmie tell u if u thought u had a need,take walk and see REAL needs.
Most often people are just lazy to do work or 'menial labour! They want it easy!
Show me a prostitute and I will show u a lazy person!
Re: Can Prostitution Ever Be Justified? by 190: 6:42pm On Jul 04, 2011
^exactly - Prostitution is on the rise back in Nigeria

They say No Jobs cos every one wants a white collar Job

Instead of putting your hand into something and getting meals from there

They rather flock around campus at nite waiting for sugar daddies to come pick them up

or hang out at allen avenue
Re: Can Prostitution Ever Be Justified? by BABE3: 6:45pm On Jul 04, 2011
^^ Oga what's going on today? Why are you so emotional and moved by these topics? #Justasking.
Re: Can Prostitution Ever Be Justified? by Nobody: 6:45pm On Jul 04, 2011
He cares about his sisters
Re: Can Prostitution Ever Be Justified? by 190: 6:46pm On Jul 04, 2011
^Nah! My sisters are a long way from ever been hit by such

Not when im alive undecided
Re: Can Prostitution Ever Be Justified? by 190: 6:46pm On Jul 04, 2011

^^ Oga what's going on today? Why are you so emotional and moved by these topics? #Justasking.

Go and ask your sugar daddy OAM4J undecided
Re: Can Prostitution Ever Be Justified? by BABE3: 6:49pm On Jul 04, 2011
2buff---see what I'm saying? My guy is a bit moody today.


Go and ask your sugar daddy OAM4J undecided

Ok sir.
Re: Can Prostitution Ever Be Justified? by 190: 6:49pm On Jul 04, 2011
undecided undecided
Re: Can Prostitution Ever Be Justified? by carlinks: 6:50pm On Jul 04, 2011
@Chibaby, the question i asked is  what if there is nobody to buy whatever the person prostituting is selling, wont they reach within them and find that one thing they can do to earn a living, be it a little talent that they  could harness, most of those that prostitute know it is a quick sure way of getting money, what about the comfortable ones from rich homes that  still delve into it, what is their story??, you need to be around when some of them boast, gross but when u can them p.r.o.s.t.i.t.u.t.e,they bring the roof down on you

@2buff, there  are able bodied men that p.r.o.s.t.i.t.u.t.e for cash too or drive a  nice car, what is their story?
seems the society we live in justifies everything nowadays, if someone does something that is bad,the defense is that  they are at-least not as bad as the next person

@ Upendo kiss kiss, that is nice coming from a lady
Re: Can Prostitution Ever Be Justified? by BABE3: 6:51pm On Jul 04, 2011

undecided undecided

tongue tongue
Re: Can Prostitution Ever Be Justified? by tosyne007(m): 6:54pm On Jul 04, 2011

@Chibaby, the question i asked is  what if there is nobody to buy whatever the person prostituting is selling, wont they reach within them and find that one thing they can do to earn a living, be it a little talent that they  could harness, most of those that LovePeddler know it is a quick sure way of getting money, what about the comfortable ones from rich homes that  still delve into it, what is their story??, you need to be around when some of them boast, gross but when u can them p.r.o.s.t.i.t.u.t.e,they bring the roof down on you

@2buff, there  are able bodied men that p.r.o.s.t.i.t.u.t.e for cash too or drive a  nice car, what is their story?
seems the society we live in justifies everything nowadays, if someone does something that is bad,the defense is that  they are at-least not as bad as the next person

@ Upendo kiss kiss, that is nice coming from a lady

of course dey will cos everyone's got some talent in dem either big or small and wat everyone has been saying is that most of these guys wants a quick fix to all their problems instead of looking inward and make use of their God-given gifts. as for the guys who does dat too, same goes for dem.


^Nah! My sisters are a long way from ever been hit by such

Not when im alive  undecided

like u follow dem everywhere dey go.  undecided
Re: Can Prostitution Ever Be Justified? by 190: 6:56pm On Jul 04, 2011

@Chibaby, the question i asked is  what if there is nobody to buy whatever the person prostituting is selling, wont they reach within them and find that one thing they can do to earn a living, be it a little talent that they  could harness, most of those that LovePeddler know it is a quick sure way of getting money, what about the comfortable ones from rich homes that  still delve into it, what is their story??, you need to be around when some of them boast, gross but when u can them p.r.o.s.t.i.t.u.t.e,they bring the roof down on you

Lame excuse - Lame excuse

So you expect Men to turn their eyes on nak[i]e[/i]d women on the streets

Do you reason before you talk, You talk like someone that created him/herself

Have you ever heard of temptation, if those ladies who p[i]ro[/i]s[i]ti[/i]tute sit their rotten arse in their homes

would any man go in there and have s[i]e[/i]x with them

Men are moved by what they see - so the Blame should LIE entirely on those women that bring their Diseased pu-cee out on the streets

Even in Typical Nigerian universities - You see Women going to meet their Lecturers and saying SIR I FAILED THIS COURSE

I dont have the money to give you but i sure can pay you via other means if you know what im saying,

90% of women these days bring TEMPTATION to your DOOR STEP and you're expected to turn a blind eye on em cos nor be Blood dey run you  angry angry
Re: Can Prostitution Ever Be Justified? by Nobody: 6:56pm On Jul 04, 2011

@Chibaby, the question i asked is  what if there is nobody to buy whatever the person prostituting is selling, wont they reach within them and find that one thing they can do to earn a living, be it a little talent that they  could harness, most of those that LovePeddler know it is a quick sure way of getting money, what about the comfortable ones from rich homes that  still delve into it, what is their story??, you need to be around when some of them boast, gross but when u can them p.r.o.s.t.i.t.u.t.e,they bring the roof down on you

@2buff, there  are able bodied men that p.r.o.s.t.i.t.u.t.e for cash too or drive a  nice car, what is their story?
seems the society we live in justifies everything nowadays, if someone does something that is bad,the defense is that  they are at-least not as bad as the next person

@ Upendo kiss kiss, that is nice coming from a lady

I never said I supported it or that I'm justifying it. I actually condemned it, Just saying I won't be their judge.
Everyone's got their own cross to bare and their own failings in other life areas.

do you think God sees a difference between prostitution and people fornicating all in the name of bf/gf?
"Judge not lest ye be judged" na just my own.
Re: Can Prostitution Ever Be Justified? by 190: 6:59pm On Jul 04, 2011

like u follow dem everywhere dey go.  undecided

Looool - my sisters are still too young to even understand what is called a boyfriend let alone p[i]ro[/i]stit[i]u[/i]tion bro
Re: Can Prostitution Ever Be Justified? by carlinks: 7:04pm On Jul 04, 2011
there was this girl then that  got admitted into pre-degree in OAU, less than 2 months into when  she was admitted,every  guy wanted to bone her cause she was very busty, she started selling to everyone that could pay for it, her Elder brother was in the same school and was always giving her problems and told their parents, she organized for boys to teach her brother a lesson so he doesn't disturb her "business" henceforth

she is from a comfortable family and she still does it till date, on a bigger level though, i guess she equally has a"story", even Assassins and dare devil armed robbers got stories too
Re: Can Prostitution Ever Be Justified? by coogar: 7:08pm On Jul 04, 2011

i was having a conversation with my girlfriend on prostitution and i told her i felt there is no justification for selling your body, she told me the story of

a  girl who had an evil step mother that refused to allow her and her siblings go to school, the girl had to p.r.o.s.t.i.t.u.t.e to survive and send her siblings to

school but i asked her "what if there were nobody for her to sell her body to,wouldn't she think outside the box and  find some other means of

earning a living like learning a craft?"

the question i am asking is " is there any fulfillment at the end of acquiring whatever one set out to acquire after selling their bodies, be it good 

grades,certificate or material things?"  male and female alike

i asked her if she would p.r.o.s.t.i.t.u.t.e if she were confronted with some difficult  situations but she didn't give me a clear  answer

she argued that i was taking such stance because i had never  been in some tight situations, are there folks out there who feel there are times when

prostitution can  be justified " those who willingly go into it and not forced into  it" or am out of touch

this is not a gender bashing thread as this post covers both males and females, i just want to be enlightened

there's nothing wrong with pros[b]t[/b]itution. if there's no demand, there would be no services to render.
Re: Can Prostitution Ever Be Justified? by 190: 7:08pm On Jul 04, 2011

there was this girl then that  got admitted into pre-degree in OAU, less than 2 months into when  she was admitted,every  guy wanted to bone her cause she was very busty, she started selling to everyone that could pay for it, her Elder brother was in the same school and was always giving her problems and told their parents, she organized for boys to teach her brother a lesson so he doesn't disturb her "business" henceforth

she is from a comfortable family and she still does it till date, on a bigger level though, i guess she equally has a"story", even Assassins and dare devil armed robbers got stories too

^Then that kinda girl is from Satan's cubicle and not normal
Re: Can Prostitution Ever Be Justified? by 190: 7:11pm On Jul 04, 2011

there's nothing wrong with pros[b]t[/b]itution. if there's no demand, there would be no services to render.

Looool @ if there's no demand!

So if men refuse to hit up LovePeddlers then they would go back to where they came from

Listen bro - These days there's whats called advanced prostitution,

Ladies walk into offices and sell their bodies to men all in the name of selling perfumes, watches just to mention a few

Read this thread for more info:

Re: Can Prostitution Ever Be Justified? by upendo98(f): 7:13pm On Jul 04, 2011
The rich dont do it for money sake.This 'profession'is the oldest in the world! Talk to JC! and hel tel u!
It cuts across all divides and is no respecter of persons.The problem is wth 'the person' not his status or class.
The rich gals would do it as a way of rebelling or to fulfill fantasies, low self esteem,dunderhead ,try to fit in etc.
Whatevr the reason it doesn't justify prostitution cz like I said we would all be on the streets or stealing but some of us dont mind getting our hands dirty,leaving according to our means,getting tired or doing without a life we just cant afford! simple.
Get your butt off the street and go sell bananas in the market like the other women. Wash clothes save your 2 cents go learn a skill and get a decent job!
Whts so hard wth that! Gosh I hate laziness!!!
Re: Can Prostitution Ever Be Justified? by coogar: 7:14pm On Jul 04, 2011

Looool @ if there's no demand!

So if men refuse to hit up LovePeddlers then they would go back to where they came from

Listen bro - These days there's whats called advanced prostitution,

Ladies walk into offices and sell their bodies to men all in the name of selling perfumes, watches just to mention a few

Read this thread for more info:


you don't have to buy everything you see in the market. . . . .if ladies walk into your office to sell their bodies and you look the other way, i doubt they will force you to do what you didn't intend. . . . .i have nothing against pro[b]s[/b]titution. . . .it's business as usual and i support the men who go for them 100%. they are even cleaner than the regular girlfriends you keep, mr 190.
Re: Can Prostitution Ever Be Justified? by 190: 7:15pm On Jul 04, 2011
upendo 98:

The rich dont do it for money sake.This 'profession'is the oldest in the world! Talk to JC! and hel tel u!
It cuts across all divides and is no respecter of persons.The problem is wth the person not his status or class.
The rich gals would do it as a way of rebelling or to fulfill fantasies,try to fit in etc.
Whatevr the reason it doesn't justify prostitution cz like I said we would all be on the streets or stealing but some of us dont mind getting our hands dirty,leaving according to our means,getting tired or doing without a life we just cant afford! simple.
Get your butt off the street and go sell bananas in the market like the other women. Wash clothes save your 2 cents go learn a skill and get a decent job!
Whts so hard wth that! Gosh I hate laziness!!!

Im buying our marriage ring tomorrow for that statement

which do you want

Gold, diamond or IRON RING!!
Re: Can Prostitution Ever Be Justified? by upendo98(f): 7:17pm On Jul 04, 2011
grin grin grin grin grin grin
Na Thank u.
you will spoil my friendship wth natasha.

On 2nd thoughts a BB will do!!! grin grin grin
Re: Can Prostitution Ever Be Justified? by 190: 7:17pm On Jul 04, 2011

you don't have to buy everything you see in the market. . . . .if ladies walk into your office to sell their bodies and you look the other way, i doubt they will force you to do what you didn't intend. . . . .i have nothing against pro[b]s[/b]titution. . . .it's business as usual and i support the men who go for them 100%. they are even cleaner than the regular girlfriends you keep, mr 190.

I Kinda agree with you cos there aint no difference between prostitutes and an average Nigerian girl that expects

her guy to buy her a BB, give her money for hair, nails, shopping etc

But tell me, how can you turn your eye when u're alone in an office with a Hot smashing girl

You have been able to avoid the ones on the streets now they bring it to your table

Haba now - Body nor be Fire wood!!  undecided
Re: Can Prostitution Ever Be Justified? by 190: 7:18pm On Jul 04, 2011
upendo 98:

grin grin grin grin grin grin
Na Thank u.
you will spoil my friendship wth natasha.

She divorced me cos i fell in love with annita19

But im still getting that ring anyway kiss kiss
Re: Can Prostitution Ever Be Justified? by coogar: 7:19pm On Jul 04, 2011

I Kinda agree with you cos there aint no difference between LovePeddlers and an average Nigerian girl that expects

her guy to buy her a BB, give her money for hair, nails, shopping etc

But tell me, how can you turn your eye when u're alone in an office with a Hot smashing girl

You have been able to avoid the ones on the streets now they bring it to your table

Haba now - Body nor be Fire wood!!  undecided

your self-control mechanism should be activated as soon as you see one. . . .

however, if you are really into pro[b]s[/b]titutes, then go ahead and have them as you wish. i can understand why any man would do such in this current climate. grin

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