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The True Origin Of Humans. by OurTruth: 1:50pm On May 29, 2022 |
I've reached near the end of my research and I am compelled to share this knowledge with you people. This is the conclusion of my research into the origin of humans on earth, the reason for our creation and who created us. The information I'm sharing is cobbled together from a myriad of sources who corroborate each other. Please keep an open mind. I'll tell the story of our past, of a time even before the Earth was inhabited and I'll follow the story to the present. I've been forced by a spiritual force to share this knowledge with Nigerians and I was directed to this section on this forum. Please keep an open mind. 5 Likes |
Re: The True Origin Of Humans. by OurTruth: 1:52pm On May 29, 2022 |
Draco or Draconian Reptilian race The draconians are an ancient technologically advanced reptilian race who evolved for billions of years in a far away galaxy They are a warrior race and they thrive in conquest. Their lifeblood is conquering planets and solar systems. They are cold-blooded, violent and very hostile to other races. Before I go further you should understand that the universe is teeming with life. Humans aren't the only beings in the universe. The universe consists of a plethora of beings, entities and lifeforms of different types existing in different galaxies, solar systems and planets. The Draconians are one of them and for millions of years they've conquered planets, decimated and enslaved different alein races in those planets, causing some to flee as refugees to other planets. 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: The True Origin Of Humans. by OurTruth: 2:00pm On May 29, 2022 |
For those who might doubt the existence of alien races coexisting with us in our universe, I'll post a strong evidence. Few years ago WikiLeaks leaked John Podesta emails. John Podesta is an American political consultant who served as White House Chief of Staff to President Bill Clinton from 1998 to 2001 and Counselor to President Barack Obama from 2014 to 2015. The emails reveal some interesting information concerning aliens and Extraterrestrial intelligences Below are excerpts from the email leaks and links to confirm yourself. Email excerpt 1: "Dear John, Because the War in Space race is heating up, I felt you should be aware of several factors as you and I schedule our Skype talk. Remember, our nonviolent ETI from the contiguous universe are helping us bring zero point energy to Earth. They will not tolerate any forms of military violence on Earth or in space. " Sent to Podesta by Edgar Edgar D. Mitchell ScD Apollo 14 astronaut 6th man to walk on the Moon Zero Point Energy Consultant |
Re: The True Origin Of Humans. by OurTruth: 2:01pm On May 29, 2022 |
In the above post, the word ETI means Extraterrestrial intelligence. There are other leaked emails talking about alien races and extraterrestrial intelligences, but I won't go into that now. Now let's continue our story. 2 Likes |
Re: The True Origin Of Humans. by tommy589(m): 2:08pm On May 29, 2022 |
Here now to enjoy my day 1 Like |
Re: The True Origin Of Humans. by OurTruth: 2:15pm On May 29, 2022 |
Lyran Humanoids The humanoids in this galaxy were, at that time, concentrated in the Lyran star system, where they had established peaceful and advanced agricultural communities on several planets, and they traded with each other. The Lyran star cluster was the home base for humanoids in this galaxy. ************* When I use the term Humanoids what I mean is human like beings that resemble humans today as we are, but with slight differences. An example of a humanoid alien race is the picture below of the corpse of the "moon girl" recovered from the secret Apollo 20 moon mission. She was recovered from a cigar-shaped space craft on a location on the moon. She was said to have died a very long time ago but preserved due to the temperature and atmosphere of the moon. More info about the moon girl and secret moon missions is on my previous threads. 2 Likes
Re: The True Origin Of Humans. by OurTruth: 2:19pm On May 29, 2022 |
Notice that although the being above looks like a human, there are noticable differences. * Her eyes appear wider and larger than a typical human *She has on her forehead what appears to be an opening *The texture of her hair is different from a typical human hair etc |
Re: The True Origin Of Humans. by OurTruth: 2:27pm On May 29, 2022 |
First Interaction between the Draconian Reptilians and the Lyran Humanoids When the Draconians became aware of the Lyrans, they pretended friendship while they took stock of the riches of their empire. This was the first contact between Reptilians and humans in this galaxy. The humanoid race lived there for approximately 40 million years, evolving. The orientation of the humanoid race in Lyra was agricultural in nature. Apparently, they were very plentiful and abundant, and lived in peace. Then, one day, a huge craft appeared in the sky. A large ship came out of the huge craft and approached the planet Bila, and Draco reptilians from Alpha Draconis disembarked. The Alpha Draconians were apparently the first race in our galaxy to have interstellar space travel, and have had this capability for 4 billion years. When the Draconians came and saw Bila, with all its abundance and food and natural resources, the Draconians wanted to control it. There was apparently a mis-communication or misunderstanding between the Draconians and Lyran humanoid. The Lyrans wanted to know more about the Draconians before some kind of “assistance” was offered. The Draconians mistook the communication as a refusal, and subsequently destroyed three out of 14 planets in the Lyran system. The Lyrans were basically defenseless. The planets Bila, Teka and Merok were destroyed. Over 50 million Lyran humans were killed. It is at this point in history that the Draconians began to look at humans as a food source. This is how old the struggle is between the reptilian and humanoid races 1 Like |
Re: The True Origin Of Humans. by Kiliwuwu: 2:37pm On May 29, 2022 |
v 1 Like |
Re: The True Origin Of Humans. by OurTruth: 2:51pm On May 29, 2022 |
After the first Attack After the Draconians destroyed three planets, the Lyrans fled to other star systems. The fleeing Lyrans founded 110 colonies in other star systems. As the humanoid race fragmented, the races moved, traveled, and settled many different planets in many systems as space travel evolved. The humanoids became aware of other planetary civilizations in these systems. Different cultures met and grew. Belief systems clashed or spread. New thoughts of Philosophy or technologies came into being. A very strong social community developed between all in the Lyra System. This community became the Galactic Federation of Light. When the Lyran refugees came to our solar system, they colonized two planets, Mars and Maldek. At that time, Earth was the second planet from the sun and Venus did not exist. Consequently, Mars was third in line, and Maldek was fourth. |
Re: The True Origin Of Humans. by christianjoy(m): 2:53pm On May 29, 2022 |
Wow�� |
Re: The True Origin Of Humans. by Canvass: 2:55pm On May 29, 2022 |
Still waiting for you to continue. Even if it is a work of fiction, it is interesting enough and if it is real, I'm interested in learning. 1 Like |
Re: The True Origin Of Humans. by czarr(m): 2:59pm On May 29, 2022 |
Lol Can I have what you are smoking? Cos that shii is strong. Maybe what you are smoking was given to you by the reptilians. SMH.. 6 Likes |
Re: The True Origin Of Humans. by OurTruth: 3:01pm On May 29, 2022 |
Canvass: This isn't a work of fiction. It's the culmination of over 10 years of my research. I'm posting truth that has been supported by different sources. Every information I post is fact. You can check my other threads. 5 Likes |
Re: The True Origin Of Humans. by OurTruth: 3:06pm On May 29, 2022 |
czarr: Lol. I'm not surprised that there will be people discarding this information like you are doing. It's expected. There are different levels of enlightenment and each individual will move up levels in his own pace. So I can't force you to take what I say seriously. Eventually the truth will be revealed to everyone. So go ahead and make fun of this information. Many years ago I used to ridicule any information that shook the foundations of my accepted beliefs of the nature of reality. So I can deeply empathize with your reaction. 6 Likes |
Re: The True Origin Of Humans. by OurTruth: 3:11pm On May 29, 2022 |
The Planets Mars and Maldek Maldek was a very large planet with a highly livable atmosphere and was perfect for human habitation, as was Mars. The atmosphere of Mars was also ideal, and there was plenty of oceanic water, as on Earth today. Mars had seasons then, so we must assume that the axis tilt was comparable to that of present-day Earth. On the other hand, Earth was then a water planet, completely covered by one huge ocean. Even the atmosphere was dense water vapor, compared to only about 1 percent today, so it was not breathable. In addition, in that period, Uranus was farther out than Neptune, and Pluto did not exist. The Lyran humans lived peacefully on Mars and Maldek for many millennia and, no doubt, visited and traded with each other, since they both had spacefaring technology. 2 Likes |
Re: The True Origin Of Humans. by czarr(m): 3:24pm On May 29, 2022 |
OurTruth:I see you've been reading a lot of conspiracy stuff online and you feel like you have come across knowledge or enlightenment. You are not the first to do what you are doing on nairaland...people have come on this platform with their own different kind of my brother talk and pass cos when you get older you'll know that it's hunger and an overactive imagination coupled with online theories and movies that is making you believe shit like this. So they came to you with the story and told you their names because they like you abi? Just tell us you've been reading junk online and stop with the grand delusions. You better be serious with your life so you can stop hallucinating, worry about where you are, worry about surviving Buhari... Reptilians and humanoids my left testicle. Go and finish your medication. 7 Likes 1 Share |
Re: The True Origin Of Humans. by czarr(m): 3:29pm On May 29, 2022 |
On one hand you say you've been forced by a spiritual force to share this information. On the other hand you say it's ten years of research. That is what happens when you lie, you lack consistency. You want to create a religion so you can have followers and be collecting tithe to build spaceship, so you and your followers can go to Mars. Lol. 12 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: The True Origin Of Humans. by OurTruth: 3:34pm On May 29, 2022 |
czarr: I won't reply you further as you will only derail the thread. You have no information about me or where I am from, so you have no basis to say the things you are saying. I never said I was from your country or continent. You know nothing about me And I never said I was spoken to directly. I said the information I'm sharing is cobbled from different corroborating sources from over 10 years of deep research. Yes something spiritual compelled me to post this information on this forum and on this section. I termed it spiritual because I can't describe it. It's like when you want to leave the house and something inside you tells you not to. I will continue to post my information and I won't let comments like yours distract me from posting this information. You can choose to ridicule the information if you want. But we will all attain enlightenment in the end. Like I said, I won't reply you further as it will derail the thread. 14 Likes |
Re: The True Origin Of Humans. by Yxxx: 3:39pm On May 29, 2022 |
Hmmm Make i bring chair. 1 Like |
Re: The True Origin Of Humans. by OurTruth: 3:41pm On May 29, 2022 |
The Ice Comet Attack and the destruction of Maldek In their galactic travels, ever on the lookout for new worlds to conquer, the Draco Reptilians eventually discovered the Lyran habitations on Mars and Maldek. Still considering humanoids as their enemies, the Draco designed a plan of attack. They had evolved an amazing technology for use in their wars; They were able to hollow out ice comets and meteors. They created small black holes to pull the comets under directional control, and so were able to use them as weapons. They then launched a large ice comet at this solar system. As the large ice comet passed Uranus, it caused the planet to flip on its side so that it now rotates horizontally, with its axis tilt at 98 degrees. ************ According to an article by Andrew Fazekas published in the National Geographic News on October 11, 2011, “The widely accepted theory for how Uranus got knocked over is that a rogue Earth-size planet slammed into the ice giant billions of years ago. In press conferences the NASA scientists are more explicit. “A collision with something the size of Earth, traveling at about 40,000 miles per hour, could have done it,” is usually the official statement. Conventionally, Scientists are split as to why Uranus rotates horizontally. A popular theory is that Uranus collided with a large planetary body in the early solar system that, in effect knocked it on its side. 1 Like |
Re: The True Origin Of Humans. by czarr(m): 3:42pm On May 29, 2022 |
OurTruth:you are not enlightened you are just hungry, maybe high on drugs. You are just thirsty for something to believe in, you want to feel like you matter, that there is more than what you are seeing here, and maybe there is but you don't have the knowledge nor the enlightenment. You are just a product of science fiction theories. You want to feel special like the god's chose you to reveal things to us, you really want to believe what you are saying but deep deep down you know it's all cap. You life is not moving as you want, failed dreams?, Failed plans, failed relationships. You are giving up on life on earth, you badly want to believe there is something more in space, that chose you, that has enlightened you. It's your mind that chose to believe what you are writing so you don't feel completely useless. Like you wrote up there, this is just a story. So continue, I can read it but just as entertainment, as if I'm reading a sci fi novel. 4 Likes |
Re: The True Origin Of Humans. by OurTruth: 3:49pm On May 29, 2022 |
********** The huge comet then passed very close to Maldek, which created enormous electromagnetic stress on the planet and caused it to explode. Many of the Maldekians had already taken refuge on Mars as they saw the comet approaching. But most of the inhabitants of Maldek were wiped out. Fragments of the destroyed planet created the asteroid belt. Some of the fragments were captured by the strong magnetic pulls of the gas giants Saturn and Jupiter and became moons of those planets. As the comet passed close to Mars it wreaked havoc with the planet’s magnetic field, which had the effect of stripping off some of the atmosphere and vaporizing the oceans. This killed many and forced the survivors to retreat underground, along with the transplanted Maldekians. In addition, the Martian orbit was pushed farther from the sun. So, amazingly, the deadly ice comet achieved its terrible purpose of destroying the human civilizations of both Maldek and Mars! It was an astounding attack when one considers that the comet could only have accomplished its destructive effects on those two planets if its launch was timed in perfect coordination with the orbits of both bodies. This required highly sophisticated astronomical expertise. It seems that the Draco Reptilians had become very experienced in this type of galactic warfare. 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: The True Origin Of Humans. by Canvass: 3:51pm On May 29, 2022 |
OurTruth: Okay. I'll keep an open mind and read to the very last word. |
Re: The True Origin Of Humans. by Hanz1: 3:52pm On May 29, 2022 |
Who was there when all this things happened? Can I get the CCTV evidence? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 2 Likes |
Re: The True Origin Of Humans. by youngcizzy(m): 4:03pm On May 29, 2022 |
Interesting I’m following 1 Like |
Re: The True Origin Of Humans. by OurTruth: 4:12pm On May 29, 2022 |
Hanz1: Surely I can't provide CCTV evidence of this story as it happened millions of years ago, but there is video footage of alien technology on the moon and recovered bodies of aliens like I posted in an earlier comment. NASA just recently released a photo of what appears to be an underground doorway on Mars. There have been many sightings of unexplained aerial phenomenon in a lot of NASA pictures. In addition, the recent UAP congressional hearings shined more light on this subject as there were hundreds of testimonies from war pilots, astronauts and members of the military about their experiences with advanced extraterrestrial technology. Also, leaked emails like the one I posted above reveal correspondence between government officials about communication with extraterrestrial intelligence in our galaxy and receiving technology from them. All this information is available to everyone if we want to find it. I went into great detail on this subject on my previous thread: But that's not what this thread is about and going into this will derail it. This information I'm currently sharing on this thread is gotten from a myriad of sources I consider legitimate and they all say the same thing. 3 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: The True Origin Of Humans. by OurTruth: 4:35pm On May 29, 2022 |
THE ICE PLANET-SIZED COMET ENCOUNTERS EARTH As the Ice planet-sized comet continued on its destructive trajectory, it next arrived in the vicinity of Earth, where it appeared to slow down and went into orbit around Earth. Actually, it became a mutual orbit, which again testifies to the comet’s huge size. Earth began to rotate more quickly, and the comet pulled off much of the water, which vaporized in space. An atmosphere developed around Earth, ice caps formed at the poles, and landmasses emerged as the water was removed. Eventually the ice planet nudged the Earth farther out and took over its orbit and became what we now know as Venus. The Earth now settled into its position as the third planet from the sun and continued its rapid rotation. The two largest landmasses that rose out of the oceans ultimately became geographical locations which I'll call Lemuria and Atlantis With its new atmosphere, its more moderate climate, and its new continents, the Earth became very inhabitable. Venus was now close to the sun, its ice melted and formed the cloud cover still visible. In the end, this entire operation gave the Draco Reptilians a shiny new planet on which to dwell in this solar system. Therefore, all in one stroke, the Reptilians decimated their ancient Lyran enemies on Maldek and Mars and created a home for themselves in the high-rent “Goldilocks” district of the Solar system. |
Re: The True Origin Of Humans. by OurTruth: 4:44pm On May 29, 2022 |
Genesis of Life on Earth Now able to use Venus as a base of operations in this solar system, the Draco Reptilians were ready to begin colonizing Earth. However, Venus was too distant for frequent trips. They needed a more convenient encampment from which to terraform Earth with flora and fauna. They decided to create a moon of Earth. But instead of using an existing sphere, as with Venus, they constructed an artificial planet. It's important to note that The Moon of Earth is an artificial object and it is hollow. When a sonic resonance is sent to the surface of the Moon it pings similar to glass like a hollow object. It does not thump like a solid object. The Moon does not spin or rotate; it is a fixed object with one side always facing the Earth. The Moon’s orbit is mechanically fixed and needs no corrections. It stays in the same layer of space due to mass and gravitational pull. It is a vehicle parked in space like a satellite and without a magnetic field. The Draco Reptilians colonized Earth from this vehicle. Presumably, the Draco were able to transfer the entire ecosystem that they brought with them from Draco solar system to the moon, so that it could then be transferred piecemeal to Earth. They placed the moon at the precise distance that permitted it to be viewed from Earth as exactly the same size as the sun. This made it possible to use solar and lunar eclipses as timing devices. 1 Like |
Re: The True Origin Of Humans. by tommy589(m): 4:51pm On May 29, 2022 |
Let's say the draconians destroyed a flourishing Bila with natural resources due to communication error.How come,after several millennia with their supposedly super intelligence and technological advancement still went ahead to destroy Maldek, populated by the descendants/survivors of humanoids they want to control/enslave. It is not necessary you respond to this. Do continue 2 Likes |
Re: The True Origin Of Humans. by OurTruth: 4:56pm On May 29, 2022 |
The Draco began colonizing the huge mid-Pacific continent of Lemuria about one million years ago. As the first race to occupy the Earth, the Reptilians considered it their planet. There were no humanoids on Earth for hundred of thousands of years. The human refugees from Lyra, both Martian and Maldekian, continued to live underground on Mars during that period. The Martian atmosphere was too thin to support surface habitation. Meanwhile, the 110 Lyran refugee colonies had formed an alliance to join forces in defense against continued Reptilian attacks. They referred to this organization as the Galactic Federation of Light, or the Collective, and they remained interested and involved with the fate of the human Lyran expatriates throughout the galaxy. The Federation members, by combining resources, successfully repelled Reptilian attacks on their adopted planets. Only three former Lyran groups refused to join the Federation. These civilizations just could not adapt to their new refugee status and sought to re-create the lost glories of the old Lyran constellation. They were considered to be extremists. One of these three was the Atlans, inhabiting a planet in the Pleiades. The Pleiadians viewed them as troublemakers since they contributed nothing to the Federation. They petitioned the Federation to resettle this group in another star system. Since the Atlans were known to be courageous and unafraid of the Reptilians, the Federation decided to move the Atlans to Earth. They reasoned that if the Atlans survived such a direct provocation to the Reptilians, they would constitute a foothold on the Earth and could be the first line of attack against the Reptilian colonists on the Earth, which could then be supported by other Federation forces later. This might make it possible to eject the Reptilians entirely from the Sol solar system. In other words, the Federation moved these uncooperative slackers to the front lines to get them involved in a big way in the struggle against the Reptilians. It was a brilliant strategy! The Atlans colonized the mid-Atlantic continent, which then became known as Atlantis 4 Likes |
Re: The True Origin Of Humans. by nokspos: 5:08pm On May 29, 2022 |
Tell me your religion first, lets start from the end. 1 Like |
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