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Re: 16 Killed In Nigerian Cartoons Riots by cushman(m): 12:04pm On Feb 19, 2006
To ans your question jakumo,i'l like to put somthing straight;Do you know that most of these religious crisis are carried out by hoodlums hiding under the umbrella of religion?In some cases they are political.In islam, whoever that commits shirk or blasphemy is to be judged in accordance with the prescription of the holy Quran or the teachings of the prophet(P.B.U.H)which in this case is execution
Re: 16 Killed In Nigerian Cartoons Riots by Hunter(m): 12:34pm On Feb 19, 2006
All I want to know is what god actually tells there subjects to go and pillage?

From the study's of the bible i've had to read over the year's I can't honestly say I saw a passage telling me to go and murder non beleivers, I assume that the muslim (koran isn't it?) doesn't tell them to go and kill non beleivers?

So where does the idea come from?
Re: 16 Killed In Nigerian Cartoons Riots by IBBFan(m): 1:19pm On Feb 19, 2006
it makes no sense takin d lives of innocent people that had nuttin to the wit d drawings in d 1st place. similar cartoons hav been made bout our LORD JESUS CHRIST (sum still even go on till this day) and yet, how many xtians hav u heard started an unnecessary disturbance for that cause.

d muslims do not have d same belief we hav n that's y they react over lil things. to them, life means nuttin. they believe when u die fytin in a jihad, u'r on your way 2 heaven. personally, i don't kno how things look lyk on d uda syd because i havn't died before n people i kno that hav died, hav not brought forth any news about d land beyond.

NIGERIA needs serious prayers. d year is jus 2 early 4 too many things to b goin wrong. imagine NIGERIA 2 b d 1st African nation 2 b hit wit bird flu (1st attack to the northern part), n now it's cartoon riots (northern part again).

this is not d tym 2 segregate. we need a solution. where 2 or 3 r gathered, the LORD is in their midst. we r in d number of millions. let us cry out 2 GOD in 1 voice n it would not take long before d BLOOD OF JESUS washes away all d dirt from d nation.


NB: i sympathise with d families who hav lost loved ones in this cartoon riot.
Re: 16 Killed In Nigerian Cartoons Riots by charlisco(m): 2:00pm On Feb 19, 2006
Riot over the drawing of Prophet Mohammed is right, but going to the extent of killing people and burning churchies to appease Mohammend, my muslim brother in the north, it is totally wrong, I do not even think the person that drew the picture of Mohammed is a even a Christian.

When i first heard about the news ( the Cartoon of Mohammend) i knew our muslim brother in the north we do some thing right in their own eyes (Burning of Churches).
Re: 16 Killed In Nigerian Cartoons Riots by Idekeson(m): 2:24pm On Feb 19, 2006
Each time there is a muslim riot in Northern Nigeria, Igbos are predominantly killed. Unfortunately, these Igbos are just Christians by name only. They get killed simply because they're Igbos. The civil war between Northern Nigeria and Biafra never ended. It will continue in one form or another till the Biafra nation is actualized. Make no mistake because Nigerian Soldiers were drafted into the war, the real enemies were the Muslim North. Igbos remain alert and be ready to defend yourself because I am. Solidarity forever.
Re: 16 Killed In Nigerian Cartoons Riots by larger20(m): 2:26pm On Feb 19, 2006
Its sad that we r all regarded as nigerians but in. But inside nigeria, invisible wall does exist. The Easterners are diffrent from the north. The North should join their middle eastern brothers and let other people break up. Its even more infuriating cos the international community will not care who u r, all they know is this was done by nigerians. mess One nigeria until biafra is established. !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: 16 Killed In Nigerian Cartoons Riots by cushman(m): 3:04pm On Feb 19, 2006
I strongly agree with you all. Killing of the innocentees is not only wrong but unlawful. In this type of case, only those that are guilty should be affected. In my own opinion, i regard this riot as "the activities of some hoodlums hiding under the umbrella of religion". This is no jihad.
Re: 16 Killed In Nigerian Cartoons Riots by adexway(m): 3:08pm On Feb 19, 2006
Forgive me but most northerners are uncultured and uncivilised. For God sake, can't prophet Mohammed fight his cause, and can't God fight for himself? Don't think I blaspheme. Can we actually fight for God? I think He the supreme one always fight for us and protect our interest. Then why won't he fight for himself when mean men speak against his will or that of his esteemed prophet.
  I do wish the northerners will get some sence into their head and know that life is not about dying for a course we so much believe in. It's about you living for what you believe. How do we get disciples when we go on a suicide attempt?
 I beg make dem go learn and not hold extreem views. Have thier never being drawing or painting of other religious leaders? Let's be objective for once.
 Moja Mosa Lafin mo aknikonju. I hope they will listen
Re: 16 Killed In Nigerian Cartoons Riots by Bibi(m): 3:08pm On Feb 19, 2006
Its is really sad that Nigerians will start killing each other over cartoons most of them even haven't seen. While I agree that it may have offended the Muslims a bit, Its worse, the level of intolerance shown by Moslem's to the issue. I wish the Moslem's would have rioted against Bin Laden and co, against the terrorists that are giving Islam bad name. Which is worse - Cartoon about Mohamed or Religious zealots killing people in the name of Islam?

Moslem's need to be open to criticism, argue intelligently, use the media as others and not always resort to violence, maiming and killing, the minute they feel offended.
Re: 16 Killed In Nigerian Cartoons Riots by Idekeson(m): 3:21pm On Feb 19, 2006
In the middle east and around the world, Muslim zealots attack western interests. Why in the world do they keep attacking Igbo traders in Northern Nigeria? That's why I say it's a war between Biafra and Northern Nigeria.
Re: 16 Killed In Nigerian Cartoons Riots by seeni4ever(m): 3:25pm On Feb 19, 2006
i believe the riot in nigeria is not about cartoon, those stupid animals from the north just use the cartoon opportunity to kill innocent people. this is one of the reasons i hate this hausa people, they are just bunch of airheads.
Re: 16 Killed In Nigerian Cartoons Riots by anton(m): 3:46pm On Feb 19, 2006
It's funny how all the other muslims destroyed foreign european interests and the nigerian muslims destroyed domestic nigerian interest.

Well, it's not actually funny, just depressing.
Re: 16 Killed In Nigerian Cartoons Riots by Shadiat(f): 4:11pm On Feb 19, 2006
Mehn--this shit is crazy,
Re: 16 Killed In Nigerian Cartoons Riots by egoldman(m): 4:55pm On Feb 19, 2006

Thank you very much jakumo. Like i said, i pity and feel for the family and those affected in the riots. But then, making cartoons of the holy prophet (P.B.U.H) is a blasphemy. Though people see the cartoon as nothing, the muslims reacted the way they did because of their love, respect and dedication for the Holy prophet. I'm still going to answer your question shortly.

cushman i lived in maiduguri for 9 years ,and i would like to say that i understand the feelings of muslims cos of this cartoons,but then throughout my time in maiduguri i never heard of or experienced any incident of bornu christians saying or doing anything agaisnt muslims,they have been very peaceful people,
now tell me how does that sound when the muslims who are right to feel wronged go about and kill this christians who have done nuttin to them actualy,or do u think that the christians in maiduguri have a hand or some hands in what the news paper wrote in denmark ? i dont think so ,so u can clearly see that to burn houses of christians,their churches and other things are not the right reactions except if u can directly link them to the cartoon,
the problem here is that some muslims simply dont know how to show their unhapiness with what they dont agree with ,mind u i say that its right for them to feel bad about the cartoon ,but the reactions we see today is not right,
i live in mumbai,india and we also had muslims here protesting agaisnt the cartoon ,but it was very peacful ,they went to the danish embassy ,and showed that they are not happy ,that is how it is done.do u know that even some christians are against the cartoon ?
ofcos i know that there are muslims that are rational ,what i expected that u woudl be agaisnt is the hadrliners that always instigate their followers to go about and indulge into violence stuff to justify their fundamentalism.
calling people from teh north "animals" is purely wrong,two wrongs would never make a right ,we have christians in the north too,we also have muslims in the north that are agaisnt this protests though they feel bad about the cartoon,now how do u think this people would feel when u blanket every notherner as an "animal" ,let common sense rule .
Re: 16 Killed In Nigerian Cartoons Riots by jclord(f): 5:04pm On Feb 19, 2006

If Muslims believe Jesus is a Prophet how come they don't follow is teachings of peace, forgiveness and love?
Re: 16 Killed In Nigerian Cartoons Riots by Txlonghorn(m): 5:08pm On Feb 19, 2006
They Igbos keep callling for peace*laughs*Zap peace, peace went out the window a long time ago. Those assholes in the north kill they defensless Igbo traders every year, and we still advocating for peace.

When are we ever going to learn that those ANIMALS can only be caged or killed before we can have some peace in Nigeria,you would think we learned our lession from the civil war. If a nation of  BIAFRA is going to be the answer so be it, I'm all for it. Igbos please wake up, these nonsense has to stop.
Re: 16 Killed In Nigerian Cartoons Riots by cushman(m): 5:21pm On Feb 19, 2006

cushman i lived in maiduguri for 9 years ,and i would like to say that i understand the feelings of muslims because of this cartoons,but then throughout my time in maiduguri i never heard of or experienced any incident of bornu christians saying or doing anything agaisnt muslims,they have been very peaceful people,
now tell me how does that sound when the muslims who are right to feel wronged go about and kill this christians who have done nuttin to them actualy,or do u think that the christians in maiduguri have a hand or some hands in what the news paper wrote in denmark ? i don't think so ,so u can clearly see that to burn houses of christians,their churches and other things are not the right reactions except if u can directly link them to the cartoon,
the problem here is that some muslims simply don't know how to show their unhapiness with what they don't agree with ,mind u i say that its right for them to feel bad about the cartoon ,but the reactions we see today is not right,
i live in mumbai,india and we also had muslims here protesting agaisnt the cartoon ,but it was very peacful ,they went to the danish embassy ,and showed that they are not happy ,that is how it is done.do u know that even some christians are against the cartoon ?
ofcos i know that there are muslims that are rational ,what i expected that u woudl be agaisnt is the hadrliners that always instigate their followers to go about and indulge into violence stuff to justify their fundamentalism.
calling people from the north "animals" is purely wrong,two wrongs would never make a right ,we have christians in the north too,we also have muslims in the north that are agaisnt this protests though they feel bad about the cartoon,now how do u think this people would feel when u blanket every notherner as an "animal" ,let common sense rule .

   You've said everything. Thank you.



If Muslims believe Jesus is a Prophet how come they don't follow is teachings of peace, forgiveness and love?

Ofcourse Muslims believe and follow the teachings of Jesus christ.
Re: 16 Killed In Nigerian Cartoons Riots by Roscodaddy(m): 5:28pm On Feb 19, 2006
See the moslems up north were wrong and they should stop all these their hardliner stunts,the fact thet we xtains don't fight is that our religion preaches peace and not war,but we are not fools,we are more educated and enlightened,soon and very soon we shall put aside all the good things we have in us and start our own madness,cos enough is enough.
Re: 16 Killed In Nigerian Cartoons Riots by omon(m): 7:24pm On Feb 19, 2006
@Cushma, it is a pity that we have people like you in my country and for the so many countless muslims who don't know their left from right. What has a cartoon published in Denmark got to do with Christains in Maiduguri? Did the christians there publish the cartoon in their churches and shops? If mohammed once lived as a human and is reverred, how come you show similar respect and reverence to fellow human beings? Why kill them? I guess the actions of the northern muslims justifies the intent of the cartoon published.
Re: 16 Killed In Nigerian Cartoons Riots by Jakumo(m): 7:27pm On Feb 19, 2006
Cushman there may be a lot of truth to your claim that political forces often disrupt society under the pretext of religion, and this may be a significant contributory factor to the cartoon riots in northern Nigeria, especially with elections just around the corner.

My opinion diverges sharply from yours, however, on the subject of whether Islamic interpretations of blasphemy can be applied to non-muslims, particularly when "execution" looms as the penalty for those found "guilty" of the "offence".

Any civilized human being would recoil from the very notion of putting another person to death simply for making an off-color joke, and yet you casually prescribe death for such people if YOU or some mullah deem that they have offended your prophet.

Cushman are you seriously claiming that MURDER is a lesser offence than "blasphemy", meaning that you feel comfortable in claiming a god-given right to haul off and KILL someone just because they made a joke that you found offensive ?  In a larger global sense, do you feel muslims should be allowed to randomly kill people they hate anywhere in the world they find them, or should this "right" apply only in muslim countries ?   Please explain your stand further, for you may help put many misconceptions to rest by doing so.
Re: 16 Killed In Nigerian Cartoons Riots by Ralex(m): 8:01pm On Feb 19, 2006
Am a Christian but am offend about what u say about the muslim religion here!!!!!!!

do not support their killing people and destroying propertise but I have a strong objection to the cartoon whether 6 months old or 1 year old.

U talk of tolerance and peace! But the publication of that cartoon does not show any regard for tolerance. Peace is only achieved when parties involved respect those things others hold sacred. When people hold a particular thing sacred no matter how u feel about it, u should respect them and do not insult that thing.

Islam has always been known to hold things concering the prophet Muhammed sacred. For GOD's sake those stupid DENMARK NEWSPAPER people should have had the ssense to hold it sacred for them.

Yes they cartooned Christ, Presidents and what have u. But it is also known that christians do not react violently to it and presidents take it as part of their daily activity and ignore it. ut it has been proved time and time again that insulting Muhammed will proke violence so why should they do it ?!

Because one people does not react does not mean others will not. Peace is only achieved when u respect what others hold sacred. They will respect u as well

in some part of Nigeria there are certain traditions that they hold sacred like the ORE festival of \lagos, killing of Pythons in some part of Igbo land e.t.c; we know women are not supposed to come out at certain places during the ore but will u do it being a christaina and not a Yourba ?!

And to cap it up the Danish newspaper refused to apologise for that Insult: The muslims waited 6 months for the apologies with whole nations asking for it and they refused. I feel sucide bombers should target denmark from now on adnd other sutpid European countries that republished that cartoon. they do not have the stance of peace makers.

I will follow this thread and answer all your comments. Am a Christioan but this is what I feel and feel strongly.
Re: 16 Killed In Nigerian Cartoons Riots by EvilSlayer(m): 8:20pm On Feb 19, 2006
@ Relax
Are you sure you a Christen? so we should start walking on egg shells around the Muslims now wow. The catholic church is made fun of every day with all that sexual abuse of young boys be priest, but you don't see them going out burning and killing innocent people.Dude I don't care if you write a book about this whole issue, the Muslims are wrong(ANIMALS).
Re: 16 Killed In Nigerian Cartoons Riots by luridguy(m): 8:30pm On Feb 19, 2006
@ Ralex  like i said in my ealier post concerning this issue these muslims are not the only one who have God abeg there have been so many things said about other religons so why is there own so differnt and why do they not go and find the person who did it and kill instead of killing innocent people why the musilms need to put there house in oder why is the koran saying differnt things to differnt muslims someone should plzz explain
Re: 16 Killed In Nigerian Cartoons Riots by Nobody: 8:50pm On Feb 19, 2006
dear cushman and all other northerners,

We pray thee in the name of God to pls spare us all these negative reports in the press:
1. we lost the hosting rights to miss World simply becos of your retrogressive and narrowminded views!
2. Cattle thieves had their hands cut off in the name of religion
3. an adult woman was publicly flogged on the streets for adultery and had to be saved from death by the Italian government.
4. Your pple have killed 15 non-danish nigerian christians who can't even spell "grin-E-N-M-A-R-K"
5. your senators and reps killed the child rights bill becos "according to ur barbaric culture", men can marry 12 yr old girls!

time would fail me to remind you and ur cohorts of the likes of Gideon Akaluka and how u cut off his head during the kano riots.
What about the Taliban from Borno? What of ur uneducated buffons whom you forced on us as leaders but who have raped our land and desecrated it and have made the proud pple of the south no better than your cousins in Niger and Chad.

your defence, Mr. Cushman, is untenable. For where this to be random acts, they could be excused as "hoodlums hiding under the garb of islam" (assuming there are no hoodlums in the south too!) but you and your pple have constantly attacked our federalism (in the name of sharia!) and held the rest of us under bondage.
We remember that it was your pple that killed the wonderful free education we had under the western region, you stole our Western Nigerian Television and turned it to that monster NTA. We remember that it was Shehu Shagarii who emptied our foreign reserve in 1983. How can we forget Babangida and Abacha? SAP that killed our middle class and those who truncated our hard fought democracy and replaced it with this cancerworm of an oligarchy. what of that Osama in Zamfara who has sent all southern "infidels" out of public schools funded by southern monies? What of the Hisbah? In the name of God too?

We are tired cushman, pls tell your pharaohs to let us leave egypt (NIGERIA!).
Re: 16 Killed In Nigerian Cartoons Riots by omon(m): 8:51pm On Feb 19, 2006
@Relax, this is our concern, the publication has nothing to do with the churches burnt and humans killed in Nigeria. that cartoon was never published in Nigeria
Re: 16 Killed In Nigerian Cartoons Riots by pintos(m): 8:52pm On Feb 19, 2006

Am a Christian but am offend about what u say about the muslim religion here!!!!!!!

do not support their killing people and destroying propertise but I have a strong objection to the cartoon whether 6 months old or 1 year old.

U talk of tolerance and peace! But the publication of that cartoon does not show any regard for tolerance. Peace is only achieved when parties involved respect those things others hold sacred. When people hold a particular thing sacred no matter how u feel about it, u should respect them and do not insult that thing.

Islam has always been known to hold things concering the prophet Muhammed sacred. For GOD's sake those stupid DENMARK NEWSPAPER people should have had the ssense to hold it sacred for them.

Yes they cartooned Christ, Presidents and what have u. But it is also known that christians do not react violently to it and presidents take it as part of their daily activity and ignore it. ut it has been proved time and time again that insulting Muhammed will proke violence so why should they do it ?!

Because one people does not react does not mean others will not. Peace is only achieved when u respect what others hold sacred. They will respect u as well

in some part of Nigeria there are certain traditions that they hold sacred like the ORE festival of \lagos, killing of Pythons in some part of Igbo land e.t.c; we know women are not supposed to come out at certain places during the ore but will u do it being a christaina and not a Yourba ?!

And to cap it up the Danish newspaper refused to apologise for that Insult: The muslims waited 6 months for the apologies with whole nations asking for it and they refused. I feel sucide bombers should target denmark from now on adnd other sutpid European countries that republished that cartoon. they do not have the stance of peace makers.

I will follow this thread and answer all your comments. Am a Christioan but this is what I feel and feel strongly.

I can eat my head that you are not a Christian , but if you are, then you have missed the point here.
What is the Bizness of poor Southern Christians living in Northern Nigeria ,[ who have not even seen the'' offending drawings''] with the said Cartoons made in far away Denmark?
How will you feel, if the Christian brothers start slaughtering all the ''Northern'' moslems found down south of Nigeria , for similar reasons of the Cartoons organised by Iran Media in retaliation?
We must learn to call a spade a spade.
Re: 16 Killed In Nigerian Cartoons Riots by linuxuser(m): 8:53pm On Feb 19, 2006
I do not agree that all muslim are animals either they be Hausas in  nigeria or else where.  But one view I hold is that those murderers who are killing innocent xtians in the northern part of nigeria are nothing but ANIMALS to the core.  I am a xtian and before I left Nigeria I lived in Kano for over 7 years.  The Hausa Muslims are wonderful and and good friends.  It is true that they are fanatica about their religion, but the real people causing these problem are not committed muslims.  They are the foolish and ignorant ones.  It does not matter if they attend a school or university.  Hausa are lovely people.  While I was  there, an Hausa and a muslim was my best friend.

The problem with the hausa muslim is that some of them do not know their left from their right.  All some of them do is follow instruction of one man sitting in a mosque.  Sometimes they are not intelligent enough to use their sense.  One do not need to go to school to know that the said cartoon did not emanate from a Nigerian xtian.  What sense for God's sake does it make to be killing people for doing nothing simply because they live in the north in the midst of muslim majority?  To me it is nothing more than foolishness and madness.  Even Animals would not behave like some of these people,

The question we need to ask is this, how many times has xtian rise up to start killing muslims because of what angered the xtians?  Islam is a religion borne out of violence and not peace.  Any where they are at work, whereever, they also forment trouble and violence.  One day, the xtians will start kiiling them as well and pay them back accordingly and may be then they will know that xtians are only peaceful because we are obeying the Bible.  They claim to have respect for Mohammed and Koran, but do they obey the said Koran?  If they do then they will  not result to kiiling people innocently.

Re: 16 Killed In Nigerian Cartoons Riots by raldsfield(m): 9:02pm On Feb 19, 2006
[center]embarassed cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry
cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry :'
cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry
cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry

I wipe, I wipe.

Ralax u upset me. Have you ever lost someone you know for no reason. Where do you draw the line.
You dey lag atleast the killing is not far from you, this is not bad prayer, but i think you need a taste of agony.

The Nigerians paying with there life have not disrespected the Muslims in anyway. This cartoon was published in Denmark for Christ sake. The Nigerian Christians have not as individuals or a group,suggested, participated or financed this cartoon publication.

The Muslims have constantly posed for war, at any little thing, they use Christians for ritual. Enough is a Enough.

All Church and Mosques should be closed down. Everybody should worship God in their houses.
Re: 16 Killed In Nigerian Cartoons Riots by luridguy(m): 9:05pm On Feb 19, 2006
@ linuxuser thank u yea we know not all musilms are animals (lack of a better word) but most of them in nigeria cannot even spell their name and it is one man in the mosque that will tell them only god knows who wrote his own koran this muslims cannot even read what was said or understand what the cartoons mean and they go out and kill inocent people even muslims as well i take back my statement it is not for lack of a better word it is the only word to describe them animals  angry
Re: 16 Killed In Nigerian Cartoons Riots by snazzydawn(f): 9:08pm On Feb 19, 2006
sometimes I wonder why you have to fight for your god.Its supposed to be the other way round,
Re: 16 Killed In Nigerian Cartoons Riots by luridguy(m): 9:12pm On Feb 19, 2006
All Church and Mosques should be closed down. Everybody should whorship God in their houses.

i conqore
Re: 16 Killed In Nigerian Cartoons Riots by Odeku(m): 9:14pm On Feb 19, 2006
to me they are not animals but their actions is barbaric, and thuggery,  what happen to freedom of speech and expression, gosh this people self need a life if they are fighting and killing over cartoon, one can only wonder what will happen if they find out their prophet wasn't really the right God, and this is just my opinion.

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